Thanks for supporting us so far. I am ecstatic to announce season 2 of our show. Listen in to find out the big changes the podcast will undergo this year.
Hello and welcome to our spooky, scary, halloween episode of Geek Today! In this episode we will be discussing and telling our audience about one of our favorite book series of all time. I hope you will enjoy our spooktastic special and don't forget to subscribe and download to show your support!
Episodi mancanti?
WE MADE IT TO EPISODE 10! I couldn't have done it without all of your support. We are here to present 3 quick-fire topics to satiate all of your curiosity. Remember to subscribe and download!
This is another mini episode. The indie title "Stardew Valley" is spectacular and one of our favourites. I hope this can introduce the game to our listeners. Remember to subscribe and download all the episodes to show your support.
Sorry we TOOK such a long time to finish - there were a lot of pages to get through ;) If you like this new book review segment, then please download and subscribe. Once we get 25 downloads on this episode - or 200 for the whole podcast - we will follow up with a review of the "Lockwood & Co" series. Also please consider leaving a review on apple podcasts. If you do - and we like what you say ;) - we will read it out on the show and if you can tell us why we spelled took in capital letters, you will be crowned our Tolkien King/Queen/Leader.
This is a largely unedited conversation with my dad. Thanks everyone for your support! I will try to get out as many as episodes possible.
This is the second-both-hosts episode on gaming. This week we are doing Pokémon Sword and Shield for the Nintendo Switch. We are a bit late, but still close enough to be considered a 25th Anniversary homage. MAKE SURE TO DOWNLOAD!
NOTE: We are not sponsored by Nintendo....yet..... ;)
This is the first proper, full length, "Max-Only" episode on another topic close to my heart -- all things Zelda. Creating a list ranking the best game series of all time is difficult, but I hope I succeeded in doing them justice (unlike the Guardian article that sparked my ire and inspired me to create a ranking of my own). Enjoy listening to a very opinionated Max! :)
WARNING: Could get confusing if you don't know about Zelda.
Today it's time for one of Anna's obsessions: Queens in History. For this episode we are talking about the White Queen of England. This is our first such episode. To make it a bit less dry, we decided to not edit out some blips, messing around and maybe false information (shrek's inclusion comes to mind). REMEMBER TO DOWNLOAD EVERY EPISODE, WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!!
During this episode of Geek Today, Anna is finally back! We decided to record one of our many roleplaying sessions. I apologize if it is a bit confusing at times - this is unedited and as we just started with this system, we stumble with the rules sometimes.
This will be my first mini solo-episode. I just couldn't stop myself from sharing with you one topic in the universe of my new found obsession -hope you enjoy!
Chinese children's TV is the absolute epitome of something that is Really Good, Really Bad and Confusing. Join us this episode for an insane ride into the mad hatter depths of our formative years.
I'm so happy that the first episode has launched! This one is about Super Mario World in general as well as its quality and impact on the rest of the Mario series. Enjoy!
This is a basic introduction to Geek Today. It will explain what Geek Today is all about.