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  • How to Have More Time

    Have you ever wished you had more hours in your day? If there were just a few more hours you could get so much more accomplished. Since that isn’t possible, why not try to find ways to save some of the time you already have? Here are some ways to carve out more time in your day:

    Streamline Your Life

    If you want more time, try streamlining your life, meaning start combining the things you can do at the same time. This makes you day run more efficiently and uses your time the most effectively.

    Delegate Tasks

    The number of tasks they have to complete each day overwhelms many people, when the real problem is their inability to delegate some of the work to other people. Lighten your load by letting someone else with more free time do some of the work. Stop micromanaging once you’ve delegated the tasks as well. Delegate and then let go.

    Saying Yes and No Effectively

    Learning to say “no” tactfully and without feeling guilty afterwards is necessary if you want to have more time. That’s not so say that you should say “no” to everything, you should just start saying “yes” more selectively. This simple act is not only time-saving, it is also empowering and will make others have more respect for your time.

    Try Tracking Your Activities

    Want to know exactly where you are wasting time and how much time you’re wasting? Start tracking your activities! This will help you eliminate behaviors that are completely a waste of time.

    Visit Blog.jordanstrauss.net for full summaries, videos and quotes related to this episode. Visit JordanStrauss.net to signup for latest stuff, and keep sharing. – Jordan

  • How to Make Money with Your Passion

    What is your passion in life? What feels less like work and more like play? Have you always wanted to turn your passion into your job? It doesn’t have to be a pipedream. Here are some ways to make it happen:

    Teach Something

    If you love what you do and it is something you are good at, why not teach others how to do it? It is one of the easiest and most popular ways to make money both online and off.

    Be Creative

    If you want to make money doing what you love, you have to figure out how to be different than the other people that had the same idea. You need to stand out in the crowd. Use what you know to create something new and exciting for you clients to enjoy.

    Be Flexible with Your Vision

    Things don’t always go exactly like you’ve planned. You need to go into your pursuit with the knowledge that there isn’t always one way to do something. People are all different and respond to different things. You need to go in with the understanding that you’ll need to evolve and mold to different situations.

    Be Patient

    Don’t be discouraged if your business is slow to take off. Just because you’ve struck out on your own doesn’t mean people will be lining up to give you their money right away.

    Realize it Won’t be Easy

    If you don’t realize on the front end that it will most likely be a difficult journey, it will make the tough times even tougher to endure. If you go into it with a healthy dose of reality, it will make the challenges and trials much easier to handle.

    Visit Blog.jordanstrauss.net for full summaries, videos and quotes related to this episode. Visit JordanStrauss.net to signup for latest stuff, and keep sharing. – Jordan

  • How to Be More Disciplined

    Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wish I was more disciplined”? Every year millions of people make resolutions, but they fail to follow through with their commitments. How can you keep from falling into that category? Here are some ideas to help keep you on track:

    Turn Your Changes into Habits

    Being more disciplined requires hard work and dedication. It isn’t as simple as deciding you want to be different. You actually have to follow through on your commitments and turn your changes into habits. Once you’ve made them part of your routine, it will be a lot easier to make the right decisions.

    Set Yourself Up for Success

    Having discipline means making the right decisions even when you don’t want to. It is a whole lot easier to choose the right thing when you have fewer options to choose from. This way you have less opportunity to backslide into your old habits.

    Capitalize on Your Willpower

    It has been said that we have a finite amount of willpower each day. If that is the case, it only makes sense to capitalize on your willpower and do the things you find the most difficult during the times you have the greatest amount of willpower.

    Find a Motivational Coach

    Having someone in your corner to cheer you on as well as hold you accountable makes having self-discipline seem like a breeze.

    Make Public Commitments

    No one wants to look like a fool in front of an audience, therefore you are much more likely to follow through once you have made your plans known.

    Visit Blog.jordanstrauss.net for full summaries, videos and quotes related to this episode. Visit JordanStrauss.net to signup for latest stuff, and keep sharing. – Jordan

  • From time to time everyone decides to make canges in their lives. What they don’t talk about is the ugly truths that often go hand in hand with making life changes. It helps to have a healthy dose of reality and an overall awareness of the whole process. These are some things you should be prepared for:

    Change Takes Time

    Once you make the decision to change it will take time for the rest of the world to respond in turn. Don’t expect to get a standing ovation just because you decided to make a life change. You’ll see and feel the results of your changes long before anyone else does.

    Change Takes Work

    If you truly want to be different, you have to put in the work and make actual changes in your life. It won’t necessarily be easy, but anything worth doing rarely is.

    People Don’t Always Respond Positively

    When you make changes, pushback is normal. It often takes time for other people to accept the new version of you. It will happen, just give it time.

    Change Must Be Continuous

    Just because you’ve reached your goals doesn’t mean your work is finished. The majority of goals require maintenance to keep from backsliding.

    Visit Blog.jordanstrauss.net for full summaries, videos and quotes related to this episode. Visit JordanStrauss.net to signup for latest stuff, and keep sharing. – Jordan

  • Let’s talk relationships. Relationships are some of the most complicated things for humans to get right. Sure, they start off rather fun, but that initial phase quickly turns into confusion, unclear boundaries, and arguments. Relationship advice from a trusted person can be helpful but if often comes late. By the time a person reaches out for help, their relationship is already on a downhill slope.

    In other words, let’s try to avoid the “do-over” if we can. While you can’t prevent every relationship problem (Someone like myself would be rich if they could do that!), you can decrease problems that stem from your own problems.

    That’s right, I said your own problems.

    I say “your problems” because I am a big believer in Darren Hardy’s 100% responsibility approach to life, including relationships. I believe that when it comes to relationships, it shouldn’t be a 50% split. The people involved should bring 100% of themselves to the relationships. That way, honesty can be expressed when it needs to be expressed. You didn’t need to reveal everything, but you do need the space and comfort to reveal the important things that will keep your relationship together.

    Visit Blog.jordanstrauss.net for full summaries, videos and quotes related to this episode. Visit JordanStrauss.net to signup for latest stuff, and keep sharing. – Jordan

  • Like a good “responsible” adult, I created a budget. On paper, everything looked great. I had everything accounted for. In reality, I suffered from “empty piggy bank syndrome”. Every month, without fail, I exhausted my budget and had to dig into my savings or debt just to survive.

    That’s what happens when your income is only $30,000 per year but your debt is $70,000 and the bills keep coming.

    Breaking out of this pattern felt like an impossibility until I started to take small and specific steps to dig a path toward financial freedom. I took specific steps, some of them outlined below, to build a life centered around my financial future and not my financial past.

    Get a REAL honest picture of where you are. Start looking for the “leaks” in your budget. Pay yourself first. Pre-spend every dollar. End the month with a zero budget. Set up auto-pay, if you are can afford it. Become a financial adult. Delay instant gratification.

    One resource I found to very helpful to me was Dave Ramsey.

    Please note that I am providing general financial principles, not specific advice. For specific financial advice, please contact a certified financial advisor.

    Visit Blog.jordanstrauss.net for full summaries, videos and quotes related to this episode. Visit JordanStrauss.net to signup for latest stuff, and keep sharing. – Jordan

  • I asked people on Facebook for future topics they would like to see. Overwhelmingly, they asked for book suggestions for entrepreneurs, so here are my top four along with the key lesson I got from them:

    1. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

    Darren Hardy, a “virtual mentor” of mine, introduced me to the powerful (although not without controversy) concept of 100% responsibility, which means that you are in total control of your response to life’s situations.

    2. The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure by Grant Cardone

    Grant Cardone introduced me to the power of massive effort when chasing your goals so you achieve more than you thought possible.

    3. The Four Hour Week: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich by Tim Ferriss

    Tim Ferriss introduced me the concept of treating time as value instead of a race. The focus should be on using time rather than being used by time.

    4. The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

    Greg Keller and Jay Papasan introduced me to the concept of focusing on the essential to ensure you are maximizing your use of time.

    Visit Blog.jordanstrauss.net for full summaries, videos and quotes related to this episode. Visit JordanStrauss.net to signup for latest stuff, and keep sharing. – Jordan

  • We live in a beautiful world filled with people who contribute positive value. We also live in a world where people can act frustrating, irritating, or downright rude. As a person seeking your best life, it is important for you to be able to deal with both types of people you encounter, those who contribute positive value and those who don’t.

    In my study of personal development and my own life, I’ve come across seven lessons that bear repeating when it comes to dealing with difficult people. Those seven lessons are:

    Remember that ‘difficult” people are PEOPLE. They desire happiness, just like you. Remember that each person is unique. People will see from their own perspective. Detach from the situation. If you see an argument coming, mentally step out the situation! Take the high ground. Avoid getting into battles that you don’t need to fight. Speak their language. Communicate with people, not at them. Make peace.. Sometimes, all you can do is accept that a person won’t change their POV. Establish and enforce boundaries. Be nice, but don’t be a doormat either.

    Keeping these seven principles in mind will help you maintain a helpful balance between boundaries and cooperation.

    Visit Blog.jordanstrauss.net for full summaries, videos and quotes related to this episode. Visit JordanStrauss.net to signup for latest stuff, and keep sharing. – Jordan

  • Filtering your water so that toxic chemicals don’t get in your body is important, but there’s another filter that most people tend to forget about, the one between their ears. Like water, our minds are exposed to a lot of things (both good and bad) in the environment. This is important because what we put into our minds is what will come back out! That is why my challenge for you is to check your mental filter. I want you to become more aware of what’s going into your mind.

    So, how do you create a mental filter? You can do it in three easy steps, three things to stop doing and one big thing to start doing:

    Stop watching the news (or limit it to just 30 minutes around lunch). Stop watching gossip, rumors, or reality-staged entertainment. Stop watching or listening emotionally negative stuff Start watching entertainment that empowers, motivates, and inspires you

    When you take more control of what goes in your mind, you take more control of what comes out of your mind (thoughts & words). Take control now so that you can use that power to be awesome.

    Visit Blog.jordanstrauss.net for full summaries, videos and quotes related to this episode. Visit JordanStrauss.net to signup for latest stuff, and keep sharing. – Jordan

  • For people who have things to do, there is nothing like a to-do list. The problem is that to-do lists never stop growing. Don’t get me wrong, to-do lists often start off with the best intentions. After about a day or two (or even shorter), that list is filled with guilt, regret, and procrastination.

    Why does this happen?

    There are two reasons that I believe that it happens, both stemming from psychology. The first is that we excessively “brain dump”. By that I mean, we don’t just include items on a to-do list. We include obligations, wishes, things we feel guilty about and all kinds of things that don’t belong. The other issue is our brain’s tendency to go for the “easy win”. While looking over our to-do list, most of us tend to do the easy stuff first or the stuff that makes us feel happy.

    So what can you do to improve your to-do list? Organize your goals, tasks, and projects with four simple questions:

    What is most urgent? What will have the most impact? What will make the most income (money or return on your effort?) Is this really the best use of my time?

    Visit Blog.jordanstrauss.net for full summaries, videos and quotes related to this episode. Visit JordanStrauss.net to signup for latest stuff, and keep sharing. – Jordan

  • Let’s assume we have two people who have the same goal of managing their time at work better. These two people decide to pursue their goal the same way (use a timer to focus more and take regularly scheduled breaks). One person achieves massive success that day and leverages that success into a record-breaking month at work. The other person is still in the daily habit of reviewing their 29+ notifications on Facebook.

    While there could be many reasons why the two people in this scenario achieved different results, one area that could have impacted the results is language. In particular, I’m focusing on the “innocent phrases” that we use daily. Here are five good ones:

    I’m not special. I don’t have time. I’m lazy. I don’t have a good memory. I’m stupid.

    While these might sound like innocent-sounding phrases, I invite you to think a little deeper about the impact repeating these phrases, either internally or out aloud, has on your mind. Become aware of the situations you use these phrases and how you feel. What impact do you think these words have on you when you use them over and over again?

    Visit Blog.jordanstrauss.net for full summaries, videos and quotes related to this episode. Visit JordanStrauss.net to signup for latest stuff, and keep sharing. – Jordan

  • Where are you in your pursuit of an awesome life?

    If you’re like most people, you’re probably not as awesome as you could be. Part of the problem might not be your efforts. It might be, the level of your goals. I strongly believe that the level of our goals defines the level of our success.

    While there is nothing wrong with pursuing small and achievable goals, they frame the kind of success you get. I challenge you to consider adding at least one massive goal to your to-do list.

    My effort to win a basketball game is different in an Olympic setting versus my backyard. Massive goals are different for everyone, but they often feature three key characteristics:

    Motivation-fueled: Massive goals should involve something that deeply interests you Outside Your Comfort Zone: Massive goals should scare you a little bit Personal: Massive goals are based on your interests

    Why don’t more people pursue massive goals? Here’s my top 3 guesses:

    Fear of the unknown Lack of clarity Limited Mindset

    So, how do you overcome the obstacles I just mentioned above? Start practicing these principles:

    Belief in yourself Belief in your dreams Belief in the power of the next step

    Visit Blog.jordanstrauss.net for full summaries, videos and quotes related to this episode. Visit JordanStrauss.net to signup for latest stuff, and keep sharing. – Jordan

  • Making Profit Out of Lemonade: Avoiding an Extended Stay in the Comfort Zone

    No matter where you are, you have a “comfort zone” for your finances, your health, and lifestyle. This state is where we either stay in or strive for. While building a stable environment is important, it’s also important to realize how not growing in that environment could cause problems. Think about Kodak or Blockbuster.

    If you have ever wanted to take a step out of that comfort zone, but hesisted, I invite you to ask three questions to yourself:

    Am I afraid to step out because of the past? Realize that fear is primarily a mental reaction to what we perceive. It doesn’t exist outside of you or the situation.

    Will I die if I do this? IAt its most basic level, fear is about keeping us alive. That being said, a lot of fear that we bring to the table isn’t about keeping us alive. It’s about keeping us mentally and physically comfortable.

    Are you prepared? Anytime you learn something new is comes at the risk of failure. Are you able to press forward knowing this?

  • Eliminating Distraction: Break Up With the Culture of Distraction

    We live in a world of constant distraction. There are the constant pulls on your attention away from what you are doing whether that’s a new notification on Facebook from a Facebook friend, or an email from your boss.

    How do you cope with it all? Break up with distraction. Here’s some tips to get started:

    Break the cell phone and social media habit.

    Turn off your cellphone.

    Trim unnecessary followers from your news feed.

    Use an app that limits your time on social media

    Clear the internal and external clutter in your life

    Take notice of what is draining your energy-thoughts, projects, etc.

    Practice focus in small spurts.

    Unsubscribe from anything unnecessary

    Remember that you don’t need to do all of this at one time. If you can work on trying one of the above tips and adding others when you are ready, you will be amazed at the level of focus you can develop outside the culture of distraction.

    Your mental energy (your will) is one of your greatest gifts. Use that power on things that matter.

    Don’t drain your brain on social media. Your life will thank you.

  • The Beauty of a Half-Empty Cup: Why Negative Thinking Shouldn’t Be Banned

    Due to the overwhelming emphasis on positivity, it can seem like even having a negative thought is a crime. I’d like to offer a different view. We need to stop trying to “stop having negative thoughts”. I believe the focus on “not having negative thoughts” is actually what psychologists call “repression”. Repression (aka “sweeping things under the rug”) is mentally hiding from the consequences of an issue that is causing us pain.

    So, you might ask, what are we supposed to do with our negative thoughts? Here’s some perspectives you might think about:

    Recognize that negative thoughts will happen. Think about it. If something wasn’t important to you, why would you be thinking about it all? Don’t dwell. Dwelling excessively on thoughts (either positive or negative) takes us from the thinking that we need to do in the present. Challenge that negative thought. Challenge your negative beliefs. Look for times when you overcame a negative belief you had.

    When we work with (instead of against) our negative thoughts, we can tap into the power (not fear) that comes with them.

  • Dimming the Spotlight: The 3-Step Survival Process After Failing Your “Big Moment”

    If you didn’t already know it, guitar lessons are a perfect metaphor for life. As a guitar teacher, I started to notice that my students. (even my best ones) repeated the same cycle of being thrown off by one mistake.

    Little by little, I came up with a 3-step framework for anyone to follow:

    Admit what happened. Before you fix the mistake, you have to own the mistake, which is your first (and hardest) obstacle to conquering the mistake. Focus on the root cause, not the first cause. When you are ready to solve the problem, it can be tempting to chase the first solution that pops in into your head. Hold off on that tendency until you know what’s going on. Take it in. Once you are ready to take action, don’t just complete it. Log what happens into your brain. Use that knowledge so you can prepare for this potential “problem” in the future.

    As a result of taking these steps, my guitar students have a stronger performance because they have a stronger knowledge of how they perform when things go wrong.