Dear Beloved Soul, are you ready to awaken yourself to a new reality of Love? Join me for another heart healing conversation with the Goddess as I bring forth messages of love and wisdom for your journey from Mary Magdalene.
Goddess Isis embodies the pure magic of devoted love. Isis is an ancient Egyptian goddess of love, fertility, resurrection and magic. Join us today with my special guest, Carolyn Jones, The Energy Architect as we discuss the healing power of Goddess Isis and how you can invoke her magic into your life now! We will be taking your calls and questions!
Fehlende Folgen?
In this episode we will discuss how you can reclaim your Divine Authority and Sovereignty to become the Architect of your own life. How the return of the Goddess and feminine energy is here to set you free from the matrix of enslavement so you can truly live an authentic life. My special guest is Audrey Lightlanguage who brings her wisdom and gifts of Light Language to assist you in reclaiming your true self.
Join me for a deep healing conversation around your role in the co-creation of the New Earth vibration. What is your role to play now? How the return of the Divine Feminine energies are here to support your role in being a co-creator with God/Goddess. I will be sharing direct channelled messages from Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene inspiring us to move forward with faith, confidence and new awareness. Bring your questions!
Please join me with a new guest speaker, Von Galt the author of, "Buddhist Mandalas: Explore Parallel Realities with Sacred Geometry" and Buddhist Guide to Manifest Parallel Realities: Using the Four Noble Truths Eightfold Path in the Age of Consciousness .Von will be sharing her Goddess work of empowering women to embrace their Divine Feminine and receiving the abundance of Joy and Liberation into the 5th dimensional state. Von will share powerful tips to embrace your abundance!
Von will be offering a special book give away so you don't want to miss this show! -
Join me for a really fun and uplifting show with my special guest, Brenda Lainof! We will be sharing how you can tap into the power of Light Language to assist in bringing out the Goddess energy in you! Brenda will be taking your calls and questions. She will also share a light language transmission to help you shed despair, anxiety and bring in your Goddess Joy and love to uplift your soul!
In this episode join me for a healing conversation with Goddess Quan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion. Hear her powerful story and message of compassion and mercy as "the one who perceives the cries of the world". She hears your prayers of the heart when you are in suffering and pain. Enjoy a live meditation and healing heart activation with the Goddes Quan Yin! Call in with your questions for Goddess Quan Yin!
In this episode we will explore the real Mary Magdalene as High Priestess and twin flame to Master Jesus. Her return now to assist us into full rememberance and embodiment of both our human and divine selves. As Lightworkers, empaths and healers we are the bridge of Light between heaven and earth. Our greatest destiny is to ascend into our light body reclaiming our divine soveriegn galactic blueprint. I will be sharing her channeled messages of hope and wisdom to assist your re-connection with her Soul for guidance. I will be taking your calls and questions!
Join me along with my guest, Jean Adrienne as we dive into another healing coversation on Expanding the Rose of Your Sacred Heart! The Great Awakening of Humanity has begun as the Goddess energies continue to rise on planet Earth. We will discuss how the current events unfolding are part of the Divine Plan of creating Heaven On Earth. Jean will lead us in a healing meditation called "Liberation" take callers and give readings!
Hello Goddess! Are you ready to GET YOUR GODDESS GROOVE ON? Shine Your LOVE Light and Ignite your Goddess Prayer into the world? We will talk about who is the Goddess and why she is returning in such great force today . In the midst of great change and chaos now consuming our world you dear one are being called by Divine Mother to Awaken, Embody and Anchor your Goddess light! Join me in an empowering conversation with Goddess KALI to reveal the deeper truths of what in the world is going on right now on planet Earth and how you can best navigate these challenging times. Experience a heart healing meditation and direct connection with the Goddess energies of love, peace, grace and heart healing for your Soul!