This episode is part of our Give Grace Study. This week we are combating the lies of Satan about relationships and community. You see, we weren’t called to do this life alone. But in times of struggle, the enemy loves to make us feel isolated. We hope this message challenges you to get outside your comfort zone and do life with people.
This episode is part of our Give Grace Study and we are sharing all about how to find joy and contentment in the midst of struggles and combating the lies we often believe. We hope this message encourages you to choose joy every single morning.
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This week is part of our Give Grace Study and we are talking about Even if God’s answer is no and hope, sharing times in our lives that we have experienced these things and combating the lies that we so easily believe with God’s Truth. We hope this message challenges you to have an eternal perspective on suffering and encourages you to find hope in Jesus.
This episode is part of our Give Grace Study and we are talking about God’s promises and grace, how we stand on them, what the Bible says about these topics and combating the lies that we so easily believe with God’s Truth. We hope this message challenges you to believe what the Bible says and to extend grace to yourself and those around you.
This week is part of our Give Grace Study and we are talking about the feelings of shame and where we place our identity, sharing struggles that we have experienced and combating the lies that we so easily believe with God’s Truth. We hope this message encourages you to find your identity in Jesus alone.
This week is a special episode that is part of our Give Grace Study. We are talking about waiting on God and grief, sharing times in our lives that we have experienced these things and combating the lies that we so easily believe with God’s Truth. We hope this message encourages you to put on the armor of God and learn to stand in times of uncertainty.
I met my friend Blakely Stephenson when we were freshman at Auburn and in the same sorority, but Blakely didn’t have the usual college experience. When she became pregnant and got married at the age of 19, she was forced to grow up fast.
This sudden change of lifestyle brought along feelings of shame and guilt. She showed the physical changes of a growing belly when she walked around campus, but she hid the emotional pain of feeling like she had let both her parents and the Lord down, even when her parents were quick to support her. Through it all, both Blakely and her husband accepted their sin and watched as God used his mercy and grace to transform it into the beautiful gift of a baby boy. 11 years later, Blakely and her husband have continued to battle side by side through every trial and continue to seek him out in ways that follow their new mantra - living by conviction and not by convenience.
Through this episode, we learn how to acknowledge our mistakes and turn to God for healing and guidance, no matter how small we think the situation is. Blakley also shares how important it is to seek support and love from the community God places around us and lastly, how to heal our own “heart conditions”.
Lauren and I got to know each other in college through my brother and I have always been so drawn to her authentic heart. When she reached out to share her story on the podcast, I knew there would be so many out there that would be encouraged by her words. After losing her mom and then a tough break up shortly after, Lauren began to question her faith and start down a dark path. Growing up in the church, she felt like she was supposed to have it all together so she stuffed her feelings deep down inside so no one would know. The isolation led to more darkness and an identity as "the sad girl" that had come to accept. Once she decided to let people in and allow community to carry her through, true healing began. Lauren shares practical tips for walking through darkness and speaks so much encouragement to anyone walking through a hard season. She challenges us to let go of the expectation to have it all together and just be real with God and the people around you.
There is a side to infertility that doesn’t quite get the same recognition or sympathy as most situations do. One person who can understand this firsthand is my good friend Erin Tuohy. Erin and her husband gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy and already were planning to follow with many more babies in the few years after. Her dreams of her young family were put on hold when she suffered several miscarriages after the birth of their first son. She went through surgery and periods of time when she was so hurt and angry with God she couldn’t understand why he would do something like this to her. Instead of just asking God the questions, she seeked his answers in scripture. She studied verses that taught her who God is and found hope in the fact that God answers prayers in ways that we don’t sometimes want to see. He answers each and every prayer we have in his own ways. Erin realized at this point she had two choices: to be happy and to trust God or to continue being angry and upset at the rest of the world. She chose the first, and has followed that path ever since.
Secondary infertility is often met with misunderstanding and the idea that “at least you were able to have one”. Like we mention frequently in this podcast, there is such a need for people to understand the right and wrong things to say to someone struggling with infertility. In this episode Erin and I break down the right and wrong ways to talk to a friend who’s hurting and also touch on the importance of being brave, sharing your story and letting your voice be heard.
One thing we often take for granted is our health. It’s easy to forget just how amazing it is to be healthy until we are faced with complications or scares. For me it was infertility and the status of my reproductive health. For my friend Haley Ryan, it was a long and exhausting battle with Lyme Disease. Haley and I were roommates in college, and the Haley I knew was extremely active and fit. She played sports, coached cheerleading, did crossfit, trained for half marathons and was just two years into her marriage when she received her life changing diagnosis. Over the next several years, she would visit 14 different specialists and undergo various surgeries to solve problems both she and her doctors didn’t know the cause of. While she was fighting the disease physically, it was also taking a toll on her mentally and spiritually as well. She slipped into depressive states and struggled with a loss of identity that came with the loss of her health. She didn’t know why God would let something like this happen to her and couldn’t seem to find the answers for any of her questions. In addition to her running list of doctors and specialist, her mom invited a prayer warrior into her life who changed everything. Once Haley learned to change her mindset and focus on her blessing instead of her burdens, she began coming closer and closer to God. She wasn’t ashamed to ask for prayers and didnt’ feel guilty that she wasn’t out living what she thought was her purpose. She put her faith in God and learned to lean on the people he had placed around her. Since then, she has come to find her identity in Him and his plans for her, whatever they may be.
In this episode, we dive into just how important it is to be mindful of the setting and the timing of approaching a friend who is grieving. We may want to cheer them up or maybe the first time we’re seeing them since a tragedy happens to be in the middle of Target. While we want to acknowledge our friend and what they’re going through, public places aren’t really the time.
The whole idea goes back to being gentle with those who struggle and being mindful of how they’re feeling. Pray for them and love them but remember that who they are, their beliefs and their experiences will shape how they see the world around them. If you yourself can’t see things through their eyes, connect them with those you know who can. If you know someone who has been through a similar struggle, a mentor or contact can give them the opportunity to know that others have been in their shoes before and have been able to come out on top.
Another great idea is to read up on what your friend is going through, whether it be infertility, loss or any other struggle. The act of taking the time to understand them shows so much love and is something they will truly appreciate. When you can better understand where there mind is at, you know how to speak and interact with them. In this podcast, we’ll discuss some of the insensitive yet common phrases we often hear. When you can figure out how to talk to and approach a friend who’s grieving, it gives them the strength and support that they so desperately need.
This episode is all about what to do when a friend is grieving. It can be hard to hear sad news or see a friend for the first time since a tragedy. Often, it can be hard to know what to do, what to say or how to handle the situation. We feel uncomfortable being moved to tears around these friends, but throughout this episode we discover that often, a genuine response can be the most powerful form of support.
If you can’t find the words to speak, write them. Sending a card to a friend gives them a tangible reminder that they aren’t alone in their struggle. The act of going above and beyond a quick text or email can be a really powerful thing.
Set up a meal train, collect financial donations, group gifts, offer to go along on therapy sessions or appointments. And if you don’t know, simply ask them, and ask them more than once. No one knows exactly how to navigate the process, and your friend may be going through a range of emotions on any given day, so their needs are always changing. Grief is a terrible burden to bear, but with a strong support system, healing will come.
Grief is a powerful emotion that so many do not know how to navigate on either side. It’s difficult to know what to say or how to love a friend that is walking through something hard. Whether it’s infertility, loss, sickness or another struggle, we must be better. We have to figure out a way to not hide behind the awkwardness or the excuse that you don’t know what to say. We must roll up our sleeves and walk through the hard things with our friends. We must learn how to love them in the midst of the storm.
I am honored to share my longtime friend, Ashlyn Montgomery’s story of both infertility and full term stillbirth. Grab your tissues because this one is tough. There are so many moments when life can seem so unfair, but Ashlyn gives such great insight into walking this road with grace. She covers what grief is, what to say and what not to say to someone dealing with loss and the importance of acknowledging what someone is walking through.
My prayer for this three part series with Ashlyn is that we would all learn how to be better and really learn how to love people well. Life is hard. So let’s not walk these roads alone.
My favorite co-host is sitting down with me to help answer all your questions. We are covering a wide variety of topics and hope that this episode allows you to get to know us just a little bit better. We hope you will listen in and be encouraged by our answers!
Holiday Collection
What does work look like now?
What does it take to make your company work?
How do you balance it all? (Work, being a mom and wife, fitness, spiritual growth, etc) 30 Encouragement Challenge
Working from home - how do you make it work?
What advice do you have for someone transitioning from single to married life? Personality Quiz
What advice do you have for new moms? Koral's Blog Post
What were your favorite holiday traditions growing up?
I am so excited to share this episode with y’all because it features one of my biggest influencers, my high school mentor and bible teacher, Miss Jordan. She has spent her life spreading a ministry of transformation by the grace of Jesus Christ. She started this with the Redeemed Girl ministry and has written 7 books. That’s a lot of powerful stuff, but there is one word that truly has shaped everything for her.
In this episode, Miss Jordan tells the incredible story of how she learned to “stand”. It was in a time of trial and uncertainty in her relationship that she learned to ignore the waves of “what ifs” and uncertainties and instead put her complete trust in the Lord.
No matter what your struggle is, whether it’s infertility, relationship struggles or spiritual warfare like her husband Justin encountered, it’s so important to remember that God can always do more than your eyes can see.
Her story is an amazing testament to the grace of the Holy Spirit that you HAVE to hear. It’s time to put feet to our faith and stand firm in the belief that the Lord has bigger plans for us than we ever could for ourselves.
As a friend, it can be pretty tough trying to love someone through infertility and loss. Sometimes we don’t know the right things to say or really what to do at all. We know that the bible tells us to help our friends and take on their burdens as our own, but sometimes we just don’t know how.
So often we feel like we have to fix things or fill the void when things get uncomfortable. Throughout this episode, Koral and I hope to share our experiences loving on one another in a way that helps you feel confident to do the same in your friendships, especially when things get uncomfortable.
Often times the best thing to do is just listen and tell your friend you’re sorry they have to go through this. Meet them where they are, wrap your arms around them and let them feel their emotions. I know firsthand that it can feel so good to receive the validation that this season of life is unfair and scary. Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions and don’t pretend like nothing has happened. As friends, we all have to challenge each other to be better. So with this episode, we’re challenging you to go above and beyond for the people around you. Because if they need it now, you’re going eventually going to need it too.
I’ve often preached the words “Give Grace” and highlighted the fact that you never really know what someone else is going through. Whether they are your parents, your siblings, your best friend or your next door neighbor, we all fight battles that sometimes only ourselves and God are aware of. You’ve heard the depths of my story with infertility. Through this podcast series, we’ve listened to the struggles with addiction that my brother Russell went through and now, this episode offers an eye opening look into my sister Becca’s personal battle with an eating disorder.
What had started as an innocent goal to train for a half marathon and tryout for Baylor’s cheer squad spiraled into what she describes at “exercise bulimia”. Her unhealthy habits brought her all the way down to 90lbs and left her with a fear of her own future. Thanks to the outreach of family and friends, she was able to lean on her support system and find the strength in the Lord to overcome her battles. When it comes to truly helping someone both physically and prayerfully, she explains to us why it’s so important to understand where they are in their struggle and where they need to be.
I know firsthand the amazing healing that speaking out about your battles can have, and through my relationship with my sister, we were able to discover and establish an open and continuous conversation. My hope with this series and this episode is to create continuing conversations that don’t end when the podcast does. No matter what those around you are struggling with, don’t avoid talking things out or the asking the hard questions. Give them grace and understanding and prepare to walk the road together.
In this podcast, we’re able to hear the amazing testimony of my new friend Krystalle Wheeler, the founder of Lullaby of Hope. After a miscarriage in 2012, Krystalle struggled with the idea of feeling like a statistic and fighting the emotions of guilt, blame and grief. When a second baby died at 21 weeks, Krystalle turned completely to the Lord and poured her emotions into him. At the time, Krystalle couldn’t find enough resources to support her during her grief.
Through Lullaby of Hope, she has provided these resources to women everywhere. Each item has been a tool she feels helped her and her team through their own struggles.
Like our own, this ministry has created so many friendships for Krystalle with the women she connects to. She is a beautiful example of how to love on others and take care of someone else’s heart. In this episode, Krystalle explains how to be present during a friend’s struggle with infertility or other hard times in life. Through her own experiences, she has painted a beautiful picture of grief not wasted. Through her walks with miscarriage, she has received the gift of empathy and the ability to be intentional in her interactions with friends and family. Her ministry is truly a gift that keeps on giving, and we hope you are able to find inspiration and direction in her words to intently care for someone else’s heart.
I started my Give Grace journey thinking that if one person was able to relate to my story and feel just a little bit better, it would all be worth it. Through my decision to hit the 'share' button on my very first blog post, I have made countless connections to some pretty amazing people. Through social media, I connected with Katherine who was going through many of the same infertility struggles as I was.
By opening up and being honest in our struggles, Katherine and I have been able to learn so much from each other. She has introduced me to the idea of "Waiting Well" and learning to trust in the Lord's refining process. Through this episode, Katherine shares the importance of strengthening confidence in the idea that we don't have to be labeled with shame and unworthiness and a lowered sense of womanhood. Instead, we have the opportunity to band together and pour into a community of unbelievably strong women who have taught us to lean into god and trust in our marriages and our savior.
With infertility, it's common for people to assume that the issues lay with one side of the marriage and that the wife is carrying so much more of the burden. Katherine's husband Trey felt the calling to share his side of their journey as a couple and completely shattered that notion. In Katherine's own words, she beautifully explains the unity and teamwork that infertility creates and demands within a marriage.
By listening to Gods calling to share these stories, both Katherine and I feel that it has created an invaluable support community for us in our journeys. We hope you walk away from this episode feeling encouraged to share your own story and walk side by side with the people around you, because you never know what kind of relationship might be waiting for you just behind that 'share' button.
This episode serves as a follow up to episode 5, where my brother Russell shared with us his personal story of overcoming addiction and finding hope in the lord. I so believe that sharing our stories is instrumental in our calling as Christians. It allows us to bridge the gap between ourselves and the people around us. It's how we make friends out of strangers and ultimately, believers out of non-believers.
While God has given us each these unique stories, he's given us opportunities to be lights for him in the world. Ministering to others by sharing our stories and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable is a big idea, but its made up of a lot of little steps that are taken through continuous, conscious efforts.
In this episode, Russell shares the practical steps of opening up to one another and sharing your experiences confidently. It's not always easy letting other people see the darkest parts of our lives, but as my brother explains, it's so, so worth it.
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