We talk to Barry about coffee, the coffee industry and cold brew coffee. A lot of industry insiders say the 4th wave of coffee has already started and it is cold brew that is leading the way.
77andTeal shopify store: https://bit.ly/2L5yAcQ
77andTeal on Facebook: https://bit.ly/2YA4tfp
Global Coffee Origins Facebook group: https://bit.ly/2YzOEFF
Barry Bizzare on Facebook: https://bit.ly/2VyPssj
Part 2 Barry Bizzare interview, Barry is a manager of a Starbucks in Nashville TN, we talk about coffee and the coffee industry.
77andTeal Shopify page
77andTeal Facebook page
Global Coffee Origins Fcaebook page
Barry Bizzare's Facebook group
Episodes manquant?
Part 1 of our interview with Barry Bizzare, we talk coffee and the coffee industry.
We talk about music and coffee, the connection between them and how they are similar.
A quick history of coffee, it's origins and how it has evolved and is still changing today.
We Introduce our new podcast, talk about 77andTeal gourmet coffee company and great coffee.