On Lately in China, we present you a weekly update on the most important business news in China. We will also talk about the latest news, trends, topics as well as my personal experience and opinions on an ad hoc basis.
Glopen is a "one stop shop" platform that presents a real China to the World, its people, culture, lifestyle and ideology. Our goal is to not to tell what is right or wrong but to inspire learning, exchange and business!
Check out all our platforms:
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@glopen
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/glopen
Podcast: Glopen - Lately in China
Tiktok: glopentiktok
Through our YouTube channel, we provide in-depth videos around Life, Travel and Business in China
Through our Podcast: Glopen – Lately in China, we talk about the latest news, trends, topics as well as my personal experience and opinions
Through our LinkedIn page, we will post in-depth business articles related to industries in China
Through our Tiktok account: “glopentiktok”, we share short videos about Chinese food, entertainment, tourist attractions and fun experiencesBusiness inquiry: [email protected]