Moonwater reveals the power of asking. She shows how you can deepen friendships and other relationships. You can even elevate your relationship with the God and Goddess.
Moonwater reveals crucial ways to free yourself of energy vampires. Invite the Goddess to strengthen you. Learn how to be strong enough to unshackle yourself from negative people who tear you down. Protect your inner divinity.
Moonwater reveals how you can manifest what you truly want. She even shows how to free yourself from negative distractions. Learn a prayer to shift from distractions to divine energy. Manifest your dreams and aspirations.
Moonwater reveals a powerful example of how intense anxiety appears in a person’s life. She shows how to make a shift in perspective. Better than that, she provides a chant that helps you align with Goddess in the present moment.
Moonwater reveals some ways in which she oppresses herself. She shows how you can make new choices and unleash your own positive power. Moonwater shares a powerful prayer to the Goddess so you can shift from putting yourself down … and rise in the divinity the Goddess placed within you.
Moonwater reveals how you can free yourself from being stuck. Many of us label our emotions as “bad,” and it’s easy to carry that over. We may take on the label of “bad” as a personal trait. Moonwater shows how to release yourself from such shackles. Use a powerful prayer to invite the Goddess to support you.
Moonwater reveals a dark secret that many of us fail to notice. Something is going on beneath our struggles to find happiness in life. Research shows that many people do not know what would truly make them happy. Subconsciously, they are grasping for something else! Moonwater also shares a valuable prayer to the Goddess.
Moonwater reveals a process so you shift out of fear and being stuck. She introduces a chant to the Goddess, opening a new door for you.
Moonwater reveals how you can open the door to fulfilling your calling. She was surprised on her path to more joy and fulfillment. Learn to shift to your divine path. Invite Goddess to show you the way.
Moonwater reveals the 9-Card Tarot Spread to help you make life-changing decisions. She even shows how to use a coin to help you access your intuition and vital feelings. Discover her prayer to the God and Goddess that opens doors.
Moonwater reveals how to elevate yourself beyond your personal resistance. She demonstrates how she makes sure to meditate regularly. She also shows how to release yourself from perfectionism. That’s when you shift your focus to your divine self. Your divinity is given to you by the God and Goddess.
Moonwater reveals a hidden aspect of true strength. You learn to shift your identity so you're not fragile and afraid to say, "I was wrong." Ask Goddess to support you.
Moonwater reveals the secrets to truly creating strong and loving relationships. You make space so the person feels heard. You develop confidence in saying the words that provide the support they need and deeply want. Most importantly, you invite the Goddess to clear out distractions inside you. Then you live your best path as a witch.
Moonwater reveals the process and power of shifting from internal pain to a deeper connection with the Goddess and the Universe. A tremendous relief happens as one shifts from feeling alone and upside down. Learn a path from pain to connection.
Moonwater reveals techniques so that you can prepare for an upcoming ordeal. Are you or a loved one facing a medical procedure—or another difficult time? Get the support you need. Invite the Goddess to help you.
Moonwater reveals crucial methods to help you get to sleep when you’re upset – or even angry. It involves calling upon the Goddess and more. We all get agitated. Learn how to protect your own life through proper sleep.
Moonwater supports you in handling a common problem. We’re all under so much stress and pressure. It’s no wonder that we have no energy. But that’s the gift a ritual can ultimately give us. Moonwater reveals truly practical ways to boost your energy. Conducting rituals and wielding magick is possible when … you’re an Energy Builder. Learn more…
Moonwater reveals the essential safeguards that keep you safe when you try a new spell. You can let go of fear when you invoke these vital four safeguards while you wield magick. Be safe and effective.
Moonwater reveals how witches free themselves from the chains of co-dependency. She demonstrates how the other person may manipulate you. It can be a terrible cycle to try to make other people happy. Discover how your worth is actually on a level beyond the human-mundane level.
Moonwater reveals secrets so you can trust yourself again. It’s about realizing your true identity as a witch. Learn to connect with the God and Goddess—and your inner divinity.
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