What is the mandate of every believer? Listen to this episode to find out❤️.
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I have news that I can’t keep to myself any longer.
Listen to the end and tell me your thoughts ❤️
Episodes manquant?
This episode is power packed. It is 2 in 1.
First with the World Mental Health Day Ted talk followed by the International Day of a Girl Chold Special.
As you listen, listen with an open mind and the men in the house, you should definitely listen, there are tidbits in there for you too.
With all love ❤️
The part 2 of this series highlights the need to be thankful even when things do not seem to be working the way one plans.
Confessions of Gen-Z Christian is a series that highlights the walk of a young believer in today’s world. Its purpose is to show the struggles one goes through, the joy and fun that accompanies serving God.
Listened to the end? If you loved this episode, I’ll love to here from you and don’t forget to share💕
Is purity a waste of my time? An heartfelt question asked by many on a quest to staying pure. We live in an age where purity is often looked down on. There are those who don’t like to speak of it and those who outrightly disregard it.
As believers we have been called to separate ourselves not just with our words but also with our actions.
Hence why this episode is here, to remind you of the importance of purity.
Enjoyed this episode, like(if possible), comment and share❤️
Kindly follow @godlike_genzpod
Confessions of Gen-Z Christian is a series that highlights the walk of a young believer in today’s world. Its purpose is to show the struggles one goes through, the joy and fun that accompanies serving God. Listened to the end? If you loved this episode, I’ll love to here from you and don’t forget to share💕
Part of what I like doing is creating awareness on what I’m going through. June is scoliosis awareness month and though my whole existence is not wired to it, I love speaking on it. Anyways, enjoy this episode ❤️
I asked, you answered and I delivered. This episode is the most chaotic episode I’ve ever done and that is coming from chaotic me😅. Anyways, I hope you enjoy getting to know me.
It’s been a long few weeks and I thought to share with you. This is also a reminder for you to… HOLD GOD IN HIGH ESTEEM. Listened to the end? If you loved this episode, I’ll love to here from you and don’t forget to share💕
What is the gospel? Are we supposed to keep it a secret or spread the gospel? All this and some more are answered in this episode. Listened to the end? If you loved this episode, I’ll love to here from you and don’t forget to share💕
In the spirit of Easter, I am reminded of the price my savior made for me. However I am also reminded that I am ALIVE in him and I rejoice that because he paid it all,I can walk in freedom. “I am the living one. I died, but look—I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave.” Revelation 1:18 NLT. Listened to the end? If you loved this episode, I’ll love to here from you and don’t forget to share💕
©️This episode will most likely trigger you but stay with me. What does modesty entail? Club clothes? No bra? Anyways, the only way you’ll understand is if you listen to this episode❤️. Listened to the end? If you loved this episode, I’ll love to here what modesty means to you and don’t forget to share💕
Learn to start prioritizing YOU. Learn to to start caring for YOU. Learn to stop comparing yourself to others and pleasing others at your expense. This is a wake up call for you. As we end the love month, my reminder to you is for you to love yourself🥺. I hope you learn one or two things from this episode and I pray you see God in our growth and everything new thing that will happens this year⭐️. Listened to the end? If you loved this episode, I’ll love to here from you and don’t forget to share💕
I know for a fact that the greatest show of love is the one my Savior showed me🥺. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone❤️. Spend time today remembering how loved you are by God. Disclaimer: NO FORNICATION ALLOWED! RELATIONSHIP PEOPLE LET US BREATH TODAY!! Share this with someone who needs to hear this😘
This is the most vulnerable I’ve been since I started this podcast and YES I know you might not want to listen because you’re like who sent me but I do hope you do. Listened to the end? You can send in you’re questions. Also, If you loved this episode, I’ll love to here from you and don’t forget to share💕
Cheers to a New Year 😘. We are in a new year and there are plenty personal goals I hope to achieve with this podcast BUT trusting God means learning to follow His leading. Hence, why a new episode is dropping at the end of January. I hope you learn one or two things from this episode and I pray you see God in our growth and everything new thing that will happens this year⭐️. Listened to the end? If you loved this episode, I’ll love to here from you and don’t forget to share💕
In your hurt don’t run from God, run towards him❤️. Listened to the end? If you loved this episode, I’ll love to here from you and don’t forget to share✨
Sometimes you need to wait to see God at work❤️. This is not just a story, it’s a testament of Gods power and it’s also for or whoever to learn from💕. Listened to the end? If you loved this episode, I’ll love to here from you and don’t forget to share✨
Hey you❤️. Do you feel the need to complain, worry and wallow in sadness because everything is not as you hoped? If so, this episode is for you.💕. Listened to the end? If you loved this episode, share and comment✨
Hey loves, how are you? I’ll love to know. This week I just wanted you to know that you are doing well. Lots of love💞! Kindly send your comments to @godlike_genzpod on instagram, share and give us a review❤️
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