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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to former Member of the European Parliament for Ireland South Mick Wallace. He discusses the Nord Stream pipeline attacks two years on which was the largest methane emissions release in history, the rise of anti-establishment left-wing and right-wing political parties as the EU continues to serve the interests of elites, massive disillusionment with the unrepresentative EU Parliament and the entire political system, Ursula Von der Leyen behaving like a ‘total servant’ of US empire, the political class in Ireland going along with Washington’s position on the Ukraine proxy war, the grip of 60,000 lobbyists over European Union politics, NATO’s increasing grip over EU politics and it behaving like a terrorist organisation, how Gaza has led to the mask slipping for the European Union over their support for Israel, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Historian of the Middle East Dr. Assal Rad. She discusses how Western media has consistently whitewashed Israel’s crimes for years against Palestinians, the shaping of media narratives and the use of language to change perceptions of Israel’s occupation of Palestine, how institutional dehumanisation and demonisation of Palestinians in the US, UK and EU is necessary to justify the magnitude of Israel’s crimes, the media’s broad refusal to challenge the narratives of the US State Department and Israel, the role of corporations in corrupting the media and political landscape in the US to ensure their narratives of choice prevail, the double standards of Western governments and media when it comes to talking about Saudi-Iran & Saudi-Syria normalisation agreements in the Middle East as well as Iran’s alliances in the region, AIPACs vice grip on US politics and covert Israeli influence campaigns to influence US elections, the ideologies of US officials which lead them to whitewash and enable Israel’s crimes, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Omer Bartov, Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Brown University. He discusses the Haaretz estimate of 2% of Gaza’s population killed by Israel and the systematic destruction of Gaza to make it uninhabitable, his visit to Israel to give a lecture at a university and the protests against him by Israeli students for saying a genocide was taking place in Gaza, why he has come to the conclusion that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza to wipe out the Palestinian population in whole or in part, why it may be hard to prove Israel’s intent of genocide, whether the US, UK & EU are complicit in war crimes and genocide by supplying weaponry to Israel, Israeli society showing no empathy for the Palestinians suffering in Gaza despite opposing Benjamin Netanyahu, how Israelis went from experiencing the trauma of the Holocaust during World War 2 to carrying out genocide in Gaza and apartheid against Palestinians, why Israel’s apartheid system over Palestinians will intensify, why Israel’s apartheid state will eventually implode and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Former Special Assistant to US President Ronald Reagan and Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute Doug Bandow. She discusses Dick Cheney’s endorsement of Kamala Harris and the subsequent glee of Democrats after she received his endorsement, the US’ foreign policy establishment’s ignorance on their own hypocrisy seen by the rest of the world, the Arab Gulf States mending ties with Syria to the horror of the US, why a Kamala Harris Presidency won’t mean much of a change in terms of foreign policy and whether Donald Trump has learned from the foreign policy mistakes made in his first term, why Kamala Harris and the Democrats seem to not care about the rising risk of World War 3 and nuclear war with Russia, the transformation of Bill Burns from cautious diplomat warning against NATO expansion to publicly cheering on the proxy war against Russia through Ukraine as CIA Director, the US, UK and EU’s ‘disgusting policy’ of fighting to destroy Russia by sacrificing Ukrainian lives, the details of the settlement that should be negotiated to end the war, the disastrous self-sanctioning of the European countries and complete subservience to the United States, why a Donald Trump second term could have some benefits on foreign policy because of his anti-war instincts, his work in the Reagan Administration and why he believes the most important issue of our times is war and peace, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Dr. Daniele Ganser, Founder and Director of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research and author of ‘USA: The Ruthless Empire’. He discusses the history of NATO’s secret armies in Western Europe through Operation Gladio and their links to terrorist attacks, the parallels of Operation Gladio and the chaos fomented in Ukraine in 2014, the US’ involvement in the 2014 Maidan coup and the general population being unaware of much of this history, the assassination attempt against Donald Trump and the many suspicious facts surrounding the event that lead him to believe there was a stand-down order among the Secret Service, NATO countries possibly using Zelensky’s Ukrainian army to invade Kursk in Russia and how this is unprecedented in history, Switzerland’s abandonment of neutrality amid the Russia-NATO proxy war in Ukraine and Switzerland’s partaking in the economic war against Russia, the decline of the population’s trust in the ruling establishment parties in Western Europe, why Russia and Ukraine have no option to return to peace and brotherhood, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Fiona Lali, the National Campaigns Coordinator of the UK Revolutionary Communist Party who went viral after calling the the former UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman a war criminal to her face on television. She discusses the protests outside of the Israeli Embassy in London on Saturday and the widespread opposition against the British government’s support for Israel in its genocidal slaughter, why the British government’s support for the atrocities happening in Palestine is a reflection of western imperialism and the capitalist system, the Labour Party and the Conservative Party being one and the same when it comes to Palestine, Britain being a lapdog to American imperialism and how British Labour politicians have shifted their positions to placate the US, the international pro-Palestine movement being symbolic of the divide between the ruling class and the working class, the British media’s constant covering for Israel amid the genocide and occupation of Palestine and how it reflects British ruling class interests, Sir Keir Starmer’s pledge to keep supporting Ukraine in the NATO proxy war against Russia while the government continues to attack the poorest in society, the continual cultural and media propaganda around the Ukraine proxy war, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Amb. Danny Ayalon, the Former Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister and former Ambassador to the United States. In a heated interview, Afshin Rattansi challenges him on the the looming prospect of regional war with Iran and whether Iran already has nuclear weapons, the state of the Israeli economy and society as Israeli Jews leave the country, Lebanese Hezbollah’s recent wide-ranging strikes against Israel and the censorship order from the Israeli government to prevent reporting on the damage, the placing of Israeli military facilities next to civilian infrastructure, the banning of access for journalists to enter Gaza to verify any of Israel’s claims of see the apocalyptic damage, the reports of torture and sexual abuse of Palestinian prisoners at the Sde Teiman concentration camp, the trend in the United States of the younger generation supporting the establishment of a Palestinian state and opposing Israel’s human rights violations, the extreme number of civilian casualties in Gaza and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Matt Taibbi, Co-Publisher of ‘Twitter Files’, Co-Host of the ‘America This Week’ Podcast, and Former Contributing Editor of the Rolling Stone magazine. He discusses the arrest of Telegram Founder Pavel Durov and why it marks a paradigm shift in free speech and censorship in Western countries, the creeping digital censorship since the passing of the Digital Services Act in Europe, the precedent set by arresting Durov for the crimes of users using his platform, the significance of Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg’s letter to the House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan admitting that the Biden Administration had pressured him to censor COVID-19 content and the Hunter Biden laptop story, his time in Russia and the shift in the journalistic environment there, the creeping move towards censorship in the US following Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 and Brexit, the shift of the priorities of the US government from counter-terrorism to monitoring speech domestically, why he has called Elon Musk ‘disappointing’ on the issue of free speech and his call for a conversation with Elon Musk to resolve their differences stemming from their dispute on Substack, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Prof. Peter St Onge, an economist at the Heritage Foundation. He discusses the skewing of the US government’s economic statistics and what the real numbers are on unemployment and inflation, why the US has been in a 5-year recession or 5-year depression, the increasing government takeover of the economy and the ballooning corporate welfare budget, the decline of the pace of new technology innovation, the US’ wanton use of sanctions to steal from other countries’ leading to the start of the decline of the US dollar as the world’s reserve country driven by BRICS, the Biden Administration’s use of the strategic oil reserve as a political football to lower oil prices before elections, the problem with a gold-backed currency, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Command Master Sergeant Dennis Fritz, author of ‘Deadly Betrayal: The Truth About Why the United States Invaded Iraq’. He discusses the redactions imposed by the Pentagon in the book, his motivation for writing the book stemming from the lives lost from the lies behind the justification for the US invasion of Iraq, the military’s general confusion after being told they would invade Iraq, the architect of the Iraq War Douglas Feith and whether he was an Israeli agent at the heart of the Pentagon, the double standard in the US of agents of Israel not being classed as foreign agents, the neoconservative plan of ‘regime change policy’ to target Iran and Syria alongside Iraq, the allegation that the US is occupying northern Syria to protect it for Israel, Israel’s long-term plan for setting the stage for the US to attack Iran, why he waited 20 years before revealing the lies of the Iraq War exposed in his book, Russia and China deciding to fight back against US domination starting in Syria, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Omar Baddar, a member of the National Policy Council of the Arab-American Institute. He discusses the current knife-edge crisis in the Middle East following Israel’s assassinations in Beirut and Tehran risking all out war with Hezbollah and Iran, the prospect of Israel using nuclear weapons in a regional war, the Majdal Shams attack and Israel’s use of it as a pretext for escalation, the root cause of the current unprecedented regional tension being the genocide in Gaza, the motives behind the US’ political establishment’s support for Israel amidst its perpetrating genocide, the pro-Palestinian shift in US public opinion, the US’ violent crackdown against Palestinian student protesters and how the US doesn’t learn from shameful chapters in its history, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s escalations for regional war made possible by the Biden Administration’s rhetoric with no action, why the US won’t realise its mistake for a long time if it goes into a war with Iran, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Col. Douglas Macgregor, former Senior Advisor to the US Secretary of Defense in the Trump Administration, and CEO of Our Country, Our Choice. He discusses why the US is woefully unprepared for all out war against either Iran, Russia, or China and the growing perception of US weakness around the world, how each branch of the US Armed Forces has become its own lobby and therefore weakening the US’ preparedness as a whole, the US’ system of bullying both allies and adversaries around the world leading to the rise of BRICS and a multipolar world, the control of the US government by oligarchs and donors both under Democrat and Republican administrations, and the US’ weakness stemming from the US clinging to an outdated political system. In the second half, he discusses Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s political manoeuvring to create a ‘Greater Israel’ and Israeli hegemony over the Middle East with US backing, Iran’s capability to level Israel with missiles and Turkey’s ability to flood Israel with 2 million troops, Russia’s continuing path to victory in the proxy war in Ukraine, the media and political establishment’s suppression of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as an alternative to Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to the ex-Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and current Member of the European Parliament Michael von der Schulenburg. He discusses Olaf Scholz’ foreign policy and his conduct in the Russia-NATO proxy war in Ukraine and why Germany will pay the price for its failed policy, why the European political elite is ‘detached from reality’ with its unrealistic goal of Ukraine and NATO winning against Russia, the US’ stationing of long-range missiles in Germany and why this is a sign of weakness instead of strength, why a big crisis looks for NATO at the end of the proxy war in Ukraine, the extreme pro-war stance of the European Union and complete rejection of any possibility of peace, Europe’s increasing international isolation and delusional mentality that it is still a great power, and the dominance of the Western white world coming to an end. In the second half of the interview, he discusses Germany’s refusal to release the results of its investigation into the Nordstream pipeline sabotage, the decline of the US as a superpower along with Western power, the new extreme anti-Russia EU Foreign Minister Kaja Kallas and why the European Union is doomed to uselessness, the endless economic crisis EU countries are experiencing and the failure of sanctions, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Ahmed Alnaouq, the Co-Founder of We Are Not Numbers. He discusses how Israel killed 21 members of his direct family as part of its genocidal war on Gaza along with countless extended family members, the UK’s role in arming the Israeli military and complicity in the genocide, the masses support for Palestine in the US, UK and EU even amid constant pro-Israel media propaganda, the fake freedom and democracy in the West especially when it comes to foreign policy, the BBC’s extreme pro-Israel bias and whitewashing of crimes against Palestinians, the debunked October 7th atrocity propaganda published all over Western media to manufacture consent for Israel’s genocidal onslaught, and why Western media is complicit in Israel’s war crimes and genocide. In the second half, he discusses the attack on Palestinian culture by Israel and the Western media to erase it and what he and We Are Not Numbers are doing to counter the cultural genocide, Israel’s targeting of Gaza’s cultural heritage sites as well as killing the top Palestinian healthcare professionals and academics, how We Are Not Numbers allows Palestinians to write stories about themselves and their families to break through the Western media stereotypes about Palestinians, why he isn’t optimistic about the Fatah-Hamas reconciliation agreement brokered by China, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Dr. Gershon Baskin, a former Israeli Negotiator involved in the securing the release of Israeli hostages and the Middle East Director of the International Communities Organisation. He discusses the unpopularity of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government which has ‘no coherent strategy’ in the war against Palestinians in Gaza, the US’ ability to have stopped the war early on, and the effects of October 7th on Israeli society. The interview takes a heated turn where Afshin Rattansi and Dr. Baskin debate on the reports from Israeli media on what really happened on October 7th. Following this exchange, he discusses Benjamin’s Netanyahu’s long-game since the 2000s to prevent a two-state solution, his role in negotiating the release of Gilad Shalit and trying to secure a long-term ceasefire with Hamas which was stopped by an assassination conducted by Israel, why most Israelis continue to support the Israeli military’s bloody onslaught, why he believes a one-state solution is not viable and why the two-state solution is the only possible path to peace, why he believes Israel has committed war crimes and crossed moral red lines…but not committed genocide, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Brian Becker, the National Director of the ANSWER coalition and Host of ‘The Socialist Program’ podcast. He discusses the rally scheduled to protest against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress amid Israel’s genocidal slaughter in Gaza, whether a Donald Trump Presidency will be any different to the Biden Administration concerning Gaza, Israel’s failure to defeat the Palestinian resistance despite the US’ endless supply of bombs and weaponry, the prospect of a regional war involving the United States over the next year, the assertion by the Biden Administration that the proxy war against Russia via Ukraine is good for the US economy, whether there is any real difference between Trump and Biden when it comes to workers’ rights and trade union rights, the assassination attempt against Donald Trump and the instability of the US republic, Donald Trump’s pledge to end the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia and whether he will follow through on his promise, whether Trump will learn from the mistakes of his first term where neoconservatives encouraged an aggressive foreign policy, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground we speak to Palestinian Ambassador Afif Safieh, the former PLO Representative to the UK, US and Russia. He discusses why Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has shot himself in the foot and why he is prolonging the genocide in Gaza to preserve his own power, the US’ role in constantly shielding Israel and rendering the international system to be completely impotent, his hopes for the new Sir Keir Starmer government in the UK despite his pro-Israel standpoints, Joe Biden’s electoral vulnerability after supporting Israel’s genocide in Gaza and the farce of current ceasefire negotiations and whether the Republicans will be any worse than the Democrats in power after November. In the second half, the discussion turns tense on the subjects of how beholden the Palestinian Authority is to Israel, the lack of any reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas and who is to blame, the continuous delaying of Palestinian elections, reports of Netanyahu preferring a Palestinian Authority-run Gaza, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to former Pentagon Advisor Theodore Postol, Professor Emeritus of Science, Technology and International Security at MIT. He discusses the state of NATO as it celebrates its 75th Anniversary in Washington amid Ukraine’s deteriorating battlefield situation in the NATO proxy war against Russia, Russia’s military strategy against Ukraine in the war of attrition and why it has been successful, Antony Blinken’s announcement that the US will supply F-16s to Ukraine and why it won’t make any difference to altering the balance of the conflict, the missile strike on a children’s hospital in Kiev and who was behind it and the Ukrainian ATACMS strike on a beach full of civilians in Sevastopol, whether US boots are already on the ground in Ukraine operating Patriot missile defence and ATACMS systems, Ukraine targeting Russia’s nuclear early warning systems and why he was ‘terrified’ when he heard the news, the ignorance of the Biden Administration on the US’ and Russia’s early warning systems and why the US has no defence against ballistic or hypersonic missiles, and much more.

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    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to The Grayzone’s Anya Parampil, author of ‘Corporate Coup: Venezuela and The End of US Empire’. She discusses the release of Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange and why she didn’t believe the US would risk extraditing him to the US, the growth of the US grassroots movement in support of Assange, what Julian Assange’s plea deal means for journalists in the USA, how Wikileaks exposed how the US uses NGOs as fronts across the world to destabilise governments that do not obey Washington, the US’ persecution of Alex Saab and Venezuela’s CLAP food program which helped Venezuelans avoid starvation as a result of US sanctions, Donald Trump’s instincts on Venezuela and President Nicolas Maduro and what a second Trump Presidency would mean for the country, the recent coup attempt in Bolivia against President Luis Arce and why it was doomed to fail, Richard Branson’s involvement in the corporate coup in Venezuela, why the Russia-NAYO proxy war in Ukraine ended up saving Venezuela, and much more.

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    On this special episode of Going Underground, we speak to Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange’s brother Gabriel Shipton, producer of the ‘Ithaka’ documentary. He discusses the developments in the weeks leading up Julian Assange finally being freed from prison in London and the plea deal with Joe Biden’s Justice Department, the grassroots efforts by the thousands around the world who protested for years and campaigned to free Julian Assange, what it was like to go and visit Julian Assange inside Belmarsh Prison over the years, the media’s endless lies about Julian Assange’s case over the years including the falsehood that Wikileaks revelations harmed US personnel, the media’s carelessness on reporting Wikileaks revelations and not fastidiously redacting names as Julian Assange had done, the demand as part of the plea deal to destroy unpublished leaks and the lost Chelsea Manning leaks on more US war crimes in Afghanistan, the role of new UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer in the persecution of Julian Assange as head of the Crown Prosecution Service, the fact there’s a lot left to uncover over Julian Assange’s persecution, the Australian people’s love for Julian Assange, why the US hated Julian Assange more than Russia and China despite Julian Assange revealing secrets of both Moscow and Beijing, and much more.