
  • Over the past week, Israel has begun a major escalation against Hezbollah in Lebanon with the "pager attack" on the Lebanese population, assassinations of senior Hezbollah leadership and airstrikes in southern Lebanon that has killed at least 500 people and led to thousands to flee their homes. Israel has called this strategy "De-escalation through escalation," and done it with the full support of the Biden-Harris administration. In our latest episode, Scott talks with host and producer of Breakthrough News Eugene Puryear about the escalation, how it effects politics and movement politics in the 2024 U.S. presidential campaign. They also talk in depth about the connections between the black liberation movement and the Free Palestine movement. They also discuss why black churches and organized labor have supported a ceasefire, why the mainstream environmental groups haven't. And finally how there is increasing support of socialism, dislike of capitalism in the U.S. and the backlash to that growing consciousness. Bio//Eugene Puryear (@EugenePuryear) is a longtime journalist and community organizer currently-based in New York City. He is the host and producer of Breakthrough News (@BTnewsroom). Puryear is the co-founder of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, and the author of the book "Shackled and Chained: Mass Incarceration in Capitalist America," and spent five years in radio prior to helping found BT News.----------------------Outro- "Let Them Eat War" by Bad ReligionLinks//+ Breakthrough News: https://breakthroughnews.org/+ "Battle on the boardwalk: The civil rights challenge to the 1964 Democratic National Convention" (https://bit.ly/4dinOHZ)+ Eugene Puryear: "Shackled and Chained: Mass Incarceration in Capitalist America" (https://bit.ly/3MVElqz) Follow Green and Red//+G&R Linktree: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/greenandredpodcast⁠⁠⁠+Our rad website: ⁠⁠⁠https://greenandredpodcast.org/⁠⁠⁠+ Join our Discord community (https://discord.gg/uvrdubcM)Support the Green and Red Podcast//+Become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/greenredpodcast+Or make a one time donation here: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/DonateGandR⁠⁠⁠Our Networks//+We're part of the Labor Podcast Network: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.laborradionetwork.org/⁠⁠+We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork+Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969). Edited by Isaac

  • Richard Slotkin has written some of the more important books explaining the way Americans have created myths to justify slavery, repression, and empire, including "Regeneration Through Violence," "The Fatal Environment," and "Gunfighter Nation." His new book, "A Great Disorder," summarizes his previous ideas and take us to the present, with significant analyses of American from Reagan to the present, with ideas about the way Reagan and Bush in particular brought back the idea of the frontier and the cowboy to exploit and protect it. In our latest episode, we discussed with him the Obama years, his failure to tell a compelling story, and the culture wars and intensification of gun culture in response. And we spend a lot of time discussing Trump's use of old myths about violence and white supremacy to create a Confederate restoration project. Bio//Richard Slotkin is a cultural critic and historian. He is the Olin Professor of English and American Studies, Emeritus at Wesleyan University. He is author of numerous books around myth and narrative related to the American west, the frontier and American society in general. These include “Regeneration Through Violence,” the Fatal Environment” and "Gunfighter Nation." His newest book is “The Great Disorder:National Myth and the Battle for America.”----------------------------------------------------------Outro- "Green and Red Blues" by MoodyLinks//+ Richard Slotkin: "A Great Disorder: National Myth and the Battle for America" (https://bit.ly/3zkApg0)Follow Green and Red//+G&R Linktree: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/greenandredpodcast⁠⁠⁠+Our rad website: ⁠⁠⁠https://greenandredpodcast.org/⁠⁠⁠+ Join our Discord community (https://discord.gg/uvrdubcM)Support the Green and Red Podcast//+Become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/greenredpodcast+Or make a one time donation here: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/DonateGandR⁠⁠⁠Our Networks//+We're part of the Labor Podcast Network: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.laborradionetwork.org/⁠⁠+We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork+Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969). Edited by Isaac.

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  • In 2004, organizer and arts organizer David Solnit published the anthology "Globalize Liberation: How to Uproot the System and Build a Better World." In the introduction he said, “the new radicalism looks different everywhere,” and cited the Zapatista rebellion in Chiapas, Mexico, as a pivotal moment in his understanding of the new radicalism. “The Zapatistas held that there are multiple valid frameworks to look at the world,” and contrasted this outlook with the “cookie-cutter model” of the past, epitomized by the Soviet Union. The book served as an organizers guide, but the many chapters described a movement of movements that emerged in the post-Cold War era. The movements that challenged neo-liberal institutions like the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and the Free Trade Area of the Americas; and the U.S. empire's invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. The movements that later lead to Occupy, the global climate justice movements, a labor resurgence and efforts to fight empire and genocide in Palestine and other parts of the world. Scott talks with long time friend and comrade David Solnit (@dsolnit) about that movement of movements, the moment in the early 2000s it came out of, lessons learned and how the book still still applies to movement organizing twenty years later. Bio//David co-founded Art and Revolution Collective in the San Francisco Bay Area, and organized as part of the Direct Action Network in Seattle in 1999 and Direct Action to Stop the War in San Francisco in 2003. He is an arts organizer with the Climate Justice Arts Project--working to center arts organizing and narrative. He edited/co-authored "Globalize Liberation" and co-authored"The Battle of the Story of the Battle of Seattle." ----------------Outro- "Clandestino" by Manu Chao Links//+ Sept. 17: GLOBALIZE LIBERATION, NOT CORPORATE POWER! 25 Years Since The Shutdown Of The WTO (https://bit.ly/4el2bb6)+ Globalize Liberation (https://bit.ly/globalizeliberation)Follow Green and Red//+G&R Linktree: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/greenandredpodcast⁠⁠⁠+Our rad website: ⁠⁠⁠https://greenandredpodcast.org/⁠⁠⁠+ Join our Discord community (https://discord.gg/uvrdubcM)Support the Green and Red Podcast//+Become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/greenredpodcast+Or make a one time donation here: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/DonateGandR⁠⁠⁠Our Networks//+We're part of the Labor Podcast Network: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.laborradionetwork.org/⁠⁠+We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork+Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969). Editedby Isaac.

  • In our latest episode, returning to a theme we discussed frequently in 2020-2021 we talked about the various ruling class forces opposed to Donald Trump's candidacy. America is a right-wing country with no mass organized left resistance, so finding and exploiting fissures in the ruling class is a useful tactic. We discussed the way both candidates, Trump and Harris, take reactionary positions on key issues so there's really no space for a left vision of the future. And making sure that the country stays the way it is, with profound gaps in wealth and poverty and a ruling class more solidly in control than ever, is the main task of the corporate oligarchy. To that end, in our latest episode, we discussed the way the Democrats have embraced GOP politicians, especially the demonic Cheney family. We talked about the various corporate leaders who are endorsing and funding Harris, and military officials who prefer her interventionism to Trump's chaotic uncertainty.Trump is a major destabilizing force and the capitalists understand that Harris is actually a far better steward of their interests than the erratic and addled Trump.So check it out.-----------------------------------------Outro- "The Dick Song" by the MinistryFollow Green and Red//+G&R Linktree: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/greenandredpodcast⁠⁠⁠+Our rad website: ⁠⁠⁠https://greenandredpodcast.org/⁠⁠⁠+ Join our Discord community (https://discord.gg/uvrdubcM)Support the Green and Red Podcast//+Become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/greenredpodcast+Or make a one time donation here: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/DonateGandR⁠⁠⁠Our Networks//+We're part of the Labor Podcast Network: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.laborradionetwork.org/⁠⁠+We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork+Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969). Edited by Scott.

  • Last night's debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris brought up many issues of war in the Middle East and Palestine on the eve of the anniversary of September 11th. We've got much new content headed your war discussing to ongoing conflict in the Middle East, the role of war in U.S. history and elite support for both parties

    But in the meantime, here's an encore of our 2020 episode talking about the origins of 9/11.



    +U.S. State Department Memo, May 1, 1950 (NSA Archive) (https://bit.ly/3ToTXXk)+Excerpts From Iraqi Document on Meeting with U.S. Envoy (NY Times) (https://bit.ly/4ek3qae)+Presidential Daily Briefing Memo of August, 2001 (NSA Archive) (https://bit.ly/3zjdIbZ)

    +Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ (The Atlantic): (https://bit.ly/2GP4FUE)

    +VIDEO: Zbigniew Brzezinski Taliban Pakistan Afghanistan pep talk 1979: (https://bit.ly/3hqquXn)

    Follow Green and Red//+G&R Linktree: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/greenandredpodcast⁠⁠⁠+Our rad website: ⁠⁠⁠https://greenandredpodcast.org/⁠⁠⁠+ Join our Discord community (https://discord.gg/uvrdubcM)Support the Green and Red Podcast//+Become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/greenredpodcast+Or make a one time donation here: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/DonateGandR⁠⁠⁠Our Networks//+We're part of the Labor Podcast Network: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.laborradionetwork.org/⁠⁠+We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork+Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969). Edited by Scott.

  • H. Rap Brown once said "violence is as American as cherry pie." We’ve seen an increase in rhetoric around violence in American politics particularly from the far right. We've seen many incidents of escalated violence that include the Capitol riot on January 6th, 2021 and the recent assassination attempt of Donald Trump. In our latest, we dive into the question of political violence with American University professor, and author of "Nasty Politics," Thomas Zeitzoff (@zeitzoff). Bio//Thomas Zeitzoff is a professor in the School of Public Affairs at American University. He is author of “Nasty Politics,” and a forthcoming book on the radical environmental movement called “No Option But Sabotage: The Radical Environmental Movement and the Climate Crisis.”----------------Outro- "Killing in the Name" by RATM

    Links//+ Thomas' Website: https://www.zeitzoff.com/Follow Green and Red//+G&R Linktree: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/greenandredpodcast⁠⁠⁠+Our rad website: ⁠⁠⁠https://greenandredpodcast.org/⁠⁠⁠+ Join our Discord community (https://discord.gg/uvrdubcM)Support the Green and Red Podcast//+Become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/greenredpodcast+Or make a one time donation here: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/DonateGandR⁠⁠⁠Our Networks//+We're part of the Labor Podcast Network: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.laborradionetwork.org/⁠⁠+We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork+Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969). Edited by Isaac. Music by Moody. Executive producer- Hep.

  • Two decades ago, a group of Indonesian agricultural workers in the Sumatran uplands began occupying the agribusiness plantation near their homes. In the years since, members of this remarkable movement have reclaimed collective control of their land and cultivated diverse agricultural forests on it, repairing the damage done over nearly a century of abuse.

    Scott talks with environmental anthropologist David Gilbert (@david_e_gilbert) to delve into the history and politics of Indonesia's landback movements. They discuss how grassroots agrarian workers organized to resist corporate and governmental land grabs under the authoritarian regime of Suharto and the New Order. They also get into the Cold War politics of the region, U.S. intervention in Indonesia and current political developments in Indonesia.

    Bio//David Gilbert is an environmental anthropologist with a special interest in social movements, ecological change, and post-development theory. David is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He held previous positions as at the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University. He holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Stanford University. He is the author of "Countering Dispossession, Reclaiming Land: A Social Movement Ethnography."He is active in protest movements across four continents, from Sumatra and Amazonia to Catalonia and California.


    Outro- "Green and Red Blues" by Moody

    Links//+ David's website: https://www.davidegilbert.com/+ UC Press: "Countering Dispossession, Reclaiming Land: A Social Movement Ethnography" (https://bit.ly/3XnZH51)

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    +We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork

    +Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)

    This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969). Edited by Isaac.

  • The Democratic National Convention is underway with lots of action inside and outside the convention hall. Scott talks with activist David Martinez to get a report on what's happening in the streets of Chicago. -----------------------Outro- "Green and Red Blues"Follow Green and Red//
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    This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969). Edited by Scott.

  • Yesterday, at a side event at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, climate activists, including a DNC member from the California delegation, disrupted a swanky exclusive cocktail party sponsored by oil giant Exxon. The event featured Texas Democrat Lizzie Fletcher. Scott talks with the Political Director of Oil Change Collin Rees (@collinrees) about the action, how Exxon is one of the most evil corporations in the world and why Republican leaning companies like Exxon are still doing events at the DNC. Bio//Collin Rees is Political Director at Oil Change, working to stop the expansion of the fossil fuel industry, support grassroots resistance, and wind down fossil fuel production with a just transition. He has campaigned on and led direct actions for climate and racial justice, labor issues, and new economic models for well over a decade, spanning local to international levels.--------------------------------------Intro/Outro- "Green and Red Blues" by MoodyLinks//+ Exxon event disrupted (https://bit.ly/4cFboK1)+Behind the Barrel: New Insights into the Countries and Companies Behind Israel’s Fuel Supply (https://bit.ly/3XfxsXi)Follow Green and Red//+G&R Linktree: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/greenandredpodcast⁠⁠⁠+Our rad website: ⁠⁠⁠https://greenandredpodcast.org/⁠⁠⁠+ Join our Discord community ( / discord )Support the Green and Red Podcast//+Become a Patron at / greenredpodcast +Or make a one time donation here: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/DonateGandR⁠⁠⁠Our Networks//+We're part of the Labor Podcast Network: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.laborradionetwork.org/⁠⁠+We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork+Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969). Edited by Scott.

  • The Democratic National Convention is this week in Chicago. Lots of action inside and outside the convention hall. Bob and Scott discuss the 1968 Democratic National Convention (and 1968 in a bigger context) and discuss the politics of today's convention as the Biden-Harris administration continues to support Israel's genocide in Gaza.--------------------------Outro- "Chicago" by Graham NashLinks//+G&R: Noam Chomsky on the Democrats in 1972 (https://bit.ly/3FLpf3p)+Green and Red review's "The Trial of the Chicago Seven" (https://bit.ly/3YSMEuq)Follow Green and Red//+G&R Linktree: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/greenandredpodcast⁠⁠⁠+Our rad website: ⁠⁠⁠https://greenandredpodcast.org/⁠⁠⁠+ Join our Discord community (https://discord.gg/MBjDvs69)Support the Green and Red Podcast//+Become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/greenredpodcast+Or make a one time donation here: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/DonateGandR⁠⁠⁠Our Networks//+We're part of the Labor Podcast Network: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.laborradionetwork.org/⁠⁠+We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork+Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969). Edited by Scott.

  • Continuing our look into Israel's wider wars in the Middle East, Bob talked with Professor Nate George (@nategeorge00) of the School of Oriental and African Studies about Netanyahu's current aggression against Lebanon.

    We discussed briefly the history of Israeli attacks on Lebanon, the current escalation of the conflict, including targeted killings of Hezbollah officials, Netanyahu's goal of expanding the war into neighboring states, and of course the U.S. role in all this.


    Nathaniel George is Lecturer in Politics of the Middle East at SOAS, University of London. He is a global political historian of the modern Arab world and United States foreign relations.


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    This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969). Edited by Bob.

  • Professor Eskandar Sadeghi (@eskandersadeghi) returns to Green & Red to discuss the latest developments in Israel's aggression toward Iran and its widening regional war.


    We focused on the new government in Iran, but even more on the Israeli assassinations of Iranian officials and the main political officer of Hamas in Tehran. And we then discussed what this means going forward and the ways that Israel is trying to draw the U.S. into a much expanded war.


    Eskander Sadeghi-Boroujerdi is a historian of Western Asia at the University of York. ‹



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    This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969). Edited by Bob.

  • Green and Red has been on summer break while some of the biggest stories of the year happened.

    In our latest episode, in a wide ranging discussion on U.S. politics and current events, Bob and Scott return to discuss the scrappy summer news events. They start with Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 presidential election, the ongoing genocide in Gaza, the global anti-genocide movement, the ascendancy of Kamala Harris, the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, JD Vance, and the 50th anniversary of Richard Nixon’s resignation.

    They also pay tribute to G&R hero Rashida Tlaib.

    Outro- “All Summer Long" by the Beach Boys.

    Follow Green and Red//
    +G&R Linktree: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/greenandredpodcast⁠⁠⁠
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    +We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork
    +Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)

    This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969).

  • The climate crisis has propelled nuclear energy back into fashion. Its proponents argue we already have the technology of the future and that it only needs perfection and deployment.

    The new book by M.V. Ramana, “Nuclear Is Not the Solution,” demonstrates why this sort of thinking is not only naïve but dangerous.

    In our latest episode, we talk about nuclear energy not being the solution to the climate crisis with author and scientist Dr. M.V. Ramana.

    M. V. Ramana is Professor and Simons Chair in Disarmament, Global and Human Security at the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs (SPPGA), University of British Columbia. He is also Graduate Program Director of the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs (MPPGA) program.

    He is the author of "Nuclear is Not the Solution:The Folly of Atomic Power in the Age of Climate Change."
    Outro- "Shut'em Down" by Gil Scott-Heron

    + Nuclear is Not the Solution:The Folly of Atomic Power in the Age of Climate Change

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    +We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork
    +Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)

    This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969).Editing by Isaac

  • In March, dozens of anti-genocide activists took action at the Boeing facility in Heath, OH. Five were arrested and are being prosecuted for their non-violent action.

    Boeing is the second largest weapons manufacturer in the world. They’ve been a top manufacturer of missiles and munitions delivered to Israel in its ongoing genocide against Palestinians. Boeing has also been in the news over its poor oversight of commercial aircraft production.

    In the latest episode, we talk with Jordan and Prince Shakur (@prshakur) with the Dugout podcast about the action and Boeing’s role in the genocide in Gaza.

    +Jordan is a decolonial abolitionist and black anarchist who works with on the legal defense team, co-produces In The Mix: podcast for and by currently and formerly incarcerated abolitionist, and co-host The Dugout: a black anarchist show.
    +Prince Shakur is a queer, Jamaican-American organizer, author, and educator from Ohio, and host of the THE DUGOUT podcast.

    + Boeing is Guilty (https://bit.ly/3SgivBb)
    + The Dugout | A Black Anarchist Podcast (https://apple.co/4fcC1s4)

    Follow Green and Red//
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    Our Networks//
    +We're part of the Labor Podcast Network:
    +We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork
    +Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)

    This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969).

  • In a landmark case in Florida, a federal jury has ordered Chiquita Brands International to pay over $38 million in damages to the families of eight Colombian men who were killed by paramilitaries the banana giant funded.

    This is part of a long bloody history that goes beyond this one incident or Chiquita itself.

    In our latest episode, Scott talks with Colombian trade unionist Guillermo Andres Mosquera Miranda and Dr. Rodrigo Acuña about Chiquita’s loss in court and its bloody history of American corporations hiring death squads in Colombia. Most importantly, they discuss Guillermo’s own experience organizing in Colombia and being targeted by right wing paramilitaries to the point where he and his family have been forced to flee the country.

    Rodrigo Acuña (@rodrigoac7) works as an independent journalist on Latin America and for the NSW Department of Education. He is the former host of Alborada’s Indestructible Podcast. He has been writing on Latin American politics for close to twenty years.

    Guillermo Andres Mosquera Miranda (@guamoargelia) is a Colombian school principal, teacher, small farmer and trade unionist. He and his family who are currently seeking political asylum in Australia. Guillermo and his wife (also a fellow educator) are members of the Colombian Federation of Education Workers (Federación Colombiana de Trabajadores de la Educación.
    Outro- "Green and Red Blues" by Moody

    + Support Guillermo and his family (https://bit.ly/3L3Zxdh)
    + Colombians Welcome Chiquita’s Guilty Verdict, But Thousands More Deserve Justice (https://bit.ly/4boXNG3)

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    Our Networks//
    +We're part of the Labor Podcast Network:
    +We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork
    +Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)

    This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969).

  • Cop City still remains an ongoing struggle. After the 2023 assassination of forest defender Tortuguita by the Georgia police, environmental and social justice organizers began to campaign hard on the issue. The state responded with a harsh backlash that has resulted in a multitude of charges that includes domestic terrorism and at least 61 people being included on a criminal RICO case. In our latest, Scott talks with one of the Stop Cop City defendants, Priscilla Grim (@priscillagrim). They discuss the campaign against Cop City, her time in jail and how state persecution has effected her life. Bio//Priscilla Grim (she/her) is a Nuyorican, mom, comrade, and activist based in Brooklyn, New York. She has written for Scalawag, The Atlanta Community Press Collective, the Indypendent, and an upcoming story for Hammer & Hope. She is included in the forthcoming anthologies "No Cop City, No Cop World," and "World War 3 Now?."-------------------------------------------------------Outro- "Green and Red Blues" by MoodyLinks//+About Priscilla and her case: https://bit.ly/AllThingsGrimSupport Stop Cop City and Defend the Atlanta Forest defendants: https://linktr.ee/weelauneearresteefundraisers+Solidarity Statement (https://weelauneethefree.org/solidarity-statement/)+ALEC Mandate to prioritize “police training” (https://bit.ly/3L1nge6)
    +Atlanta leak of private voter information (https://bit.ly/3ziJeqc)Follow Green and Red//+G&R Linktree: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/greenandredpodcast⁠⁠⁠+Our rad website: ⁠⁠⁠https://greenandredpodcast.org/⁠⁠⁠+ Join our Discord community (https://discord.gg/ev5xKJer)Support the Green and Red Podcast//+Become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/greenredpodcast+Or make a one time donation here: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/DonateGandR⁠⁠⁠Our Networks//+We're part of the Labor Podcast Network: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.laborradionetwork.org/⁠⁠+We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork+Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969).

  • A cherished coastal preserve is under attack by the campus administration that was appointed last year by Governor DeSantis in the right-wing takeover underway at New College of Florida. The new administration wants to tear down this small tree preserve, home to Osprey and other wildlife, supposedly for a sports facility. Local resistance has been building to resist the "development" project at Bayfront Uplands Preserve. In our latest, Scott talks with local organizer Jinx Ashforth about the right wing take over of New College of Florida, and the fight over the Uplands Preserve. Bio//Jinx Ashforth (2001-2005) is the author/artist of New College's first graphic novel thesis, and is currently creating a new one on the effects of the Takeover on our unique community. Jinx also has been involved in the Save New College campaign and the Save Uplands campaign (@SaveUplands). --------------------------------------Outro- "Green and Red Blues" by MoodyLinks//+Save New College: https://savenewcollege.org/+IGD: The Fight for Trees (and Against Fascism) at New College Florida (https://bit.ly/3W879ln)Follow Green and Red//+G&R Linktree: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/greenandredpodcast⁠⁠⁠+Our rad website: ⁠⁠⁠https://greenandredpodcast.org/⁠⁠⁠+ Join our Discord community (https://discord.gg/ev5xKJer)Support the Green and Red Podcast//+Become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/greenredpodcast+Or make a one time donation here: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/DonateGandR⁠⁠⁠Our Networks//+We're part of the Labor Podcast Network: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.laborradionetwork.org/⁠⁠+We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork+Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969).

  • Within the past four decades, we’ve seen the rise of neo-liberalism, or so-called "Free Trade," free trade agreements and various other treaties and agreements that reduce and eliminate barriers and regulation for capital to invest in different nation states. While there has been some resistance, capital and investments march on. Corporations and investors have created tools such as "international investment treaties (IITs)" to continue their profit-making ventures. These treaties result in litigation that can undermine, environmental, human rights and labor protections. This is particularly important as the world is gripped in a climate crisis and regulations on carbon emissions, human rights, and fossil fuel extraction are vital.

    In our latest we talk with the director of Columbia's Center on Sustainable Investment (@CCSI_Columbia) Lisa Sachs about IITs and the legal tools corporations use to settle disputes with national governments when regulation gets in the way.

    Lisa Sachs is the Director of the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment. She is a globally recognized expert in the ways that laws, policies and business practices shape global investment flows and affect sustainable development. She works with governments around the world, regional and international development organizations, financial institutions, companies, civil society organizations and academic centers to understand the inter-relations of investment flows and sustainable development, and to influence investment policies and practices to promote the SDGs and the Paris Agreement.

    Outro- "Green and Red Blues" by Moody

    +Columbia Center for Sustainable Development (https://csd.columbia.edu/)

    Follow Green and Red//
    +G&R Linktree: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/greenandredpodcast⁠⁠⁠
    +Our rad website: ⁠⁠⁠https://greenandredpodcast.org/⁠⁠⁠
    + Join our Discord community (https://discord.gg/ev5xKJer)

    Support the Green and Red Podcast//
    +Become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/greenredpodcast
    +Or make a one time donation here: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/DonateGandR⁠⁠⁠

    Our Networks//
    +We're part of the Labor Podcast Network:
    +We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network:
    +Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)

    This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969).

  • With the recent news about Noam Chomsky's condition and absence from public life, and the outpouring of respect and admiration from so many people who have learned so much from him (along with the typical haters), we got together to discuss what he's mean and what he's contributed to us on the Left. We discussed his contributions in the fields of linguistics and knowledge, and media analysis. Then we discussed his advocacy of free expression . . . he believed that we had to defend all rights to free speech, even if uttered by someone we disagree with. Next we talked about his important work in describing the way liberals really acted, especially w/ regard to their war in Vietnam. We also discussed one of the areas where his work has been most important, and overlapped w/ one of our favorite topics on Green & Red--the dangers to the left of embracing conspiracy theories and the "deep state," especially with regard to the JFK assassination. And finally we covered his ideas of "intellectual self-defense" and the importance of telling everyone the truth against the propaganda of people in power.-----------------------------Outro- Noam Chomsky on the legacy of JFK Links//+Green and Red’s Noam Chomsky playlist (https://bit.ly/3xaJWoX)Follow Green and Red//+G&R Linktree: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/greenandredpodcast⁠⁠⁠+Our rad website: ⁠⁠⁠https://greenandredpodcast.org/⁠⁠⁠+ Join our Discord community (https://discord.gg/w4Cgpe9G)Support the Green and Red Podcast//+Become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/greenredpodcast+Or make a one time donation here: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/DonateGandR⁠⁠⁠Our Networks//+We're part of the Labor Podcast Network: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.laborradionetwork.org/⁠⁠+We're part of the Anti-Capitalist Podcast Network: linktr.ee/anticapitalistpodcastnetwork+Listen to us on WAMF (90.3 FM) in New Orleans (https://wamf.org/)This is a Green and Red Podcast (@PodcastGreenRed) production. Produced by Bob (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969).