In this lesson, I cover the understanding of Ahlus-Sunnah for Eman.
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In this lesson, the focus is on two groups: The Khawaarij and the Mur'jiah.
In this lesson, I touch on the Fitnah of Takfeer and the Khawaarij.
The focus of this lesson is the intercession on the Day of Judgment and the importance of Tawheed.
In this lesson, the following issues are covered:
1. What are the names of the two Angels that ask the questions in the grave?
2. Who will not be allowed to drink from the Haudh of the Prophet?
3. Are the scales on the Day of Judgment actual scales or are they metaphorical?
4. Are the people that are punished in the hellfire going to die?
5. What happens to the believers that are punished in the hellfire when they are taken out of the fire? -
In this lesson, I go over line 21, which deals with the issue of Qadr.
In this lesson, the following issues are covered:
1. Who is considered a Companion?
2. What about a person that left Islam, but he returned before his death?
3. What are some of the virtues of the Sahabah from the Quran and Sunnah? -
In this lesson, I go over the Sahabah that are given glad tidings of Jannah, especially the ten that were mentioned in one specific Hadith.
In this lesson, I go over the issue of the Rightly Guided Khaleefahs and the order they came in, which is:
Abu Bakr Abdullah Ibn Uthman
Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab
Uthman Ibn Affaan
Ali Ibn Abi Taalib -
In this lesson, I go over the Hadith about Allah descending to the lowest Heaven during the last third of every night.
In this lesson, I deal with the issue of whether or not the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) saw Allah the Night of Israa and Mi'raaj. This is due to a video that somebody sent me from an Imam in Jacksonville, Florida teaching this issue. The Imam was making information up from his own mind it seems. May Allah protect us from the people that call to misguidance.
This is a completion of the previous issue of the misguidance of the Jahmiyyah from their saying that the Quran is created. I also begin the issue of whether or not the believers will see Allah on the Day of Judgment.
In this lesson, I go over the 3rd and 4th lines of the poem, which deal with the statement of the Jahmiyyah that the Quran is created.
This is mostly an introduction dealing with the importance of the following Quran and the Sunnah with the correct understanding.
The focus of this lesson is mainly on following the guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah. -
This is mostly an introduction dealing with the importance of the following Quran and the Sunnah with the correct understanding.