If you've ever struggled with the fear of launching, of getting uncomfortable and being loud, this episode is for you! A few weeks ago, Russell & Allison gave me a few personal suggestions in a Private Q&A session that I'd love to share with you. Listen in - Please take note as if this was stated for YOU - and when you getup to launch, tag me & use the hashtag #holdmyfear
For years I've been a #funnelhacker... - I model designs... - I model copy... - I model ads... - And I've become an expert at both FINDING and MODELING what works... But there are a LOT of ethical questions about *funnel hacking* (aka - modeling profitably, proven copy, offers, designs & funnels) This book by Austin Kleon was written for Artists - but it may as well have been written to Funnel Hackers everywhere. Take note. This is a book worth checking out!
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How do you plan your year to ENSURE success? Part 1 - Get the right goals & mindset Part 2 - Create the launch calendar When you plan your profits, it will define your entire content strategy, side-projects and more. Listen to hear about the keys to taking each step!
2.5 years ago, Steve Larsen asked if I wanted to create a project with him... ...after 20k in research ...100's of man hours ...spreadsheets, sifting & optimizing ...300+ pages, audio recordings & more We launched the deal of the century, and I highly recommend checking it out! Offers That Won
We just recently upgraded our audio from (1) Apple Headphones & (2) a Lapel Mic to (3) the Blue Yeticaster! See if you can hear the difference and, more importantly, let us know what content you want to hear more of by leaving a review!
Asking if you should "Post your Podcast on YouTube" is complicated question, and the answer (most of the time) is no. Learning how to podcast on YouTube is a mistake, unless you follow the rules for both platforms. So let's break down my stats, the strategies and how you can manage your Podcast vs YouTube content strategies. Checkout the YouTube Version here: https://youtu.be/yhmDnfS5YlI
Sales Funnel Optimization comes down to Marketing Basics, Funnel Analysis and Conversion Optimization Strategies. With these 5 strategies, plus the basics, you'll be on your way to optimizing your sales and marketing funnels wherever you're at in the process! 👉🏻 👉🏻 👉🏻 Your Sales Funnel Analysis Excel / Google Sheet Template https://hackthatfunnelradio.com/analytics-workbook
Broke Entrepreneur: I've been a broke entrepreneur, just starting my online business, buying every 'how to do it' course I could find without knowing what the basics are (or how to find it). And it's time to stop - because I love you enough to tell you - buying the next course is not going to make you money. This Free, Simple Process Will! This is the basics of market research to make money online: Start 'Constantly Learning' about your Market VS 'Constantly Buying' what everyone's selling. Today, instead of asking, "What training am I missing," let's ask a few different question instead...
Self care for entrepreneurs is never really given the attention ot deserves. I realized why self care is important when, after ignoring it for years, I learned a few self care routines from Michael Johnson and literally unlocked over 60k in 2020. Creating a self care mindset is the key to allowing yourself to feel good as an entrepreneur. My Testimonial of Michael's Self Care Program: The Feel Good Challenge:
The Market Research process differs from Big Businesses to Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs. Here is a quick step-by-step process that can work for both! Listen to see how to use both processes in the best way for your business! VIDEOS & GIFTS MENTIONED - Free 1 Hour Market Research Training: - Free Sales Analysis Training: - Free Sales Analysis Spreadsheet:
2 Comma Club Funnel Examples have been SO much fun to research, especially after a special research project to discover all of ClickFunnels' 2 Comma Club Award Winners. Since researching, we've now begun funnel hacking each funnel example from the 2 comma club award winners, plus the other funnels that support their business. Get the entire step-by-step on each funnel-type below. Want to See Video-Breakdown Examples Of Each Funnel Type? 📥 Lead Gen Funnels Anissa Holmes: Tony Robbins: 📦. Unboxing Funnels Jermaine Griggs: Presidential Coin Funnel: Russell Brunson - One Funnel Away Challenge: Heather Quisel - Challenge Funnel: 🍿. Video Sales Funnels Tom BIlyeu: Gabe Schillinger: Prince EA (no videos): Ryan Holiday (no videos): ⚙️. Webinar Funnels Dan Henry: Kathryn Jones: 📆. High Ticket Funnels Garrett J White: Annie Grace: Heather Quisel - Application: 🎙 Interviews Mentioned Ecommerce - Maxwell Finn: Challenge Funnels - Austin Ford: 👉🏻 👉🏻 👉🏻 Your 2 Comma Club Planner & Analytics Template:
Sales Funnel Analysis (or Conversion Rate Optimization) comes down to knowing your numbers. That's why I created a free Excel / Google Sheet loaded with all of the metrics, funnel types & expectations you should be reaching. This is the best way to know WHERE you should be optimizing for your funnel's conversions. Have my funnel analysis template for free - and see how to use it step-by-step above to optimize your conversion rates! YouTube Video Walk-Through: https://youtu.be/mDCz0cf0vzg Get Access Here: https://hackthatfunnelradio.com/analytics-workbook
When ClickFunnel's 'Active Users' hit a glass ceiling, they launched this challenge which began their ascent to doubling their user base! They were One Funnel Away - and this is how the One Funnel Away Challenge has been sold ever since! Listen as we funnel hacking every funnel they've used to promote it! And stay tuned for the golden nuggets in this episode...
One Funnel Away was helped push ClickFunnels past it's 70k user ceiling. For that reason PLUS the fact that the users that come through the Challenge are more valuable lifetime customers, Russell Brunson is now doubling down on it by upgrading the program! Get a sneak peek inside what's new in the One Funnel Away Challenge 2021, why it's still the best $100 you can spend and how you can get the best bonus deal on One Funnel Away Challenge - instantly!
Funnel Hacking Live 2021 will be one of the best events you'll attend in the marketing world! Russell Brunson just announced ClickFunnels' plans for Funnel Hacking Live 2021. Get all of the details PLUS what you should expect when you attend here!
Sales Funnels are often an overpromised opportunity that doesn't work very well for a majority of people & businesses. And the fault isn't the Promise of the 'Funnel'. The Problem is NOT learning the 3-4 key pieces that make every funnel profitable. But don't worry, we got the shortcut to make this work for you!
We just relaunched the Funnel Party with over 3 hours of training! You can watch the replay for a limited time here: https://funnelparty.com
Thursday, November 19th @ 9pm EST we're revealing the projects we've been working on for the last 3 years! Join us at https://funnelparty.com!
After 9 months of research, planning a successful funnel build is now a science! So how do you build a successful funnel? Here's 5 steps I've discovered...
This episode - it's for the crazies.... I go deep into the full 'Successful Business' Paths taught by Russell Brunson, Frank Kern, Stephen Larsen, Funnelytics, Anik Singal & More to find the ONE PATH everyone uses - the ONE framework everything boils down to. Listen in!
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