In this episode I go over problems I've been having with the fnaf series lately hope you enjoy
In this episode I talk about how I've started to get into South Park and get into why people are torn over thr new episodes that have just come out
In this episode I talk about the cool new chainsaw man collab happening now hope you enjoy the collab has ended today but I wanted to update the text so that it's up to date
In this episode I go over why I left why I'm back and talk about what I have planned in the future I hope you enjoy if you do keep an eye out for what I have planned in the future
I go over the sesoan end of the owl house and the newest episode of anphibia hope you enjoyed I'm so sorry I haven't been able to upload I will try my best to do better
In this episode I talk about my most favorite and least favorite episodes from the more modern spongebob
In this dubble episode I cover Knock knock knockin on hootie's door and eclipse lake in a single episode
I'm can't say much in the description because I don't won't to spoil anything about this episode or my thought but I hope you enjoy
In this episode I talk about the lqbtq mini event that is going on in fortnite and how if they do this right a lot more people could play this game
In this episode we go over all the lore in the newest episode of the owl house
Oh God we have so much we need to unpack come join me as we go over everything in this amazing episode
In this episode we go over all the crazy things that happened to luz and the gang in the latest episode of the owl house
This is a great episode and I hope you guys liked it I also hope you like the podcast I did covering the episode ok bye have a good day
Oh God this episode is so good and if you haven't seen it go watch it then come back to hear my thoughts also have a great day
In this episode I talk about the owl house seprate tides and how much I love this episode also don't forget to check out my YouTube happy to be here or my twich happy-to-be-here56 where I do gameplay videos and live streams
In this episode we talk about how nintendo game Grudge We'll have enough purchases in the game We also speculate what these purchases could be
There is alot to go over in this episode we got a lot from the new tralier
In this episode we talk about what could happen in the next season of the owl house useing what we have learned to help make theories about what might happen next for the owl house crew
In this episode I go insane trying to figure out how Gary in a episode called Gary's got legs was able to move and even function
Ok warning if you watch true colors you will cry also there are massive spoilers ahead so please go watch ture colors then come back also I hope you all have a great weekend
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