
  • Just recently I made a video on 7 things that occur after the Harry Potter story ended, that is, after the books and films concluded. This helped to introduce an element of closure to those who were wondering what may have happened next for Hogwarts, the trio, and the Wizarding World at large.

    And today we’re going to be sticking to that same theme but flipping it on its head, exploring major events and wizarding conflicts that occured PRIOR to the first few iconic pages of the story that we’ve come to know and love. 

    This video marks the beginning of a 4-part series, during which we will explore nearly 30 major Wizarding World events in chronological order.
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  • Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the MOST powerful wandless magic within the wizarding world at large.

    Within the Harry Potter series, it’s hard to imagine the majority of the scenes that focus on magic—WITHOUT wands. There are just SO many important and pivotal scenes that all revolve around these magical devices. From the more innocent scenes of The Philosopher’s Stone when Harry Potter himself steps into Ollivanders wand shop for the first time and Hermione schools Ron and Harry on how to pronounce “Wingardium Leviosa” to the more ominous plotlines that deal with the whole twin core thing or Lord Voldemort’s pursuit of the most powerful wand known to exist—the Elder Wand—these magic-wielding sticks are integral to the very heart of the books and the films. And yet—despite all the great and terrible things that witches and wizards are able to do using wands—there are also quite a few other forms of extremely powerful WANDLESS magic out there.
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  • The legend of the Deathly Hallows is one of the most well-known stories in the wizarding world. Passed down through generations, it tells the tale of three wizard brothers who encounter Death and are each granted a powerful magical artifact: the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Invisibility Cloak. 

    And what all 3 of these powerful items have in common is that they are able to perform extraordinary feats far beyond what is typically seen in the Wizarding World.

    The Resurrection Stone is said to be able to bring the dead back to life. The Elder Wand has the ability to conquer all other wands, and The Invisibility Cloak is able to hide whatever—or whomever—is beneath it, even in circumstances in which typical invisibility charms do not work. 

    Together, these items make up the Deathly Hallows, often represented by a symbol that includes all three.

    These items DO exist, that much can be confirmed, but it’s their backstory where things get a little foggy
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  • What if I told you that Hogwarts still holds untapped secrets from its founders—hidden chambers located DEEP within the castle that haven’t been accessed for centuries?

    Everyone knows about Salazar Slytherin's infamous Chamber of Secrets- there’s a whole book named after it! But have you ever considered that maybe…Just maybe..the Other founders of Hogwarts had a few secrets of their own?

    Today we’ll be discussing all of that and more as we dive in to some of the LOST secrets of Hogwarts castle.
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  • September 1st marks Back to Hogwarts Day- an annual event celebrated by Harry Potter fans which holds significance because it's the day that students in the Harry Potter series return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the new school year. The event often includes fan gatherings, online celebrations, and special activities hosted by various Harry Potter communities and platforms.
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  • Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today discussing wizarding prisons. A few months back I broke down all of the known SCHOOLS in the international wizarding community, and today, similar to that, I’m going to be pivoting to international prisons. Everyone knows Azkaban, but do you know the other 7? 

    Let’s dive in to it.
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  • With Back to Hogwarts Day fast approaching, I started thinking about all of the young witches and wizards that will experience the Wizarding World for the first time. For many of them, it’ll be their first time at platform 9 ¾, first time on the Hogwarts Express, and first time walking through the front doors of Hogwarts school.

    But one key aspect of this integration process that got me thinking pertains to none other than the Sorting Hat. Shortly after entering the Great Hall, each of these new first year students will be required to place the fabled hat upon their head.

    And the Hat, which has the unique and essential task of assigning new students to one of the four houses, will place this new student in to Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.

    For the most part, this process runs pretty smoothly, with students being sorted across the board.

    But what if for some strange reason, things didn’t go quite as smoothly as they usually do? What if the Sorting process led to a completely disproportionate number of students in one house? Or better yet, what if one or more houses had no new students at all?

    Today we’re tackling all of that (and more) as we dive (deeper) in to the Sorting Ceremony.
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  • Welcome to Harry Potter theory. As I’m currently on a work trip visiting the Harry Potter MOTHERLAND (Edinburgh, Scotland) I have put together a compilation for you of some of the DARKEST / CREEPIEST / MOST DISTURBING Harry Potter Theories out there.
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  • Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the many reasons why Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, famed Headmaster of Hogwarts and former Gryffindor student, may have been more well-suited to Slytherin House.

    As fans, soon after Harry Potter received his letter of acceptance and we were first introduced to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, we also learned about the magical institution’s four founding members and how they decided that the student population would always be divided into four houses, which would represent the characteristics and traits most valued by each of those founding members. As the majority of you watching this will already know, the four founding members of Hogwarts School were Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin, with the corresponding houses being named after each of their surnames. And while later instalments of the series eventually focused on students from the houses of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, the beginning of Harry Potter certainly had a lot more emphasis on Gryffindor and Slytherin. What’s more, there was a very obvious dichotomy presented between the two, with all of the protagonist characters—aka the “good guys”—being Gryffindors, and all of the antagonists—or “bad guys”—being Slytherins. From Harry to the compassionate and friendly Weasley family who helped him find Platform 9 and ¾, and the world-famous Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, everyone who was presented as good and heroic in the first few years of Harry’s time at Hogwarts was a current or former Gryffindor student. By contrast, each of the BADDIES that we met during Harry’s first few years were all Slytherins, including the bully Draco Malfoy, the cruel Professor Snape and, of course, the most evil wizard to have ever lived—Lord Voldemort. And who could forget what Hagrid told Harry before he entered his first year at Hogwarts:
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  • Goblins and wizards have never exactly seen eye to eye…Literally and figuratively. The short-statured humanoid creatures have long since been the subject of considerable prejudice within the Wizarding World, with Wizardkind often looking down on them both physically and socially. 

    And it’s this discriminatory attitude that has led to tension and conflict over the centuries, as well as widespread mistrust and misunderstanding.

    Even the most progressive members of the wizarding world felt a general mistrust for the tiny, monstrous humanoid-creatures, and their position within society reflected this negative attitude towards them.

    But this totally undeserved treatment of Goblins wasn’t met with silence. You see, over the years the Goblins have gotten together on a few occasions and rebelled- hoping for just one basic and reasonable outcome: to be treated with equal respect.

    However, these attempts at being recognized by wizardkind fell on deaf ears, with wizardkind’s prejudice toward the creatures prevailing on nearly every occasion.

    For many years Goblins accepted their fate. They were allowed Gringotts, and they were given a number of rights in the Wizarding World. But they still weren’t considered EQUALS, and the fact that their rebellions would fail time after time meant that EVENTUALLY a different approach would have to be taken. In fact, things just seemed to get worse for Goblins with each subsequent rebellion.

    The rebellions were violent, but ultimately their goal was always equality.

    But after enough time had passed, enough was enough, and ushered in was a new era of Goblins that had shifted their mindset. They no longer wanted to just be ‘equal’- they wanted to be BETTER. They wanted to supplant Wizardkind as the dominant race of the magical world.

    And spearheading that moment was the most DANGEROUS goblin to shape wizarding history and the subject of today’s episode.
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  • Have you ever wondered why the witches and wizards of new are so..WEAK? The Hogwarts founders from the 10th century were supposed to have been 4 of the most skilled witches and wizards that the magical world had ever seen, with proof of this being the impressive magical institution they left behind.

    Then of course there’s Merlin - another 10th century wizard that is supposed to have been the most powerful wizard of all time and was aptly named ‘The Prince of Enchanters’.

    And a few centuries after that came the Peverell brothers, a trio of brothers who in Dumbledore’s own words were ‘gifted, dangerous wizards who succeeded in creating those powerful objects’ - those ‘objects’ of course being the fabled Deathly Hallows.

    And in the 14th century along came Nicolas Flamel who made Wizarding History by creating perhaps the most powerful magical object of all time- the Philosopher’s Stone.

    When people talk about witches and wizards of the past, it’s as though they were so powerful that they are entirely ‘uncomparable’ to most modern day witches and wizards. 

    In the modern era we’ve got powerful wizards like Voldemort and Dumbledore..But they sort of seem like exceptions to the rule. It doesn’t seem like they’re TRUE outliers, but instead that they more or less represent the level of power that wizards SHOULD have..or Perhaps..ONCE had.

    So my question is..What happened?

    Why are witches and wizards so much weaker than they were in centuries prior? Is it all the butterbeer? 

    Today we’re going to be exploring all of that (and more) as we peel back the layers of wizarding history and uncover where all of that RAW power went.
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  • In the Goblet of Fire we are introduced to schools outside of Hogwarts for the first time. And while Hogwarts remains a top choice for many aspiring witches and wizards, the truth is that there exists a VAST world of magical education beyond the familiar walls of Hogwarts. There may not be as many options as say..Muggle schools..That much is obvious, but according to JK Rowling there are actually 11 major wizarding schools worldwide.

    “The number of countries that have their own magical school is minuscule compared to those that do not. This is because the wizarding populations of most countries choose the option of home-schooling. Occasionally, too, the magical community in a given country is tiny or far-flung and correspondence courses have been found a more cost-effective means of educating the young.

    “There are eleven long-established and prestigious wizarding schools worldwide, all of which are registered with the International Confederation of Wizards. Anyone wishing to know whether there is an approved magical school in their region should address an owl enquiry to the International Confederation of Wizards, Educational Office.”

    During the primary Harry Potter books we learn about a couple of these schools like Durmtrang and Beauxbatons. And in the Fantastic Beasts series we learn a fair bit about a wizarding school in AMERICA named Ilvermorny.

    But.. What about the other 7? 

    As of writing this, only EIGHT of the 11 major wizarding schools mentioned by Rowling have been confirmed, which leaves the door wide open for speculation. She first introduced the figure of ‘11’ schools back in 2016, but for reasons unknown has yet to name the 3 ‘mystery’ schools. 

    So, where ARE these 3 unidentified schools? What language do they speak? And what sort of magic do they specialize in?

    Today we’re going to be discussing all of that AND MORE as we discuss the 11 major wizarding schools.
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  • The consequences of tampering with the soul are not limited to the dark magic of Horcruxes. The wizarding world is fraught with other sinister forces that prey upon the soul, leading to outcomes just as terrifying. Among these, Dementors stand out as one of the most feared creatures, embodying the very essence of despair and hopelessness.

    Unlike Horcruxes, which represent the deliberate, self-inflicted damage to one's own soul, Dementors attack the soul from the outside, draining you of the very life force that makes you who you are.

    And this got me thinking- what happens to your soul AFTERWARDS? Do you BECOME a part of that Dementor? Or are you banished to a shadowy abyss with other victims of Dementors?

    Today we’re going to be discussing that, and more, as we tackle the topic of SOULS (and what happens to them).
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  • Over the years I’ve discussed hundreds (if not THOUSANDS of theories) about the Wizarding World at large. I try to challenge aspects of the story (within reason) and build arguments to convince YOU that these theories hold merit.

    HOWEVER, there is also a time and a place for SHOCK value, and I think it’s safe to say that the theories contained in today’s video are some of the most shocking to date. That’s not to say that they don’t make sense- many of them are still plausible- but their disturbing / creepy nature is a common theme.

    Join me today as we unpack 5 of the Wizarding World’s most DISTURBING theories- exploring the unsettling ideas that add a whole new dimension to the magical world we all know and love.
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  • To say that the Harry Potter books and films ended a long time ago would be a severe understatement. As of writing this, it’s been a whopping 27 years since the Philosopher’s Stone was first published, and 13 years since the last Harry Potter film hit the silver screen.

    And while I feel that both mediums sufficiently developed the characters/story, reading the last few pages of the final book left me longing for more. We got so much! Yet…It still feels like we didn’t get enough.

    Which is why I’ve scanned through extended publications, interviews and more in search of answers. Today we’re going to be exploring 7 things that were revealed about our favourite Harry Potter characters…After the books and films ended.
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  • When we think of WEALTHY individuals from the Harry Potter story there are a few people and/or wizarding families that come to mind. 

    First and foremost: The Malfoys- a wealthy, pureblood wizarding family known for their influence in the wizarding world and their affiliation with dark magic. The Malfoys built their immense wealth in 1066 when their distant ancestor, Armand Malfoy, arrived in England with William the Conqueror.

    Next up, we’ve got the Lestranges—another wealthy pureblood family whose immense generational wealth only doubled upon intermarriage with another pureblood family, the Blacks. 

    “The old goblin obeyed, pressing his palm to the wood, and the door of the vault melted away to reveal a cave-like opening crammed from floor to ceiling with golden coins and goblets, silver armour, skins of strange creatures, and a skull still wearing it's crown.”

    And finally we’ve got the Potters. Harry Potter’s wealth in the Harry Potter story is certainly no secret- and we’re exposed to it as early as the Philosopher’s Stone- when we’re first introduced to vault 687 at Gringotts. Harry has piles and piles of gold- and his immense wealth is mentioned time and time again throughout the Harry Potter story.

    As it turns out, the Potter family fortune started with the founding Patriarch of the family, Linfred of Stinchcombe, a revolutionary potioner that began to amass riches in the Potter name. Following him in the family business was Fleamont Potter, Harry’s grandfather, who had all sorts of success of his own.

    And it seems like these few wizarding families, who touted generational wealth that had been amassed by their ancestors before them, are the only examples of ‘rich’ wizarding families in the Harry Potter story. 

    But what if I told you that there was a man out there FAR wealthier than all of these families COMBINED…AND that he lived in a run-down old shack on the Hogwarts grounds.

    Enter: Rubeus Hagrid.
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  • What if there was an ancient DARK wizard that POSED as one of the good guys for over 6 centuries? And what if I told you that he had EVERYONE fooled, INCLUDING Dumbledore and Voldemort?

    How could a seemingly benevolent wizard pull this off? What DARK deeds was he involved with? And how did he conceal his true nature from the Wizarding World for so many hundreds of years?

    Today we’re going to be discussing all of that, and more, as we dive in to the TRUE nature of famed alchemist Nicolas Flamel.
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  • Of the various Dark Wizards that have stained Wizarding History, very few have been able to perform the most sadistic of magical rituals: Horcrux creation. In fact, of the long list of dark wizards that have plagued the Wizarding World at large, only 2 or 3 names are known to have successfully created Horcruxes. The most infamous (and obvious) name that comes to mind is Lord Voldemort, who created more Horcruxes than anyone else in Wizarding history. 

    The next name that comes to mind is Owle Bullock, a wizard who I just recently made a video on. In that video, I theorized that Owle, who authored ‘Secrets of the Darkest Art’- a book containing any and all information ABOUT Horcruxes, was actually the ORIGINAL Horcrux creator.

    And the final (and confirmed) Horcrux creator was a wizard by the name of Herpo the Foul- a powerful ancient Wizard that hailed from Greece.

    But one thing I’ve never really gotten in to is WHAT HAPPENED to the Horcruxes of these other Horcrux creators. Voldemort’s Horcruxes were destroyed, we know that much.

    But what about Herpo?

    If a Horcrux makes you immortal and anchors you to the world of the living, then it could mean that somewhere out there Herpo the Foul…Still exists.

    You guys have been asking for it so here it is. Today we’re going to be diving in to WHAT Herpo the Foul’s Horcrux is, WHERE it is, and whether or not Herpo, one of the most powerful practitioners of dark magic to ever live, is still out there.

    Let’s dive in.
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