Harry Price tells us about the grounds of Borley Rectory — and outlines the two routes that the spectral nun is routinely supposed to take.
We also hear about the garden's two summer houses (one a favourite observation post of the two Reverends Bull), the pet graveyard, and the plague pit.
In this chapter, Harry Price charts the history of Borley Rectory — and explains all about its key 'appurtenances'.
We also hear — for the first time — about the 'inquisitive spectral nun' and how the Reverend Henry Bull apparently bricked-up one of the dining room windows to stop her looking in at him whilst he ate chops.
Puuttuva jakso?
Harry Price delineates the contents of his ‘ghost-hunter’s kit’.
Then describes his first visit to Borley Rectory — and relates some of the Reverend G E Smith’s strange experiences since moving to the building.
Harry Price relates Daily Mirror journalist V C Wall’s write-up of his primary investigation of Borley Rectory.
Price also contacts the incumbent vicar at the rectory, G E Smith, and is invited to visit.
In which, psychic researcher Harry Price explains how he first heard of Borley Rectory — arguably, his most famous case.