
  • A thousand years ago, this land was green and good, until the Crystal cracked! This week we're doing the great puppetry masterwork, Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal. Does it hold up to the ravages of time? Listen and find out!

    This was a really fun episode to record for all of us. Listen in for a deep dive into the background of this film, and stick around for a breakdown of gaming themes and ideas on how you can find inspiration for your home games!

    Starting with our next episode, we're going to be trying a new tweak to our format and release schedule. If you've been listening to us since the beginning, then you might have an idea what we're going to try doing. We hope it works out and keeps the coming content fresh and awesome, so stick around and find out alongside us!

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:51 - Movie Talk00:42:44 - Sponsor Break00:43:23 - Gaming Talk01:39:46 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>The Dark Crystal (1982) on IMDBCrystal Method VegasIllustrated Dark Crystal BookJane Roberts and "Seth Speaks"Fizzgig animated gifMechanical DreamTalislantaStone of Souls<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColeChaotic Fucking Evil: The Chancellor

    Social Links: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Check out our main website for more information and action, or instead visit our low-bandwidth alternative site!

    Hmmmmmmmmmm! Hmmmmm?

    Want to throw us some change to help pay the bills? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar, or instead check out our Patreon campaign!

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/5a432e03-dec0-4ad0-9bd2-88c828be873f

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • Welcome to another listener-voted episode, this time bringing you the winner of our "monster animals" bracket: Snakes on a Plane! (insert that inevitable quote here).

    This episode, like the movie, is shorter, but still really fun. Despite being an internet meme over-hyped sensation, Snakes lands solidly on the "enjoyable" side of the scale, and we hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed recording. After our thoughts on the movie in the first half, stick around for a breakdown of RPG themes in the second half!

    Releasing shortly after this episode, we recorded another special bonus "alternate first half" for this one, doing our take on the movie Sharknado. We'll be putting that out as patron-exclusive content on our Patreon Page, so if you want to hear that head on over and check it out. And thanks!

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:43:55 - Movie Talk00:36:29 - Sponsor Break00:37:24 - Gaming Talk01:00:14 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>Snakes on a Plane (2006) on IMDBStay Alive 2006DreadMonster of the WeekCannibal ContagionGeiger CounterHorror Rules<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColeThe part of Samuel L. Jackson is being played by: Samuel L. Jackson

    Social Links: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Check out our main website for more information and action, or instead visit our low-bandwidth alternative site!

    Spring Break Hutt Butt Sluts, only four easy payments of $19.95!

    Want to throw us some change to help pay the bills? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar, or instead check out our Patreon campaign!

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/d05fcb0a-ca82-49a3-85c7-fba22b148d4b

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • You hear that? Do you hear that? Podcast, son. Nothing else in the world sounds like that. I love the sounds of geekdom in my podcatcher. You know, one time we recorded an episode, for 2 hours. When it was all over, I released it, and that's what you're about to hear: APOCALYPSE NOW!

    We once again welcome you back to our show, with our forty-third episode. Matthew got a bit tired of the "fluff" movies we've been doing, and demanded something gritty, and boy does this movie deliver that. Prepare for a ride into the background of this trauma-heavy film, and stick with us as we ride further down the river on a journey into how you can find gaming inspiration here. Bring some water and bug repellent.

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:40 - Movie Talk00:41:13 - Sponsor Break00:41:53 - Gaming Talk01:19:36 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>Apocalypse Now (1979) on IMDBMartin Sheen as The Illusive Man (many spoilers!)Palladium RECON RPG<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael Cole1979 Award for Incoherent Ranting Goes to: Marlon Brando

    Social Links: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Check out our main website for more information and action, or instead visit our low-bandwidth alternative site!

    I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. That's my nightmare: crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor and surviving.

    Want to throw us some change to help pay the bills? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar, or instead check out our Patreon campaign!

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/d7eff21d-75c4-4e86-919f-778717bc76aa

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • Selected by our awesome listeners, this time we're doing your favorite of the Pixar greats: The Incredibles!

    This was a really fun episode to record, and we have some really interesting tangent talks buried within. We hope you enjoy the discussion as much as we did. And please join us on Discord, share your thoughts, and let us know your ideas on some of the questions we pose.

    And also, big thanks to That One Guy for giving us an amazing new iTunes review!

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:44 - Movie Talk00:30:40 - Sponsor Break00:31:35 - Gaming Talk01:07:27 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>The Incredibles (2004) on IMDBUnified Pixar TheoryWorlds in PerilHeroes Unlimited<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColeThe Fast Angel: Dashiel

    Social Links: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Check out our main website for more information and action, or instead visit our low-bandwidth alternative site!

    Kids are made of rubber and anger.

    Want to throw us some change to help pay the bills? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar, or instead check out our Patreon campaign!

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/46a20896-cd56-41f5-8829-d4618c1fdf50

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • Back from our vacation with the winner of our recent Tarantino Poll: nazi-scalping with the Inglourious Basterds!

    This was our first episode born from our new multi-vote system for our fans and patrons, and we're super happy with the way that poll turned out. As it happens, people like having multiple votes for quality films, who knew? Anyway we'll definitely be doing more of that from now on!

    This is also our first episode recorded in the new studio. Hopefully all the new sound tweaks turned out fine, but please let us know if you encounter any odd audio issues, thanks!

    As often happens in these discussions, we're not all aligned on our opinions of the movie, but often that also makes things great. Due to the odd dual-nature story of this somewhat disjointed film, we look at a variety of highly-contracting options in the game talk, giving you a number of very different approaches to play.

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:44 - Movie Talk00:38:22 - Sponsor Break00:39:14 - Gaming Talk01:15:27 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>Inglourious Basterds (2009) on IMDBPotPlayer Media AppSavage Worlds Weird War IID20 ModernDelta GreenApocalypse World<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColeAward for Best Piercing Stare: The Little Man

    Social Links: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Check out our main website for more information and action, or instead visit our low-bandwidth alternative site!

    And I want my scalps!

    Want to throw us some change to help pay the bills? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar, or instead check out our Patreon campaign!

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/26ad9602-6252-4f7f-8102-02a3fd6aa8ef

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • Johnny Five alive! This week we're talking about 1986 robot comedy Short Circuit. Does it live up to our nostalgia? Listen and find out!

    Also, this episode's gaming section may surprise you. It didn't go where we expected it to, and the results are horrendously glorious.

    And be sure to stick around AFTER the outro music for a special shout out to all our patrons!

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:44 - Movie Talk00:33:21 - Sponsor Break00:34:12 - Gaming Talk01:07:48 - Outro01:08:52 - BONUS!<h5>Links:</h5>Short Circuit (1986) on IMDBDungeon Crawl Classics (DCC)Robotic Age - discussed on our Transformers the Movie episode<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColeWho's Johnny?: Tim Blaney

    Social Links: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Check out our main website for more information and action, or instead visit our low-bandwidth alternative site!


    Want to throw us some change to help pay the bills? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar, or instead check out our Patreon campaign!

    Find out more at https://have-movies-will-game-podcast.pinecast.co

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/c9705fd2-5f48-4289-a2ca-7de7a463d7d6

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • Join us for a deep dive into mid-90s spy thriller True Lies, and stick around for tips on how it can inspire your RPGs!

    We're super excited this episode, as we just received an epic care package from Palladium Books! Ever-determined to convert Dusty to the "true fan" status shared by Matthew and Nathanael, Rex sent us an awesome collection of books and art, which we unboxed right before recording this session. Keep your eyes on our YouTube channel for that video once it's ready for uploading. Thanks, Rex! And thanks again, Palladium, for the great memories.

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:44 - Movie Talk00:44:42 - Sponsor Break00:45:22 - Gaming Talk01:23:15 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>True Lies (1994) on IMDBGoldeneye 007 on Nintendo 64Por Una Cabeza, by Carlos GardelArnold, Wilt, and AndreFeng Shui 2 RPGNinjas and Superspies RPG<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColeHis Vette Gets 'em Wet: Bill Paxton

    Social Links: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Check out our main website for more information and action, or instead visit our low-bandwidth alternative site!

    This podcast does not have an ass like a... well, you know

    Want to throw us some change to help pay the bills? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar, or instead check out our Patreon campaign!

    Find out more at https://have-movies-will-game-podcast.pinecast.co

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/3c1709de-b457-455b-a344-ac1c09c5e810

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • You listen to this podcast. Listen, do you hear? You're geeky, you like movies, and you game. You keep listening, no matter how hard you laugh! We will Game you. No matter how many games, no matter how complicated, we will Game you!

    We're back with a new episode, scratching off another movie from our original starting list of "Movies We Made This Podcast to Talk About."

    Last of the Mohicans is a favorite film for several of us, and it felt really amazing to jam this one out for you. We also welcome Poppy Beaujolais from our sister podcast "Bikers, Dice, and Bars" to the mics, to round out the crew for the night.

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:44 - Movie Talk00:39:29 - Sponsor Break00:40:09 - Gaming Talk01:11:51 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>Last of the Mohicans (1992) on IMDBThe Gael, by Dougie MacLeanPolaris RPG by Ben LehmanAces and Eights RPGColonial Gothic RPGCortex Plus RPG System<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeGuests: Poppy BeaujolaisIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColeNot Actually In This Film: The Nooge

    Social Links: Facebook / Google Plus / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Check out our main website for more information and action, or instead visit our low-bandwidth alternative site!

    Everyone you've ever loved has died, now let's start play.

    Want to throw us some change to help pay the bills? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar, or instead check out our Patreon campaign!

    Find out more at https://have-movies-will-game-podcast.pinecast.co

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/e41a9272-7a03-4575-abf0-6b0a2b2a8148

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • Catching up on some of the more highly-requested movies from our backlog, we're finally doing everyone's loudmouthed anti-hero, Deadpool!

    Matthew had to miss the session due to change-ups at the workplace, so we've brought longtime listener Jerome as a guest to round out the cast. This episode can also probably be known forward as "The Fate Episode" because we finally, after 37-odd episodes, bring in a guest who can tell us all about the intricacies of the Fate RPG. Thanks for joining us, Jerome, and for educating us (and our listeners) on how Fate works!

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:44 - Movie Talk00:34:06 - Sponsor Break00:34:46 - Gaming Talk01:16:06 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>Deadpool (2016) on IMDBTwo Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place (1998) on IMDBFudge RPGFate Core RPGFace Accelerated Edition<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeGuests: Jerome ComeauIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColeCock Juggling Thunder Cunt: Danica Talos

    Social Links: Facebook / Google Plus / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Check out our main website for more information and action, or instead visit our low-bandwidth alternative site!

    This movie brought to you by extreme Vanity!

    Want to throw us some change to help pay the bills? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar, or instead check out our Patreon campaign!

    Find out more at https://have-movies-will-game-podcast.pinecast.co

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/3c2c29b2-f7d1-4a68-8016-e6c8091b6946

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • Take us out to the black, dear Serenity, and flash that shiny golden booty at our first foray off the silver screen and onto the tube, with the late great space western Firefly!

    This time around we're trying something new as a temporary departure from our usual focus, and doing our first-ever jam on a TV show. Firefly is a show that all three of us have a strong fondness for, and we've been talking about taking a look at it for some time now. This experiment gives us a bit more freedom to break from the norm, and we hope you enjoy the results!

    Oh, and we also recorded some extra special bonus content this session, just for our Patrons. Head on over to our Patreon page and sign up to hear the extended talk on more episodes of this fantastic show!

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:44 - Movie Talk00:40:23 - Sponsor Break00:41:04 - Gaming Talk01:14:04 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>Firefly (2002-2003) on IMDBSerenity (2005) on IMDBThe Gael (aka "Promontory" from the Last of the Mohicans OST)Outlaw Star vs Firefly ComparisonSpace 1889Scum & VillainyParsecStar Wars D6Star Wars Edge of the EmpireGenesys RPGAlternityStars Without NumberSerenity RPGFirefly RPG<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColeRuiner of All Good Things: Fox Network

    Social Links: Facebook / Google Plus / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Check out our main website for more information and action, or instead visit our low-bandwidth alternative site!

    You can't take the sky from me!

    Want to throw us some change to help pay the bills? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar, or instead check out our Patreon campaign!

    Find out more at https://have-movies-will-game-podcast.pinecast.co

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/cf91ab98-aadb-4057-b1e5-57910c49c7aa

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • I AM THE TERROR THAT FLAPS -- wait that's a different story. This time we're doing the Batman movie most voted on by our listeners: Mask of the Phantasm!

    Thanks for participating in our voting rounds, everyone! When last we put out a poll, it was to see which of the proposed Batman films y'all most wanted to hear us jam on. Winning with a landslide was Mask of the Phantasm, the only animated option on the list. This was quite surprising for us, and led to a very active discussion! Tune in to hear our collected thoughts on the movie, and stick around for some tabletop gaming advice based on its contents.

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:43:91 - Movie Talk00:43:58 - Sponsor Break00:44:39 - Gaming Talk01:31:17 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993) on IMDBBatman and the Gray GhostHard Gay - Know Your MemeBeadle & Grimm's: Matthew Lillard's Pro D&D StuffOfficial Batman RPGMutants & Masterminds RPGNecessary Evil RPGMutant City Blues RPGPalladium's Heroes Unlimited RPGPalladium's Villains Unlimited RPG<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColeSuper... Villain?: Elon Musk Rocketteer

    Social Links: Facebook / Google Plus / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Check out our main website for more information and action, or instead visit our low-bandwidth alternative site!

    Don't be the Terror that Faps in the Night

    Want to throw us some change to help pay the bills? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar, or instead check out our Patreon campaign!

    Find out more at https://have-movies-will-game-podcast.pinecast.co

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/421435d1-99d2-426a-83a1-30af778d5371

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • Copious amounts of human and alien death await in the 1997 cult classic, Starship Troopers!

    And let's face it: you're here for peewee nukes and wholesale Bug Murder, right? Right! So stick around after the movie talk, and join us as we break out some of the major gaming themes, and talk about what games and approaches we think would make for inspired tabletop RPG play.

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:44 - Movie Talk00:38:44 - Sponsor Break00:39:25 - Gaming Talk01:24:38 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>Starship Troopers (1997) on IMDBArmor by John SteakleyHAMMERCRAWL!Stars Without Number: Starvation CheapStay FrostyStar Crawl3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColePre-NPH NPH: Doogie Himmler

    Social Links: Facebook / Google Plus / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Check out our main website for more information and action, or instead visit our low-bandwidth alternative site!

    Have Movies, Will FIST - Want to know more?

    Want to throw us some change to help pay the bills? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar!

    Find out more at https://have-movies-will-game-podcast.pinecast.co

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/85cfc5d3-5c0f-4c5d-8c04-00d2ebae66aa

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • Yippie ki-yay, monkey fighters! We're back to talk about Dusty's favorite so-called "Christmas movie" DIE HARD.

    Every year around this time, everyone on the internet gets into arguments about what their favorite Christmas Movie is. Within the first minute of said conversations, someone is going to mention Die Hard, and then the conversation usually explodes (unless everyone just nods along knowingly, as they should be rarely do). Dusty chose the movie this time around, sticking to his guns (ho ho ho!) and calling it solidly. And well frickin' done too, as we had a blast talking about this great "Everyman vs The Terrersts!" flick.

    Simultaneous to the launch of this episode we've finally decided to put up our brand new Patreon campaign, too. We've been toying with this idea for a few months now, but didn't want to launch until we felt that we had a good chunk of solid content upon which to build our name. For those of you who have been eager to get your hands on the piles of behind the scenes and other bonus content we've been stockpiling, here's your chance! Head on over to that link to see what all we're offering, and check out the things already in that exclusive feed.

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:44 - Movie Talk00:43:35 - Sponsor Break00:44:15 - Gaming Talk01:23:00 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>Die Hard (1988) on IMDBBlowing Up the Movies Feng Shui StyleFeng Shui 2<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColeCarl of Duty: Reginald VelJohnson

    Social Links: Facebook / Google Plus / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Check out our main website for more information and action, or instead visit our low-bandwidth alternative site!

    Yippie Ki-Yay, Motherfucker!

    Want to throw us some change to help pay the bills? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar, or instead check out our Patreon campaign!

    Find out more at https://have-movies-will-game-podcast.pinecast.co

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/22d6d48a-699e-4eac-b2dd-5392753a1c70

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • What is good in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and listen to this podcast with their women after they're gone. By Crom, it's our Conan episode!

    We're FINALLY doing Conan the Barbarian, one of the greatest adventure movies of all time. Unfortunately, Matthew could not make it to the recording session, so in his place we brought our friends Poppy and Alex to join us and gab over how much we love this goddamn movie. This one's another long episode, as we had a lot to say on it!

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:52 - Movie Talk00:55:15 - Sponsor Break00:56:14 - Gaming Talk<h5>Links:</h5>Conan the Barbarian (1982) on IMDBConan the Adventurer (Cartoon)Thundarr the Barbarian (Cartoon)Pirates of Dark Water (Cartoon)HAMMERCRAWL! (Game and Podcast)HYPERBOREA: Players' Manual, Referee's Screen KickstarterBarbarians of Lemuria RPG<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeGuests: Poppy Beaujolais, Alex PerezIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColeLlama Fucker: Nameless Extra

    Social Links: Facebook / Google Plus / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Check out our main website for more information and action, or instead visit our low-bandwidth alternative site!

    Menage-a-llama, it's the current craze, all the cool Crom kids are doing it

    Want to throw us some change to help pay the bills? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar!

    Find out more at https://have-movies-will-game-podcast.pinecast.co

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/be7768ed-b800-4d0b-a574-325c7307df49

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • East bound and down, loaded up and truckin', We're gonna do what they say can't be done. We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there. I'm east bound, just watch ol' "Bandit" run.

    This time we're hauling ass back to 1977 to take a high-speed interstate drive through Smokey and the Bandit. Burt Reynolds left us this year and crossed that great Moustache Bridge in the sky, so we wanted to do a little tribute to him through this podcast. Our main focus game of the evening is the apocalypse-powered Spirit of 77 which almost perfectly captures the feel of this classic film.

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:51 - Movie Talk00:32:51 - Sponsor Break00:33:52 - Gaming Talk01:13:39 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>Smokey and the Bandit (1977) on IMDBArcher Season 5 Episode 5: Southbound and DownCar WarsSpirit of 77<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColeBest CB slang of 1977: Choke and Puke

    Social Links: Facebook / Google Plus / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Pardon me while I ten one hundred over here...

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  • This week we're jamming on one of the greatest western epics of all time: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly!

    We're back with another long one, as we had a lot to say about this one. If not the greatest western of all time, it's certainly in the top three, and I'll guarantee you that the other two films in that list would also be Sergio Leone creations. There are a lot of good behind the scenes bits we jam for this one, followed by a wonderful passionate discussion about game options.

    Also, we apologize for some minor technical annoyances. NPC experimented with an altered mic placement to test out some possible future tweaks to the recording process, but the end result was not as good as expected. Hopefully they were smoothed out enough during editing that you won't notice them!

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:55 - Movie Talk00:46:01 - Sponsor Break00:47:00 - Gaming Talk01:28:13 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1967) on IMDBDeadlandsAces and EightsRifts New WestOwl Hoot Trail<h5>Credits:</h5>Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael ColeIntro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel”Announcer: Isaac SherProduced and Edited By: Nathanael ColeThe Protagonist: Tucco

    Social Links: Facebook / Google Plus / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk.

    Support Have Movies, Will Game Podcast by contributing to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/have-movies-will-game-podcast

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  • EPISODE 29: THE COSTNERING. Listen to us suffer along with Matthew as we bash on his "favorite" actor!

    Seriously, how did I not remember how truly awful this movie actually was? And why were the 90s so obsessed with Kevin Costner? ye gods, folks. This one's a fun horseride through a forest of irreverent merriment, so hop on and enjoy!

    <h5>Highlights (We support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:50 - Movie Talk00:36:17 - Sponsor Break00:37:17 - Gaming Talk01:18:52 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>Robin Hood Prince of Thieves (1991) on IMDBBrian Blessed being awesomeSavage WorldsHackmasterSherwood, the Legend of Robin HoodOsprey Robin HoodGURPS Classic Robin HoodHood<h5>Credits:</h5>

    Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael Cole Guests: Marcus Looman Intro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel” Announcer: Isaac Sher Produced and Edited By: Nathanael Cole Game That I Will Never Ever Link Here: FATAL

    Social Links: Facebook / Google Plus / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    Google that shit yourself, don't say I didn't warn you...

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  • Alright alright alright alright alright! Best thing about Dazed and Confused is, I get older, and it keeps driving home that nostalgic charm every time. It'd be a lot cooler if you gave this episode a listen, alright? But you can't keep the bowling ball, sorry.

    <h5>Highlights (we support podcast chapters!):</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:51 - Movie Talk00:47:56 - Sponsor Break00:48:57 - Gaming Talk01:23:01 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>Dazed and Confused (1993) on IMDBBackstory CardsMonsterhearts RPGSchool Daze RPG<h5>Credits:</h5>

    Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael Cole Intro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel” Announcer: Isaac Sher Produced and Edited By: Nathanael Cole That Creepy Guy We All Knew Way Back in the Day: Wooderson

    Social Links: Facebook / Google Plus / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    "Lawful Dude" and "Awkward Cool" were the best we could come up with.

    Support Have Movies, Will Game Podcast by contributing to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/have-movies-will-game-podcast

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/5138c41c-d3e5-4a0c-8a83-f59bd5d34cf0

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  • You voted for it and now we deliver our take on how to game the fun 1999 pulp adventure flick, The Mummy! Starring Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, and John Hannah.

    <h5>Highlights:</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:51 - Movie Talk00:44:01 - Sponsor Break00:45:01 - Gaming Talk01:09:39 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>The Mummy (1999) on IMDBSave Brendan MovementSpirit of the CenturyHollow Earth ExpeditionAdventure!Indiana Jones RPGSavage Worlds<h5>Credits:</h5>

    Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael Cole Intro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel” Announcer: Isaac Sher Produced and Edited By: Nathanael Cole Number of Hamunaptras: 17

    Social Links: Facebook / Google Plus / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.

    "Shoot it til' it Works" (Wild Card, Veteran, American, Agility d8+, Shooting d8+): With this Edge, a hero can spend a Benny to use an equipped handgun or rifle in place of any other required tool for an immediate skill check. Using this Edge requires suitable ammo.

    Support Have Movies, Will Game Podcast by contributing to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/have-movies-will-game-podcast

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/847fd965-72dd-4dc7-bdf6-5f63333caf60

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  • We're all gonna die man, we're all gonna die! Game over... but really we're only just beginning! This time we're talking about the great 1986 sci-fi action horror extravaganza of quotes, Aliens!

    Hoo boy was this a fun episode to record. We had to somehow condense several hours of exciting banter into this episode, and even still it's on the long side of things. So strap ion, grab your handy alien-splatting pulse rifle, and enjoy the action-packed spaceship ride. This episode probably bring the largest stack of gaming suggestions to our table yet!

    <h5>Highlights:</h5>00:00:01 - Intro00:00:50 - Movie Talk00:52:13 - Sponsor Break00:53:12 - Gaming Talk01:37:57 - Outro<h5>Links:</h5>Aliens (1986) on IMDBJames Cameron's Story of Science FictionOriginal Alien 3 Teaser Trailer3:16 Carnage Among the StarsSavage Worlds Sci Fi CompanionGURPS SpaceAlternity StarCraft SettingShadows Over SolStars Without NumberCold and Dark<h5>Credits:</h5>

    Hosts: Matthew Gray, Dusty Eppers, Nathanael Cole Intro Music: Syd Valentine’s Patent Leather Kids – “Rock And Gravel” Announcer: Isaac Sher Produced and Edited By: Nathanael Cole Never Gonna See the Light of Day: Our Lost Episode

    Social Links: Facebook / Google Plus / Twitter / Instagram / Discord

    Have Movies, Will Game is distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Movie poster image acquired from The Movie Database.


    Support Have Movies, Will Game Podcast by contributing to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/have-movies-will-game-podcast

    Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/have-movies-will-game-podcast/6995d551-062c-440f-85d3-d90f9daf034d

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