
  • Today’s episode, Healthy Habits, is the next in the Path of Healing Series where I’ve been guiding on ten essential steps for personal growth. Today I’ll be covering step eight, habituate, the part where the change has happened and has been integrated enough to become an involuntary habit that runs without us having to think about it. In this episode, you’ll understand the components of how good habits are made with practical exercises to support you in sustaining positive change on your personal growth path.

    Key Topics Include:

    Understand the brain chemistry pathways related to habits.Learn the three key elements to form a new habit based on scientific research.Hear practical examples of positive and negative habits.Learn how to relate a negative habit with a more beneficial one.Experience a practice to discover your habits and make a conscious choice create positive and lasting ones.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

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    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 72 | Path of Healing Series Ep. 7: Integrating Change. Today’s episode is the next in the Path of Healing Series where I’ve been your guide through the ten key steps for personal growth that bring deep and lasting change. Today is step 7: Integration, an essential step in the personal growth process, yet one that is often overlooked. Today I will guide you to embrace the importance of taking the time to integrate change with practical ways to embrace the integration mindset in celebration, strength and gratitude. You’ll be guided to embrace the integration part of the healing path as an act of self-love and empowerment.

    Key Topics Include:

    A review of the previous steps of the Path of Healing.How apply integration as time to reflect, rest and strengthen change.How fear distracts us from taking time to integrate change.How to develop deeper safety, trust and empowerment through integration.Resources to help you optimise the integration process.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

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    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

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  • Episode 71 | Healing Path Series Ep. 6

    Today’s Episode Soul Recharge is the next in the Healing Path Series, a journey through the 10 empowering steps to strengthen, support and supercharge the personal growth process. In the previous episodes, I’ve covered steps 1 – 5, from intention setting, self-care, detoxification, release and transformation. Check out episode 57 for an overview of the 10 steps. Episodes 66 to 70 explain each individual step with exercises and guided meditations to support your healing path journey. These episodes can be listed to separately or as a series, whatever you feel is best for you now.

    Today I’ll be covering the sixth step in the Healing Path: Replenish. This is one of the most important steps, yet I often find it overlooked in many healing therapies.

    Key Topics Include:

    Why recharging your soul is necessary to move forward, stay positive and build new habits.How you can bring more awareness to how well you are refilling your life force energies.Practical examples to try to embody a vibrant, creative, inspired, joyful and loving experience in life.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 70 Transformation Guide | Path of Healing Series Ep. 5 | Today’s episode is the next in the Path of Healing Series where I’ve been guiding you through a ten-step healing journey with practical wisdom, exercise and guided meditations. Today’s episode marks the halfway point with step 5 out of 10: TRANSFORMATION. This is the part where the magic happens, and where you become a conduit for discreating the old and creating the new. With the Consciousness Medicine work, we utilise the principle of quantum physics to do this in a way that harnesses the power of consciousness to create and manifest a new reality. This is done with a meditative state I call The Presence of Healing.

    Key Topics Include:

    The key components to promoting transformation with energy medicine.How to use intention and embodied presence as a guide to open the conduit for metamorphosis.Key spiritual components to activating your innate healing powers.How quantum physics supports true, deep and lasting transformation.Guided meditation to experience the Presence of Healing state of being to experience quantum transformation for your personal intention.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 69 | Healing Path Series Ep. 4 | Today’s episode is the fourth in the Path of Healing series, a ten-step guided journey for personal and professional growth. In the previous episodes I’ve talked about Preparation, Support, Detoxification and now we are at the Release phase of the journey. With a clear intention, a solid self-care practice and streamlining your energy by releasing things that do not belong to you, we are now in a good position to identify the source of the issue that is wanting to be released.

    Today’s episode will give you important information on how to let go of the old to make room for the new in a skilful, supporting and loving way. You will be guided to understand where your resistance to change comes from and how to counter this with surrender, gratitude and empowerment.

    Key Topics Include:

    Letting as the fourth step in the Healing Path: Release.Why letting go is one of life's biggest challenges, yet gives the greatest reward when done well.How to reframe letting go in a positive way.How our brain is wired to not let go and how NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) can be used to counter this.The secret to letting go what no longer serves and welcome in what does.How to keep a big picture view when going through this step to assist you.A guided exercise to assist you in creating an energetic gradient that supports release and letting go.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 68 | Path of Healing Series Ep. 3 | Today’s episode, Soul Detox, is the third in the Path of Healing Series for the 10 key steps to personal growth. Today I’ll cover a soul detoxification process that aligns us with our true essence of being. This is the third step in the Path of Healing, which allows the space for letting go of what doesn’t belong to us so that we may get a clearer picture of the issue at hand. From this place we can be more focused on our intention for healing, while coming back to ourselves more deeply which is required for true and lasting transformation.

    Key Topics Include:

    The importance of the detoxification step on the path of healing to allow for the source of an issue to rise to the surface.How collective energies can affect us positively and negatively.Guided meditation to experience setting a boundary with collective energies and let go of any patterns that do not belong to you as a lovely soul detox to allow you to drop into a deeper embodiment of your soul to access the empowering forces of the collective, your ancestors and the unified soul field.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

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    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Today’s episode is the second in the Path of Healing Series where I’m covering the 10 essential steps on the personal growth path based on my 20 years of clinical experience working with thousands of clients. Last week I guided you to set a clear, heartfelt intention for what you want to create and what you want to let go of. In today’s episode, I’ll cover an important part of the healing journey, support and self-care. You’ll learn how to set yourself up to receive support from yourself and others that will serve you now and in the future. You’ll experience a guided meditation to connect you with the ways you choose to help keep your life force energy full to bring ease, harmony and support to your healing journey.

    Key Topics Include:

    How to support yourself to balance the stress that your system can experience during a healing journey.The importance of balancing external and internal support and how to create both in your life.How self-care practices are essential to keep your life force energy tank full.How self-care is a support during a healing journey.Exercise to create your own self-care list to support you in life.How having a self-care practice is a self-love practice.Guided meditation to create, connect and embody a sense of support to walk the healing path with greater ease, compassion, trust and focus.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

    Check out the blog associated with this podcast too!

    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


    Stay Connected on Social Media:

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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Today’s episode, the Power of Intention is the first in the Healing Path Series where I’ll introduce you to the formula for healing with ten essential steps. The series will include information, exercises and guided meditations for each step including preparation, support, detox, release, transform, replenish, integrate, habituate, rebuild & grow and sustain. Feel free to listen to episode 57, the Path of Healing, for more background on each step and the overall process. Today’s episode will cover the preparation part of the healing path, why it’s important, the components of it and how to set yourself up for success to manifest your intentions with ease and flow.

    Key Topics Include:

    How to prepare for a healing journey to navigate the path with confidence, trust and ease.The advantage of focusing on the positive change you want to make instead of the problem state.Guidance for identifying the present state and desired state intention.How to empower your intention by being specific with your request.How creating intentions allows you to celebrate yourself more deeply.Guided meditation to create your intentions and bring them into manifestation.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

    Check out the blog associated with this podcast too!

    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 65 | Daily Inspiration. Create a positive mindset and activate the manifestation energies through consciously creating inspiration to fill and fuel your divine life force energies. Experience a guided meditation to align with the flow of your heart’s inspirations.

    Key Topics Include:

    How inspiration is a necessary part of any creative process.Ways to uncover what inspired you.Guidance to connect with the energy of inspiration to overcome challenges and create new perspectives.How inspiration keeps us healthy and happy.Connect to the flow of your inspirations with a guided meditation to feel clear, energized, motivated and supported by the divine energy of inspiration.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

    Check out the blog associated with this podcast too!

    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


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    Facebook: www.facebook.com/CentreforConsciousnessMedicine

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 64 | Ageing Into WellnessIn today’s episode, I talk about how you can make the most of the ageing process whether you are 3, 33 or 83. You’ll learn how you can increase your health as you age with a few simple changes to how you think about ageing. You’ll be inspired to embrace the age that you are, let go of worry about getting older and embrace life and self-empowerment fully at each stage in your life.

    Key Topics Include:

    5 key ways to adjust your mindset to maximise your ability to access full health, happiness and well-being at any age.The importance of nourishing contentment.How to align to your truth to reduce premature ageing.Advice from centenarians (100 yrs or older) for a good life.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

    Check out the blog associated with this podcast too!

    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


    Stay Connected on Social Media:

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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 63 | Wisdom of Pain. In today’s episode, I’ll guide you to understand how physical and emotional pain is a valuable source of wisdom when we learn how to listen consciously. From this place, we can use treatment methods to encompass all levels of being (physical, energetic, emotional, ancestral and spiritual) to promote transformation in a meaningful and lasting way.

    Key Topics Include:

    Understand the mechanisms of pain at a deeper level.How current pain treatments can benefit from a holistic approach.Consciousness Medicine treatment examples for physical and emotional pain: sciatica, anxiety & depression

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

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    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


    Stay Connected on Social Media:

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/CentreforConsciousnessMedicine

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 62 | Mindset Magic is a follow-up to last week’s episode Brain Power giving you information and tools to harness your brain power to change a negative mindset to a positive and fulfilling one. I’ll cover the 5 main reasons why we get stuck on the personal growth path and ways to activate a different mindset to get you back on track to achieve your goals in life. You’ll experience a guided meditation to access a more positive mindset, supported by self-love, trust and empowerment.

    Key Topics Include:

    The importance of identifying the source of an issue to be successful at creating change.The importance of a holistic view and how to apply it to maximize the integration required for change.How shifting out of a problem-focused view is necessary to achieve your goals.The energetics of manifestation.Exercise to change your mindset to be more positive focused with best case scenario energy.Guided meditation to access greater self love, appreciation and the ability to trust your inner wisdom.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

    Check out the blog associated with this podcast too!

    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 61 | Brain Power episode explores the power of neurobiology to promote deep and lasting change on all levels of being. You’ll learn about how our brain is wired for success and the key factors that stop us from accessing our full power and purpose in life. You’ll experience a guided meditation to activate the power of your neurobiology to make the biochemical shifts needed to create the experiences in life your heart desires.

    Key Topics Include:

    What is Neuro-biology and why is it important for making lasting change.How NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) repatterns your brain chemistry.Key success factors in upgrading your neural net pathways.The part your brain chemistry plays in creating your reality.Practical NLP self-help tool to rewire your brain to create the experience of life you want: The What-If Frame.Guided meditation to upgrade your neural net pathways to align with your desired state so that you can. more easily manifest it in your reality.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

    Check out the blog associated with this podcast too!

    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 60 | Explore the power of collaboration from a holistic perspective and why it is essential in world evolution. I’ll explain about collective energies and how they are a great support when you work with them rather than against them. You’ll receive tools to shift your mindset to include these collaborative forces of being so that you can find greater peace in the world while manifesting your heart’s desires easily and effortlessly.

    Key Topics Include:

    The 4 key collective forces to support you: expand, exchange, elevate and evolve.The importance of being aware of your energy body and practices to get you there.Examples of how the collective forces of poverty consciousness and victim archetype can affect health and well-being.Ways to work with collective energies to create favourable tailwinds for manifestation.The importance of equanimity for a healthy collaboration and ways to achieve balance in relationships.Affiliate program to help spread the word about Julie's events and receive a gratitude gift.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

    Check out the blog associated with this podcast too!

    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


    Stay Connected on Social Media:

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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 59 | In today’s episode, I’ll cover a 10-step plan to thrive your business and bring more abundance into your life. Whether you are just starting out or have an established career, these steps will bring greater health and vibrancy to your business, career or livelihood. You will learn the secret sauce to success for a balanced work life balance while working your passion. Enjoy this journey to create a positive mindset around self-worth, finances and connection.

    Key Topics Include:

    How to be clear on your vision and missionReconnect with your passion to align your creative forces to nourish your businessHow to make friends with your financesPractical ways to determine your ideal clientThe importance of authenticityConnect to the essence and soul of your businessThe importance of digital marketing to support business vibrancyCelebrate, play and do the things you love to feed yourself and your business.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

    Check out the blog associated with this podcast too!

    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


    Stay Connected on Social Media:

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/CentreforConsciousnessMedicine

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 58 | In today’s episode, I’ll be talking about the key factors to creating more happiness in your life. You’ll learn how to turn inward to create your own happiness and how to release dependence on external factors for your own joy. Learn practical skills to increase your happiness factor that are easy to implement to access greater compassion, joy and satisfaction in life.

    Key Topics Include:

    Common pitfalls to happinessThe key factors in happiness from basic needs to a positive perspective based on current research.How to access a positive mindset to create more happiness in your life.The importance of self-empowerment in creating a happy experience of life.Gratitude and releasing external judgement as tools to create a more joyous life.An exercise to culture a positive mindset.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

    Check out the blog associated with this podcast too!

    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


    Stay Connected on Social Media:

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/CentreforConsciousnessMedicine

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 57 | 10 steps to personal transformation outlined in detail with a guided meditation to experience the path of healing for yourself.

    Key Topics Include:

    10 steps in the personal growth path with information and skills to practice at each stage.Guided meditation to experience the path of healing for your personal intention.Balance, clear and align all aspects of your body Matrix with the practice of Consciousness Medicine.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

    Check out the blog associated with this podcast too!

    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


    Stay Connected on Social Media:

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/CentreforConsciousnessMedicine

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 56 | Everyday Spirituality Series Ep. 4 of 4.

    Today’s episode is the next in the everyday spirituality series where I’ve been covering practices to integrate more spiritual, or life force energy, into your life in easy and manageable ways to support you in living a vibrant, creative and joyful life.

    Today I’ll be talking about the importance of ceremony in a spiritual practice and ways you can create these, big and small, planned or in the moment. You’ll understand the components of ceremony and how to connect to its sacred nature. You’ll receive practical examples of how to honour what it important to you through ceremony in a personal, everyday way.

    Key Topics Include:

    The different forms of ceremony: social, religious and healing.The key components to ceremony.The value ceremony can bring to you on all levels of being.Ceremonial practices you can weave into everyday life by using altars.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

    Check out the blog associated with this podcast too!

    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


    Stay Connected on Social Media:

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/CentreforConsciousnessMedicine

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 55 | Everyday Spirituality Series Ep. 3 of 4

    Today’s episode is the next in the Everyday Spirituality Series where I’ve been covering ways to integrate spiritual practice into your life in small but meaningful ways to support activating more life force energy to overcome fatigue, low mood and illness so that you feel energized, joyful and motivated. Today I want to talk about one of the most important factors involved in bringing spirituality into your daily life. It is a practice that is foundational to being a spiritual being and one that will allow you to feel more peace, joy and love in every moment. This is the practice of non-judgement, for self and others.

    Key Topics Include:

    Understand why judgement is so harmful to you on all levels of being.Some underlying reasons why we judge.How to become more aware of when you’re judging.Skills and practices to shift out of the judgement mindset into one that nourishes kindness, compassion and self-love.The importance of practicing non-judgement in authentic relating.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

    Check out the blog associated with this podcast too!

    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


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    Facebook: www.facebook.com/CentreforConsciousnessMedicine

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe

  • Episode 54 | Everyday Spirituality Series Ep. 2 of 4

    Today’s episode is the second in the Everyday Spirituality series where I’m highlighting skills and practices you can weave into your life on a daily basis to welcome greater joy, peace and harmony while at the same time building your available life force energy for full health and well-being. In this episode, I’ll cover the many forms of meditation that can fit into any schedule, align with various interests and become a valuable tool in your life. Whether you meditate regularly or have never done it, this episode will give you ideas and practical skills to customize your practice.

    Key Topics Include:

    Simple and easy forms of meditation you can incorporate into any lifestyle or schedule.The science behind how meditation can have a positive effect on our health.Health conditions that meditation can help alleviate.The benefits of a regular meditation practice.Experience a 10-second meditation practice using the breath.Meditation ideas and skills to bring into your daily life to access the spiritual energies needed to support full health and well-being.

    Learn more about retreats, courses, workshops, 1:1 sessions and sign up for my e-newsletter on www.consciousness-medicine.com

    Check out the blog associated with this podcast too!

    If you’d like to donate to this podcast, your gift will be directly applied to production costs!


    Stay Connected on Social Media:

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/CentreforConsciousnessMedicine

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesswisdomwithjulie

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-williams-cxmed


    Production assistance from Podlad.com | Art image by Joma Sipe