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Welcome to season 3 of the Healing Lifestyle Design Podcast!
Maybe you recoil thinking of your inner wild woman, or maybe you are thrilled about her. Either way, you need to actively seek out the wild woman within, your true self buried beneath the conditioned responses and culturally appropriate facades. (I’m looking at you: corsets, stiletto heels, and underwire bras!)
Healing will be expedited and physical pain will decrease by seeking her out.
In this episode, you'll discover:
-Discover several common female archetypes and what they mean for you...1:00
-The Wild Woman is the opposite of the modern “made” woman...7:40
Feeling safe, in your body and bones, not in your psyche, is crucial for healing...14:30
The Wild Woman is unique to each individual, but there are common characteristics...16:00
Reconnect with your Untamed Self by following your pleasures...26:50
Healing is getting back to the basics; a surprisingly challenging task in the modern world...35:50
Books mentioned in this episode:
Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype
Womb Awakening: Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of All Life
The modern world moves at an incredible pace. You could fill 1,000 lifetimes with the events and activities available, but we have one lifetime and one body.
In this episode, we will learn about the importance of seeking not just rest, but getting to the deeper concept of restoration in several key areas of our lives, which I will discuss with you.
Always remember: Personal inquiry is your greatest tool to discover what you already know you need.
In this episode, you'll discover:
-The difference between rest and restoration...00:15
-When we don’t rest (pause) and restore (make shifts and heal) it gives way to dis-ease and illness...05:45
-Strategies to overcome the broader culture and begin to value and love rest...07:45
-Inquiry will guide you to what you need....11:05
-Listen to your own whispers...11:05
-How your body informs your need for rest...19:35
-How our social interactions interfere with getting optimal rest...23:00
-The 5 indispensable areas of rest in our lives...26:45
SpiritualEmotionalCreativeMentalSensory-You are invited to use rest and restoration for your own self-healing. This is not a strategy to “fix” yourself, but rather an honest approach to implement small changes to honor your unique needs....43:10
Today we're talking about feminine embodiment and how you can cultivate more of it so that you can heal. Embodiment happens in the present moment. The only time we can embody what is going on in the moment we have to be in the present moment to feel and sense with.
Are you ready to heal?
Then let's get going!
In this episode, you'll discover:
-What is "embodiment"?...
-Why we second-guess the wisdom from within...
-Feeling safe to feel what's within our body...
-Creating space and time to heal...
-Feminine vs. masculine traits...
-We're all relearning our feminine embodiment...
-Working with, not against, nature...
-How will you embody you?...
Room Awakening book
Today we are going to chat about what is healing. And I want to discuss this because I want it to bring you a sense of safety, a sense of ease and calm.
We can often get stuck in the nitty gritty, the "should I do this" modality? Remind yourself of the big picture. This isn't everything, but it'll help you begin to remember what healing is and why you're on this journey to begin with.
Here's a bit of what you'll hear in this episode:
-Those who choose the healing journey will help to awaken the world...
-Surrendering to the unknown...
-Awareness of the physical guides in our body to healing...
-Tend to our shadow parts and the child within...
-We can't begin to heal when we don't feel safe...
-How the chakras are connected to our healing...
-Healing is the becoming of your true self...
Enjoy this 10 minute somatic tracking practice. The purpose of somatic tracking is to help you attend to the painful sensation through a lens of safety, thus deactivating the pain signal.
In today’s episode I discuss the possibility that eating too many foods that are higher in oxalates may be causing your chronic pain and symptoms. I share with you the research, resources to investigate and give you recommendations for what you can do to start taking action to reduce your oxalate build up in your tissues and body.
If you are struggling with chronic pelvic pain or symptoms and desire a safe container to heal in, please check out The Pelvic Freedom Method Program. It is the program I wish I had during my own healing journey with pelvic pain. https://kellybradley.click/pelvic-freedom-method1
-How to be smarter with oxalate consumption...05:55
-What oxalates do to the body...08:10
Vulva Pain Foundation Sally K. Norton-Symptoms and how oxalates might be preventing your body from healing...14:00
-Gut bacteria could help decrease oxalates...16:55
-How to successfully shift to a low oxalate diet...18:20
pubmed.comgreenmedinfo.com - Primary resource I use-High oxalate foods and their more healthy replacements...20:00
-Supplements that help reduce oxalates...26:45
-Kelly's issue with the raw vegan diet...27:55
-The importance of mindfulness and awareness in healing pelvic pain...29:20
Join my FREE Holistic Pelvic Healing facebook group. Hop over to facebook and search “Holistic Pelvic Healing with Kelly Bradley”, request to join and I will admit you to the group.
Connect with me on Instagram
If you are just beginning your healing journey I created this FREE Daily Connection Guided Meditation for you to experience so that you can begin to calm your nervous system and connect with YOU. https://kellybradley.click/dailyritual-1?fbclid=IwAR3JL5rhB73yJdpAcZPa3kvxD5iXvIgCMzy-FiEbaD2FDn9YADdgBCf3BbA
If you have questions email me at [email protected]
Your pain and symptoms are NOT your fault. They are a natural product of the backward systems and cultural norms that we are living with in the modern world. Learn what some of these systems and cultural norms are that are at the root of much of the chronic pain and illness epidemic. Plus, learn how you can begin to choose differently so that you can heal YOU. Your pain and symptoms may not be your fault…. But it is your responsibility to heal YOU.
Welcome to today's podcast with human design expert Kelly Joseph. I first came across Kelly after listening to a podcast on human design. I was like, why didn't I hear of human design before? I immediately went to the website, scroll through the human design coaches and knew instantly that Kelly Joseph was for me.
I scheduled an appointment and spent that whole week diving deep into human design. And I love it. In my work as most of you know, I help you uncover your true self, take off the masks and unveil or unleash your true self. Your true self is always within you. We just get conditioned by our parents, the world, cultural and systemic norms and more.
Human design can give you insights into you a lot faster than doing the inner work, but you still need to do the inner work. So it can give you insights into you, the true you along your journey. You still need to do the inner work, but human design can give you insights to be curious about, to ask more questions about, because remember we need to ask the right question.
During my first session with Kelly, she hit on so many topics of my human design that were just spot on. I was like, yep. Yep. Yep. That's me. Most things I had already unveiled about myself with my many years of inner and self work, but it was so gratifying to be seen and heard by this tool called human design.
And to know that I truly am becoming more of my true self every single day. And that is my intention to radically be my true self. And that's my intention to help other people become more of their true selves every single day. It's powerful. And we need to know and radically be our true self to heal.
So here's a bit more about Kelly Joseph. Kelly's passion is to guide women to honor their unique energy and put self-care first to tap into their passions. She is a human design expert and by following her own human design, she has been led to create anandown Buffalo Bar and Breath . She uses human design as the tool to help people become self-aware.
And then Buffalo Bar and Breath is where they work on cultivating lasting change. Her family is everything to her and her main mission in life is to create Epic memories with the ones she loves. I love that. That's why she says self care is number one. She is also a certified health coach. When she is not moving and shaking, she loves diving deeper into human design. When she is not having fun with all things wellness, you can find her with her two kids or her amazing husband, listening to country music on the beach somewhere tropical.
And I have to say, I love my country music too. Okay. Enjoy the podcast.
In this episode, you'll discover:
01:35 - Kelly's personal experiences with pelvic pain ,and her journey to healing
05:55 - "Something is off with my energy"...
08:48 - You don't need to be "fixed" - you need to return to who you truly need to be
11:00 - 3 points to life
Making mistakesLearning from themCome into yourself15:05 - When we show up in our energy the way it's meant to be aligned, that's powerful
17:21 - Put your self care at No. 1
21:40 - "Tuning in" can be hard to grasp
24:17 - Live from heart and soul, not conditioning
28:35 - Learning about her emotions was a huge part of Kelly's journey
33:30 - Passion for movement and breath work
39:30 - What does my body and mind mean today?
48:10 - "Start Here" for mini courses available
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Welcome to today's podcast with my guest Dr. Mindy Pelz. I first heard Dr. Mindy speak on a panel that Dr. Zach Bush organized regarding nutrition. And if you're not aware of Dr. Zach Bush, absolutely look him up. So Dr. Mindy piqued my curiosity because she was talking about how we can alter our lifestyle choices throughout our cycle to optimize how we feel and our wellbeing, plus how to move through menopause with more joy and ease.
I believe our cycle is a magical gift. I of course didn't realize this when I was younger, but since my healing journey, I see it as more clues that represent how well we are. If we tune into our own being and cycle the changes moment to moment, day to day, month to month, we can then make choices that are better aligned with our highest good or optimal wellbeing.
And I know that at 44, one of my values is loving up my cycle for as long as possible. And moving through menopause with more ease. We also chat about the beauty and wisdom that has held in aging and the need for all women to value and look forward to our wiser older years, never stopping, being curious, exploring.
Dr. Mindy Pelz is a best selling author, keynote speaker, nutrition, functional medicine expert, who has spent over two decades, helping thousands of people successfully reclaim their health. She is a recognized leader in the alternative health field and a pioneer in the fasting movement, teaching the principles of fasting, lifestyle, diet, variation, detox, hormones, and more. Her popular YouTube channel combines the latest science with practical lifestyle tools every person can use to reset their health.
She is the host of one of the leading science podcasts, the Resetter podcast, and the author of three bestselling books: The Menopause Reset, the Reset Factor and the Reset Kitchen.
Enjoy our conversation.
In this conversation with Dr. Mindy, you'll hear:
-Why our cycle is so important to our health...04:55
-What's going on during each part of your cycle...07:05
-When you should indulge your cravings...14:45
-Fasting and healing...17:50
-What every 40 year old woman needs to know...26:40
-Do this before you go to birth control measures...32:41
-Honor the lifestyle before medication...40:26
-If you don't change this now, you'll be dealing with disease later...47:10
-Forced to become nobody...01:30
-Realizing what caused my pain...02:56
-Embracing radical practice...04:27
-Our innate self is always with us, but will you embrace it?...06:20
-How do we begin to heal?...07:00
-The roadmap for the journey to healing...08:40
-We are our own best healers...10:05
-The traditional means of healing are falling apart...11:35
-The journey to healing has just begun...14:55
-My intentions for this podcast...16:10
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Dr. Joe Dispenza - My mentor