
  • In today’s episode we will discuss the top 5 strategies to boost your mental health that you can implement starting today!

    Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness even more so because our thoughts not only impact our reality it can change our physical health.

    Mental health wellness today is being more recognized as not just an individual concern, but a critical aspect of overall societal well-being, influencing productivity, relationships, and quality of life.

    The purpose of this episode is for you to take notice of your mental health and understand the importance of integrating wellness practices into your daily routine to enhance your overall well-being.

  • In today's episode we uncover how you can have more fulfillment and purpose in your life by identifying and pursuing your soul work.

    The big question many of us ask ourselves are why are we here? When you become aligned with your authentic self you can uncover your true calling. Many people are unhappy with their jobs and even have great jobs with great pay yet somehow feel unfulfilled. This could also apply to relationships as well. This is because your soul has the answers to the thing that is missing. You have a mission, a purpose!

    Sometimes we offer resistance to the very thing that we should be embracing which is change as well as our capabilities. If we simply tune in and practice simple steps such as gratitude you will uncover more about self than you realize. In that self discovery you will discover the most valuable treasure of all. Tune in to the full episode to find out more!

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  • In today’s episode we explore the world of feet! Our feet is the foundation of support and balance and when it is compromised or overworked there can be consequences. The consequences can be vital to our overall health. Standing for long periods of time, or having feet conditions such as flat feet among others can cause not only pain in your feet but can cause knee, hip and lower back pain. In this episode we will share tips on how to improve your posture, alleviate pain in addition to tips on how to avoid complications as a diabetic when it comes to feet. The goal of this episode is to get you to take better care of yourself by taking better care of your feet. By implementing the strategies in this episode your feet will thank you and you should alleviate pain and improve the condition of you feet.

  • In this episode, we dive into the secrets of the Okinawan diet, a traditional way of eating that has helped Okinawa, Japan, become one of the Blue Zones—regions known for their longevity. Discover how the nutrient-rich, simple foods that characterize this diet can enhance your health and vitality.

    We explore the key components of the Okinawan diet, including its high consumption of vegetables, moderate intake of legumes, low meat consumption, and the practice of “hara hachi bu,” or eating until 80% full. Learn about the scientifically proven health benefits of this diet, such as reduced risks of chronic diseases, improved cognitive function, and increased lifespan.

    Listeners will gain practical tips on how to incorporate the Okinawan diet into their hectic schedules, with ideas for meal planning, simple recipes, and healthy snacks. We also share traditional Okinawan dishes like Goya Champuru and Okinawa Soba, along with a handy shopping list to get started. Tune in to find out how these dietary habits can boost your energy, improve your health, and support your entrepreneurial journey.

  • In this episode, we dive into the journey of living in alignment with your true self. We begin by exploring what it means to truly understand, and embrace who you are at your core. Shedding the layers of societal expectations and external pressures, we uncover the essence of personal authenticity. By sharing personal anecdotes and real-life examples, we illustrate the transformative power of aligning your life with your true self.

    Recognizing when you are out of alignment is a crucial step in this journey. We discuss common signs of misalignment, such as feeling unfulfilled, constantly stressed, or disconnected from your passions. Through practical exercises and reflective practices, we guide you on how to reconnect with your true self. Our discussion also highlights the role of self-reflection, mindfulness, and, when needed, professional support in this discovery process

    Living authentically brings numerous benefits, from enhanced mental and emotional well-being to improved relationships and greater career satisfaction. By providing actionable tips and strategies, we empower you to take small, meaningful steps each day towards living a life that truly resonates with who you are. Join us as we embark on this enlightening journey towards authenticity and alignment.

  • In this powerful episode of “Shattering Silence: Love and the Lies of Abuse,” we dive deep into the often-hidden world of domestic violence, exploring how the guise of love can mask a reality riddled with control, fear, and violence. We begin by defining what domestic violence entails and the various forms it can take—from physical and emotional to financial and psychological abuse. Our discussion highlights the insidious ways abuse can permeate a relationship and the importance of recognizing early signs of abuse.

    Join us as your host shares her own personal experience with domestic violence. As more people break their silence and share their stories such as Cassie Ventura it only sheds light on the struggles many face behind closed doors but also demonstrate the resilience and strength required to break free and heal.

    The episode wraps up with the importance of having your voice heard and breaking free from domestic violence with a list of resources and support systems available for those affected by domestic violence. For anyone struggling or knows someone who might be, this section provides crucial information on hotlines, counseling services, and supportive communities dedicated to aiding those in need. Click here Domestic Violence Resources

    This episode aims to educate, empower, and encourage open conversations about domestic violence, emphasizing that breaking the silence is the first step towards change and recovery.

  • In today’s episode, we will discuss the importance of learning how to say No! Sometimes it may be hard to tell the one we love and care about the word no, because we don’t want to look like we don’t care and we want to come to their rescue. We don’t realize that we could be doing more harm than good by being an enabler to bad habits.

    You can empower a person rather than enable someone who is continuously trying to use and manipulate you in order to get what they want. Enabling someone who continues to conduct the same negative habits or behavior will only get worse and will continue unless you show tough love and say no confidently without any explanation.

    A person will only go so far as to where you allow them to go. In this episode, you’ll learn how to say no without feeling the guilt and you may even lose the relationship altogether for the greater good. Saying no to someone doesn’t mean you don’t care it actually shows that you do care and you step up and refuse to be taken advantage of. You will empower not only the enabler when you stop giving in to their request, but you will empower yourself as well.

  • In today’s episode, we will explore the wonders of getting back to nature. The mundane routine of going to work every day and dealing with life and its challenges can bring a lot of physical, mental, and emotional stress to one’s life. It is only when we take the time to pause, breathe, and destress from life that we find some inner peace, calm, and harmony.

    The creator of all has given us everything we need to discover the beauty of life right here on Earth through nature. Being out in nature gives one the ability to experience the simple joy and pleasures of life. It is here in this place where we can discover tranquility, peace and connection. There is a connection to all living things that you can experience when you are in nature, the birds the trees and other animals and even other human beings.

    Being in nature has several health benefits such as lowering your blood pressure, and reducing cortisol levels. Increases endorphins which is great for your mental health where it can help with depression as well as anxiety and physical fitness.

    Being in nature several times a week should be part of your weekly self-care routine where you and the entire family can benefit from the experience. Nature helps us to remember humility, gratitude and appreciation. So get out In nature and just be!

  • In today’s episode we dive deep into the forces that shape our reality. We will explore the concept of ‘the Matrix’—a metaphor for the invisible systems and ideologies that control aspects of our lives without our conscious awareness.

    From societal norms and cultural expectations to limiting beliefs, we will unravel the layers of control and discuss why it’s crucial to recognize and understand these forces for personal and collective liberation.

    Join us as we navigate the stages of recognizing and detaching from the Matrix where we’ll share insights on how we can awaken through mind shifts and connections in order to break limiting belief patterns.

    We will also tackle the challenges that arise when one attempts to break free from deeply ingrained beliefs and the societal structures that enforce them, offering practical advice on how to overcome these obstacles.

    Finally, we explore life outside the Matrix. What changes when we free ourselves from these unseen shackles? We discuss the profound shifts in lifestyle, mindset, and relationships.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand the deeper truths of their existence and find pathways to genuine freedom and authenticity.






    #AwakeningFromTheMatrix #JourneyToTruth #EscapeTheMatrix #UnveilTheTruth #BreakFree #MindsetShift #LiberationJourney #PersonalAwakening #ChallengeTheNorm #BeyondTheVeil

  • In today’s episode we will explore the importance of In today’s episode we will explore the importance of mitochondrial health. The mitochondria can be found in every cell in the body and are double membrane cell organelles. The mitochondria is like the battery to your cells and helps the body to produce energy through a small molecule known as adenosine troposphere (ATP).

    When there is damage to the cellular membrane this can cause a host of diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, Huntington's disease and more. A person can experience chronic fatigue, metabolic syndrome including diabetes and obesity.

    The good news is some cells can be repaired by simply eating nutrient rich foods, exercising and getting enough sleep. The human body is always working to keep the body in check (homeostasis) so we can make a conscious effort to help the better get to better health by doing our part. mitochondrial health.

    #MitochondriaHealth #CellularPowerhouse #HealthyEating #MitochondrialFunction #Omega3Benefits #EatForEnergy #NutrientDense #BrainHealth #MuscleStrength #AntiAging #HolisticHealth #Antioxidants #Superfoods #MitochondrialRepair #EnergyBoost

  • In this inspiring YouTube episode, we dive into the transformative journey of aligning your life with your passion. Discover practical steps to help you identify your true passions and integrate them into every aspect of your life.

    Many people are going through life and are not truly living due to fear, limiting beliefs and operating in survival mode when the true abundance lies within them and their passions.

    If people get more aligned with their passion they will discover their purpose and discover more joy and fulfillment. Whether you’re feeling stuck in your career, uncertain about your purpose, or simply looking to infuse more joy into your daily routine, this episode will guide you towards living a more passionate and fulfilling life.

  • In today's episode we will explore the topic of marriage. Marriage in 3 weeks, is it really possible?! Can you really get to know someone in such a short amount of time?

    What are some of the selection process, character, standards and values for finding a mate in such a short amount of time and can it really last? Is online dating really a place to find marriage?

    We will uncover these topics further in today’s episode as your host shares her personal story on line and marriage.

  • In this episode, we explore the power of simplicity in promoting a healthier and more fulfilling life. We will define simplicity as the art of achieving more with less, leading to reduced stress, increased joy, and enhanced overall well-being. By embracing simplicity, listeners can unlock the potential for a more balanced and harmonious lifestyle.

    We delve into the pillars of mindful living, including mindful eating, incorporating movement into daily life, and effective stress reduction techniques. From discussing nutritious meal ideas to sharing simple exercises and stress management strategies, we empower listeners to make conscious choices that support their health and vitality.

    Lastly, we will emphasize the importance of creating balance in all aspects of life, from work and relationships to self-care. We highlight the role of community and social connections in fostering a healthy lifestyle, providing insights into building a supportive network for sustained well-being. Through reflection and actionable steps, listeners are encouraged to embrace simplicity and prioritize their health and happiness.











  • In this episode of “Kick the Sugar Habit,” we’ll dive into the impact of sugar on our health, highlighting the differences between natural and refined sugars. Understand how these sugars are processed by the body and why moderation is key.

    We also examine the science behind sugar addiction, offering insights into why sugar is so hard to resist and how it affects our well-being. Learn practical strategies to reduce sugar intake and manage cravings effectively.

    Finally, discover healthier alternatives to satisfy your sweet tooth, including natural sweeteners and balanced diet tips. Join us for essential advice on cutting back on sugar and enhancing your overall health

  • In this episode, we dive into the essentials of A1C management, explaining its importance for those with diabetes and how to keep it within a healthy range. We will explore practical strategies like diet modifications and exercise, highlighting their impact on A1C levels.

    We will discuss the integration of natural remedies and lifestyle changes in maintaining optimal blood sugar levels. Tips on incorporating specific fruits and herbs into your diet for better A1C control are shared, providing a holistic view as well as an integrative approach to diabetes management.

    Finally, your host will provide actionable insights for a balanced approach to health, combining scientific research with natural methods to manage A1C effectively. Tune in for a concise guide to taking control of your A1C and enhancing your well-being.

    #A1CManagement #DiabetesCare #HolisticHealth #BloodSugarControl #HealthyLiving #NaturalRemedies #WellnessJourney #DiabetesAwareness #NutritionTips #ExerciseForHealth

  • In this episode, we dive into the world of popular diets, focusing on two that have captured the attention of health enthusiasts worldwide: the Mediterranean and the ketogenic (keto) diets. These diets are not just about weight loss; they represent entire lifestyle choices with unique philosophies, food lists, and health benefits.

    The Mediterranean diet, is celebrated for its heart-healthy benefits and is renowned for its cardiovascular benefits and ability to reduce chronic disease risk, while the keto diet is praised for its weight loss efficacy and potential metabolic health improvements.

    The purpose of this episode is to address the practical considerations of adopting these diets, from the Mediterranean diet’s flexibility and cultural richness to the keto diet’s strict carb restrictions and focus on fat consumption. Choosing one of these diets will vary from person to person based on the personal goals of the individual.

  • In today’s enlightening episode, we embark on a holistic journey exploring the multifaceted concept of wellness beyond the traditional focus on physical health. We will dive into the 8 essential dimensions of wellness, each playing a pivotal role in achieving a balanced and fulfilling life. We start by breaking down the core aspects of each dimension, from the importance of maintaining physical health through exercise and nutrition to the profound impact of emotional and intellectual wellness on personal growth. Social, spiritual, environmental, occupational, and financial wellness are also highlighted, providing a comprehensive guide on nurturing each area to enhance life quality. The episode concludes with actionable steps on assessing and improving one’s wellness in each dimension. You are encouraged to reflect on your current state of well-being, set realistic goals, and embrace a continuous journey of self-improvement. Join us as we unlock the secrets to thriving in all areas of wellness, setting the foundation for lasting happiness and success.

  • Inflammation is the root cause of illness and disease!

    Improve your gut health and reduce stress. Book a 15 min call here!

    In today’s episode we will dive into foods that cause inflammation and how to reduce it. Chronic inflammation is the root cause of many of the world's illnesses and diseases today.

    When we take a look at the U.S. diet and food consumption we discover that May foods contain inflammatory ingredients such as omega 6 as well as sugar. These ingredients have been scientifically proven to negatively impact our health and well-being when there is an overconsumption and the type of sugar matters. Other factors contribute to inflammation as well which will be discussed in this episode.

    The purpose of this episode is to bring more awareness to making better food choices and making lasting lifestyle changes for longevity in addition to better overall health. We can improve our quality of life when we make better choices. The decision lies in your hands.

    I’m a certified Life and Holistic Health Coach. Book a 15 min call here!

    Learn more about Marsha:


    #HealthCoach #HealthCoach4Women #Health #MentalHealth #Nutrition

  • In today's episode, we will explore the top 10 healthiest cities to live in the United States. The data used to come up with the list was based on various factors. But, each of these cities has their own unique criteria as well as the residents that live in these communities.

    Some of the factors putting these cities on the list were based on access to greenery, parks and recreational activities as well as access to quality foods. Others determine factors looked at access to healthcare, quality foods, community and family connections in addition to feeling spiritually fulfilled.

    This episode also entails a list of the cities with the poorest air quality in the U.S. as well. The goal for better air quality is on the horizon which only adds the icing on the cake when it comes to being on the list for the healthiest cities. People make communities so with a collective effort between government and people striving for better air quality we improve our environment as a whole.

  • In today’s episode we will dive in beauty with entrepreneur and makeup artist Tyiesha Dorsett. She will share some of her experiences as well as expertise on makeup as well as her products.

    Beauty is self care is the name of Tyiesha’s products which include body butters, sugar scrubs, oils and more. Her products aims to make you feel beautiful inside and out.

    Her goal as a makeup artist is to give each client a unique and relaxed experience so that they will have a lasting experience.

    The purpose of this episode is for women to incorporate Selfcare into your daily life and tap into your beauty without feeling feeling guilty or selfish. It’s about recognizing that taking care of yourself isn’t just a luxury, but a necessity for your overall well being.