
  • Everyone in this life is on, what can be referred to as, a journey.
    Let’s assume in this context, that one’s journey starts at point A and ends at point B, with many stops and stays along the way. 
    In this episode we explore Joseph Campbell’s take on this through his “Hero’s Journey” work. We interview Marion Moss Hubbard, Ph.D., founder of Heroic Journey Consulting which helps individuals and organizational leaders facilitate personal, organizational and global transformation through human consciousness development.
    What that means for the listener of this week’s podcast episode, is the opportunity to reframe one’s life in the context of a powerful story about courageously facing life’s challenges with heart and grit, in order to live fully and authentically. 
    When we are able to do this, we come from a different consciousness about ourselves that results in contributing to the world from a more evolved state of being. That shift brings out the best version of us and that positively impacts, not only ourselves, but also those around us.
    Learn more and listen to Marion’s Heroic Journey and the model she uses to transform herself and others. It’s well worth the ride!
    To your inspired, heroic self, 
    What We Discuss:
    We start with Marion’s “heroic journey”
    Lesson learned on her journey
    Personal growth as a marker for being on the “right path” 
    Dropping the baggage that tethers our soul and authentic self
    The difference between an intellectual connection and spiritual connection
    Going through the transformation process in one’s journey
    The tipping point from Texas to a sabbatical in Sedona, AZ
    Marion’s journey from Sedona to Seattle
    The story of Peace Pilgrim
    Universal deeper truths we all know intuitively
    Examples of Marion’s self-discovery during her questioning of “what’s true for her?”
    The difference between Knowing with a capital “K” and knowing with a lower-case ”k”
    Knowing what’s really true for you and how do we “Know” that?
    Marion’s story overlaying her heroic journey
    Creating our sacred container from our life experiences on our own heroic journey
    Seeing our challenges as part of our triumph in our heroic journey
    The Seven Stage Labyrinth Model archetype for one’s heroic journey
    Vertical alignment of spirit and true self at the intersection of the labyrinth core
    How to stand in truth by peeling away the nontruths and stepping into our divine-self
    Mythological time vs earth time
    Catalysts for growth are always found in personal and group relationship trials 
    What’s your story? What do you want? What’s your intention?
    Writing your own story from outside yourself as the detached observer
    Ways of reconnecting from a state of disconnection 
    Supporting Resources:
    https://www.amazon.com/You-Can-Heal-Your-Life/dp/0937611018/ref=sr_1_3?crid=12YFUGYWXP9W2&keywords=louis+hayes+you+can+heal+your+life&qid=1578431440&sprefix=louis+hay%2Caps%2C198&sr=8-3 (You Can Heal Your Life) by Louise Hay
    All about https://www.peacepilgrim.org/ (Peace Pilgrim)
    https://www.amazon.com/Need-Your-Love-Approval-Appreciation/dp/0307345300/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=byron+katie&qid=1578431703&sr=8-6 (I Need Your Love — Is That True?) by Byron Katie
    https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/oprah-and-eckhart-tolle-a-new-earth/id1458654443 (A New Earth Podcast) by Eckart Tolle and Oprah
    https://billmoyers.com/content/ep-1-joseph-campbell-and-the-power-of-myth-the-hero%E2%80%99s-adventure-audio/ (Joseph Campbell Interview) by Bill Moyers
    https://www.amazon.com/Thousand-Faces-Collected-Joseph-Campbell/dp/1577315936 (Hero with a Thousand Faces) by Joseph Campbell
    http://annettesimmons.com/storytelling-101/ (Story Telling) by Annette Simmons
    https://paulselig.com/ (Paul Selig Website)
    https://www.sethlearningcenter.org/ (Jane Roberts) work
    https://www.heroicjourney.com/ (Heroic Journey Consulting) by Marion Moss Hubbard

  • We continue the conversation around another of the 14 constructs of well-being as presented by Psychology Today.
    The importance of well-being has been widely acknowledged over the past twenty years by psychologists. But the concept itself is surprisingly complex.
    In a recent study which aimed to bring some order to the confusion, Dr Ylenio Longo at the University of Nottingham, in England, examined the similarities and differences in the six most widely used theoretical perspectives on well-being.
    Looking for similarities and differences across the six theoretical perspectives in how they defined well-being, he identified fourteen distinct and recurring constructs that are used to describe well-being: happiness, vitality, calmness, optimism, involvement, self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-worth, competence, development, purpose, significance, congruence, and connection.
    Here we tackle self-acceptance as defined as “accepting yourself the way you are.” What does that mean? How do we that? Can we fully accept ourselves? Do you accept yourself? Fully? Completely? 
    Listen in as we carry on with some interesting banter exploring acceptance and the successes and struggles we endure as find ways to accept ourselves. 
    To you well-being and fully accepting who you are,
    What We Discuss:
    A recap from the Phycology Today constructs that contribute to a sense of well being
    Acceptance and “who” and “what” are we that do accept
    Needing to know who we are
    How we define ourselves 
    What parameters we use to that inform our acceptance of ourselves
    Navigating in the world with our five senses 
    Love’s relationship to acceptance 
    What’s the opposite of acceptance?
    Understanding the different nuances associated with words as we define them
    Mark’s model of acceptance for himself
    Acceptance as a process for many of us
    Being confident of who you are in the world
    Aries’ struggles with sharing our podcast with his tribe
    Mark responds to Aries’ discomfort with how others respond to what he says 
    How Kundalini yoga shines the light on your behavior and thoughts
    Accepting the fact that we make mistakes
    Other interesting examples of challenges with self-acceptance and dealing with actions that have negative consequences
    Tools used to support acceptance
    Acceptance and the stories we tell ourselves
    Are there moral issues with how we deal with accepting ourselves
    Some of the suffering that Aries deals with around acceptance of others’ behavior
    Acceptance as a life long endeavor
    Supporting Resources:
    https://www.amazon.com/Love-Languages-Secret-that-Lasts/dp/080241270X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3ML25171FT8JP&keywords=the+five+love+languages+gary+chapman&qid=1575403623&sprefix=The+Five+Love+Lan%2Caps%2C201&sr=8-1 (The Five Love Languages) by Gary Chapman
    https://www.amazon.com/Book-Hooponopono-Hawaiian-Practice-Forgiveness/dp/1620555107/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2D0NIGIC54IVU&keywords=ho%27oponopono&qid=1575403859&sprefix=hokopo%2Caps%2C309&sr=8-3 (The Book of Ho’oponopono) by Luc Bodin M.D, Nathalie Bodin Lamboy, Jean Graciet

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  • There are many facets of living a life of well-being. 
    A lot goes into that recipe. One often overlooked, but key ingredient is congruency. What does it mean to be congruent, and how does it contribute to one’s state of well-being?
    Congruency in this context is all about alignment. It is living and being fully aligned with what is true for each of us. That is, in alignment with who we are as our human persona as well as living in alignment with our spiritual persona.
    Behaving, speaking, thinking… and living each moment in congruency with one’s beliefs and values will almost assure one of a sense of being well. 
    Look at your life. How are you living? Do you know what is and what isn’t congruent for you? 
    To your life of well-being!
    What We Discuss:
    A little back story from Mark’s battle with self-worth after what he felt was an embarrassing experience 
    Defining congruency
    How do we see ourselves?
    What tools can we use to better understand ourselves?
    Who are we?
    Are we our name? Are we our body? 
    Is there a duality of self? Physical-ego and spiritual-true nature?
    Aligning congruency with one’s soul
    Our natural state of being 
    Frequency congruency: What’s do we mean by that?
    The choices we make regarding chasing thoughts
    Discovering what is NOT congruent with your true nature
    Exercises we can do to help us learn what is congruent with themselves
    The need to grow 
    Are you living from a place of Spirit?
    Knowing your Unique Ability
    The role feelings play and how we deal with them
    The importance of exploring, sharing and discovering our feelings
    Are you living the life you really want to be living?
    Are you being the person you want to be?
    Supporting Resources:
    https://www.amazon.com/Gary-Keller-Thing-Extraordinary-%E3%80%902018%E3%80%91/dp/B07HFRBV1S/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=the+one+thing&qid=1573599711&sr=8-3 (The One Thing) by Gary Keller
    https://www.amazon.com/Miracle-Morning-Not-So-Obvious-Guaranteed-Transform/dp/0979019710/ref=sr_1_3?crid=KHAMLOEDNCOD&keywords=the+miracle+morning&qid=1573599814&sprefix=the+miriacle+%2Caps%2C234&sr=8-3 (The Miracle Morning) by Hal Elrod
    https://www.amazon.com/Unique-Ability-Creating-Life-Want/dp/1896635628/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=unique+ability&qid=1573599889&sr=8-2 (Unique Ability) by Catherine Nomura

  • In our last episode, we defined and shared the body of work on the subject of self-worth.
    In this episode, we get down to the nitty-gritty. What happens when we find ourselves at the intersection of theory and real-life. Aries and I share our own experiences when life throws a “self-worth” test at us.
    The first half of the episode I share a recent experience in which I found myself in a situation that challenged that me at the core of my self-worth. Thoughts of measuring up and comparing myself with others reared its ugly head and sent me spiraling down to my smallest self. Discovering old, deep childhood-like feelings of insecurity that led to embarrassing behavior and then further self-loathing and judgement. Not a pretty picture, but it brought an awareness of a true read on my self-worth barometer. 
    In the second half, Aries shares his experiences at this intersection. First as a young child going through comparing himself with others and how his peers dressed. Then other interesting challenges with self-worth through compensation discussions. One common thread discovered was how we have a propensity to look outside ourselves for the validation of our self-worth. 
    However, when we can see who we truly are and connect to that identity deep within us, we can see our worthiness and self-worth as creative beings birthed from the source of all life in our true perfection. 
    sIt’s a fascinating subject and worthy of self-examination to help you move the needle forward for your own self-worth
    To your inspired life and more!
    What We Discuss:
    A deep dive from Mark and Aries examining and sharing about each of their own self-worth
    Mark shares his story and a recent struggle that took his self-worth down
    Lessons learned from that experience
    Aries shares from his life experiences that put him face-to-face with his definition of his self-worth
    We wrap with a comparison of seeking a positive, strong sense of self-worth from external things vs finding a more sustainable sense from the inside.
    Supporting Resources:
    The Big 14 constructs of well-being: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/what-doesnt-kill-us/201708/what-exactly-is-well-being (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/what-doesnt-kill-us/201708/what-exactly-is-well-being)
    The self-worth scale: https://positivepsychology.com/self-worth/ (https://positivepsychology.com/self-worth/)

  • In financial planning we talk about a client’s net worth and we create net worth Statements as snapshots of what they are worth financially. 
    More importantly though is our self-worth and the resulting self-worth statement we create for ourselves and then reflect back out to world around us.
    In this episode Aries and I take a break from the interview format and discuss some key contributors to our well-being. At the top of our list is self-worth. We share what noted sages and authors have said about self-worth along with its role in our overall happiness and well-being. We get into the nitty gritty and the effect a positive and a negative self-worth can have on the quality of our lives.
    Most notable is how many people struggle with their worthiness. It’s plagued humankind for as long as recorded history, but is not addressed directly and talked about in the mainstream.
    Here we explore the subject more deeply to help bring some awareness to your understanding and sense of your own self-worth. 
    Join us down the rabbit hole on this one. It will be worth the ride. 
    To your inspired life and more!
    What We Discuss:
    A review of the top 14 constructs of the sense of well-being
    The definition of self-worth
    Great quotes on self-worth
    Measuring your self-worth
    The importance of your self-examination of one’s worth
    Worthiness and Value
    Are some more worthy than others?
    The role of belief and thinking affecting our self-worth
    Taking responsibility for the life you are living
    Self-esteem vs self-worth
    Of value, lovable and incomprehensive worth
    Knowing your worthiness. How do we do that?
    Knowing and receiving unconditional love
    It comes down what we really value in life
    The top five things we measure for self-worth
    Our appearance
    Our net worth
    Who we know
    What we do
    What we achieve
    Do we have a choice as to how we accept our self-worth?
    Lesson’s learned awareness of one’s self-worth through human measurement systems
    Going forward as to how we can build up our self-worth
    Boosting the acceptance of you are as you are
    The role of self-care to developing good habits and actions around your self-worth
    Supporting Resources:
    The Big 14 constructs of well-being: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/what-doesnt-kill-us/201708/what-exactly-is-well-being (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/what-doesnt-kill-us/201708/what-exactly-is-well-being)
    The self-worth scale: https://positivepsychology.com/self-worth/ (https://positivepsychology.com/self-worth/)

  • Intentionally living from your heart comes in many forms, shapes, and sizes. 
    When it comes to your money, intentionally spending, saving and investing should also be from your heart. That means to be congruent with who you are and how you intend to live authentically. Sounds simple, but for many it’s not so easy.
    You have to know your true self … your true nature ... the essence of who you are. When you know this, be sure you are living your fullest life in alignment with that; including how you are investing your money. 
    There are many ways to do this. One often overlooked or unknown option is investing your money with companies that are doing things in the world that align with the changes you want to see in the world. There are many great companies, B Companies for example, that are on a mission to not only grow profitably, but effect great change in the world as well.
    In this episode, we interview Kathleen Lindquist, CFP®, who has built a niche through Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) to help clients align their money with their deeper held values to effect positive change in the world.
    Learn more by listening to what she is doing and how she is helping her clients contribute a better world.
    To your inspired living!
    What We Discuss:
    What are Socially Responsible Investing, Impact Investing and Sustainable Investing?
    Putting your money where your heart is
    How Kathleen got started in Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) through her sister
    The early days of boycotting companies that were “bad actors” in the public markets
    The shift from negative impact to positive impact in the world
    The advantage SRI portfolio companies have in terms of research
    Knowing who the right client is for SRI portfolio option
    Examples of companies that have gone through more scrutiny by mutual funds
    How mutual fund companies with SRI funds are impacting company policies
    Understanding the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) lens
    The next 2-5 years in socially responsible and impact investing
    Gender diversity requirements now stipulated by certain mutual funds
    SRI as investing done right
    Supporting Resources:
    Kathleen’s contact info: kathleen@sandiegowealth.com
    Our firm website: http://www.sandiegowealth.com (www.sandiegowealth.com)
    https://www.ussif.org/education (The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment)

  • In this episode we interview, Catherine Anne Mazur, my wife and life partner of 45 years. I’ve watched her yoga journey and have been a personal witness to her health, well-being and personal growth as a result of her teaching and practicing two major types of yoga.For me, the practice of yoga over the past 16 years has had a profound effect my own health, well-being and spiritual growth.I call it a “system” because it’s more than just poses and “exercises.” It’s a whole system of movement, breath, mental focus and mindfulness, that’s centuries old, that works to integrate mind, body and soul. There is a science and technology to it that is unmatched.If you practice yoga, this episode will be interesting, educational and entertaining.If you don’t practice yoga, you don’t know what you are missing. If anything resonates with you, check out a studio or online class to experience the magic. For some, give it 90-days of regular practice before you decide if it’s for you. For others, you know instantly that it is right for you.Either way and to all that listen, we wish you the best on your journey to living your most inspired life!What We Discuss:• How we started down this health path?• At an early age, Catherine asked her mom, “Is cheese good for you?”• Growing up in the 50s with Wonder bread and TV dinners• Love at first “om”: Catherine’s introduction to yoga in the early 2000’s• Yoga 101. Where does one start?• Busting the “I can’t do yoga because…” myths• How yoga is not physical poses, but a system of healthy, happy living• The history of yoga• How to conduct yourself and with others• How to breathe to take care of your life force• How to control your emotions and mentality?• How to nurture your heart and brain?• Sister science of Aruveda: Living within the rhythm of the season and your body type• The different types of yoga• Yoga is NOT a religion• Specific results of specific poses, like forward fold, or downward dog,• Guidelines for finding a good yoga teacher• Online yoga options• Real life examples of yoga making a difference through all kinds of life experiences• Advice from Catherine’s current self to her younger self:Build and live an intentional, authentic lifeDo yoga at a younger ageIt’s never too late to get healthier, to start meditating, to get whatever you want…Don’t think of your limitationsTake messy action!Supporting Resources:• https://www.gaia.com/?utm_source=google+paid&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=%2Byoga%20%2Bgaia&utm_campaign=1-USA-Brand-Gaia-Broad&utm_content=Gaia-Yoga-Broad&ch=br&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIy9zO5M6r5AIVj8BkCh33PwUrEAAYASAAEgI4rvD_BwE (Gaia)• https://www.glo.com/?&GA_campaign=1656894629&utm_campaign=1656894629&utm_term=%2Bglow%20%2Byoga&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgL66ic6r5AIVEr3sCh0XrgNREAAYASAAEgJf6PD_BwE (YogaGlo)• https://www.itsbeyondthepose.com/ (Beyond the Pose)• https://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Midlfe-Pain-Relief-Secrets/dp/099663181X/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=mid+life+pain+relief+secrets+by+Catherine+Mazur&qid=1567202772&s=gateway&sr=8-1 (Yoga: Midlife Pain Relief Secrets) by Catherine Mazur• https://www.amazon.com/Meditations-Mat-Daily-Reflections-Path/dp/0385721544/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1Y8115F9MK62N&keywords=meditation+from+the+mat+rolf+gates&qid=1567202665&s=gateway&sprefix=meditation+from+the+mat%2Caps%2C199&sr=8-1 (Meditations from the Mat) by Rolf Gates• https://www.amazon.com/Untethered-Soul-Journey-Beyond-Yourself/dp/1572245379/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1K3ZR97IHJN7I&keywords=the+untethered+soul+by+michael+singer&qid=1567202626&s=gateway&sprefix=the+untether%2Caps%2C231&sr=8-1 (The Untethered Soul) by Michael Singer• https://www.amazon.com/Power-Now-Guide-Spiritual-Enlightenment/dp/1577314808/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=the+power+of+now&qid=1567202591&s=gateway&sr=8-2 (The Power of Now) by Echarte Tolle•...

  • This week’s episode is unique and dedicated to our “Health” series.

    I’m on the road interviewing a friend and colleague about his journey of triumph over a very challenging speak impediment: Stuttering. It’s a story so inspiring that I decided this would make a great episode with a great lesson in hope, determination and resolve to never quit on your dreams to live the life you’ve always wanted to live.

    This idea is central to the podcast and the work Aries and I do in the world.

    About 3 million people in the US stutter. They do so silently in jobs that don’t require much talking. Research suggests that after the age of 10, only about 5% of people who stutter, actually overcome it.

    This fact makes Larry’s story all the more remarkable. In his story you will learn how he creatively sought, not so much a solution initially, but simply a way forward. And through that way forward, one small step at a time, he ultimately found his cure and solution.

    Listen here to learn how at the tender age of 57, Larry triumphed to became a successful investment advisor living a life that has exceeded his wildest dreams and allowed him to be his true self and live authentically.

    Head to the Show Notes when you’re done to get the link to his blog and more.

    What We Discuss
    • Larry’s childhood and his early challenges with stuttering
    • How talking was the most difficult thing for him
    • Avoiding talking and hiding as a way of coping
    • The challenge of ordering food for the first time at a McDonalds
    • Larry compromising his passion for the stock market because of his stuttering
    • How asking questions was the toughest part of a conversation
    • How being able to ask only one question of one person can change the course of your life
    • The more he talked the more comfortable he was speaking
    • The most difficult thing was making phone calls to new people and introducing yourself
    • Larry’s career journey from CPA to starting his own RIA firm
    • The next challenge: Getting clients the old fashion way… Prospecting and calling….
    • An aha-moment… “my public speaking is more comfortable than speaking directly to a person.”
    • Why not public speak all the time!
    • There’s not always a solution, but there’s always a way forward
    • Learning all over again at the age of 55 how to speak again through modeling Matt Lauer and Bob Woodward
    • Fifty years of stuttering developed many bad habits based on fear and how Larry had to retool how he thought.
    • Another aha-moment… Doing the exact opposite of everything I’ve ever thought
    • A breakthrough idea: Imagining rays of warmth and smiles from each person Larry encountered shifted him from fear to warmth and acceptance
    • Example of a way forward: Practice talking with no risk
    • How the hardest thing to do for a person who stutters is getting the first word out
    • Now after all those years in survivor mode, Larry starts breaking more bad habits
    • The Three “Bs”: Break the mold. Build confidence. Be unstoppable
    • There’s always a way forward
    • Having a larger purpose in mind to overcome a challenge
    • Think and do the opposite if you’re not getting the results you want

    Facing Challenges Blog: https://facingyourchallenges.com
    Contact Larry: larry@facingyourchallenges.com

  • It’s all about freedom!In this episode, our subject expert on wealth and abundance, Cory Schmelzer, is what I call an “entrepreneurial freedom fighter!” This guy lives and breathes freedom! It’s central to his life and he walks the talk.He brings a fresh perspective on an expanded definition of wealth and abundance through the path of freedom. He talks about the importance of mindset, self-confidence and living without fear. Powerful life lessons for all of us!You will hear a very common theme in this episode. It’s the “entrepreneurial spirit.” George Kinder is his latest brilliant work, https://www.amazon.com/Golden-Civilization-Map-Mindfulness/dp/1732792704/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=a+golden+civilization&qid=1565036753&s=gateway&sr=8-1 (A Golden Civilization), defines it as: “The freedom of each individual to live in authenticity and within that to find the passionate purpose they are meant to live by, and then live it!”Take a listen! Come with an open mind and define for yourself what true wealth and abundance is all about for you. And check out the great reads and resources available in our show notes.To your happy and inspired life!Mark Dale Mazur, RLP®Registered Life PlannerWhat We discuss• Wealth and abundance redefined• Cory’s background growing up• The role education played in Cory’s development• The entrepreneurial spirit• Starting in the industry at Smith Barney• Began investing during his high school years in the great performing Fidelity Magellan Fund• International travel expanded his life experience and knowledge• The value of time vs. money• Cory’s definition of wealth and abundance• How Cory’s parents influenced his definition of wealth• Freedom, health, and mindset are the keys to one’s wealth and abundance• Bringing the abundance mindset to the financial services business• The value of planning and investing wisely• How the life planning process helps us focus on things that are really important• The value of freedom, liberation and justice for each human being• How Cory overcame a learning disability in 3rd grade• The impact of self-confidence and work ethic on a wealth and abundance mindset• The importance of having a good long game• Living below one’s means that can allow for the experience of wealth in relationships and shared travel experiences• The Cory Formula: Happiness = (Friendship + Trust) x (Money + Courage + Freedom)• Self-confidence rules the day• The key routines to maintain wealth and abundance:
Time with his son Cole
Time outdoors: Camping and hiking 
Gratitude for what you have
Reading and learning
Reviewing his net worth statement• A great example of diverting negative energy into positive energy• The universal truth about wealth: It’s all about mindset and not being fearful• Being content with yourself• Staying in the flow and momentum of that which is good in your life
• Book recommendations on the expanded definition of wealth and abundance
https://www.amazon.com/Rain-Gold-Victor-Villasenor/dp/1558858091/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=rain+of+gold&qid=1565036846&s=gateway&sr=8-1 (Rain of Gold) by Victor Villasenor (Love)
https://www.amazon.com/Millionaire-Next-Door-Surprising-Americas/dp/1589795474/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=millionaire+next+store&qid=1565036990&s=gateway&sr=8-1 (Millionaire Next Door) by Thomas Stanley and William Danko (Frugal living leading to wealth)
https://www.amazon.com/Snowball-Warren-Buffett-Business-Life/dp/0553384619/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=snowball&qid=1565037090&s=gateway&sr=8-4 (The Snowball) by Alice Schroeder (Putting good investment principles to work)
https://www.amazon.com/Razors-Edge-W-Somerset-Maugham/dp/1400034205/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+razor%27s+edge&qid=1565037175&s=gateway&sr=8-1 (The Razor’s Edge) by W. Somerset Maugham (Mindset)• Cory’s advice to his younger self:Hire someone and build a team sooner than later...

  • Bring on the subject experts!

    In this week’s episode, we feature Alina Sepeda of Pivotal Acupuncture and Wellness in San Diego.

    She is a subject expert in the field of health and well-being, schooled in Chinese Medicine and trained under the renowned Robert Levine in the Berkeley California area. Dr. Levine has practiced Tibetan and Chinese medicine, pulse diagnosis, and raw herb formulations for 35 years.

    In this episode you will learn about the disparity and contrast between the more traditional Eastern and Western practices of healthcare. More glaring differences are brought to light regarding philosophy, education and training.

    In my own experience, I found the Eastern approach to be far more holistic. It’s more mind, body, soul focused, and the dialogue and relationship formed between the patient and practitioner is deeper with a sense of a shared responsibility for the patient’s well-being on both parties.

    Begin exploring new paths for your healing and healthcare, or just take your health to the next level. Join the conversation here with Aries and me. And thanks for listening!

    To your happy and inspired life!

    Mark Dale Mazur, RLP®
    Registered Life Planner

    What We Discuss:
    • Alina’s life growing up and how she learned to be adaptable from an early age
    • Alina as a practitioner: Thorough methodical, giving
    • Alina as a person: Spunky, enthusiastic, loving
    • A look at western medicine and its strength in research, surgical and clinical (drug) therapy
    • Functional medicine defined
    • How the body, mind and spirit cannot be separated
    • The link between Chinese medicine and functional medicine
    • How our bodies begin to tell a story about ourselves
    • Common issues many people have some form leaky gut syndrome
    • What causes leaky gut?
    • Autoimmune disease: What is it and how does it “work?”
    • The power of good food, sleep and stress management
    • Mark’s experiment with the leaky gut diet and protocol
    • Top lessons learned from Alina
    • Richard Branson’s one health thing: Working out
    • Moving one’s body throughout each day
    • Getting in touch with your body
    • Meditation to help listening to our bodies without resistance and judgement
    • The benefits of loving your body
    • Alina’s one thing that happened that without it, she would not be where she is today
    • How our struggles can lead us to the very gifts we bring the world
    • Routines and best practices
    • Alina’s top daily routines:

    Greeting her son each morning with love, care and compassion

    At the end of each day she says out loud the things she’s thankful for

    Meditating before seeing her patients

    • How holding space for her patients to feel that space and release
    • Friday and Sunday morning yoga to check in with her emotional self
    • Why breakfast is the best meal of day
    • The importance of maintaining a stable blood sugar level
    • Alina’s go to breakfast options: Green drink, protein like sautéed eggs with veggies
    • What we should all eliminate from our diet: A toss-up between gluten and sugar
    • Wheat is the primary gluten food in the Western diet
    • The dynamic of molecular-mimicry with things like grains
    • Tamari over conventional soy sauce to eliminate food that contain “sneaky” gluten
    • Three words of advice to all: “Slow down now”
    • Universal health tip from Alina, move our bodies everyday
    • Favorite books on health:

    Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal?: A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Understanding Hashimoto's Disease and Hypothyroidism by Dr. Datis Kharrazian

    The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
    • What would Alina’s older self, tell her younger self. “Don’t worry. Stop stressing. You will end up where you ultimately are meant to be.”

    Supporting Resources:
    • http://pivotalacupuncture.com/ (Pivotal Acupuncture)
    • https://www.amazon.com/Still-Thyroid-Symptoms-Tests-Normal/dp/0985690402 (Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal?: A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Understanding

  • Season 2 is gaining some great momentum!

    Our first episode set the framework for how we are tackling the subject of health and well-being. In our second episode we are doing the same for the subject of wealth and abundance. Now our third episode we do the same for happiness and prosperity.

    We start with a historical look at happiness from some of the great minds our world has delivered on the subject of happiness. They provide some pretty cool insights and parallels around meaning, purpose, relationships and generosity.

    In the spirit of “the unexamined life is not worth living,” where is your happiness level today? In this moment? Are you happy? Are you living a happy life? An inspired life with meaning and purpose? Where ever you find yourself on the happiness scale, I can tell you there is more for you!

    Begin exploring your happiness now and defining that for yourself. Join the conversation with Aries and me. And thanks for listening!

    To your happy and inspired life!

    Mark Dale Mazur, RLP®
    Registered Life Planner

    What We Discuss:
    • An overview of happiness from the wisdom of the sages before us
    • Happiness as the meaning and purpose of life.
    • Buddha: “The meaning of true happiness is the end of all suffering” and “if one thinks pure thoughts, happiness follows…”and “meditation is the medicine for the pain derived from “impure” thoughts.”
    • Socrates: “The unexamined life is not worth living” and “happiness is attained through human effort” and “all people desire happiness” and happiness does not depend of extern things for
    • Aristotle: “Happiness depends on ourselves and is measured at the end of one’s life.”
    • John Locke: Coined the term: “pursuit of happiness” and “happiness motivates everything we do.”
    • Victor Frankl: Happiness as an outcome of “looking for and finding the meaning of life.”
    • Martin Seligman: On the scientific research: “The most satisfied people are those that are using their signature strengths,” and that “happiness can be learned.” His three dimensions that be cultivated: the pleasant life, the good life and the meaningful life.
    • Abraham Maslow: “The story of the human race is selling themselves short.” He alludes to a relationship to happiness and self-actualization and discovering who we are.
    • The seven habits of happy people


    Acts of kindness

    Exercising and physical well-being

    Finding your flow

    Spiritual engagement and meaning

    Discovering and using your strengths

    Positive mindset, optimism and gratitude
    • The outward expression of happiness reflected in acts of charity and kindness with others
    • Elizabeth Dunn, “Those that give to others are generally happier.”
    • Mark’s most recent experience of an act of kindness with others
    • The importance of small acts of kindness, like opening a door for someone
    • Sharing our hearts with others as relational beings
    • A long-term life study that showed the those with close relationships throughout their lives lived happier lives than those that did not
    • The relationship between health and close meaningful relationships
    • Spiritual engagement and the impact knowing your higher-self has on your happiness
    • Finding meaning and purpose is not a fleeting pleasure, but a real knowing of happiness

    Supporting Resources:
    • http://www.pursuit-of-happiness.org/our-story/ (Pursuit of Happiness website)

  • We’re off to the races for Season 2!

    Our previous episode set the framework for how we’re tackling the subject of health and well-being. In this episode we’re doing the same for the subject of wealth and abundance.

    We make a case that our collective definition for wealth is one that’s been shaped by society, culture and industry. Many are the actors, and each has contributed towards influencing our thinking about how we value and define wealth.

    Capitalism driven by human behavior has its virtues. But it also has its “dark” side such as greed, dishonesty and manipulation. Take it from a marketing guy; don’t underestimate the power of advertising and marketing to sway our behavior and thinking regarding money and wealth.

    As we like to quote Socrates, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

    We invite you to listen to this episode and examine your definition of wealth. Is it best supporting the essence of who you are at your heart’s core? Are you taking a balanced view? Is the amount of time, energy and focus you spend on the money side of wealth-building better used towards those things near and dear to your heart?

    Listen here and please don’t forget to check out the links to all the resources shared in this podcast from your podcast app or from our website at www.hwph.org.

    In support of living your inspired life!

    Mark Dale Mazur, RLP®
    Registered Life Planner

    What We Discuss:
    • A traditional definition of wealth
    • Wealth as physical assets of monetary value
    • Redefining and expanding the definition around wealth
    • Are we spending too much time and energy dealing with money
    • Net worth statement vs self worth statement
    • Why are we so focused on wealth?
    • The link to insecurity, status seeking and social acceptance and seeking wealth
    • Shifting from an external focus on life to an inner focus
    • The influence of the financial industry marketing machine on our focus on money
    • What was the original American dream? Freedom.
    • The American dream today is more about the external things of the affluent
    • Is it still relevant and does it hold true for all of us today?
    • The role of your unique ability and in a more expanded definition of wealth
    • What is unique ability for each of us? Expressed through why we are here.
    • Your unique ability is a big part of your self worth statement
    • Prosperity as a more expanded and comprehensive definition of true wealth
    • Prosperity as the anchor word true wealth
    • Prosperity as a state of flourishing, thriving and good fortune
    • Abundance of the things we love as a part of understanding true wealth
    • Knowing and being thankful for what you have an abundance of
    • What is enough money and the things it buys enough for you?
    • Mark’s feeling of prosperity from the questions posed by his granddaughter
    • Focusing the “Big Five” on what gives you a feeling of prosperity and abundance
    • The importance of defining what true wealth means to you
    • Explore embracing this wider view of wealth that can lead to greater freedom

    Supporting Resources:
    • https://www.strategiccoach.com/ (Unique ability by Strategic Coach)
    • http://uniqueability.com/the-book/ (Unique ability the book)
    • https://www.hwph.org/podcast/your-unique-abilities-changing-your-world (HWPH Unique Ability Podcast Episode)

  • Now we get down to the business of health, wealth and happiness for you.

    We open this season with an overview of how we define health. It’s really about answering the question of what’s the framework for living a life in good health with an ongoing sense of well-being. What does that really mean? Is it achievable? And if so, how?

    It’s actually simple. Simple in that it’s not hard to understand and grasp. Simple in that it’s not rocket science, but it is the science of the how the human mind and body work. The good news is we are also not required to understand at a deep and complex level how it all works.

    The requirements of the mind body connection to operate at an optimum level is simply a matter of how to practice the basics of living. That is to eat, to drink, to move, to rest, and most importantly to be, in a way that fully supports the wiring and operating system of our bodies.

    This season is dedicated to bring to you the subject experts that will share the ideas, knowledge and best practices that will create a strong foundation for experiencing good health and a state of well-being.

    With appreciation for the opportunity to help you fully live into your inspired life!

    What We Discuss:

    Our intentions for Season 2

    Living healthy, wealthy and happy

    Broadening the subject on healthy living

    Why thinking more globally about your health is important

    The Wheel of Health:









    Defining health as an overall state of well-being

    Defining well-being as a state of existence with an overall combination of health, happiness and prosperity

    Pathways to disease and pathways to well-being

    Feeling good is not the ultimate marker for a healthy body

    How do we approach maintaining a state of well-being?

    Developing best practices of preventative care

    Taking personal responsibility for our health. What does that really mean?

    Top three precursors to health issues:

    Eating the wrong foods

    Not managing stress well

    Not getting enough sleep

    A balanced life is important for maintaining a life of well-being

    Practicing and how we live our lives when we get off track and getting back on

    The 80-20 rule

    The 14 Constructs of Great Health and using it as a barometer of one’s well-being

    Mark’s suffering experience with headaches in his 20s as a teacher about health

    The power of moving your body on a regular basis

    Mind body routines: The key to good health and well-being

    Stress and how we handle change impacting one’s energy and diet

    The master of dealing with change leading to good health and longevity

    Living a simple life and the power of environment for well-being

    Define what health and well-being is for you and “take the right action!”

    Being aware and viewing health on the broadest holistic level

    Supporting Resources:

    https://reesewellness.com/ (Jim Reese and The Reese Wellness System)

    http://pivotalacupuncture.com/ (Alina Sepeda and Pivotal Acupuncture)

  • We have come to the end of Season 1 with Episode 14. For both of us it’s been one of the most engaging growth experiences either of us have ever experienced.Our intention was to bring thoughtful and soul-stirring content to help others along their journey. It has also been a catalyst for us which has led to a deeper understanding of each of our lives and our place in the world. That is to say, awakening to who we are and why we are here.In this final episode we summarize and reframe our process for you to discover your soulful, higher-self, leading to an inspired big and true vision through the art of asking the key questions of yourself.May this listening continue to bring it all together for you.With appreciation to have shared… and to your inspired life!What We Discuss:Are you living intentionally?Are you discovering your inspiration?Are you listening to your inner being?Are you seeing a big and true, authentic vision for yourself?Are you using the Wheel of Life to begin an assessment of your life’s score?Are you using the Three Questions and Heart’s Core Grid to discover more about yourself?Are you able to take the right action forward towards your vision?Are you reallocating how you are spending your time?Are managing your energy more closely?Are you aware of and leveraging your unique abilities?Are you managing your resources and money effectively?Are you in the relationships that fully support you and your vision?Are you accessing the wisdom of others in support of your inspired life?Supporting Resources:https://www.amazon.com/Power-Intention-Dr-Wayne-Dyer/dp/1401902162/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=power%20of%20intention&qid=1557266058&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1 (The Power of Intention) by Dr. Wayne Dyerhttps://www.amazon.com/Lighting-Torch-Kinder-Method-Planning/dp/0975344854/ref=pd_sim_14_5/147-9870374-9494520?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0975344854&pd_rd_r=0f24e2aa-6134-11e9-a945-818b360be682&pd_rd_w=bAAjA&pd_rd_wg=Zlo1l&pf_rd_p=90485860-83e9-4fd9-b838-b28a9b7fda30&pf_rd_r=7TC3X38DKMAZ5JD26VV6&psc=1&refRID=7TC3X38DKMAZ5JD26VV6 (Lighting the Torch) by George Kinderhttps://www.amazon.com/Listening-Your-Inner-Voice-Affirmations/dp/1568380798/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=inner%20listening&qid=1557266489&s=gateway&sr=8-2 (Listening to Your Inner Voice) by Douglas Bochhttps://www.amazon.com/Life-Visioning-Transformative-Activating-Unabridged/dp/B00CAYLXPA/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=visioning%20michael%20beckwith&qid=1557265917&s=gateway&sr=8-1 (Life Visioning) by Michael Bernard Beckwithhttps://static1.squarespace.com/static/56a91ac07086d79f3dff8228/t/5c3e2946b8a045c7f7ea1eac/1547577670921/Wheel+of+Life.pdf (Wheel of Life) by Money Quotienthttps://lifeplanningforyou.com/ (Three Questions and Heart’s Core Grid by Life Planning for You) from Kinder Institutehttps://www.amazon.com/Obstacle-Way-Timeless-Turning-Triumph/dp/1591846358/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=ryan%20holiday&qid=1557266831&s=books&sr=1-4 (The Obstacle Is the Way) by Ryan Holidayhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/0525572422/ref=rdr_ext_tmb (Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day) by Jake Knapp and John Zeratskyhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/0989886360/ref=rdr_ext_tmb (Manage Your Energy) by Chuck Marunde, J.D.https://www.amazon.com/Unique-Ability%C2%AE-2-0-Discovery-Define/dp/1897239416/ref=sr_1_2?crid=17T7TQ9857FFQ&keywords=unique%20ability%202.0%20discovery%20define%20your%20best%20self&qid=1557267842&s=books&sprefix=unique%20ab,stripbooks,195&sr=1-2-catcorr (Unique Ability 2.0 Discovery) by Catherine Nomura, Julia Waller and Shannon Wallerhttps://www.amazon.com/Seven-Stages-Money-Maturity-Understanding/dp/0440508339 (Seven Stage of Money Maturity) by George Kinderhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/0061251305/ref=rdr_ext_tmb (Tribal Leadership) by Dave Logan

  • The penultimate episode of Season One features the father of life planning, George Kinder.When one wants to master a skill, one should learn from a master.If you want to understand what living a life of real freedom is all about, do yourself a favor and listen to this interview from someone who walks the talk and lives the words he speaks. George is such a person and master of the art of life planning.He has personally been an inspiration to me and the myriad others that have known or been taught by him.In this interview, George takes us through his early life, when the seeds of freedom were sown, and the early stages of the life planning movement. You will learn more about the most important skill we can bring to others: Being fully present and listening with unconditional positive regard for the one who is sharing with us.Enjoy and please don’t forget to check out the links to all the resources shared in this podcast.In love and appreciation… and to your inspired life!What We Discuss:A brief recap of Mark’s and Aries’ intentions for this seasonBoth of them hoped for “one thing” this first season. Learn what it was.George’s young life growing up on the foothills of the AppalachiansThe best year of George’s life at the young age of threeBeing conscious of vitality and inspiration at this early ageGrowing up in a small “salt of the earth” townHarvard in the 60s with students “ruling the campus”Valuing our democratic freedoms and how he can live and make it accessible to othersCame out of Harvard wanting to live a life of poetry, painting and meditationInspired by the work of Christo as a sculptureBecame an accountant providing tax planning part time to support his life as an artistHow George evolved from taxes to financial planning in the 70sLearning about empathy and listening skills from his niche building with therapistsHow listening was and has always been at the heart of planningViewing money as simply a means of facilitating our dream of freedomWhy he shifted from service to the public consumer to industry professionalsWhen you live a life of freedom and vitality you gain greater self-knowledgeA bit about George’s spiritual journeyHow just living a life of freedom, vitality and vigor can propel the client forwardWe were born to be authentic and bring something extraordinary into the worldFinding our authenticity, self-knowledge and wisdom to model integrity and freedomThe Three Questions, Heart’s Core Grid and living your Ideal Day, Week and YearBeing awake and present in every moment of our lifeGeorge’s latest book: A Golden Civilization & The Map of MindfulnessResources:Websiteshttps://www.agoldencivilization.com/ (A Golden Civilization)https://lifeplanningforyou.com/ (Life Planning for You)https://www.kinderinstitute.com/ (The Kinder Institute)Books by George Kinderhttps://www.agoldencivilization.com/agc (A Golden Civilization & The Map of Mindfulness)https://www.amazon.com/Seven-Stages-Money-Maturity-Understanding/dp/0440508339/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1?crid=2I0UK6YIZS2R3&keywords=seven%20stages%20of%20money%20maturity&qid=1555521160&s=gateway&sprefix=seven%20stages%20,aps,186&sr=8-1-fkmrnull (Seven Stages of Money Maturity)https://www.amazon.com/Life-Planning-You-Design-Deliver/dp/0979174368/ref=pd_sim_14_2/147-9870374-9494520?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0979174368&pd_rd_r=0f24e2aa-6134-11e9-a945-818b360be682&pd_rd_w=bAAjA&pd_rd_wg=Zlo1l&pf_rd_p=90485860-83e9-4fd9-b838-b28a9b7fda30&pf_rd_r=7TC3X38DKMAZ5JD26VV6&psc=1&refRID=7TC3X38DKMAZ5JD26VV6 (Life Planning for You)...

  • When we are moving towards a Big and True Vision of who we are and what we want to be in the world, everyone around us plays a vital role in our ability to fulfill that Vision.

    We are social creatures and, ultimately, none of us can do it alone. We need the energy and support of key people in our lives.

    If we want to be a more authentic version of ourselves and/or do something more inspiring, it’s important to surround ourselves with those who understand and can support us in achieving our Vision. But how do we do that? What are the obstacles and challenges? How do we evaluate our current relationships? What’s our risk to change or not to change them?

    Listen to some straight talk on this interesting and somewhat touchy subject.

    What We Discuss:

    Why should we examine our relationships?

    We are the average of our five closest relationships.

    The importance of who we surround ourselves with.

    Let’s explore our current relationships.

    Are our people in support of our Big, True Vision?

    How to examine and evaluate our relationships.

    Taking inventory.

    Mentor and mentee relationships.

    Exercises we can undertake to help with this shift.

    The use of the Wheel of Life to evaluate relationships in each key area of your life.

    Knowing the unique abilities of those relationships in our lives.

    Setting the intention to find the right team support in our lives.

    Building blocks of relationship skill building:



    Quality time

    Physical touch

    Deep understanding

    Right action following your words

    Knowing the other’s language of love

    Understanding ourselves and what’s important.

    Where do we draw the line? Who goes? Who stays, but in a different way?

    Trusting your inner being and soul.

    Always keeping a view of the big picture and what’s really important.

    Planning a wedding and planning your best life.

    Taking an inventory of the relationships in your life.


    https://reesewellness.com/ (Reese Wellness) by James Reese, L. Ac., OMD

    http://pivotalacupuncture.com/about-alina-acupuncturist-in-san-diego/ (Alina Sepeda, L. Ac., MSOM, Pivotal Acupuncture)

    https://www.franklincovey.com/the-7-habits.html (The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People®) by Stephen Covey

    https://www.5lovelanguages.com/ (The Five Love Languages®)

    https://jacobsoncoachingandconsulting.com/ (Jacobson Coaching and Consulting)

  • Money, money, money…Money, money, money…What is it about money? For some it’s an obsession. For others it holds the electrical charge of politics and religion. Some loathe it. Some build their entire life around it. There are those that are uncomfortable with it, and there are those who are true masters of it.In this episode we begin the process of deconstructing the dynamics of money in our culture and how it affects how we live. Money touches so many parts of our lives. We interface with it regularly and are forever finding ourselves at financial crossroads, often making life decisions based on money.I have personally been fascinated with people’s experience, beliefs, and emotions around money. When it comes to living your most inspired and meaningful life, your relationship, attitude and understanding around it will have a lot to do with how that life will unfold for you.What We Cover:A brief exploration of the history of money"Money skills are the survival skills of the 21st century,” Dick WagnerHow the culture around money has developedThe distortion of net worth equaling self-worthAn imbalance around the importance of moneyHow money buys us freedom but can keep us from real freedomOur significance of our relationship with moneyThe role money plays in decision fatigueMoney memories at a young ageThe influencers that formed our beliefs around money during our “little” lifeUnderstanding the role that money plays in holding us back from living from our soulBeing aware of our beliefs and habits around moneyMoney personalities: One primary and one secondaryOur relationship with money affects our relationships with peopleMaking mistakes with money and the power of understanding and forgivenessHow money opposites attract as couplesAries’ experience with money and shifting from old money beliefsDo you own money or does money own you?Mark’s relationship with money today and working through his early negative beliefsGrappling with the discrepancies between how much money people earn and whyThe beginning of Mark’s healing around moneyEnergy and the movement of moneyHow money plays into Mark’s life plan and my heart’s core gridAligning all our financial resources to support our values and heart’s core desiresAccessing your skills with money and taking right action to improve themAwareness of our money spending and earning habitsMastering money through opening up the blind spotsThe Resources:https://www.amazon.com/Seven-Stages-Money-Maturity-Understanding/dp/0440508339/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1?crid=15TP951PRK2OY&keywords=seven%20stages%20of%20money%20maturity&qid=1553622948&s=gateway&sprefix=seven%20stages%20of%20mon,aps,323&sr=8-1-fkmrnull (The Seven Stages of Money Maturity) by George Kinderhttps://idopodcast.com/scott-and-bethany-palmer/ (Relationship Advice Podcast E63:) Love and Money by Scott and Bethany Palmerhttps://www.amazon.com/Your-Money-Map-Financial-Freedom/dp/0802468683 (Your Money Map) by Howard Daytonhttps://themoneycouple.com/mpa-submit (Money Personality Discovery Assessment) by The Money Couple

  • Imagine knowing what your unique abilities are and spending 80% of your time doing it!Central to your persona in this life are characteristics and values entirely unique to you. When you create a picture of the type of inspiring future you want to live, you’ve connected to your deepest self. From your deepest self lies the power to make your dream a reality.Often times, coming from that space of your deepest self lies a code unlocking your purpose in life. Within that code are the insights to your unique abilities. These unique abilities are the “tools” and will provide the leverage for you to build your vision. Do you know what these unique abilities are for you?You can find out through The Strategic Coach’s Unique Ability® Discovery 2.0.This guide will be the stepping stone to becoming the very best version of you. When you define your Unique Ability you obtain a wealth of self-knowledge, clarity, and confidence that powers you to live the life you’ve always envisioned.Listen to this Podcast and https://resources.strategiccoach.com/guides/a-beginners-guide-to-unique-ability (Start your journey now).What We Cover:Mark’s experience with determining his unique ability through the Strategic Coach ProgramA brief review of the opening exercise for discovering unique abilitiesRealizing the essence of who you areExamples of unique abilities played out in lifeSuperior skills and playing that out in your lifePassion and energy reflected in living your unique abilitiesWhy is unique ability important?Unique ability tied to one’s bigger purpose in lifeLife planning and unique abilityLooking at unique ability from a team standpointThe Resources:http://uniqueability.com/the-book/ (Unique Ability 2.0 Discovery) by Catherine Nomura, Julia Waller, and Shannon Wallerhttps://www.gallupstrengthscenter.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Strengths_ECommerce_Brand_Search_US&utm_content=strengthsfinder&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4v_2iaGR4QIV3h-tBh0jFgDaEAAYASAAEgLtV_D_BwE (CliftonStrenghts) by Galluphttps://www.amazon.com/Conative-Connection-Uncovering-Between-Perform/dp/0201570955 (Cognitive Connection) by Kathy Kolbe

  • The entire world spins on energy. It is the life force of the Universe and it’s the life force that will play a major role in delivering your big, true vision.

    The first step when you become clear on this grand dream is to live into it!

    Living into it means seeing it, fully feeling it and connecting with the power and energy of your excitement and joy experiencing it. You should feel inspired and alive! Really energized, so your vibrational energy is spinning at a very high level.

    This is important because here, like in physics, your energy is “the capacity to do the work.” In other words, it’s what you need to move forward through those obstacles and challenges that stand in your way!

    For you, the “action” starts with the intention, inspiration and inner listening required to effect shifts in your consciousness. It’s that shift in consciousness that is the “movement of something (your vision) against something else (your obstacles) that will begin to make your vision a reality. This is the “physics” of what’s going to the move the mountains for you!

    In this episode, we explore best practices that will support your vibrational energy levels, along with best practices in support of your shift of consciousness to create your expanded vision.

    What We Cover:

    The four major “holders” and “channels” of energy for human beings:





    How Kundalini yoga awakening your physical and spiritual energy

    What are you doing with your time to keep your vibrational energy level high?

    What energizes you? What drains your energy?

    Methods of better managing your energy

    Identifying the people that raise your energy level and transfer positive energy to you

    Aries and Mark share the steps they’ve taken to better manage their energy

    Mark’s routines to awaken his energy: Walking, meditation, yoga, and weight training

    Bad thoughts will drain your energy and how to deal with that?

    Mark’s shares his experience with the “stop, drop and roll” technique

    Consider the “BEAR” acronym: Belief leads to an Energy which leads to an Action which leads to Results.

    Stay away from this formula: Negative beliefs = negative results

    Being aware of our natural tendencies that lean towards a positive or negative reaction

    Habits and energy make up a part of an interrelated web of contributing factors that help you realize your vision or keep you from attaining it

    We all have the power to make changes

    Focus, tenacity and commitment are required to change

    Mark’s tops three game-changer habits

    Daily Meditation

    Daily Movement

    Consciously Eating Clean

    Mark and Aries share how they deal with the struggle of eating or doing those things you love but don’t serve you.

    Starting change one item at a time

  • What’s required for most people to move forward on their big, true vision?

    For most, if not all, it will require change and a recalibration in the use and management of your time, energy, money, relationships and unique abilities. In this episode, Mark and Aries take the deep dive on the subject of time and why is it so important?

    Time is limited, but it’s something you actually have control over. Once it’s spent you can never get it back. Time is money in conventional economics. It comprises every single moment of your life. It’s a gift but we must master it, to master life.

    How are you spending your time? Are you intention with your time? Are YOU owning your time or do others? Are you aware of how much time you spend doing for others vs caring for yourself? Do you know what an ideal day is for you?

    Can you answer this question? If you had total freedom to choose to do anything you wanted on a given day, would you know what to do?

    What We Cover:

    How time is finite

    Understanding what time means for you in support of your big, true vision

    Getting empowered over your time, how you are using and managing it

    The relationship between happiness and a regular focus on time management

    Helpful tools to help you measure time

    Being intentional with your time

    Increments of time that we should focus on

    Going from illusion to reality with your concept of time

    Deconstructing time and building your ideal week

    Doing a time diary. Noting your hour by hour activities

    Why we do things we know we don’t really enjoy doing?

    How we need structure to help us best plan our time for those things that count

    The important skill and exercise of prioritizing

    Obstacles to managing your time

    Opportunities to better leverage time

    Awareness is the key to making changes with your time

    Example of a wild crazy exercise and study on life expectancy in terms of hours and days

    Creating more of a sense of urgency around time

    What’s one change you can make in the area of time that fully supports your life plan?

    Being more strategic about your time

    Make your ideal week exercise intentional and authentic

    The Resources:

    Blueprint Income

    The Focused Daily Planner by Michael Hyatt

    Future Bonus:

    The Ideal Week Worksheet