Welcome to Childcare, WTF -- a podcast breaking down all the BS surrounding the childcare world, with none of the mom-group-parent shaming. A place for real, funny, supportive, helpful conversations, with a lot of swear words thrown in.
Hosted by Tori Ulrich, long-time owner of Chicago Super Sitters - one of the top childcare agencies in Chicago, and Eric Burgher, a new-ish dad who is navigating parenthood and childcare in real time. Together they will discuss how parenting is hard, kids are hard, and childcare everything is HARD. Things like - what childcare do you need, where to find it, how to keep it, how to work in it, how to interact with it once you have found it, how much should it cost, and on and on.
This is NOT a 'HOW to be a parent' podcast (who the hell are we to say whats best for your fam?) We will not be bringing in any "parenting experts" or snooty anybodys that will make you feel badly about yourself as a parent (WTF is up with these people?).
BUT, we will make a small part of parenting easier by sharing helpful childcare info, inside-the-agency-scoops, ridiculous stories, and lots of real, actionable tips (actual tips, not have your kid smell a mason jar with lavender to calm them down during a tantrum, tips). We give you a place to ask your WTF questions, and we'll do our very best to give you some good f'ing answers.
As in YES, you nanny/sitter is human and does need to eat during their 8 hour shift at your house. Or NO, you can't pay your babysitter less if your kid is sleeping. Or YES, male sitters/nannies are absolutely a real option and are totally appropriate.
We can't solve all the childcare problems with this podcast (yet) but we can get a good head start on the WTF stuff now. Join us! -
Elevated Perspectives is a podcast centered around telling the stories of Black expats, travelers & nomads with the intention of building community, connecting people to their dream lives & inspiring others. In our weekly episodes we talk to the friends we’ve made along this journey about what travel means to them & how they support themselves abroad as well as the blessings and challenges of building community in different parts of the world.
片頭音樂: THE ROADS by Ilya Ttuhanov
E-mail:[email protected]
Hosting provided by SoundOn -
An honest discussion of the human spirit, the value of a positive attitude, and how strength can be found in the weakest of places. This podcast journey will take you beyond your comfort zone to where you start to really learn about yourself and your ability to navigate seemingly impassable waters. We will discuss times where my disability (CMT) has empowered me to learn about strength. We will have guests on this podcast who are champions of overcoming adversity and making the world shine brighter. And, we will help you to start to see your challenges as your greatest gifts. Jonah Berger is a 48 year old youth director and motivational speaker. He works with kids and adults who deal with disabilities. He is a husband, a father, an author, a drummer, a leg brace wearer and an observer of life. Jonah uses his own disability to help listeners learn more about their own challenges and how to use them as strengths. Come take a walk with Jonah down the path of perspective that will leave you thinking and smiling.
We are a network of brave parents who empower & equip others to intentionally develop & train children to have strong character & integrity. We believe brave parenting is doing the right thing even when it is hard. While it seems our children would rather be raised by the internet, the truth is they need strong and courageous parents who will invest in their character.
Momentos para Mamá de Dannah Gresh son podcasts de 60 segundos llenos de verdad bíblica, sabiduría y consejos prácticos para padres. Respondiendo preguntas como "¿Cómo puedo conectarme con un niño que es diferente a mí?", "¿Cuándo debería hablar sobre las citas?", E incluso "¿Qué tienen en común Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney y Magic Johnson?" ¡Estos Podcast traerán aliento para todas las madres!
En este podcast, Iker puede desahogarse y hablar sobre temas de los que no puede hablar en otras plataformas, conectando así más con su audiencia. En este podcast hablo sobre muchos temas, como: la salud mental, anécdotas, tips y muchas cosas más. Cada episodio es entretenido y en muchos de ellos hablo sobre temas que nunca menciono en otros sitios, siendo 100% yo sin filtros! Espero que os lo paséis bien escuchándolo y que os ayude! Grabo episodios cuando puedo!
Marc and Heidi D’Amelio give the world a light-hearted, real life look at the frenetic world they face as the parents of Dixie and Charli. They’ll share it all; from life before fame, to how they got here and the exciting adventures yet to come. Plus, Marc and Heidi will also talk directly to ALL parents about raising kids in our social media obsessed society. There’ll be no lectures or sermons - Just engaging conversations and a healthy dose of laughter. New episodes every Tuesday.
Haz que los retos de crianza y educación sean más fáciles de resolver preparándote para ser una mamá o papá efectivo.
¡Qué padres tips! es el podcast en el que tendrás siempre, y donde sea que te encuentres, las respuestas y el acompañamiento que necesitas para hacer brillar tu potencial, redescubrirte y crear una mejor versión de ti, en cualquier área de tu vida. -
Llegaste al lugar en que aprenderás cómo tomar ACCIÓN de una vez por todas. Disfruta de podcasts de crianza consciente; con el toque mágico de saber comunicar asertivamente; desde el amor y respeto; utilizando el sentido común familiar. Nuevos episodios Lunes miercoles y viernes
He creado este podcast con la finalidad de poder expresarme de una manera más amplia y a la vez entrevistar a personas que han sobresalido en diferentes campos, de alguna manera inspirarlos con historias propias o de mis invitados Support this podcast:
En este podcast hablaremos de distintos temas de la crianza desde una perspectiva de la psicología del desarrollo infantil, el apego seguro, las emociones y el juego a través de ejemplos prácticos y mi propia experiencia como mamá.
Si tienes hijos de 0 a 18 años o eres responsable de la educación de niños o adolescentes, este podcast es para ti. -