
  • In 1996, Canadian businessman Adam Walsh was the owner of one of the highest valued junior mining companies in North America, which had several major mining companies bidding for shares and many mutual fund companies and independent investors piling money into stock. Bre-X was sitting on once of the greatest gold discoveries of the century, a deposit in Busang, Indonesia with an estimated 200 million oz of gold (worth roughly 300 billion dollars today) ready to be tapped into.

    But when one of the invested mining companies sent their own geologists to perform due diligence at the mining site, they didn’t find any gold. Instead, an investigation was launched into what is now known as the biggest mining and gold scandals of all time and one of the truest examples of fraud in history.

    Keep up to date on all things Historically Bad:

    Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠@historicallybadpodcast⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Patreon: ⁠⁠⁠⁠www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon⁠⁠⁠

    Contact us: [email protected]

    STICKERS: https://historically-bad-podcast.square.site/

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan.

    Case Sources:


    Building a province : 60 Alberta lives by Brian Brennan

    Bre-X: The lure of false gold. By: Henchek, Catherine F., Engineering & Mining Journal (00958948), 00958948, Jun98, Vol. 199, Issue 6

    The Bre-X Scandal: A History Timeline by Jess Desjardins for the visual capitalist

    Christopher C. Nicholls, 'The Bre-X Hoax: A South East Asian Bubble' (1999) 32(2) Canadian Business Law Journal 173

    Chicago 17th ed. Jeffrey G. MacIntosh, "Lessons of Bre-X (?) Some Comments," Canadian Business Law Journal 32, no. 2 (October, 1999): 223-240

    Jeffrey Drozdiak, "Bre-X, NI 43-101 and the Effectiveness of Regulating Mineral Project Disclosure in Canada," Canadian Business Law Journal 60, no. 3 (June 2018): 343-384








    Book: Fever: The Dark Mystery of the Bre-X Gold Rush by Jennifer Wells













    BBC and CBC podcast: The Six Billion Dollar Gold Scam (2024) hosted by Suzanne Wilton

    Personal communication: Dan the rock man

  • Jonestown became internationally infamous when, on November 18, 1978, a total of 918 people died at the settlement in a mass poisoning and group suicide at the nearby airstrip in Port Kaituma; and at a Temple-run building close to Georgetown, Guyana's capital city. The name ofthe settlement became synonymous with the incidents at those locations. During this massacre, a significant number of people died of cyanide poisoning and were injected against their will. In fact, all but two people died via poisoning withapproximately one third of the victims being children. Jones and some Peoples Temple members’ referred to the act as a "revolutionary suicide". The poisonings in Jonestown followed the murder of five other individuals,including U. S Congressman Leo Ryan with the murder-suicide committed by Four other Temple members inGeorgetown at Jones' command. To this day, the Jonestown massacre is known as the largest group suicide mission to have ever taken place and prior to the terrorist attacks of 911, Jonestown marked the single greatest loss of Americanlives in one day due to a non-natural disaster.

    Keep up to date on all things Historically Bad:

    Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠@historicallybadpodcast⁠⁠⁠Website: ⁠⁠⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠⁠⁠

    Patreon: ⁠⁠⁠www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon⁠⁠

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan.

    Case Sources:



    https://time.com/6989360/cult-massacre-jonestown-hulu-doc/Bbc.co.uk“Jonestown: the world’s biggest mass suicide”



    The documentary Jonestown: Terror in the Jungle (2018).

    Right answers mostly “Jonestown
 don’t drink thekool-aid”

    The docuseries “Cult Massacre: One Day in Jonestown”

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  • H. H. Holmes was an American serial killer and con artist who operated in the early 1890’s and is most well known for luring victims to his “Murder Castle”, a hotel that he built to accommodate guests during the Chicago World’s Fair 1893. A published floor plan of the “Murder Castle” revealed secret torture chambers, trapdoors, gas chambers, and a crematorium in the basement. Though the “Beast of Chicago” only confessed to 27 murders, some reports attribute up to 200 deaths to him between 1886-1894. But how much of what we know about H. H. Holmes was true? Did this so called “Murder Castle” even exist? Today on historically bad we will deep dive into the story of America’s very first serial killer, and how his reign of terror was sensationalized by the media following a shoddy police investigation that left room for speculation by tabloids.

    Keep up to date on all things Historically Bad incuding details of our LIVE SHOW on June 1st!

    Instagram: ⁠⁠@historicallybadpodcast ⁠⁠

    Website: ⁠⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠⁠

    Patreon: ⁠⁠www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon⁠

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Buy some stickers!: https://historically-bad-podcast.square.site/

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan.

    Case Sources:









    Crighton, J. D., & Mudgett, H. W. (2016). Holmes' Own Story: Confessed 27 Murders, Lied Then Died. Aerobear Classics.

    Avery, R. (1997). City of Brotherly Mayhem. DIANE Publishing Inc..

    Larsen, E. (2003). The Devil in the White City. New York: Vintage.

    Selzer, A. (2017). HH Holmes: The True History of the White City Devil. Simon and Schuster.

    Generation Why Podcast episode 164: H. H. Holmes

  • Josef Mengele is one of the most infamous figures of the Holocaust. Despite being trained as a doctor, Josef spent little time preserving life and instead brought a sadistic cruelty to experiments that ended the lives of many, mainly children. His service at Auschwitz and the medical experiments he conducted there have made him the most widely recognized perpetrator of the crimes committed during the reign of Nazi Germany with his postwar life in hiding represents the international failure to bring Nazi criminals to justice. Mengele has been the subject of numerous popular books, films, and television shows however, many of these portrayals distort the real facts of Mengele’s crimes and take him out of his historical context. Despite the portrayal of him as a mad scientist who conducted sadistic experiments with no scientific basis, the truth about Mengele is even more disturbing earning him the title the "angel of death". Join Carly and Tab this week as they discuss the depraved life of one of the most evil men in history; Josef Mengele.

    Content Warning: explicit discussions of human experimentation and casualties, violence, genocide and racism.

    Keep up to date on all things Historically Bad! Become a member of the OG baddy tier on Patreon to access bonus content, additional bloopers and early access to Part 2's! #baddiesonly

    Instagram: @historicallybadpodcast

    Website: www.historicallybadpodcast.ca

    Patreon: www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan

    Episode Sources:








  • This weeks story takes us back to the late 1870’s in Manhattan, New York, where a seasoned criminal was planning his most daring heist yet – a robbery of The Manhattan Savings Institution on Broadway and Bleecker. Despite several hiccups in over three years of planning, including two actual murders, the team of crooks led by George Leonidas Leslie successfully pulled off what was at the time the highest value criminal heist in history. Join Carly and Tab as they unpack the first ever historically bad bank heist.

    Keep up to date on all things Historically Bad! Become a member of the OG baddy tier on Patreon to access bonus content, additional bloopers and early access to Part 2's! #baddiesonly

    Instagram: ⁠⁠@historicallybadpodcast ⁠⁠

    Website: ⁠⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠⁠

    Patreon: ⁠⁠www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon⁠

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan

    Case Sources:


    Conway, J. North. (2009) King of Heists: The Sensational Bank Robbery of 1878 That Shocked America. ISBN 978-1-49-304053-7

    Walling, George W. (1887) Recollections of a New York Chief of Police. Caxton book concern, limited. ISBN 978-0-60-835831-4






    The Bowery Boys: New York City History Podcast episode #375: The Great Bank Robbery of 1878










  • For 33 months Studio 54 was the place for hedonism, drug consumption and every type of sex you can think of, public and all. Over those months, the club became known as a disco hot house that was infamous for its guest list, its exceeding unrealistic and idealistic entry policies (that led to unbelievable attempts on behalf of patrons to enter), and over the top extravagant events with a plethora of available illegal drugs. The club was closely tied to owners Steve Rubell and Ian Schrager who kicked off the era of A-list celebrities like Cher, Mick Jagger, Liza Minnelli, Michael Jackson and even artist Andy Warhol. Join Carly and Tab this week as they unpack the rise and fall of Studio 54; the 70s disco club that became known as an epicenter for pleasure and power which all came to a screeching halt under charges of tax evasion and drug crime.

    Content Warning: discussions of sex and drug use.

    Keep up to date on all things Historically Bad! Become a member of the OG baddy tier on Patreon to access bonus content, additional bloopers and early access to Part 2's! #baddiesonly

    Instagram: @historicallybadpodcast

    Website: www.historicallybadpodcast.ca

    Patreon: www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan

    Case Sources:

    Studio 54 Netflix Documentary, 2018.

    Studio 54, Right Answers Mostly Podcast









    Ian Schrager Company: https://www.ianschragercompany.com/

  • Vili Fualaau is a Samoan American man who was just 8 years old when he met his future wife and the mother of his children. From a young age he was gifted, with a particular talent for art. It was this talent for art that first captured the attention of his second grade teacher, Mary Kay Letourneau, in 1991 when he first found himself in her classroom. Mary Kay started giving Vili special attention from this moment on – which from the outside appeared to be a well-intended teacher fostering and mentoring a young student – but later the truth was revealed to be much darker.

    Content warnings: discussions of child sexual assault, statutory rape, abuse of a minor, and suicide.

    Keep up to date on all things Historically Bad! Become a member of the OG baddy tier on Patreon to access bonus content, additional bloopers and early access to Part 2's! #baddiesonly

    Instagram: ⁠⁠@historicallybadpodcast ⁠⁠

    Website: ⁠⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠⁠

    Patreon: ⁠⁠www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon⁠

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan

    Case Sources:








    Documentary: Mary Kay Letourneau: Notes on a Scandal

    Biography Presents: Mary Kay Letourneau: Autobiography



    American Scandals - Season 1 Episode 8 ''Mary Kay Letourneau: Forbidden Love''




    Podcast: Right Answers Mostly episode “Your least favorite teacher: Mary Kay Letourneau”

    Resources for Victims:








  • The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. More than 200 people were accused, 30 found guilty and 20 whom were publicly executed and remained guilty until some 300 years later. Join Carly and Tab this week as the unpack the story of one town's strange journey from paranoid to pardon and one of the most notorious cased of mass hysteria in American history filled with dubious witch hunting practices and bizarre accounts of "counter-magic".

    Content Warnings: discussions of violence.

    Keep up to date on all things Historically Bad! Become a member of the OG baddy tier on Patreon to access bonus content, additional bloopers and early access to Part 2's! #baddiesonly

    Instagram: ⁠⁠@historicallybadpodcast ⁠⁠

    Website: ⁠⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠⁠

    Patreon: ⁠⁠www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon⁠

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan

    Case Sources:






    Right Answers Mostly Podcast, Salem Witch Trials: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4gA0V7qGNK6TkquWhQnucl

    The Crucible, 1996.

  • Taylor Swift is no stranger to breaking records and making historic moves in the music industry. Whether you are a full-send Swifite or don't listen to her music at all - there is no denying that Taylor is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. Now more than ever the world is captivated by Taylor Swift as she enters the second year of performing her groundbreaking and breathtaking Eras Tour. There are so many reasons to stan Taylor Swift (and Carly will explain all of them in this episode) - but one of our favourites is her advocacy for artists to own their own work and willingness to use her platform and her power to stand up to toxic masculinity in the music industry and make meaningful change. Join Carly and Tab for Historically Bad (Taylor's Version) as we deep dive into the twisted backstory behind Taylor's history-making decision to re-record her first 6 albums: Taylor Swift, Fearless, Speak Now, Red, 1989, and Reputation. PART 2.

    Keep up to date on all things Historically Bad! Become a member of the OG baddy tier on Patreon to access bonus content, additional bloopers and early access to Part 2's! #baddiesonly

    Instagram: ⁠⁠@historicallybadpodcast ⁠⁠

    Website: ⁠⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠⁠

    Patreon: ⁠⁠www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon⁠

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan

    Case Sources:




    13: A Taylor Swift Fan Podcast Episode: Revenge Of The Re-Recordings





    Taylor Swift (Tumblr, Instagram)









  • Taylor Swift is no stranger to breaking records and making historic moves in the music industry. Whether you are a full-send Swifite or don't listen to her music at all - there is no denying that Taylor is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. Now more than ever the world is captivated by Taylor Swift as she enters the second year of performing her groundbreaking and breathtaking Eras Tour. There are so many reasons to stan Taylor Swift (and Carly will explain all of them in this episode) - but one of our favourites is her advocacy for artists to own their own work and willingness to use her platform and her power to stand up to toxic masculinity in the music industry and make meaningful change. Join Carly and Tab for Historically Bad (Taylor's Version) as we deep dive into the twisted backstory behind Taylor's history-making decision to re-record her first 6 albums: Taylor Swift, Fearless, Speak Now, Red, 1989, and Reputation.

    Keep up to date on all things Historically Bad! Become a member of the OG baddy tier on Patreon to access bonus content, additional bloopers and early access to Part 2! #baddiesonly

    Instagram: ⁠@historicallybadpodcast ⁠

    Website: ⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠

    Patreon: ⁠www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon⁠

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan

    Case Sources:




    13: A Taylor Swift Fan Podcast Episode: Revenge Of The Re-Recordings





    Taylor Swift (Tumblr, Instagram)









  • David Koresh was born Vernon Wayne Howell on August 17, 1959 in Houston Texas and died on April 19, 1993 at age 33 on a momentous day in American history known as the Waco siege, or the Waco massacre; a deadly 51-day standoff against the FBI and the federal bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms. Koresh was an American cult leader of the Branch Davidians-a religious sect that received national attention during the aforementioned deadly standoff where Koresh, who believed himself to be a prophet and self-proclaimed messiah, commanded his followers to stockpiled mass amounts of deadly weapons in anticipation of the coming apocalypse that ended in fiery death. Join Carly and Tab this week as the unpack the wacky messiah who looked not like that of a cult leader but rather an odd man in a band with a memorizing personality that allowed him to exert influence over many, mounting an unexpected and deadly stand still with the FBI. - Part 2.

    Content Warnings: sexual assault against adults and minors, discussions of violence.

    Keep up to date on all things Historically Bad! Become a member of the OG baddy tier on Patreon to access bonus content, additional bloopers and early access to Part 2's of future episodes! #baddiesonly

    Instagram: ⁠@historicallybadpodcast ⁠

    Website: ⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠

    Patreon: ⁠www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon⁠

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan

    Case Sources

    The book “inside the cult” authored by Marc Breault

    Documentary “Waco, the big lie” by Linda Thompson

    “Waco” film starring Taylor Kitsch



    https://www.google.com/search?q=biorgraphics+david+koresh&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA904CA904&oq=biorgraphics+david+koresh+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKABMgkIAhAhGAoYoAEyCQgDECEYChigAdIBCDMxMTlqMGo0qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:892c2b68,vid:yfoCcEWkpDQ,st:0 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Koresh

  • David Koresh was born Vernon Wayne Howell on August 17, 1959 in Houston Texas and died on April 19, 1993 at age 33 on a momentous day in American history known as the Waco siege, or the Waco massacre; a deadly 51-day standoff against the FBI and the federal bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms. Koresh was an American cult leader of the Branch Davidians-a religious sect that received national attention during the aforementioned deadly standoff where Koresh, who believed himself to be a prophet and self-proclaimed messiah, commanded his followers to stockpiled mass amounts of deadly weapons in anticipation of the coming apocalypse that ended in fiery death. Join Carly and Tab this week as the unpack the wacky messiah who looked not like that of a cult leader but rather an odd man in a band with a memorizing personality that allowed him to exert influence over many, mounting an unexpected and deadly stand still with the FBI.

    Content Warnings: sexual assault and violence against adults and minors, discussions of violence.

    Keep up to date on all things Historically Bad! Become a member of the OG baddy tier on Patreon to access bonus content, additional bloopers and early access to Part 2! #baddiesonly

    Instagram: @historicallybadpodcast

    Website: www.historicallybadpodcast.ca

    Patreon: www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan

    Case Sources

    The book “inside the cult” authored by Marc Breault

    Documentary “Waco, the big lie” by Linda Thompson

    “Waco” film starring Taylor Kitsch



    https://www.google.com/search?q=biorgraphics+david+koresh&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA904CA904&oq=biorgraphics+david+koresh+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKABMgkIAhAhGAoYoAEyCQgDECEYChigAdIBCDMxMTlqMGo0qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:892c2b68,vid:yfoCcEWkpDQ,st:0 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Koresh

  • The odds of identical quintuplets like the Dionne sisters being born and surviving into adulthood is only 1 in 57 million. So when the Dionne quintuplets were born in small town Corbeil, Ontario in 1934, they became instant celebrities across the nation with thousands of people offering to help the family and wanting to come visit and see the babies. This initial positive attention quickly darkened as members of the community began making moves to exploit the babies for financial gain, resulting in government intervention and a lifelong devastating impact on these 5 innocent baby girls.

    Content warnings: Discussions of pregnancy loss, child exploitation, and sexual abuse of minors.

    Keep updated on all things Historically Bad! Become a member of the OG Baddie tier on Patreon to access the bonus content and additional bloopers! #baddiesonly

    Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@historicallybadpodcast⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Patreon: ⁠⁠⁠www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon⁠

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan.

    Case Sources:

    Paluszkiewicz-Misiaczek, Magdalena. "Dionne Quintuplets: unsuccessful experiment of a Noble Society." Ad Americam 9 (2008).

    Berton, Pierre. "The Dionne years: A thirties melodrama." (No Title) (1977).



    National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. "Multiple pregnancy: antenatal care for twin and triplet pregnancies. Clinical guideline [CG129]." (2011).


    Cassill, K. (1982). Twins: Nature's amazing mystery. Atheneum Books.

    Walker, Melissa. "THE MIRACLE AND TRAGEDY OF THE DIONNE QUINTUPLETS." (2019): 27-27.

    DaFoe, Allan Roy (April 1942). "What The Quints Have Taught Me". The Rotarian: 32–. ISSN 0035-838X.




    Dafoe, Allan Roy, and William A. Dafoe. "The physical welfare of the Dionne Quintuplets." Canadian Medical Association Journal 37.5 (1937): 415.



  • Area 51 has caused more conspiracy theories than other other military facility in the world. Officially dubbed a United States Air Force base to test "top secret" aerial reconnaissance, Area 51 is argued to be the most secure place on planet earth with many believing its existence involves something more farfetched than the United States government currently lets on. Popularized by American businessman and "THE Area 51 conspiracy theorist": Bob Lazar, tales of this facility ranges from that which is believable to those of extra-terrestrial origin. Join Carly and Tab this week as they unpack the most elusive facility on planet earth and the man behind the myths: Robert Scott Lazar.

    Keep updated on all things Historically Bad! Become a member of the OG baddy tier on Patreon to access bonus content and additional bloopers! #baddiesonly

    Instagram: @historicallybadpodcast

    Website: www.historicallybadpodcast.ca

    Patreon: www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan.

    Case Sources:

    Amazon Prime Documentary: “Area 51: aliens, UFOs, Bob Lazar & Advanced technology."

    History Channel.com Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMLaJsSrZuQ





    Amazon Prime Documentary no.2: "Area 51 and Flying Saucers."


    Joe Rogan Experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEWz4SXfyCQ


  • The Cecil Hotel was built in Los Angeles, California in 1926 and opened as a budget-friendly hotel for travellers and affordable housing for long-term tenants. However – there has always been something about the hotel – maybe the location adjacent to “Skid Row”, the transient nature of clientele that it attracted, or more likely – the poor management practices of turning a blind eye to nefarious activities – that resulted in it being a hot spot for crime, including disappearances, suicide, and murder. Join Carly and Tab as we take a journey through the dark and twisted history of Hotel Cecil, including the disappearance of Elisa Lam.

    Content warnings: Discussions of suicide, murder, sexual assault, crimes against children, and distressing mental health symptoms.

    Keep updated on all things Historically Bad! Become a member of the OG Baddie tier on Patreon to access the bonus Calgary Cecil Hotel and additional bloopers! #baddiesonly

    Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠@historicallybadpodcast⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Patreon: ⁠⁠www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan.

    Case Sources:

    Elevator Game Rules: https://theghostinmymachine.com/2021/02/03/the-most-dangerous-games-the-elevator-game-revisited-rules/

    Elisa Lam Elevator Video: https://web.archive.org/web/20141029231120/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zq4LmWiDiC0


    Keeler's Hotel Weekly, Vol. XVIII, No. 6, February 7, 1925, page 7.





    Bartlett, James T. (2016). Gourmet Ghosts 2: More Ghosts, Murders, Suicides and L.A. Weirdness. City Ghost Guides. ISBN 9780997582901.


    Blankstein, Andrew; Flores, Adolfo (February 20, 2013). "Woman's body found in hotel's water tank". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on December 14, 2021

    Crime junkie episode: Mysterious Death of: Elisa Lam from 2018

    Netflix Documentary: CrimeScene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel

    Netflix Series: Night Stalker: The Hunt For a Serial Killer





  • Bobby Dunbar was only four years old when he went missing on a family fishing trip to Swayze Lake near Opelousas, Louisiana in 1912. Join Carly and Tab one of the most mind boggling and absolutely infuriating disappearances of all time – one that was believed to have been solved less than a year after it happened only to be completely uprooted 90 years later due to advances in DNA testing and the badass investigative skills of – you guess it – a woman – who was determined to uncover the truth.

    Content warning: Discussion of violence against women and children; child loss.

    Keep updated on all things Historically Bad!

    Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠@historicallybadpodcast⁠⁠⁠

    Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Patreon: www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBadPatreon

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan.

    Case Sources:

    Podcast: Unexplained Mysteries – the Disappearance of Bobby Dunbar Part 1 and 2



    A Case for Solomon: Bobby Dunbar and the Kidnapping That Haunted a Nation. By Tal McThenia, Margaret Dunbar Cutright



    Beck, Harold Thomas (2010). Finding Marjorie West. Custer City, Pennsylvania, USA: Mountain Laurel Publishing.






  • Grigori Rasputin, born Grigori Yefimovich Novykh, was later given the name Rasputin (which translates to “debauched one”) because of his sinister and scandalous personal life. He is known as the controversial figure who was accused of religious heresy, sexual assault and was suspected of exerting undue political influence over the emperor of Russia, Tsar Nicholas the II and was rumored to have an affair with the empress of Russia, Tsarina Alexandra Romanov which led to the hit song “Ra Ra Rasputin
 lover of the Russian queen”. Join Carly and Tab this week as they unpack the story of the man, the myth, the legend: Grigori Rasputin, a self-proclaimed mystical healer who earned the name the “devil incarnate” by evading many assassination attempts
 and even coming back to life.

    Content warning: discussions of sexual violence, abuse and drug use.

    Keep updated on all things Historically Bad!

    Instagram: ⁠⁠@historicallybadpodcast⁠⁠

    Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Patreon(!!!): https://www.patreon.com/HistoricallyBad

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan.

    Case Sources:

    Time magazine.com “5 myths and truths about the mystic Russian monk” https://time.com/4606775/5-myths-rasputin/

    Smithsonian magazine.com “the murder of Rasputin, 100 years later” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/murder-rasputin-100-years-later-180961572/

    Historyextra.com “Rasputin the mad monk who became a friend to the Romanovs” https://www.historyextra.com/period/20th-century/rasputin-who-mad-monk-russian-royal-family-imperial-tsarina-alexandra/

    Biographics “Grigori Rasputin: the devil incarnate


    https://web.archive.org/web/20140210071816/http://www.orthodoxchristianbooks.com/articles/434/-life-death-rasputin/Rasputin Music: Boney M - Rasputin (LST CNTRL Remix) - LST CNTRL via soundcloud

  • Harold Shipman was a trusted doctor in his community of Hyde, Greater Manchester where he ran his own surgery - until his murderous tendencies were brought to light by some brave whistleblowers and family members of his victims. Shipman was officially charged with 15 murders - but the inquiries that followed his arrest revealed that his body count was more likely in the hundreds. Join Tab and Carly this week for Part 2 of this wicked story, as we cover his trial, conviction, and the inquiries that followed - including the stories of some of his 200-400 murder victims.

    Content warning: Discussion of murder, suicide, and substance abuse disorder.

    Keep updated on all things Historically Bad!

    Instagram: ⁠@historicallybadpodcast⁠

    Website: ⁠⁠⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠⁠⁠

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan.

    Case Sources:


    Born to Kill episode “Dr. Harold Shipman: Born to Kill” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuteXurBuF4





    Dr. Harold Shipman, the World's Most Prolific Serial Killer BY Ted Ottley - TruTV.com





    Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford podcast episode Catching a Killer Doctor



    Timesuck with Dan Cummins episode 180 “Dr. Death: Harold Shipman”

  • Harold Shipman was a beloved and trusted doctor in his community of Hyde, Greater Manchester where he served as a general practitioner for over 20 years - that was until he became the prime suspect in the murder of 82-year old grandmother, Kathleen Grundy. The investigation that followed was one of the largest in Britain’s history, and exposed one of the most prolific serial killers of all time. Join Tab and Carly this week as we dive deep into the crimes and detection of Dr. Harold Shipman - and all of the opportunities to bring him to justice that were missed during his 20-year-long reign of terror.

    Content warning: Discussion of murder, suicide, and substance abuse disorder.

    Keep updated on all things Historically Bad!

    Instagram: @historicallybadpodcast

    Website: ⁠⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠⁠

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan.

    Case Sources:


    Born to Kill episode “Dr. Harold Shipman: Born to Kill” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuteXurBuF4





    Dr. Harold Shipman, the World's Most Prolific Serial Killer BY Ted Ottley - TruTV.com





    Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford podcast episode Catching a Killer Doctor



    Timesuck with Dan Cummins episode 180 “Dr. Death: Harold Shipman”

  • MERRY CHRISTMAS BADDIES! On this special holiday episode of Historically Bad, Carly and Tab take a deep dive into the very beautiful and hella spooky Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel. Follow along as we discuss all of the ghosts that allegedly haunt the hotel and uncover the very real murder case of Lucie Turmel that happened in Banff in 1990 with eerie connections to the haunted castle.

    Content warning: discussions of murder and death.

    Keep updated on all things Historically Bad!

    Instagram: ⁠@historicallybadpodcast⁠

    Website: ⁠www.historicallybadpodcast.ca⁠

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Historically Bad is created and produced by Tabitha Festa and Carly Sullivan.

    Case Sources:















    Park Predators podcast episode – The Passenger (2020)



