This week, we take a look at ‚power’–the role it plays in youth work and church. We discuss power’s connotations, misuses, and challenges as well as offer thoughts on how church leaders can grow in leadership.
Der Beitrag Episode 2: Power erschien zuerst auf KJW: Kinder- und Jugendwerk der Baptisten Österreichs.
We’re back! We promise! After recording one episode, life happened. And summer happened. And kids being home from school happened. So in this extremely brief non-episode, we tell you where we’ve been, what we’ve got planned, and how that one viewer–yes, you–will want to stick around.
Der Beitrag Episode *cough* – In Which Holly and David Vow to ‘Do Better’ erschien zuerst auf KJW: Kinder- und Jugendwerk der Baptisten Österreichs.
Episodes manquant?
In our first episode, we define what we mean by ‚holistic‘ and ‚holy,‘ as well as explain WHY we felt you might be interested in seeing our faces once a week. Simply put, we’re talking about teenagers and their experiences in church. How are youth pastors, volunteers, and leaders using their power and leadership roles? … Continued
Der Beitrag Episode 1: Welcome erschien zuerst auf KJW: Kinder- und Jugendwerk der Baptisten Österreichs.