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Holy Ghost Stories creator Justin Gerhardt and manuscript editor JL Gerhardt discuss the unique power of Biblical storytelling and share how you can be a part of some exciting things ahead for Hazefire Studios.
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A shocking command tests Abraham's faith. Will he obey? Will Yahweh let him?
Text: Genesis 15, 22
Human Sacrifice
What's Spooky:
Research, Writing, Narration, Sound Editing: Justin GerhardtManuscript Editing: JL Gerhardt
Intro Music: "Winds of Change," Four Trees
Outro Music: "Fine-Toothed Chrome," Sam BarshLinks:
—Get tickets to the Christmas show here
—Give to enable the exciting next chapter of Holy Ghost Stories
—Sign up for The Latest, an email Justin sends twice a month with behind-the-scenes info about each episode and interesting things from around the internet.
—Become a Patron of Holy Ghost Stories (it's tax-deductible!) and great stuff like bonus episodes, remixed scenes, full scripts, discussion guides, and—above all—the joy of partnering with Justin to tell good stories.
—Get your copy of Bonfire: A Guide to Encountering God in the Exodus
—Find out about Holy Ghost Stories or contact Justin Gerhardt at holyghoststories.org
Secret messengers, cryptic fables, mysterious outsiders full of dangerous charisma, and huddled masses kissing fly statues in shadowy strongholds. This is the story of Abimelech.
Text: Judges 9
WarfareHuman corpsesMany people burned aliveDeadly head traumaMurder
What's Spooky:
Research, Writing, Narration, Sound Editing: Justin GerhardtManuscript Editing: JL Gerhardt
Intro Music: "Winds of Change," Four Trees
Outro Music: "Fine-Toothed Chrome," Sam BarshLinks:
—Get tickets to the Christmas show here
—Give to enable the exciting next chapter of Holy Ghost Stories
—Sign up for The Latest, an email Justin sends twice a month with behind-the-scenes info about each episode and interesting things from around the internet.
—Become a Patron of Holy Ghost Stories (it's tax-deductible!) and great stuff like bonus episodes, remixed scenes, full scripts, discussion guides, and—above all—the joy of partnering with Justin to tell good stories.
—Get your copy of Bonfire: A Guide to Encountering God in the Exodus
—Find out about Holy Ghost Stories or contact Justin Gerhardt at holyghoststories.org
It's finally time for Jacob to leave his father-in-law's home. ...Or is it?
Text: Genesis 30:25-31:55
Not much in this one
What's Spooky:
Research, Writing, Narration, Sound Editing: Justin GerhardtManuscript Editing: JL Gerhardt
Intro Music: "Winds of Change," Four Trees
Outro Music: "Fine-Toothed Chrome," Sam BarshLinks:
—Give to enable the exciting next chapter of Holy Ghost Stories
—Sign up for The Latest, an email Justin sends twice a month with behind-the-scenes info about each episode and interesting things from around the internet.
—Become a Patron of Holy Ghost Stories (it's tax-deductible!) and great stuff like bonus episodes, remixed scenes, full scripts, discussion guides, and—above all—the joy of partnering with Justin to tell good stories.
—Get your copy of Bonfire: A Guide to Encountering God in the Exodus
—Find out about Holy Ghost Stories or contact Justin Gerhardt at holyghoststories.org
The beginning, the end, and the messy middle of the story of Yahweh's Philistine-slaying champion, Samson.
Text: Judges 13, 15, 16:21-31
YahwehManoah's wifeManoahSamson
Mass killing with an animal carcassLarge-scale death by crushingBrief mention of someone being burned aliveMention of gouged eyes
What's Spooky:
Research, Writing, Narration, Sound Editing: Justin GerhardtManuscript Editing: JL Gerhardt
Intro Music: "Winds of Change," Four Trees
Outro Music: "Fine-Toothed Chrome," Sam BarshLinks:
—Give to enable the exciting next chapter of Holy Ghost Stories
—Sign up for The Latest, an email Justin sends twice a month with behind-the-scenes info about each episode and interesting things from around the internet.
—Become a Patron of Holy Ghost Stories (it's tax-deductible!) and great stuff like bonus episodes, remixed scenes, full scripts, discussion guides, and—above all—the joy of partnering with Justin to tell good stories.
—Get your copy of Bonfire: A Guide to Encountering God in the Exodus
—Find out about Holy Ghost Stories or contact Justin Gerhardt at holyghoststories.org
The road to Saul's coronation is full of surprises.
Text: 1 Samuel 10
Not much in this one
What's Spooky:
Research, Writing, Narration, Sound Editing: Justin GerhardtManuscript Editing: JL Gerhardt
Intro Music: "Winds of Change," Four Trees
Outro Music: "Fine-Toothed Chrome," Sam BarshLinks:
—Give to enable the exciting next chapter of Holy Ghost Stories
—Sign up for The Latest, an email Justin sends twice a month with behind-the-scenes info about each episode and interesting things from around the internet.
—Become a Patron of Holy Ghost Stories (it's tax-deductible!) and great stuff like bonus episodes, remixed scenes, full scripts, discussion guides, and—above all—the joy of partnering with Justin to tell good stories.
—Get your copy of Bonfire: A Guide to Encountering God in the Exodus
—Find out about Holy Ghost Stories or contact Justin Gerhardt at holyghoststories.org
When Israel begs for a king, Yahweh makes sure they know what they're asking for.
Text: 1 Samuel 9
Not much in this one
What's Spooky:
Research, Writing, Narration, Sound Editing: Justin GerhardtManuscript Editing: JL Gerhardt
Intro Music: "Winds of Change," Four Trees
Outro Music: "Fine-Toothed Chrome," Sam BarshLinks:
—Give to enable the exciting next chapter of Holy Ghost Stories
—Sign up for The Latest, an email Justin sends twice a month with behind-the-scenes info about each episode and interesting things from around the internet.
—Become a Patron of Holy Ghost Stories (it's tax-deductible!) and great stuff like bonus episodes, remixed scenes, full scripts, discussion guides, and—above all—the joy of partnering with Justin to tell good stories.
—Get your copy of Bonfire: A Guide to Encountering God in the Exodus
—Find out about Holy Ghost Stories or contact Justin Gerhardt at holyghoststories.org
A crime against Jacob's daughter provokes crimes by Jacob's sons.
Text: Genesis 33:18-34:31
What's Spooky:
Research, Writing, Narration, Sound Editing: Justin GerhardtManuscript Editing: JL Gerhardt
Intro Music: "Winds of Change," Four Trees
Outro Music: "Fine-Toothed Chrome," Sam BarshLinks:
—Give to enable the exciting next chapter of Holy Ghost Stories
—Sign up for The Latest, an email Justin sends twice a month with behind-the-scenes info about each episode and interesting things from around the internet.
—Become a Patron of Holy Ghost Stories (it's tax-deductible!) and great stuff like bonus episodes, remixed scenes, full scripts, discussion guides, and—above all—the joy of partnering with Justin to tell good stories.
—Get your copy of Bonfire: A Guide to Encountering God in the Exodus
—Find out about Holy Ghost Stories or contact Justin Gerhardt at holyghoststories.org
When he feels the weight of his father's shadow pressing in on him, Solomon asks Yahweh for something very special.
Text: 1 Kings 3
YahwehSolomonDavidThe two mothers
The threat of infanticide
What's Spooky:
Research, Writing, Narration, Sound Editing: Justin GerhardtManuscript Editing: JL Gerhardt
Intro Music: "Winds of Change," Four Trees
Outro Music: "Fine-Toothed Chrome," Sam BarshLinks:
—Give to enable the exciting next chapter of Holy Ghost Stories
—Sign up for The Latest, an email Justin sends twice a month with behind-the-scenes info about each episode and interesting things from around the internet.
—Become a Patron of Holy Ghost Stories (it's tax-deductible!) and great stuff like bonus episodes, remixed scenes, full scripts, discussion guides, and—above all—the joy of partnering with Justin to tell good stories.
—Get your copy of Bonfire: A Guide to Encountering God in the Exodus
—Find out about Holy Ghost Stories or contact Justin Gerhardt at holyghoststories.org
Forced to flee his brother and find a wife, Jacob sees something on the road he'll never forget.
Text: Genesis 28
Not much in this one
What's Spooky:
Research, Writing, Narration, Sound Editing: Justin GerhardtManuscript Editing: JL Gerhardt
Intro Music: "Winds of Change," Four Trees
Outro Music: "Fine-Toothed Chrome," Sam BarshLinks:
—Give to enable the exciting next chapter of Holy Ghost Stories
—Sign up for The Latest, an email Justin sends twice a month with behind-the-scenes info about each episode and interesting things from around the internet.
—Become a Patron of Holy Ghost Stories (it's tax-deductible!) and great stuff like bonus episodes, remixed scenes, full scripts, discussion guides, and—above all—the joy of partnering with Justin to tell good stories.
—Get your copy of Bonfire: A Guide to Encountering God in the Exodus
—Find out about Holy Ghost Stories or contact Justin Gerhardt at holyghoststories.org
When Yahweh commands Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman, will he do it? And if he does, how will the story end?
Text: Hosea 1-3
Depictions of sexual promiscuityDepictions of sexual acts in cultic worship
What's Spooky:
Research, Writing, Narration, Sound Editing: Justin GerhardtManuscript Editing: JL Gerhardt
Intro Music: "Winds of Change," Four Trees
Outro Music: "Fine-Toothed Chrome," Sam BarshLinks:
—Give to enable the exciting next chapter of Holy Ghost Stories
—Sign up for The Latest, an email Justin sends twice a month with behind-the-scenes info about each episode and interesting things from around the internet.
—Become a Patron of Holy Ghost Stories (it's tax-deductible!) and great stuff like bonus episodes, remixed scenes, full scripts, discussion guides, and—above all—the joy of partnering with Justin to tell good stories.
—Get your copy of Bonfire: A Guide to Encountering God in the Exodus
—Find out about Holy Ghost Stories or contact Justin Gerhardt at holyghoststories.org
This one's from a patrons-only bonus episode from Season 2 called "A Pointed Rebuke." Music: "Upper Hand" by Hilzie. Enjoy!
For more remixed scenes, join our tribe of patrons.
This one's from Season 2, Episode 4: "The Muse, the Magistrate, and the Mud" Music: "Here We Come" by Kairo. Enjoy!
For more remixed scenes, join our tribe of patrons.
This one's from Season 3, Episode 4: "The Counselor and the Conscientious Objectors" Music: "Dream Team" by Ladi Bri. Enjoy!
For more remixed scenes, join our tribe of patrons.
This one's from Season 3, Episode 5: "The King and the Prince" Music: "Angeles" by MNWS. Enjoy!
For more remixed scenes, join our tribe of patrons.
This one's from Season 2, Episode 5: "The Source and the Fury" Music: "Gimme Gimme" by Johnny Stimson. Enjoy!
For more remixed scenes, join our tribe of patrons.
This one's from Season 2, Episode 10: "The Giver and the Taker" Music: "Extraordinary Magic" by Ben Rector. Enjoy!
For more remixed scenes, join our tribe of patrons.
This one's from Season 2, Episode 6: "The Mystery Man, the Firewalkers, and the New Recruit." Music: "Fire on Up" by Paper Kings. Enjoy!
For more remixed scenes, join our tribe of patrons.
King Darius uninentiaonlly send his favorite adviser, Daniel, to a gruesome death. But Yahweh has other plans.
Text: Daniel 6
Children, women, and men eaten alive by lions
What's Spooky:
Research, Writing, Narration, Sound Editing: Justin GerhardtManuscript Editing: JL Gerhardt
Intro Music: "Winds of Change," Four Trees
Outro Music: "Fine-Toothed Chrome," Sam BarshLinks:
—Get your tickets to Holy Ghost Stories Live: The Exodus Tour
—Give to enable the exciting next chapter of Holy Ghost Stories
—Sign up for The Latest, an email Justin sends twice a month with behind-the-scenes info about each episode and interesting things from around the internet.
—Become a Patron of Holy Ghost Stories (it's tax-deductible!) and great stuff like bonus episodes, remixed scenes, full scripts, discussion guides, and—above all—the joy of partnering with Justin to tell good stories.
—Get your copy of Bonfire: A Guide to Encountering God in the Exodus
—Find out about Holy Ghost Stories or contact Justin Gerhardt at holyghoststories.org
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