
  • Welcome to episode forty-eight of the Honest Mamas Podcast, today Melissa speaks to Allison Purer, LCSW about the work / life balance as a successful entrepreneur.

    Allison specializes in helping people recover from eating disorders, sexual trauma, and anxiety disorders. She has worked with people struggling with these issues since 1998 and has seen clients work through them and live healthy, happy lives full of meaning. She is firm but compassionate and is committed to her clients' healing.

    Eating disorders take over your life. Allison's clients find themselves in a cycle of feeling not good enough then virtuous for choosing the "right" food then back to feeling not good enough. Sometimes they purge. Sometimes they over-exercise. Sometimes they binge. Sometimes they restrict. These behaviors feel like they help in the moment but by the time clients call her, they realize they don't have the life they keep trying to earn through thinness/fitness/"admirable self-control." Her clients look like they have it all together and barely anyone knows they're struggling.

    Allison's clients want to stop thinking about food and bodies so much. They want to stop comparing themselves to other women. Part of them wants to be able to order what sounds good, eat it, and not think about it again but they're also terrified to let go.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    How Allison handles family life and being an entrepreneur The need to disconnect from social media to have better family time Creating a business model that works around your life Understanding that financial gain doesn’t guarantee happiness Overcoming post-partum depression Milk sharing; ways new mamas can help each other out How strict work boundaries can help you be more productive Tips for women who are looking for a change in career




  • Welcome to episode forty-nine of the Honest Mamas Podcast. Today, Melissa speaks to Jessica Slatus about the fourth trimester.

    Jessica Slatus is a licensed clinical social worker and has been working with adults, adolescents, children, and families for over ten years. She earned her Master’s degree in Social Work at New York University and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Hispanic Studies from Vassar College. Jessica is also trained in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) and is a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor.

    In addition to her general practice, Jessica specializes in working with individuals struggling with eating, exercise, and body image problems. She was trained at the Center for the Study of Anorexia and Bulimia in New York City, where she also worked as a staff therapist. While her approach is primarily experiential and emotion-focused, Jessica incorporates elements of behavioral therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy, into her work as needed.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    What is the fourth trimester? Jessica’s personal experience of the fourth trimester The need for a wise elder through this process Why it’s important to undo aloneness How most people find it difficult to communicate effectively with their partners about what they need Practical tools and tips to help new moms deal with the fourth trimester The need and benefit to tell your story with other moms to help each other through the fourth trimester



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  • Welcome to episode forty-seven of the Honest Mamas Podcast. Today, Melissa speaks to Dr. Shelly Steinwurtzel about the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) experience.

    Dr. Shelly Steinwurtzel is a New York state licensed clinical psychologist who has been working with children, adolescents, and adults since 2004 in their pursuit of lasting positive change.

    After receiving her B.A. in Psychology and Sociology from Brandeis University, she worked as a Research Coordinator at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. While clinical research was of interest, Shelly knew she wanted to pursue a career helping children, adolescents, and adults through more individualized, clinical interventions founded on strong theoretical and evidence-based underpinnings.

    Shelly earned her Masters of Education and Doctorate in Psychology focusing on School and Clinical Psychology at Pace University in lower Manhattan. She has worked in elementary, and middle school settings as well as multiple NYC hospital systems with people of diverse socio-economic, racial, and cultural backgrounds. In addition to clinical and academic work, Shelly supervised and taught undergraduate and graduate students during her Fellowship year as the Assistant Director of the McShane Center for Psychological Services at Pace University.

    Currently, Shelly is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Medical Psychology at Columbia University Medical Center working in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and consulting with the Perinatal and Neonatal Comfort/Palliative Care Program. She is instrumental in helping parents and family members (siblings, grandparents…) as they navigate the joys and traumas of having a baby born early, or with medical complications, and sometimes, life-limiting conditions.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    What led Shelly to work with families and staff in the NICU The things Shelly has learnt since working in the NICU Ways in which to seek out emotional support through this process Being open to support from other parents in a similar situation How feelings of being out of control can increase anxiety Being open to conversation about the best course for your baby Working through the transition of leaving the NICU


    [email protected]


  • Welcome to episode forty-six of the Honest Mamas Podcast. Today, Melissa speaks with Brook Nalle about the issues surrounding your baby and sleep.

    At Bank Street's Graduate School of Education, Brooke (MS Ed. 2003) learned to apply a developmental lens to her teaching and curriculum design. When she founded Sleepy On Hudson in 2009, she brought and applied this training to infant, baby, and toddler sleep.

    She is one of Kim West's first 50 Gentle Sleep Coaches and has worked with over 1,500 families with children of all ages. Brooke specializes in creating and affirming behavioral routines that are right for your child's developmental picture and of course are sensitive to his temperament.

    In addition to her work with infant and babies, Brooke especially enjoys working with toddlers and can help you through this rocky sleep period.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    The most common sleep issues Brooke comes across The need for a good routine to help with a baby’s sleep Learning not to be too hard on yourself around this issue Knowing what’s developmentally appropriate Why you can’t put a baby to sleep on their belly if they can’t do it on their own Making sure to properly use techniques such as swaddling correctly Set realistic expectations and goals Learning to work with sleep consultants through this process



  • Welcome to episode forty-five of the Honest Mamas Podcast. Today, Sophie speaks with Shawn Fink. Shawn has been called the "Yoda of Mamas" and is her 5th year of the Abundant Mama, her blog which has evolved into a 4-week program.

    She has placed over 1500 mamas onto a path of building an abundant life practice using "soul"-care (her definition of self-care), learning to trust and let go, and making time for play.

    The Abundant Mama® Project is on a mission to bring JOYFUL energy to overwhelmed, highly sensitive moms all over the world. Being wholeheartedly present, peaceful and playful while nailing the work-life-parenting balance role is HARD. It’s even harder for those of us who are highly sensitive.

    This project is all about empowering moms to follow their dreams and live the kind of mom you dream of being. YOU get to design motherhood YOUR way through our resources, inspiration, support and encouragement.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    How Shawn became interested in this line of work The issues around motherhood overwhelm Triggers and the ways they affect highly sensitive people The physical responses our bodies have to issues of nervousness Ways in which mothers can support themselves through overwhelm Managing the post-partem years The importance and need to mother and care for ourselves Practical tips for mothers dealing with these issues



  • Welcome to episode forty-four of the Honest Mamas Podcast. Today, Claire speaks with Eva Zasloff, MD, about the power of in-home postpartum medical care.

    Dr. Zasloff is a board-certified family doctor. She received her undergraduate degree at Barnard College, Columbia University and her medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania. She completed her medical residency training at Tufts University with a focus in obstetrics, gynecology, and pediatrics.

    Dr. Zasloff is a co-author of chapters on holistic women's health in Rakel's 2nd Edition Integrative Medicine textbook. Dr. Zasloff created a grant-awarded support program for pregnant teens. She has published research articles on pediatric and postpartum issues with the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and Boston Children's Hospital.

    She is a mother of 3 boys and has been practicing family medicine in the Boston area for many years. Dr. Zasloff is thrilled to have created this new approach to postpartum and newborn care.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    How Eva became interested in this line of work The leap of faith Eva had to take to pursue this work The importance of the birth story The symbiotic experience mothers and babies have in the fourth trimester How the mothers Eva sees are feeding back with their positive experience Why it’s important to have a trusted advisor through this process The importance for a sense of togetherness and collectiveness



  • Welcome to episode forty-three of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today, Melissa speaks to Dr. Nazanin Moali about eating disorders on the motherhood journey.

    Dr. Nazanin Moali is a sex and relationship expert and has helped many individuals and couples improve their sex lives and restore and achieve deep and passionate connections with their partners. In addition to Sexology podcast, Dr. Moali launched a similar, top-rated podcast in Farsi in 2016. Dr. Moali is dedicated to educating people around the world to embrace sexuality as an essential aspect of life and eliminate the stigma associated with it.

    Dr. Moali has appeared on many television shows including Channel One, Andisheh, and Gem TV. She has also been featured on many podcasts and publications.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    How certain words, parts of language don’t fall under the definition of an eating disorder The pressure women feel to look good and not be overweight during pregnancy The way in which the mainstream media portrayal of pregnancy exacerbates this issue The role will power, and control plays in this issue How shame can be a trigger for eating disorders The current issue and discussion around gestational diabetes Understanding the postpartum body Knowing it’s ok to give yourself space from those who might trigger your disorder




  • Welcome to episode forty-two of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today, Sophie speaks to Lacey Broussard about rediscovering our sexuality as mothers.

    Lacey works with people who want to experience better, more connected sex and satisfying relationships.

    She uses deep transformational tools and techniques based in modern coaching modalities, tantra, and Taoist practices to help liberate her clients’ innate multiorgasmic potential, discover their erotic genius, and experience deep intimacy, connection, and love for themselves and their partners.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    How Lacey became interested in this line of work What is the jade egg practice and how does it work? Why mothers don’t feel like being sexually active after having a child How society doesn’t value sexuality in women over 40 Ways in which mothers can find their way back to being erotic Learning to make time for you and your partner at the end of the day and not just always watch TV / Netflix Recommendations for pre-date night rituals



  • Welcome to episode 41 of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today, Claire speaks to Sean Grover, LCSW, about his book; When Kids Call the Shots: How to Seize Control from Your Darling Bully — and Enjoy Being a Parent Again.

    Sean Grover, LCSW, is an psychotherapist, speaker and author with 25 years experience working with adults and children. He maintains one of the largest group therapy practices in the U.S. and leads over 300 groups a year in his practice, in addition to monthly workshops in clinics, medical centers, youth organizations, and schools.

    Sean began his clinical career as a school social worker in some of the most notorious and gang-ridden areas of New York City. Sean recalls, “My first school office was a broom closet with no windows and a broken light switch. I remember my supervisor wishing me well as she closed the door and left me in complete darkness.”

    During those early years, his affinity for working with youth and connecting with their families led to the rapid expansion of his programs, supported by significant private and public funding. For his innovative youth programs, Sean was honored with two awards from New York Times Neediest Cases Fund.

    Sean's book, When Kids Call the Shots: How to Seize Control from Your Darling Bully — and Enjoy Being a Parent Again, has gathered rave reviews and received a starred review for best new non-fiction from Publishers Weekly. To date, it has been translated into Russian and Chinese.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    Insights from Sean’s parenting experience How parenting is changing and how we can adapt The ways in which the roles of parents have changed and what that means for you How the bully dynamic develops in a parent / child relationship Learning to put your ego to the side The importance of community support Understanding that to help your child, you’ll have to work on yourself as a parent Knowing that it’s ok to not be perfect 100% of the time



  • Welcome to episode forty of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today, Melissa speaks to Alexa Wilding about Finding strength through her son's cancer diagnosis.

    Alexa is a musician, writer, and a twin mama. Tagged "the neo-Stevie Nicks" by The New York Times, Alexa's third album "Wolves" (2016) was called "an intimate howl" by Lena Dunham's Lenny Letter. The record was written in the hospital while she saw her son, Lou successfully through cancer treatment.

    Alexa has also shared this experience and its impact on her life as an artist on platforms such as The Glow, Mother and Style Like U. Her recent video on postpartum body acceptance for Allure magazine's “Dispelling Beauty Myths” series went viral within 24 hours, empowering women all over the world to embrace the journey from maidenhood to motherhood.

    After completing an MFA in Writing at The Writer’s Foundry, Brooklyn in 2017, Alexa and her family relocated to the Hudson Valley. She is currently working on her first book.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    Insights into Alexa’s experience of caring for a son diagnosed with cancer Learning to accept that part of being a mother is not being able to control everything The importance of looking after yourself so you can look after others The need for Alexa to create a space of comfort at the hospital Understanding that it’s ok to ask for and receive help Learning to transition from care in the hospital to no care at home



  • Episode 39: Preparing a Supportive Postpartum Birth Plan

    Welcome to episode thirty-nine of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today, Sophie speaks Adriana Lozada about how to prepare a supportive postpartum birth plan.

    Adriana’s life can be defined as before and after being pregnant with Anika, her 11 yr. old daughter. If you’re a parent, surely you can relate.

    Before having a child, Adriana was at the forefront of new media. After graduating in Communication Studies in Montreal, Canada, she co-founded a newspaper and media company in Venezuela. In the late 90’s she co-founded a network of youth sites in Spanish and was named one of CNN en Español 20 “Latin American Leaders of the Internet” for 2000.

    Then the internet bubble burst, her home-country unraveled, her world collapsed. It was time to move on. She married, spent a year living on a sailboat, and got pregnant. Lucky for her and for you. She likes doing hard things: being a parent is the hardest thing she’s ever done.

    After giving birth, Adriana became increasingly passionate about helping others on their maternity journeys. The fire to make a difference started from a place of outrage (have you noticed the broken state of maternity care? the non-existence of paid family leave in the US?), which she has since focused into a torch that lights her way towards supporting new parents to have joyful and satisfying birth and postpartum experiences.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    How Adriana became interested in supporting new mothers The best ways we can support mothers through the birth experience Understanding the concept of a birth “hangover” Creating a more supportive system for new moms Steps that pregnant women can take for the postpartum period Understanding that not everything needs to be perfect after having a baby Why we are now starting to better understand why the mothers experience matters Self-care practices that are useful for the partners Remembering that having a new baby is a team effort



  • Welcome to episode thirty-eight of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today, Claire Colaço, LMFT, co-founder of Honest Mamas, flies solo to talk about the top five psychological challenges of pregnancy.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    How we give our power away and how to stop doing it The rollercoaster of emotions and how to honor, learn from and normalize them Finding peace with the physical changes that happen to your body during pregnancy Understanding that things won’t always go to plan and what to do when that happens Explore relationship changes that occur during the pregnancy journey



  • Welcome to episode thirty-seven of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today, we speak to Geneen Roth about her new book; This Messy Magnificent Life: A Field Guide and how to be more present in your own life.

    Geneen Roth's pioneering books were among the first to link compulsive eating and perpetual dieting with deeply personal and spiritual issues that go far beyond food, weight, and body image. Rather than pushing away the "crazy" things we do, Geneen's work proceeds with the conviction that our actions and beliefs make exquisite sense, and that the way to transform our relationship with food, our body, and so much more in our life is to be open, curious and kind with ourselves—instead of punishing, impatient and harsh.

    Geneen’s work has now expanded to explore the territory beneath the culture we’ve built. After years of teaching workshops on weight, food, and money, Roth realized that there was a connection between these issues that held her students captive in their anxiety, lack, and discontent. Seeing herself as much a student as a guide, Roth uses revelations from her own life—both the horrific and comic—to examine this connection. Out of her own past struggles with feeling as if she would never fit into her own skin, much less in the world around her, Roth tackles how we can move beyond our pasts and build a life that reflects our singularity.

    Geneen Roth is the author of ten books, including the just-released This Messy Magnificent Life and New York Times bestsellers When Food Is Love, Lost and Found, and Women Food and God, as well as The Craggy Hole in My Heart and the Cat Who Fixed It. Over the past thirty years, she has worked with thousands of people in her groundbreaking workshops and retreats and has appeared on numerous national shows, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, 20/20, the Today show, Good Morning America, and The View. She lives in California with charms of hummingbirds; her husband Matt; and Izzy the fabulous, eating-disordered dog.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    How Geneen began her path of working with food Why Geneen believes dieting doesn’t work The issues that women have with boundaries The need for mothers to take care of themselves so they can look after others better Better ways to guide our children to eating healthier foods Why we should be wary of constantly setting ourselves goals to achieve The meaning behind the chapter “The Ghost Children” How small changes within a family can have a bigger & wider social impact




  • Welcome to episode thirty-six of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today, we speak to Mara Hirschfeld about Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), how it can be used to help couples reconnect, and figuring out the best way to repair.

    Mara Hirschfeld is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of New York and the founder of Holding Hope Marriage and Family Therapy, PLLC. Holding Hope was created to give people a safe place to explore their internal world, while helping them achieve their highest potential. Mara believes that everyone has the power to change when given the opportunity to do so. Her goal is to help her clients identify the parts of themselves that need attention and work collaboratively with them to change negative patterns so they feel closer to those around them and live a more fulfilling life.

    Mara Hirschfeld earned her Masters of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy from Virginia Tech where she worked at The Center for Family Services with individuals, couples, and families struggling with a variety of issues. Mara also received training at Family Connections, a community agency where she conducted family therapy sessions and co-facilitated groups to help parents and high-risk teens decrease stress and cope with crises at home. Since moving to New York, Mara has worked in private practice, helping people manage their anxiety and depression. She has a special passion for relationships and helping partners increase their trust and safety with one another.

    Mara uses her optimism, positive energy, and enthusiasm to foster hope while supporting her clients in reaching their therapeutic goals. She is actively engaged and will help you explore how your story may play a role in shaping your beliefs and behaviors today. Mara views therapy as a journey to explore the past, talk about the present, and shape a better future.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)—what it is and how it’s used How EFT can be used to help couples reconnect The need to be vulnerable with your partner and see each other with fresh eyes Techniques you can use if you’re not able to afford therapy Improving communication to reconnect Carving out your own personal time in a way that works with your partner Learning how to de-escalate yourself Knowing what your partner's triggers are Being grateful and thankful to each other for the little things in life Figuring out the best way to repair




  • Welcome to episode thirty-five of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today, we speak to Leora Fulvio about raising conscious boys.

    Leora Fulvio is a San Francisco based licensed Psychotherapist specializing in the treatment of Eating Disorders. She's also a full-time Mom of two very spirited little boys and two not-so spirited cats.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    Leora Fulvio’s experience of dealing with her boys behavior on the playground Why we need to get away from the “Boys will be boys” mentality Knowing that it’s ok for boys to express emotions Teaching boys to treat others how they would like to be treated How adults need to be conscious of the language they use around boys The importance of teaching boys that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes Understanding that none of us are perfect but need to do what we can to support the consciousness of boys



  • Welcome to episode thirty-four of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today, we speak to Jamie Fleres about her new book; Birth Your Story.

    Birth Your Story is about using writing to remember, process, heal and honor the entirety of your birth experience. You are forever changed, and how you tell the story can determine whether the power of birth serves or hinders your life. Whether you're pregnant or birthed decades ago, a seasoned or novice writer, man or woman, this book is for you.

    The book inspires and supports you to write your birth story, takes the intimidation and other obstacles out of writing, offers accessible writing prompts and support, and includes over 15 inspiring stories — about birth loss, adoption, home birth, premature birth, surrogacy, cesarean birth, and more.

    Feel empowered to write your story, honor your experience, value your voice, heal your past and transform your future, and find freedom through authentic expression. Because your stories matter. Because YOU matter.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    How Jaime became passionate about this subject area An in-depth look at the book and what readers can expect The need to break away from the fixed narrative of the current birth story How the process of your birth story can be healing The transformation that can take place after writing your birth story How you can write your birth story at any age The positive impact telling your birth story to your children can have on them The three layers of the birth story and what they represent



  • Welcome to episode thirty-three of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today, we speak to Sarah Liebman about Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders (PMADs), what postpartum psychosis can look like, and why we need to normalize and talk more about these feelings and emotions.

    Sarah is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and has been working in the counseling field since 2002.

    Sarah works with couples to reframe their struggles, to re-establish compassion and empathy, and to restore trust and intimacy. Her approach is based on the idea that communication difficulties arise from the desire to avoid the feelings of pain or threat that each partner brings into the relationship from their families of origin, past relationships, and personal patterns.

    She also provides counseling for families using donor gametes and donor embryos; as well as support during infertility treatment, postpartum depression, anxiety, and OCD.

    She also offers transgender and non-binary gender counseling for children, families, and adults. She works with parents of children 0-5 who are gender non-conforming. Her style is engaged, reflective, and strength-based. She employs experiential therapy techniques from the AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy) model.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders (PMAD) – What they are and how they show up Identifying these issues and knowing which you might be suffering from What postpartum psychosis can look like How the signs for these issues tend to be more heightened The need to check in more with mothers after birth How infertility can lead to trauma The need to normalize and talk more about these feelings and emotions Why we need to alleviate feelings of shame



    [email protected]

  • Welcome to episode thirty-two of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today we speak to Kelsey Vander Vliet about being a birth mother.

    Kelsey Vander Vliet is a 25-year-old in Indianapolis, Indiana, and placed her son in May 2016. Kelsey decided on open adoption after an abortion procedure miraculously failed. After placement, life was tough.

    She has found that a healthy balance of helping yourself and helping others is quite therapeutic. She attends a birth mom support group in the South Bend, Indiana area to help herself, and is active in her community in helping others. She works for the Adoption Support Center in Indianapolis.

    She believes that if you repeat the pattern of serving others, you will start to see not only the blessings that will come your way, but the blessings that you already have.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    The circumstances which led to Kelsey becoming a birth mom How the experience changed her life The process and journey of choosing the parents for her son The difficulties of separation after the birth Creating the right plan with adoptive parents The vulnerability that takes place in this situation The importance to overcome the stigma surrounding birth moms



  • Welcome to episode thirty-one of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today, we speak to Jessica Porten about the criminalization of postpartum depression.

    Jessica Porten, of Sacramento, wrote about her experience in a Facebook post that has been shared more than 30,000 times. Jessica was escorted to a hospital by police after speaking to a nurse practitioner about postpartum depression has sparked a conversation among women.

    After a brief exam, Jessica said she had to meet with police before going to a local emergency room. She said she was not examined by a doctor and was discharged 10 hours later with only handouts on local resources for postpartum depression support.

    "It was terrible and it was traumatic," Jessica told ABC News. "I expected to have a conversation about my treatment options and instead the conversation centered around my symptoms and I did not receive any treatment."

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    The background and story of what happened to Jessica What happened around the discharge How the support systems needed for new moms are not in place How we take the next step to bring about change The impact this experience had on Jessica as a mother The way in which American western culture devalues mothers



  • Welcome to episode thirty of the Honest Mamas Podcast! Today, we speak to Tami Hindin about craniosacral therapy; what it is and how Tami uses it with babies; how Tami uses her intuition and gut feelings in this practice; and how to connect more with your baby from within and out of the womb.

    Tami Joy Hindin, Dipl.O.M., is a NY State Licensed Acupuncturist, a Chinese Herbalist, and received a Masters of Professional Studies in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and a Bachelors of Health Science from Mercy College. She has also attended an advanced study program at the Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China. She has also studied extensively with the Upledger Institute and incorporates craniosacral therapy into all her work.

    Tami is the owner of Inspire Mind Body Spirit and created a well-balanced, personalized system to evaluate and treat patients with most health issues. She is continually working to inspire her patients to become involved in their health and wellness and to help them find balance in their life, physically and emotionally, before it presents as a health problem. She strongly believes this process can start as early as in utero.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    What craniosacral therapy is and how Tami uses it with babies The difference Tami sees between C-section and vaginal birth babies How Tami uses her intuition and gut feelings in this practice Using acupuncture with babies Why people take their babies to see Tami for craniosacral therapy and acupuncture Infant Developmental Movement Education – What it is and how it’s used Steps mothers can take to bring more calm during this period How to connect more with your baby from within and out of the womb

