Welcome back children! Of the Atom or not, you are our favorite! Don't tell you sisters though, you know how jealous they get! Are you ready for more terrific tales of mutant mayhem? Let's dig in!
First up in X-Men 120, our merry band of mutants head to the happiest place on earth... Tijuana! Wait! No, it's the 31st happiest place on Earth, Canada! Calgary to be exact. Did you know Wolverine is Canadian? I don't think we should hold that against him, but there is a group of Canadians who do... Alpha Flight! The Canadian government wants the old canucklehead back, and they send their crack team of super operatives after him to pull him back into the fold. Me, I would have sent poutine and TimBits, but I love gravy and doughnuts, so maybe that wouldn't work on everyone.
Then we move into X-Men 121, and wouldn't you know it, those wacky mutants are still in Canada! Miss those one and done issues yet? Well if you do, I have some bad news, they ain't never comin' back! Okay, that may not be entirely true, but they will be few and far between, so strap in for the long haul!
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Welcome to another high falootin' edition of the HoXBC! We hope you enjoyed the pony rides, now settle in for another yarn spun by your team of cowpokes!
First up we have the debut of a villain bent on a very specific and seemingly random act of global terrorism, Moses Magnum! He's a strong headed man who don't need no girl, or at least that's what his dating profile says! All this and Sunfire in X-Men 118!
Next in line we have X-Men 119, featuring more Magnum Madness! Will our plucky band of mutants be able to thwart the machinations of Moses?!? (Not the biblical guy)
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Пропущенные эпизоды?
Welcome in Book Clubbers! Today Rob is welcoming a very special guest! He is joined today by award winning author and Giant Sized X-Men fan, Derek Künsken! They talk about Derek's amazing work, his love of all things X, and of course the House of X Book Club! Come join us in a new regular feature we hope you all love!
While you are here, check out Derek's web site: https://derekkunsken.com/index.html/
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Welcome back HoXers! We have a special post Valentine's Day treat for you... You're the father! Hooray!!! We hope that the baby has the powers of someone cool like El Guapo, and not totally lame like that loser Wolverine!
In today's episode we cover two of our favorite issues of X-Men. Well, one of our favorites, and one that has a little trouble sticking the landing. And the launch. The middle part is a bit iffy as well.
First up is X-Men 116, where we continue our excellent adventure through the Savage Land. Please note, Bill and Ted were not involved in the making of this issue. BUT, it is still quite resplendent!
Next up we Have X-Men 117 wherein we learn of Chuck's earliest encounter with Storm, and the Shadow King. Lilandra is here and acting all weird, and the X-Men hit the open seas!
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Howdy Ho Book Clubbers! We are back in the saddle and ready to ride the range! And by saddle I mean our comfy chair, and by ride the range I mean load up Marvel U and read about the Men of X!
We have a couple of bangers for you today (It is episode 69 after all!). First up, we head back into the Savage Land in X-Men 114, and Sauron ruins the party yet again!! Plus, and Colossus learns what "Ride on it, my pony" means!
Then we head to X-Men 115, where the Savage Landery continues! No relation to Tom Landery. Ka-Zar comes and asks the X-Men for help, which Cyclops turns down like a turd. To add insult to injury, he then makes Ka-Zar show them the way out. In addition, we get another issues of a shirtless gang of Savage Landers.
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Welcome in once again Blue Retrievers! We hope life is treating you better each and every day! And today is the best day because you get to listen to us! Get ready for some X!
First up is X-Men 112! Magneto has taken the X-Men to his "Self Sufficient" underground death trap, and punishes them for their crimes against him. That they were in no way responsible for. His logic may be flawed, but his dental work is impeccable!
Closing things out is X-Men 113! More great magnetic, volcanic, artic action as things go tits up a mile and a half underground! Who will survive the heat? Who will survive the cold? Who will survive the magnets?!?
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Welcome back to the second half of our second Annual! Today we will talk about why watercress soup is making a comeback, how to darn your socks with twine, and making fruit punch with leftover beef gravy!
Nah! We would rather talk about the year of comics that we read. There were some interesting answers in the first half, what sort of controversy will come up in part two? Listen on!
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It's that time of year again! We have scratched our noggins, ate some pie, then scratched some other bits that we shouldn't mention here! And after all that pie and scratching, we have come up with our lists of favorites and some not so favorites. In this first of two parts, we discuss our favorite creative cats, our favorite issues, heroes, and villains, and a surprise question from Drew! All that, and home remedies from Rob to help with jungle rot! Stick around until the end!
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Welcome back one and all! We missed you, did you miss us? We have a couple of great issues to look at, so let's jump right into the deep end of the Jell-O tub, shall we?
First up we have X-Men 111, and the return of Magneto! He comes back and is all sorts of crazy once again. He's all souped up and whoopin' ass!
Next up is Marvel Team-Up 70, that's 69 and using your pinky! Thor and Spider-Man team up to fight The Living Monolith, and vie to see who is the biggest dumbass in the Marvel Universe!
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Bring the Mutha Fuggin' ruckus! But not to the Christmas party please! Today we have a double dose of X-Men goodness starting with a throw down in Sebastian Shaw's rumpus room! Make sure and leave your keys in the bowl!
In Classic X-Men 7, Sebastian Shaw and his fun lovin' group of lackeys head to the Hellfire Club shindig. Except for Emma Frost who is going to lobotomize someone with her pointy bra if she's not careful! The Sentinels attack, and then the Black King responds in kind. Emma pulls a Charles Xavier, but with more bullets.
Next up is Marvel Team up 69, with 100 percent less 69 than you would hope. What can be said about this issue that wasn't said the last time The Living Monolith showed up? Spider-Man webbed himself! Ant not in a 69 kind of way either. Although maybe if he uses that last web to pull his leg over his shoulder...
Strap on those X-Booties and get ready for a thrill ride of thrills!
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We are taking the holiday off! Make sure and leave us your thoughts on your favorite stuff from this year for our upcoming annual episode!
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Welcome in, once again, hope the door didn't hit your chin! We sure do love our book clubbers, but we're just not ready to commit! But thank you for stopping by once again! We have a great pair of issues for you right now!
First up, 109! Everyone is back from space, and Wolverine realizes he's wearing a dead man's clothes! He is slightly grossed out, I guess he decided that the underpants was a step too far. Jean explains to her parents that she is a mutant and the Phoenix, and they don't take either well. She also continues to tell EVERYONE EXCEPT SCOTT that Corsair is his father.
Next up is X-Men 110, a filler issue. It divides the house of X, will the Quiet Council survive? Or will they fall apart like the plot of this book? Only one way to find out!
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It's that time again. The air is a little colder, the squirrels hide their nuts in a tree, and we submit to a special kind of torture that is The Champions. Join us won't you?
In today's super special twofer, we jump in where we left off with Iron Fist. It's the end of a series, and boy, does it go out with a bang! Not the fun kind, but punches are thrown and side dishes are violated in the worst way.
Next up we close out another series, this time it's the finale of The Champions. Some stuff happens in this book too, mainly Ghost Rider is kind of an ass to Iceman. Oh, the Sentinels and the Brotherhood show up as well, it's a book full of surprises! Enjoy!
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Oh boy, book clubbers, have we got a treat for you! Today's episode of the HoXBC could be titled "In Space, no one can Hear you Start Shit with the locals!" It's not, but it could be.
First up in X-Men 107, Scott goes off the rails and makes some fine members of the Shi'ar Empire find out! Wolverine steals another man's pants. Lillandra is here.
Next up in issue 108, Jehf, gives Wolverine a whuppin. Professor X Becomes Amish and uses his telekinetic powers to raise barns in Pennsylvania. Lillandra is still here.
You will have to listen to find out all the details, won't you!?!
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Welcome in, once again, how have you been? Did you sin? Did it make you grin? We love our sinnin' book clubbers, that's for sure! You guys always have smokes.
We have a pair of books for you today. First up we dig into X-Men 106. we have a guest artist and writing team, and they bring us quite the interesting tale. Professor X turns evil! Wait, I mean Professor X is even more evil than normal!
Next up is Captain America Annual 4, where Jack Kirby cashes a big old check and laughs all the way to the bank while he does it. With character like Mister One and Mister Two, you know the creatives were firing on all cylinders!
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Here it comes, here comes the podcast, it's a demon on your ears! Wait demons? That's right we are going full satanic rituals from here on out! Drastic format change coming your way!
Just kidding, we only have the energy to read funny books, and then just barely. But we have a couple of good ones for you today!
First up we are reading X-Men 105, and the circus is in town! Come watch as Firelord amazes and amuses with his might baton of flame! Erik the Red is here, out to kill Professor X! Which we are here for to be honest.
Today's second book is brought to you by the letter 'I'. Iron Fist number 14 featuring everyone's favorite furry mutant! No, not Nightcrawler, the other one, Sabretooth! Get ready for the the snowy action as Some "meditation" to keep warm happens in this week's awesome episode!
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We are back in Mendocino once again, and there is candy! Not in a creepy white van way though...
This wee we are reading the origin of Wolverine titled... Origin! They dug deep for that one! BUT, we press on like dollar store nails. Wolverine is a very sick boy, and boy does he have funny ways of showing it. Roll call for trauma. We must go north (said no one ever). More trauma. Canadian bare knuckle fighting, coming this summer to FOX! By the way, have we mentioned the trauma yet? Oh, and a redheaded girl for 'ol James to pine for. All this, and Cookie too, on the next House of X Book Club!
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Come on in X-Fans! We love that you are here with us once again to talk about all things X! Only the single X though please, no Vin Diesel nonsense around here!
We have a couple of bangers for you today! First up, X-Men 103! Whose House? Say What? Banshee's House! Well at least it was. Black Tom and our old pal Juggernaut have holed up in the basement and are tusslin' with those cookie making elves! Nightcrawler finds out he disappears in shadows, and we all learn a little something about claustrophobia.
Next up is X-Men 104. Hooray, two issues of the X-Men! Best October 9th ever! (Time of publication.) Magneto returns! Again! This time he is wearing a selection from the Dior fall line into battle against our favorite band of Merry Mutants! Also in this issue, Scott gets all butt hurt, but you knew that was coming, right?
So mosey on over to the old Victrola and slip a dime in, won't you? And give a listen to the House of X Book Club Episode 60!
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Don't worry book clubbers, this is not really the last X-Pod! We will however be interspersing our regular episodes with more bons episodes. First up is out 14 part episode on Drew's favorite color of string! Welllll, maybe we will skip that for now.
BUT! Today we have a great couple of classic books to talk about! More specifically Classic X-Men number 2 and number 3! They're X-Men! And they are Classic!
First we have Storm and Jean! Shopping! Thugs! And a mutant showdown you have to see to believe!
Next up, Professor X has the crew drive him to the desert to hide the body, I Mean give John Proudstar a proper funeral. It's a bit more somber, but still great! Come read with us, won't you?
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Howdy Ho, Club-a-rinos! We have a dilly of a pickle of a cucumber of a... some other vegetable for you today!
First up, we dive in to Classic X-Men number one! It is a dramatic re-telling of Giant Sized X-Men number one, complete with interpretive dance and subtitles! Will Krakoa win the day this time, or will the evil of Charles Xavier foil his plan for a vegetative utopia?
Part Deux of our reading comes from all the way in merry old England. Try not to hold that against us as we dive into Captain Britain #8! Or at least the Captain Britain part. Don't worry, we will explain in the the pod! Love ya!
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