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بودكاست فاهم قصدى؟ تقديم ڤاليري ايهاب بدوى، عشرينية قاهرية اقطن فى بلاد الفرنجة، بحب المزيكا والتصوير والرغى زي عينيا، بحب اتكلم في اي حاجة وكل حاجة، نقاشات مسلية في كل ما يحتمل وجهات النظر، تحت مسمي الترفيه و الكوميديا البيضاء منها و السوداء
Welcome to the Bad movie club. We randomly pick a movie from a well known streaming site and... well review it. Yes its another movie podcast but this one isn't the movies we grew up on or probably don't even like. Possible no ones ever heard of them!!
Wanna join us? find us on Facbook and email us at [email protected] -
Switch/Flicks is a weekly film & TV review show where podcasters Omar Abbas and Hysum Ismail battle their opinions out in a game of wit and sabotage. The rules are simple. Every time a podcaster yells "SWITCH!!", they have to switch their opinion to the opposite argument.
Blood will be shed every Monday.
Swith/Flicks is a Dukkan Media drop.
May the odds be ever in our favour. -
A weekly film podcast decoding classic spy cinema. Hosted by Agent Scott & Cam the Provocateur.
Featuring the likes of James Bond, Jason Bourne, Derek Flint, Austin Powers, Johnny English, George Smiley and Harry Palmer, plus all your favourite secret agent franchises including Mission: Impossible, The Man From U.N.C.L.E., Kingsman, Taken and many more.
Which films will make the prestigious N.O.C. List, and cement their place in the canon of all-time cloak and dagger greats?
Subscribe today and don’t get left out in the cold as your intrepid agents track down cinema’s very best spy adventures! -
Podcast semanal sobre cinema fantástico! Análises, curiosidades e dicas. Novos episódios toda sexta feira às 18 horas!
A married couple discuss movies.
ثُلة مِن أولئك الذين يدّعُونَ معرفة مقاصد الأمور والرمزيات الفنية اللتي لا يستوعبها العقل البشري، أو نقول بشكل بسيط هم ثلاث أخوياء يحبون السوالف عن أحدث الأفلام والأنميات والمسلسلات بإختلاف تصنيفاتها، ويحاولون يصيرون محنكين
Welcome to the podcast,
what you'll find here some reviews on the latest movies and series trending..
Hang onto it. -
we review movies and then try to guess the rotten tomatoes score. please don’t tell rotten tomatoes.
Hola, yo soy Elah, y en este podcast te estaré hablando, semana a semana, de todas esas películas nuevas o viejas que llegan a cines o plataformas de streaming y que creo vale la pena recomendar, además de también contenido relacionado a series o cualquier tipo de entretenimiento.
Sígueme en todas las redes y plataformas de audio: http://linktr.ee/elahditto
Mi letterboxd: https://boxd.it/7P12D
Apoya este contenido en Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Elahditto -
Welcome to The Brothers Movie Factory!! Each episode Gus & Ben, "The Brothers", watch a film. They discuss said film and make jokes along the way. They then take that movie to the “Factory”. This is where the pair aim to recreate the movie with modern film industry booking (new director/new cast/new crew/etc.) as if it were coming out today!! Tune in, Spit Listeners!!
*explicit content* -
المسلسل الإذاعي ساعة لقلبك
من روائع التراث الإذاعي المصري
نبذة عن المسلسل:
برنامج ساعة لقلبك برنامج إذاعي فكاهي مصري بدأ في فترة الخمسينات في عام 1953م حتى بداية فترة الستينات، ويعتبر هذا البرنامج أحد أهم العلامات في تاريخ الإذاعة المصرية.
ضم برنامج ساعة لقلبك العديد من نجوم وكتاب الكوميديا والفكاهة في مصر، فمن الكتاب الكاتب الراحل يوسف عوف وأحمد طاهر وأمين الهنيدي وأنور عبد الله ومحمد يوسف كما شارك في كتابته أيضا العظيم عبد المنعم مدبولي، ويضم كوكبة من النجوم أمثال الفنان فؤاد المهندس ومحمد عوض وأمين الهنيدي وخيرية أحمد وجمالات زايد ومحمد أحمد المصري المشهور بأبو لمعة وفؤاد راتب المشهور بـ الخواجة بيجو ونبيلة السيد وأحمد الحداد.
ويعتبر برنامج ساعة لقلبك المدرسة التي تخرج منها عمالقة الكوميديا في مصر، حيث كانت حلقات البرنامج تسجل في وجود جمهور وعلى مسرح ولهذا تسمع في الحلقات تفاعل الجمهور مع الفنان.
Podcast Record -
Bernd is back! Und zwar bei Capitol Intern - Die Akte Stromberg.
Von E4 bis Finsdorf und darüber hinaus, werden alle Folgen der Kultserie en Detail besprochen!
Da hört jeder Stromberg Fan rein! Sogar ganz ohne Ohren!
Ab Folge 22 übrigens mit Personalwechsel in der Podcast- Besetzung.
Die Kaffeekasse findet ihr hier:
https://www.patreon.com/capitolinternpodcast -
If you often find yourself asking "What did I just see?" after the film credits roll, this podcast is for you. Join us as we dive into the (plot) twisted world of final scenes in film and TV show history.
Think Inception. Parasite. Avengers: Endgame. Shutter Island. Call Me By Your Name. Some endings just stick with you. While others...well, you may want to leave them in the past (What was Dexter thinking?). In other words, endings are complex - and can rarely be "explained'. But that doesn't mean we ain't going to try. Hosted by Sophie, Ben and Simon.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Comedian and Theater Improviser, Salman Qureshi shares his outrageous takes on life, current news, sports and the showbiz life. An Eastern kid raised on Sesame Street, Salman shares his stories of life as a Third Culture Kid.
An Unserious Guide to Lord of the Rings and JRR Tolkien. Bill Corbett of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and RiffTrax joins Rifftrax writer / producer Sean Thomason in getting way, way into the LOTR world. They delve too greedily and too deep!
Friends Shane and Craig spin an "Anime Wheel" which contains every anime ever, and they review the first episode of whatever it lands on
Pink Midnight will celebrate unique and beautiful works of film, music, theatre, literature, b movies, and pulp.
The Skeleton Boys is a horror movie podcast. Each week we review: new, vintage or disturbing horror movies. A humorous take on a serious genre. Hosted by two long time horror fans Rolando and John.
Join us every Thursday and remember to keep it spooky!
[email protected] (http://skeletonboyspod.com) -
Steven ”Sir Cundoo” Cunningham watches classic British Crime dramas, starting with S1E1 of Midsommer Murders! Relive some of your favourite whodunit’s, or get a taste of what great television was like in 00’s, 90’s, 80’s and beyond! You’ll be given a prompt when to start the episode and of course SPOILER ALERT for all of them!!!
Patron exclusive episodes will also be made available - so if you're interested head over to www.patreon.com/sir_cundoo for more info!
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.