Hi Pal! Welcome back to I've got your Back!
In this episode, I’m joined by Michael Appleton, a senior psychotherapist with extensive experience in adult and childhood mental health services within the NHS. Michael has worked as a clinical lead for MIND and consulted for British Airways and Go Crisis on mental health. His documentaries, including Facing the Enemy and Shrinking Childhoods, have been featured on BBC, PBS, Channel 4, and The History Channel, and his work has been published in The Observer, The Business Telegraph, The Washington Times, and United Press International.
Michael shares his perspective on the current mental health crisis, how shame plays a hidden role in anxiety and depression, and why so many people feel the need to mask their struggles. We discuss the importance of real human connection, how community can help people feel seen and understood, and what we can do to create spaces where vulnerability feels safe.
We explore:
The rise in anxiety and depression post-2020 and why so many people still feel isolatedHow shame stops us from opening up and creates a cycle of self-judgementThe neuroscience behind emotions, self-compassion, and why we are often our own worst criticsThe differences in mental health approaches between Scotland, Northern Ireland, and EnglandHow honest conversations can shift our perspectives and help us break free from self-criticismMichael’s insights offer a fresh perspective on the way we talk about mental health and the small shifts we can make to feel more connected and supported.
All the good stuff 🙌
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Hey pal! Welcome back to I've Got Your Back the podcast.
In this episode, I'm thrilled to welcome Rachel Chan, a dear friend and fellow entrepreneur. Rachel and I have known each other for years through our Arbonne businesses, and it's been a joy to reconnect and deepen our friendship since she moved back to Scotland.
Rachel shares her incredible journey of transformation, from starting her entrepreneurial path 11 years ago to becoming a mother at 22 and navigating major life changes. She opens up about redefining success and happiness after attaching her self-worth to external factors, her experience leaving a long-term relationship and business partnership, reconnecting with her true purpose and values, training to become an intuitive psychology coach, and developing new beliefs around success, happiness and personal growth.
We discuss embracing change and transformation, even when it's uncomfortable, the importance of self-care and inner work when pursuing big goals, finding balance between hustle and rest in entrepreneurship, and tuning into your inner wisdom and intuition.
Rachel's journey is a powerful reminder that we can rewrite our stories at any point in life. Her dedication to personal growth and empowering others is truly inspiring.
Change is constant - learn to embrace it rather than resist. Success and happiness don't have to come through sacrifice and struggle. Balance ambitious action with self-care practices. Tune into your own inner wisdom rather than constantly seeking external validation.
Connect with Rachel:
Instagram: @rachel_limitlessliving
Facebook: @Rachel.Chan21
Thank you for listening! I hope you enjoyed this episode and found value in Rachel's insights. Remember to tune into your own inner wisdom and trust yourself as you navigate life's changes.
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Fehlende Folgen?
Hey pal! Welcome back to I've Got Your Back the podcast.
In this exciting episode, I am thrilled to welcome Sarah Law, a naturopathic nutritionist and co-creator of the Thrive Nutrition and Wellbeing program. We've known each other for 15 years and have been in the same incredible company called Arbonne.
Sarah dives into the world of nutrition, explaining the benefits of programs like Thrive and the new 7-day Fresh Start. She breaks down the science behind intermittent fasting and why it's not a one-size-fits-all approach, especially for women. Sarah provides practical tips throughout this episode to help us adopt healthier habits in our daily lives. We explore menopause, discussing the benefits and potential pitfalls of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Sarah emphasises the importance of a holistic approach, addressing inflammation, gut health, and liver detoxification before jumping into hormone treatments.
Sarah's dedication to educating and supporting others in their health journey serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring wellness enthusiasts everywhere.
Together, we can create a future where we not only thrive but also serve as catalysts for better health in our communities.
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Thrive Wellbeing Program
Hey pal!
Welcome back to I've Got Your Back the podcast.
In this special Earth Day episode, I am thrilled to welcome Andrea Chase, the Director of Corporate Responsibility and Social Impact at Arbonne International, a proud B Corporation-Certified company.
From an early age, Andrea found herself drawn to the intricate world of sustainability. As she progressed in her career, Andrea realised the importance of aligning her work with her personal mission of making a positive impact on the planet. This led her to seek opportunities in companies that were purpose-driven buisnesses dedicated to making a difference. Through her inspiring journey, Andrea demonstrates the power of aligning one's career with their passion for making the world a better place.
Andrea's dedication to integrating ethical values into corporate operations serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring change-makers everywhere. Andrea provides practical tips throughout this episode to help us adopt more sustainable habits in our daily lives.
Let's remember that each one of us has the power to make a positive impact, whether through our own actions or by supporting companies that prioritise social responsibility. Together, we can create a future where businesses not only thrive but also serve as catalysts for social good. Let's keep the conversation going and amplify the message of creating a brighter and move towards a more sustainable and inclusive future.
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Hey pal!
Welcome back to I've Got Your Back the podcast.
I can’t wait for you to hear this episode today with Maverick, Jo Chidley! Jo is a sustainability expert, chemist, herbal botanist and of course, the Founder of Beauty Kitchen. She oozes energy and passion! Her in-depth knowledge and years of experience puts us at the forefront of building the most sustainable beauty products in the world.
Beauty Kitchen is an award-winning Glasgow-based cosmetics brand that puts sustainable practices at the heart of everything they do. Jo shares her B Corp journey, debunks myths around sustainability and so much more!
No one's too small to make a difference.
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Hey pal!
Welcome back to I've Got Your Back the podcast.
I have an amazing guest with me today. Jayn Sterland is a mum of 2 and the Managing Director of Weleda. We met 2 years ago at the B for Good Leader Summit in Italy and I love this women to bits!
Jayn spent years of being in the hectic unsustainable world of fashion during her 20’s. When Jayn became a mum the universe gave her a nudge to find something more meaningful. Jayn has been apart of Weleda for 16 years now and discovered - in the Weleda archive - Skin Food.
When I found out the impact and the size of Weleda, what it stands for and the whole philosophy and history behind the company, it blew my mind. So if you're like me and you've never heard of Weleda, this is going to be an amazing conversation for you.
Jayn shares her journey with us today, the impact of the beauty industry, Weleda’s B Corp journey and so much more. I am honestly so honoured, so excited, so pumped for this episode!
I've got your back,
Michelle x
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Hello everyone, welcome to the first episode of I've Got Your Back the podcast in 2024! I am so excited to be bringing you this episode today. I’m not a fan of new year's resolutions, I am a fan of reflection and looking back on the previous year so that you can decide what you really want for the year ahead.
I’ll be giving you some powerful tips & tools to kick start your year and head into the new year feeling excited.
2024 (2+0+2+4) in numerology is an “8” year, this means abundance, success, and karma. Everything you're putting out; you're going to get back. It’s such a powerful year as it’s all about you taking personal responsibility, & taking those actions to live the life that you've always dreamed of.
Eight is also my favourite number as it represents infinity (∞), to me it’s about infinite growth, change, evolution, and the infinite possibilities that we have in life and business. I truly believe we all have infinite possibilities and opportunities. Always. It's just a case of being tuned in to it, believing it and taking action on it.
In this episode, I also talk about the “The Power of 8 Wellbeing Program” and why I created this. If you’re feeling called to join us in The Power of 8 Wellbeing Program you can get more info about the program here - or message me directly on Instagram or my other socials.
And remember, I've got your back!
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Hello everyone, and welcome to episode eight, Season three of I've Got Your Back The podcast. This season has been all about wellbeing, and today I’m going to be speaking to you about environmental wellbeing.
My intention with this episode today is to share with you things that I've implemented into my life over the last six years that has made me feel less shame & guilt, to feeling more inspired and passionate about things that I can do to help make a more positive impact on our environment.
These things have empowered me to take personal responsibility for my actions and for the impact that I have on the environment everyday. Even though I'm one person, I have an impact on the environment, we all do.
Essentially humans are part of nature, we have evolved from nature, we are one.
There seems to be this disconnect that's happened over many generations where humans have completely ruined the environment and our planet so…
I want you to take note of these questions:
What more can I do for myself to improve my own wellbeing?What more can I do for my family?What more can I do for the community?What more can I do for the planet?Really ask yourself those questions every single day. That's what I've done for the last three years. I wake up every day asking myself those questions because when I listen to the answers, they take me to a place that takes my wellbeing to a whole other level, and I know that it can do it for you too.
I've got your back!
Love, Michelle x
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Hey pal!
Welcome back to I've Got Your Back the podcast.
This season is all about wellbeing and I am delighted to have a very special guest on with us today, Andy Fell.
Andy and I have known each other for many years and he was actually my business coach back in 2020 at a very pivotal time.
This episode is all about one of the 8 key dimensions of well-being that I believe is so important - your work & career.
Some of you listening are perhaps in a job or have fallen into a career that you’re deeply unhappy with. Or some of you earn great money but are deeply unfulfilled.
My hope is that this conversation will spark feelings and emotions or questions that give you hope that you can get paid to do work you love and to develop a career that lights you up!
In this episode, Andy shares how he did a 180 in his career aged 50! He spoke about finding stillness in your life, slowing down so you can hear yourself think.
When you do this on a consistent basis, it's amazing what will emerge for you. You'll gain clarity. Because unlike what most people believe in society, being slow creates the flow you crave. It allows you to be in alignment with your heart & values and to take intentional actions.
Tune in to this episode to hear more tips from Andy when it comes to your work & career including how to set goals!
I am so excited for you to hear Andy’s wisdom and his inspiring journey.
I've got your back,
Michelle x
All the good stuff 🙌
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Hey pal! Welcome back to season three, episode six of I've got your back the podcast. This episode is all about community and why community is so important to our overall wellbeing.
Over the years, the definition of community has developed beyond just a physical group being together. The introduction of technology, social media, online courses and Facebook groups has allowed the world to form communities all around the world, not just in one physical space.
When we have these different communities in our lives that accept & empower us, and make us feel that we belong no matter what, that's when it becomes really powerful and the spirit of belonging comes in.
Which is why I'm so excited to invite you to my new "I've Got Your Back" Facebook community and Michelle's Weekly Wisdom.
Every Wednesday receive a weekly dose of all things wellbeing, wisdom, business, entrepreneurship, wonder and adventure - sign up HERE.
I can't wait to see you in our community.
I've got your back!
Love, Michelle x
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Hello everyone, and welcome back to season three of I've Got Your Back the podcast. This is episode five and I'm excited to bring you a topic that I'm so passionate about, and that is gut health.
7 years ago my gut was in a complete mess and as a result my physical health was at an extremely low point.
I wanted to share some of my wisdom and learnings from my journey so far, because the more I learn about myself and the more I mentor people with their wellbeing - the more I understand why so many struggle with their health.
Some of you may or may not know this, but essentially your gut is like your second brain and whatever you're putting into your body can affect your mind and mental health. Which is why it’s important that you are mindful about what we're putting in our bodies.
Your body is a temple, you've been given this body. It's so important that you look after this vessel because this is the body that's going to carry you through life, hopefully for a very long time.
For more info about the Thrive Gut Health Programme - DM me.
I've got your back!
Love, Michelle.
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Michelle's Website & Book a chat
Hey pal, welcome to season three of I've Got Your Back the podcast. I am so excited to introduce Melissa Browne on today’s episode, because I have learned so much from this woman over the years! Financial wellbeing is such a critical part of your overall wellbeing, but it's one of those subjects that I was never taught in school.
Melissa shares her inspiring journey with us today from having less than zero in the bank to owning multi-million-dollar businesses and being financially independent. Her passion is to help women to become financially empowered and financially literate in both their finances and in their businesses.
Having the financial knowledge, empowering yourself and choosing today to take that first step is pivotal for improving your financial wellbeing. It is possible to still look after your future self without scrimping and saving.
I've got your back!
Love, Michelle.
Useful Links
Melissa Browne - including some useful resources for you!
Yoga Nidra Practice
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Michelle's Website & Book a chat
Hello everyone, and welcome to season three, episode three of I've Got Your Back the podcast. I am really excited to be talking with you today about one thing I'm very passionate about and something that I truly believe positively and negatively affects all aspects of your well being, and that is alcohol.
Some of you may not know this, but I've not drank alcohol since the 1st of January 2017. I wanted to share with my story with you and the events that led up to this. Alcohol is something that's heavily involved in our culture and who we are. It's been very ingrained in us from a young age, especially growing up in Scotland and living in Australia.
This isn't me saying you mustn't drink alcohol ever again, but I believe it's so important to talk about it, so you can decide for yourself.
Remember - I've (always) got your back!
Love, Michelle.
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Michelle's Website & Book a chat
Hey pal! Welcome to season three, episode two of I've Got Your Back the podcast, which is all about wellbeing. I've invited my good friend Mark Purser on today’s podcast to talk about emotional wellbeing and mindfulness.
Mark is a Meditation and Yoga Teacher, he is passionate about teaching from the Indian lineage. He is full of wisdom and full of fun, and I had the pleasure of completing my yoga teacher training with him in Byron Bay. Mark shares his journey with mindfulness and how it’s shaped his life.
We carry so much tension in our bodies because our minds are so active all of the time. Through practicing breath work and yoga, it gives you the reset you need and helps to reprogram subconscious patterning.
It's so important that we lean into these practices more to help us focus on our overall wellbeing.
I've got your back!
Love, Michelle.
Useful Links
Yoga Nidra Practice
Guide to Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)
Teach & Learn Better With A Neuroplasticity Super Protocol
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Michelle's Website & Book a chat
Follow Mark Purser on Instagram
Hello everyone, and welcome back to season three of I've Got Your Back the podcast. This season is all about wellbeing, I believe this is the number one thing that all of us must master to really live a fulfilled life.
I’ve been on my own wellbeing journey for the last seven years and learned the tools that have helped me have a balance with connection to my mind, my body and my soul. When your body, mind and soul are in a good place, you can move mountains and do anything you want to do.
In this season I’m going to be speaking from my lived experience and sharing all of this with you!
The eight dimensions of wellbeing we will be covering in this season are:
Career, relationships, financial wellbeing, health and physical health, emotional wellbeing, personal development, community and belonging, physical environment... I want you to start looking at these different areas of your life and rating yourself from 1 to 10!
This is going to be a brilliant season - I love anything that can contribute to us being better humans. Enjoy... and remember, I've got your back.
Love, Michelle.
Useful Links
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Hi pal, and welcome to the final episode of season two of I've Got Your Back podcast. I have the honour and pleasure of having Meg McLean with us today! Meg has been one of my best friends for many years, she helps Mums chase their goals and is the host of She Can the podcast.
Meg shares her journey from growing up in an entrepreneurial family in her younger years to becoming a full-time entrepreneur. Meg knew that she would have freedom and more time with her kids being an entrepreneur, the traditional 9-5 job wasn't for her.
This episode is jam packed full of wisdom and inspiration, as well as a lot of funny stories (including the one about getting arrested) - I can't wait for you to listen!
I've got your back.
Love, Michelle.
Useful Links
You can find Meg on Instagram: @megmcleanuk @Shecanpod
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Hey, pal, welcome to season two, episode seven of I've Got Your Back the Podcast.
This episode is all about my experience in the past week, as I attended Schumacher College in Devon, England. This 5 day experience gives you light and exposure to everything that they do at the college.
It’s not your typical traditional education system, it's all about head, heart and hands on learning. Everything you do has to challenge the mind, get your heart to connect, and use your hands to learn things. I love this approach.
Satish Kumar started the college back in 1991 because he was so frustrated with the education system and it not being fit for purpose, which I agree with him in so many ways. If you ever get the opportunity to visit Schumacher College, I highly recommend it.
When you're working for something that you believe in, that you know is going to make a difference, it’s meaningful and is going to make a positive impact, that is creating love and beauty in the world.
I've got your back.
Love, Michelle.
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Hi pal, and welcome to season two episode six of I've Got Your Back podcast.
Today I’m going to be having a conversation with you around 3 key topics that have been coming up a lot recently. So the first thing I wanted to talk about is portfolio career and having a portfolio career. The second, is changing up your environment as an entrepreneur to create inspiration and new opportunities. And lastly, I wanted to talk about the entrepreneurs curse too, this is something that I'm very aware of and I'm very well aware of other people struggling with this as well.
I've got your back.
Love, Michelle.
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Hi pal, and welcome to season two episode five of I've Got Your Back podcast.
I'm excited to bring you today's episode, where I am joined by my amazing friend Louise Skipper, from Scotland. Me and Louise have been in business together now for almost 14 years! This is a jam-packed conversation about her extraordinary journey from full time employee to full time entrepreneur and how she is continuing to cultivate her entrepreneurial spirit.
This episode is especially for you mums out there. Seeing Louise run multiple business and income streams, as well as being a wife, mum of 3 and women of faith is so inspiring!
Also, remember to download my Yoga Nidra gift to you (20 minutes of this practice is the equivalent of 3 hours deep sleep).
As always, I've got your back.
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Louise Skipper LinkedIn
Hello, everyone, and welcome to season two of I've Got Your Back the podcast.
It’s been a hard, certainly emotional week this week. One of my really good friends, Chris, who I met in Australia, took his own life a week ago. He really struggled with his mental health. It was a massive shock and hit me physically, emotionally, mentally. I had to take the time out to feel those emotions and go through it.
I wanted to bring you an episode on how to navigate the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur when a personal thing happens, or when something significant happens in your business.
I will be covering a couple of things that have really helped me throughout the years. By making sure you have multiple streams of income, this prepares you for impact and ensures your income doesn't stop. Life is going to throw you all kinds of things, whether it's good, whether it's bad, it's better to be prepared by having structure, systems, and multiple income streams within your business.
Cultivate the relationships of your support crew, both from business and a personal point of view will help immensely. Make sure you're always protecting your mindset daily too; this means that the highs and the lows are not going to be as extreme.
I've got your back.
Love, Michelle.
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You can watch this episode on YouTube here
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