These Qur'aan Audios are split in to Hizbs to assist with memorization. The technique requires you to listen to a portion of the Qur'aan daily, for 2 weeks prior to beginning your memorization.
I will upload the first 4 Juzz so a memorizer can complete at least Surah al-Faatihah, Surah al-Baqarah and Surah 'Aali Imran with the Permission and Help of Allaah.
These Qur'aan Audios are split in to Hizbs to assist with memorization. The technique requires you to listen to a portion of the Qur'aan daily, for 2 weeks prior to beginning your memorization.
I will upload the first 4 Juzz so a memorizer can complete at least Surah al-Faatihah, Surah al-Baqarah and Surah 'Aali Imran with the Permission and Help of Allaah.
Missing episodes?
Thalaathatul-Usool (The Three Fundamental Principles) is one of the famous works of al Imaam Muhammad bin 'Abdil-Wahhaab (may Allah have mercy on him). Without doubt The three fundamental principles of islam are amongst the most important matters that every person will be asked about; 'Who is your Lord?
The Risalah Latifah Jam'iah is one of the simplified epistles written by the great Sheikh and Usuli Abderrahman as-Sa'di, on the most important fundamental rules of Fiqh.
This brief book covers all the prerequisites, manners & etiquettes for making Dua' - supplications that will not be rejected by Allah. Insha-Allah (God Willing)"And when My worshippers ask you concerning Me, then I am indeed near. I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he supplicates to Me. So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they might be rightly guided.” (Surah Al-Baqarah v. 186)"Invoke your Lord with humility and in secret. Indeed, He does not love the aggressors. And do not cause mischief in earth after it has been set in order, and invoke Him with fear and hope; surely, the Mercy of Allāh is near to those who do good deeds." (Surah Al-A’raf v. 55-56)
These Forty Hadith, selected by the great scholar and specialists in many fields of knowledge, Al-Imam Yahya bin Sharaf An-Nawawi, contains a collection of narrations with simple expressions entailing comprehensive meanings from the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him), generally called Ahadith al-Jawami.
Al-Imam An-Nawawi (may Allah shower blessings on him) so carefully selected authentic narrations to widely cover the issues of pillars of Islam and Eeman, excellent manners, good conduct, and other noble deeds, and some fundamentals of Adjudication. And by Allah’s Will, the book has had great positive impacts and found acceptance amongst Muslims generation after generation.
Allah the Almighty Alone knows the number of commentaries and explanations of “Forty Hadith by an An-Nawaw that has been given by the people of knowledge and their students over time.
This book is a collection of 99 Hadeeths which contain the concise speech of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa salam, compiled by 'Allaamah 'Abdur-Rahman as-Sa'di. The ability to use little words and yet carry abundant meanings is from the special qualities of the the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa salam, who said: "I have been given the Jawami'ul-Kalim (concise speech)..."
[Reported by al-Bukharee].
This collection highlights a portion of them, which the Shaykh compiled in order to explain in his book 'Bahjatul-Quloobil Abraar..'.
This is a recital of the Laamiyyah poem which is ascribed to Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah(rahimahullaah). It is only 16 verses of poetry, easy to memorize, and a great starting point in memorization for a child or a beginner in knowledge.
This qaseedah has a written manuscript in Jaami’ah Malik Saud (no. 6/1928), being written in the year 1353H), and it is found alongside two other works, al-Wasiyyah al-Kubraa, and al-Adillah al-Bayyinah, both of which are known works of Ibn Taymiyyah. It has been mentioned by the Scholar of Iraq, Nu’maan al-Alusi (rahimahullaah), in his excellent book “Jalaa’ al-Aynayn Fee Muhaakamah al-Ahmadayn.”
Shaykh Abd al-Salaam bin Burjis (rahimahullaah) included this qaseedah as being amongst the poetry of Ibn Taymiyyah in his work, “al-Saheeh min al-Nadhm al-Faseeh Li Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah” and a number of Scholars have explanations of this qaseedah, from the contemporaries Shaykh Saalih al-Suhaymee and also Shaykh Ahmad al-Mardawi (d. 1236H) almost two hundred years ago.
Its ascription to Ibn Taymiyyahis not decisively established, however, the contents of the poetry are in agreement with the creed of Ahl al-Sunnah, and due its brevity and shortness of length, it is worth attention.
The Creed of The Rāziyayn
The Foundation of the Sunnah and the Creed of the Religion
Imam Abu Muhammad Abdur-Rahman ibn Abi Hātim asked his father, Imām Abu Hātim ar-Rāzi and Imām Abu Zur;ah ar-Rāzi regarding the creed of all the scholars they narrated from, from all the various lands they visited, and what the two of them took as their Creed.
So this book is the doctrine of these two great Imāms as taken from the Pious Predecessors from whom they narrated, may Allāh be pleased with them all.
Usool as-Sunnah from Imam al-Humaydee
hadeeth termanology, al-bayqawniyyah
Al-'Allamah, al-Mufassir, al-Usuli, al-Faqih, al-Wa'idh. He is the professor of Sheikh al-'Uthaymin, he is the author of the famous Tafsir "Taysir al-Karim ar-Rahman".
Maxims Of Fiqh (Al-Qawa'id Al-Fiqhiyyah)
from 'Ubaid Rubbi poem of Ajuroomiyyah
from 'Ubaid Rubbi poem of Ajuroomiyyah
from 'Ubaid Rubbi poem of Ajuroomiyyah
from 'Ubaid Rubbi poem of Ajuroomiyyah