Связанные с
Strategic Coach founder Dan Sullivan shares his wisdom and insights with entrepreneurs who want to multiply their freedom and success.
Remote work is changing the way people work, live and interact with each other. As a growing trend, I want to help you work remotely by providing interviews with outstanding people doing their best work, remotely.
I started this podcast to share not only our brand journey at LSKD but what other founders, athletes and entrepreneurs are going through and how they push to be better than yesterday.
See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.
Fascynują mnie ludzie, ich historie i doświadczenia. To z ludźmi, którzy mają do opowiedzenia ciekawe historie rozmawiam w podcaście. To ludzi, od których możemy wszyscy się czegoś nauczyć tu zapraszam. To ich historii słucham, to im zadaję pytania.
A recap of the trends we cover in The Cassandra Daily, Cassandra's free daily newsletter.
Podcast dwóch gości ze Szczecina, których kręcą biznes, kultura, wiedza, oraz ludzie i ich historie. Czasami mówimy poważnie, czasami bardziej na luzie. Subskrybuj nas i zostań z nami! :)
We all want to make more of an impact on the world around is. But sometimes it feels like the wrong people are naturally better at it.
This is the show for those of us who're trying to have an impact, but not be mean while we do it! :) We've got some of the answers, and we've got some of the questions, and we're working on the rest! :)
This is the podcast for the HaveMoreImpact.com community and training site. -
Tune in to hear an ex Law Enforcement Officer turned real estate maverick that is turning the real estate world upside down by exposing real estate and damn near anything else. Listen in as host Scott Mosley and his infectious co-host Colin Sadler dissect and offer a unique insight on a broad range of topics. You will be glad you did.
We will be interviewing thought leaders, entrepreneurs, professional athletes and many more. Some you will know, some you will get to know.
This show is much more than the title exposing real estate and damn near anything else suggest. No topic is off limits to discuss. If you are looking for inspiration, motivation, ethics in business and life, thoughts on how to be your best professionally and personally, doing things right the first time all the time, being moved by the stories of thought leaders, athletes, entrepreneurs and many others then this show is for you.
What do we mean by the word Exposing -
Exposing as in uncovering the truth AND Exposing as in pulling the curtain back on how things in the business, the professional world works, breaking them down in layman's terms. Un-muddying the water so to speak. We will also dive into exposing personal psyches, how the mind works and how to harness the powers of the mind to be your best.
We will dive into all types of businesses from real estate, to retail establishments, to service industries, to professional sports, to the medical industry and so much more.
We want to be provocative, thought provoking and inspirational. We will also have a lot of fun along the way too. Fair warning at times the topics will inspire a passion within us and with that passion swearing will occur. We will not edit the show. We want the show to be real and authentic. Part of this process is also allowing the raw, rough edges to intertwine as well.
Stay tuned, we have some really exciting guest lined up in the coming weeks that you will not want to miss!
[email protected]
[email protected] -
The official podcast from TBEX – The Future of Travel Media.
In this podcast we will be sharing all the latest news, trends and tips for you, and interviewing the movers and shakers in the travel creative ecosystem. -
Jakub Chmielniak zaprasza na swój podcast ciekawe osoby ze świata biznesu, kultury, nauki, internetu i rozrywki. Luźne rozmowy Jakuba dotykają spraw biznesowych, jednocześnie zahaczając o wszystkie ciekawe aspekty związane z życiem i twórczością zaproszonych gości. Podcasty mają zachęcać do refleksji i przede wszystkim pobudzać proces myślenia na temat świata i zamieszkujących go ludzi.
Join Lisa Smith of LGS Property Investments and Carol Watson of Intuitive Property Investments as they delve into the world of being an entrepreneur. They cover property related content, mindset and how to balance this in your day to day lives.
Wszyscy chcemy czuć się dobrze, żyć w zdrowiu i z powodzeniem rozwijać siebie i swoje pasje. W szybko zmieniającym się świecie, pełnym niepokoju i braku stabilności nie jest to jednak łatwe. Nie ma też jednego uniwersalnego sposobu na dobre samopoczucie - obszarów, o które musimy zadbać jest tak wiele, a proces zmiany nawyków może wydawać się długi i żmudny.
Capgemini Polska stworzyło podcast “Let’s talk about wellbeing”, w którym odkrywamy jak osiągnąć dobrostan w miejscu pracy oraz w życiu prywatnym. Nasi goście - eksperci z dziedzin zdrowia fizycznego i psychicznego - dzielą się swoją wiedzą, doświadczeniem i dobrymi praktykami, a także inspirują do zrobienia pierwszego kroku w stronę lepszego, zdrowszego i pełniejszego życia.
Dołącz nas i wspólnie wyruszmy w podróż po krainie wellbeingu!
#wellbeing #zdrowie #capgemini #letstalkaboutwellbeing -
An irregular but engaging podcast crafted by the FRP team // Niecodzienny podcast stworzony przez zespół FRP
We are an independent audio storytelling company founded by three passionate radio producers based in Warsaw, Poland. -
Podcast o sprawach ważnych i ważniejszych. Rozmowy o pasjach, zainteresowaniach, tych typowych i tych nietypowych. Rozmowy doprawiane dawką humoru, gramem ironii i szczyptą sarkazmu.
#tozależy to nowy projekt autorów Klientomania.pl: Macieja Busia, Filipa Gotkiewicza i Arka Cempury. -
Gdybyś losowo wybrał jeden #PolskiPodcast, najprawdopodobniej miałby on formę wywiadu. A przecież podcasty jako medium mają dużo szerszy potencjał! Reportaże, narracje, fabuły, chat showy i wiele innych składają się na bogactwo dźwiękowych form. Tym kanałem chcemy przesuwać granicę i pokazywać - co jeszcze można zrobić z podcastem. Opowiadamy dźwiękiem historie, których chce się słuchać. Tworzymy #earporn.
Hosted by Jennifer Palmieri, a #1 New York Times bestselling author and the former communications director for President Obama and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Palmieri explores why — after decades of making steady progress — women find themselves banging up against the same glass ceilings. Featuring interviews with powerful women in business, politics, the arts, and journalism to learn how they found a way to break through and create their own path to success.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Die Blaue Gans, das älteste Gasthaus der Stadt Salzburg, ist mit ihrer bald 675-jährigen Geschichte eine erfahrene Zeitzeugin. Seit ihrem Gründungsjahr 1350 ist sie Ort von Reflexion und Auseinandersetzung. Unzählige Generationen planten unter ihren Gewölben die nächsten Schritte, tauschten Zukunftspläne aus und sprachen sich gegenseitig Mut zu. Der GÄNSEHAUT-SALON knüpft an diese Tradition an.
„Und, wie geht es jetzt weiter?“ Diese Fragestellung war ursprünglich an Menschen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Medien gerichtet, um deren Umgang mit der COVID-19 Pandemie eine Bühne zu geben. Ab 2024 weitet Andreas Gfrerer als interessierter Gastgeber diese Frage auf die multipolaren Krisen unserer Zeit aus. Wie gestalten wir diese Transformationsprozesse, auf kollektiver und individueller Ebene? Welche neuen Verhaltensweisen gilt es zu entwickeln? Und wie können uns Kunst und Kultur bei diesen Suchprozessen unterstützen?
produziert von audio-funnel.com -
World travel, financial freedom, path to success, and so much more! Join the Journey to Freedom podcast as Mateusz Pasierbek chats with a diverse community of people about their stories from around the world. Discover why living in Singapore is so expensive, how credit cards can help you travel the world for free, and what it takes to stay at one of the most expensive hotels in the world!
This season dives into one of the most crucial transformations of our time: the global shift in how we produce and consume energy. In this season, Stories for the Future brings together diverse voices from both sides of the energy landscape — from traditional oil and gas professionals to climate advocates and renewable energy pioneers.
This season is about breaking down silos, challenging assumptions, and finding common ground between industries that are often seen as adversaries. We explore the complex realities of the energy transition, not through heated debates, but through thoughtful conversations focused on collaboration and problem-solving. Our goal is to uncover practical, innovative solutions that will power a better tomorrow, while also addressing the challenges and fears faced by those in both fossil fuel and renewable sectors.
With a balanced, optimistic approach, host Veslemøy Klavenes-Berge guides discussions that bridge the gap between today’s energy needs and tomorrow’s climate goals. Whether you’re a seasoned professional in oil and gas, a passionate climate advocate, or someone curious about the future of energy, this season offers insights, real-world examples, and inspiring stories that shed light on how we can all play a role in shaping the energy revolution.
Join us as we burst bubbles, challenge the status quo, and work together to drive meaningful change for a brighter, more connected future.