so much to say...want to get back to 1x a week podcasting on this "Inspire Fit Life" podcast but really don't know if there is anyone that listens anymore. There are so many messages to share, so many life experiences to talk about, share with you and hear from you. A fit life goes through ups and downs. Sometimes we do unhealthy things and sometimes we are perfectly in alignment.
I know that I am an extremist, the things I do go overboard, and when i set my mind to something It happens.
so tell me, Are you there? would you like to hear more, visit my IG @cherylspanglerfit and comment on my latest post. If even 1 or 3 or 5 or 10 people comment, I will religiously be here for you every week on this podcast. -
The first of many weekly podcasts documenting my journey to being on Dancing With The Starts #DWTS. A long held dream that I have complete clarity on and plan to achieve. I realize it might take 3 years or less but oh well, we talk about this goal, what it will take to achieve it and where we go next. If you decide to come along with me, stay tuned an subscribe, this is the ONLY place I will talk about what is happening! Love everyone who listens and be sure to connect with me on my IG@ cherylspanglerfit and tell me your dreams by tagging me in a post where you declare your biggest dream.
¿Faltan episodios?
**disclaimer - spiritual content that may alter your life**
I was inspired to put this episode out so quickly after the last because I feel like the stories are important and the right person will hear this at the right time. Every week I will be uploading one new podcast, but this week I re-ignite the year break with two totally opposite ones.
The 11 laws (really there are 12) of the Universe guide everything we do, whether you believe in them or not. Knowing them is one step to be able to use them. Using them will change how you react and run your life, none of them contradict organized religion...but some of them can instantly create changes in your life.
I made a pact with myself when I started this podcast in 2017 that I would dig deeper and share more than ever before. That I would not hide the struggles, the good times and the crazy! That there would be nothing held back..and that is exactly what I will keep to. It is true that you never know what I am going to talk about next, but rest assured it will be about living a FIT Mind, Body & Spirit in some way!
Cheers and don't forget to stop by my IG:cherylspanglerfit and say HI. -
This episode is all about my term LONER-IZM. When you hear that what does that mean to you? what do you think about? most people think about being lonely that is farther from the truth on what I mean when I say this word. Check out this week's podcast and see if this fits what you feel, and what you experience.
I share a little about what it means when other people get irritated with you and what life experience so far has taught me about that. Of course, I am a little peeon in this world and have so much to learn but maybe you can relate in your fitness journey with that I talk about in this episode.
This episode is meant to empower you just the way you are, no changes, alterations or needs for a seamstress in the house!!!! ;) ;) ;)
Check out and say hi on my instagram account @cherylspanglerfit or connect with me on FB personal profile @lifelovescheryl -
Have you ever had a dream of doing something and for many years, you had all these limited beliefs around doing it? around why you are not qualified? why you will probably never actually do that? I call "BUUULLLLSHITTT" on that ! You can do it! will do it! just need the be hang around the right people to know the right plan to get there.
This episode is about something I have always wanted to do and am doing right now! and that is creating an app (many apps actually) on teh app store....stay tuned and listen in to find what simple simple idea I have in progress and please comment below if you think you would love to be a beta tester for me on this. Find all my bugs, comment on all the things you don't like and see if you can make me create something amazing with great feedback.
Keep listening for more ways to change your mind, body and spirit in life and life the fit life.
Connect with me on @cherylspanglerfit EVERYWHERE! and if you get a chance, give me a high five online at the podcast, comment , like it, heart it or give me a review on itunes, it really really helps and I would appreciate it. -
Welcome to the Ultimate Biohack of your skeletal system, Yep you heard me right. 33 minutes long but if you want to skip around here are some important spots:
14:00 My experience at Osteostrong
15:00 My visit to Acupunture Dr Chun Lee located in Gainesville VA
18:00 Detailed energy points discussion
21:00 What the Ashburn OsteoStrong location had that made me go
22:00 PMF MAT - what it is and how it can help you
25:00 Hydro Massage Bed - my experience and what it does
28:00 The Morning After my first OsteoStrong visit
In this episode, I detail what made me research this biohack, biohack by the way is the natural non-suppliment way of extending your life, your health and your physical existence on this earth.
I talk about my experience going to OsteoStrong, what it is for, how it will help me live to 120 as long as I keep other things in mind...so why live to 120? because I just decided that, why not 130...I don't know!! I am only 47, so that is 73 more years of living, making money, influencing people's lives and living a full life so ....one step at a time right!
I am all into biohacking, finding ways (outside of supplementation) to live longer and healthier and this one intrigued me, not to mention my good friend Tony Robbins is partnered globally with this company so I had to find out more! So what is OsteoStrong, where can YOU find a location near you and what the heck is it all about?
You find out everything, all my research, how it can improve your body, health and wellness and what it can't do! Look out for my entire video on my experience where I show you how I went through the machines, what they do and how they work, but until them, listen to this very detailed story of what brought me to find out more about it!
If there is any topic, health or fitness related that you want to me explore, research or try out first NAME IT! I will do it and share feedback on it, in podcast and video format.
Don't forget to connect o IG & FB @cherylspanglerfit
Check more of my content on www.inspirefitlife.com
PM me via FB if you like, say Hi in IG and follow my YT -
Here it is!!!! The first of many episodes of "Inspire Fit Life" where you will get an inside scoop on the latest health and fitness topics, tools, programs, systems...I and I will guarantee you that I will not talk about anything I have not tried or experienced or discussed in depth with an expert, myself. Except the topics of mindset I have my own theories on that and continue to grow and learn from others.
In this episode I define in detail what I believe "FIT" means to me, oh yeah! blah blah that sounds boring right! NOPE! not this time, first of all I read straight out of my morning affirmations so you can hear/see what I write and get an idea of what is going through my head ...something most people can't keep up with because I think fast!
You will hear about my OLD description of what FIT means and why I have changed my thinking and what it means to me now! it might surprise you!
Lastly, you will learn what is coming in the months ahead, one new podcast weekly, one new video blog weekly and the opportunity to see me under go a month of osteostrong..find out in the next episode what that is and why you might want to consider it.
Visit me on social @cherylspanglerfit and say "HI" -
**Explicit Episode** 29 min
Have you lost your zest for life? or maybe you haven't, maybe someone close to you has. Do you ever wonder why some people walk through life with literally no direction and some with total purpose? Have you wondered why it is virtually impossible to find your big "WHY" and how others seem to have passion oozing from their pores?
...It's not all what you think! There is always another story, well here is a little glimpse into one of my stories that unbeknown to me ...would spark the need to inspire courage in people throughout my life. The things that happen that shape us! right? this is one of them.
In this episode I share a story that no one on earth has heard but it's not the end of the world to share private things, it helps others, if you were to croak today, would it really matter. I stopped taking people and things so seriously a long time ago, constantly working on being more passionate, but more importantly being more carefree that life is meant to be lived to the fullest and that means being vulnerable and sharing sometimes even the most sacred things!
Yes, Yes it relates to bodybuilding, to health, to working out, to have a strong purpose in life, a passion for things, a ZEST !!! back in your step!
Connect with me on www.inspirefitlife.com
Connect with me on IG @cherylspanglerfit
Connect with me on FB @cherylspanglerfit or @lifelovescheryl
Connect with me on YT @cherylspanglerfit -
Check this episode out YEP, in this episode you will find out what I am making for Christmas for my family. SHHhhhhhhh.....Don't share this with them! and not everything is detailed just in case they see this post.
Happy Holidays!!!! this episode is a motivational, holiday RANT! to tell you all kinds of things that will enlighten you on your weaknesses! Lift you up if you are having a down month and get you MOVING if you are about to make a huge change!
...Also in this episode you will hear a little push to make 2019 the absolute best by doing this ONE THING!
Love love everyone who listens and there is SO SO much more to come and share, life is about to get scary! in a good way!
Say Hi on Instgram, post or comment on this episode and tell me one thing that you think you are really really good at but in reality you SUCK at it! ;-) -
For those who want to know a little inside sneak peak to a book I am working on, one that is close to home, one where you can find yourself in the pages / audio or cover when it comes out! A Book that describes life, either you are living in your GENIUS or you are JUGGLING life and it is sometimes hanging in a balance.
So why am I talking about this on a Bikini Pro Podcast? Because if you are competing, wanting to compete or aspiring for greatness either by getting your pro card or moving toward Olympia you know that life is all about juggling things: family, work, working out, food, having fun, stage, coaches, parents, kids and for some, grandkids.
I would love to hear from you, post on my instagram @cherylspanglerfit after listening to this episode or just post on your own page and tag me and say "GENIUS or JUGGLER" after listening to this...and don't forget to say hi to me on social media. -
Today's episode is a little off the bodybuilding..in the gym, workout topic but it's about something that will change every aspect of your life if you try this on a regular basis. We all work so hard at our body, fitness whether competing or not, we are competing the game of life. We want things to come easy, be easy, stay easy and we want more more more.
Sometimes it's a constant progression of a better body (of course) defy age!!! at least that is my goal to always defy age, be better, live longer and healthier with a better quality of life. But more than that, I want success in areas of my life and I want it to flow easier and faster so that I can spend more time just enjoying time with people and not running a rat race of job/career/commitments/workout etc.
Listen to this episode if you want a radical change in your life...I recommend to do 5 simple things every morning and it's a little different take on something you might be doing already, except I believe most people are doing the opposite of what I tell you in this episode.
Connect with me on FB, IG, YT @cherylspanglerfit and message me and say hello! -
In this episode I talk about the quality of your energy, how to keep your energy high, without supplements, without taking drugs..haha no seriously. There are people and places and jobs that you have day in and day out that literally suck your good quality energy out of you and there are ways to keep it high and ways to let it drain.
Today I share how I created a website for a fitness pro that brought her over 500 leads per week and she told me to SHUT IT DOWN! and how I can do that for you! if you wanted.
My energy is extremely high, good quality energy and it's not from anything related to food and exercise, well some of it is, but it's about the work I am choosing to do, the people I am hanging with and the words I tell myself. Let me share a secret with you on this podcast.
Check out my marketing company http://www.jcgeniusmarketing.com
Check out my IG @cherylspanglerfit
Check out my FB @cherylspnaglerfit -
Listen to this if you even for a second....want to IMPROVE YOUR COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING. What are you doing on a daily basis to improve your brain function? do you even know what your currently doing and how it effects your brain. I am totally obsessed with brain...yep my brain is very important to me. I want to be around for many many years, like older than 120 years old is in my life plan.
If you want to know how the Keto diet is proposed to improve brain function, listen to this podcast!!! I am not a dietition, I am not a doctor, BUT I do research and follow medical awareness and studies and things the doctors never tell you and I am one of the only people in my family without Diabetes and I like to know Why, How and everything there is to know about nutrition, fitness and my brain and how it works.
Connect with me on Social:
IG @cherylspanglerfit
FB @cherylspanglerfit
YT @cherylspanglerfit -
In this episode I talk about how I went on the KETO diet for 14 days with my daughter and lost 5 lbs. What a discovery of what you can and can't eat, how much fat you actually have to consume and what has sugar and what doesn't.
Ever thought about doing the KETO diet? check this episode out and find out what I learned in only 14 days.
Don't forget to connect with me on social media tell me what you learned from a diet you have been on OTHER than the bikini competition diet or even what you learned most FROM the Bikini diet
IG @CherylSpanglerFit
FB @CherylSpanglerFit
YT @CherylSpanglerFit -
If this PODCAST episode interests you then you have thought a lot or a little about what life after stage would feel like, be like for you! Well I am here to say that regardless where you are at with the process of letting the stage go, getting up on stage or months after your last show, there is support. There is a facebook group (PRIVATE GROUP) that is very picky about who joins,because it is meant to cover topics that most of the industry does NOT want to discuss or frankly it's just part of what you get into when you compete. Competing was the best experience I have ever been through in my life! and I want to support all those on stage and off and exiting the stage life. So I created a support and also a health and fitness coaching services for POST Competition Life. Now a little about me...I do business, life and fitness coaching and the life coaching is desparately needed no matter who you are, how high in Olympia you have gotten and however long you have been doing bodybuilding/stage competing.
This episode talks about what is coming for YOU as a listener and what I am doing about Life After Stage! and support for those in one of three categories:
1. You are currently competing
2. You are on your last show
3. You are deciding to end the stage part of your bodybuilding and just focus on life after stage.
WHHOOOAAA!! what the heck does that mean? well listen and find out! -
LIVECAST with Cheryl Spangler on the Streets of New York City asking 2 Health questions:
1. What is your biggest health concern right now?
2. What is the #1 way you keep a healthy mindset in life?
I thought it would be a great exercise to bust through the fear to doing LIVE's by just going right downtown Midtown in NYC and talking to people about health and fitness. What is your fear? comment on this podcast a fear of yours and let's get it done...together!
IG @cherylspanglerfit
FB @cherylspanglerfit
Youtube: @cherylspanglerfit -
People ask me on all social media about these topics, which I never talk about because honestly I really didn't think people care, since in my mind SO many people associate the bodybuilding with being self centered, all about your looks and superficial. YEP!! I get that all the time, and yes in the Bikini competing there is a HUGE emphasis put on the glamour part of it, but then again when I was 26 I was runner up for Ms Virginia so for me, don't really care, it's all part of it and more and more it's becoming part of the judging. SO, what are the questions all about, let's just get down to the details.
SUPPLEMENTS: I have had my share of OVERdoing it this past 24 months, which is NOW why I am 100% natural, natural meaning no stimulants, fat burners, pre-workout powders or anything that will get you all revved up!!! other than double nespresso in the morning and the items I am about to show you and I will tell you why I take them.
SECRETS: From how I wear 5" heels all day long without my feet hurting not for a minute to how I get every muscle cramp out after seriously lifting weights for 1.5 hours a day 6 days a week and never a break, just more more more TO how to lose 5 lbs in 5 days if you have a special occasion ladies, facials, nails, skin, face, inside and outside the body secrets to healthy glow.
CONFESSIONS: Makeup, stress the day of the show, Botox, Lip filler and anything else I want to share with you!
Connect on IG Cherylspanglerfit
Connect on FB cherylspanglerfit -
TOPIC: COURAGE to Dream Big and make it happen with 4 easy steps
1. Define Your Hearts Desire
2. Allow yourself to think BIG!
3. Write it down
4. Keep it to yourself
for @mshealthandfitness
**Vote for FREE every day and/or Vote Warrior Vote from the link above**
Why am I talking about this tonight, a quick 5 minutes on this topic which should actually be a 2 hour because I think we all need a little more courage, encouragement, courageous people in our lives, encouraging friends and more. I struggle with this myself and I thought it was worth at least 5 minutes of my time to tell you that EVEN THE SMALLEST THINGS can make you abandon your dreams, a quick 5 minutes on social media, that one person that straight up tells you "you are stupid", a person close to you who acts like you are living in a fantasy world, that one person that believes you need to live in "reality", the one that thinks you are "crazy"...ever had someone in your life do that, say that, act like that when you tell them what your wildest dreams are?
We encourage our children to think big, think outside the box, think beyond and "you can do anything" and then we look around as an adult and find ourselves put into the smallest little itty bitty box because it's not the norm or you are absolutely acting "crazy". So here is my advice:
=>Dream BIG, no matter what and never grow up or grow out of that limitless thinking.
=>Spend more time encouraging others to follow their passions/dreams and less time asking them why
=>When you decide on what you want, ask yourself is this really what I want, or is the the second rate options because I really don't believe in myself enough to say the REAL thing out loud
=>Stop sharing your big hairy dreams with people it really isn't your job to share, convince or have approval from someone else
=>Find ways every day to stay excited about what you want and if that means staying away from people for just 30 minutes then "ok" that's ok
=>Always write your dreams down and spend a moment each day, even if just 30 seconds thinking about it and the inspired action to get you from Point A to point B will happen
=>Don't focus on the "HOW" it's really not important, it just might happen sooner, easier and in a different way then you thought anyway.
=>Believe in yourself as much as you believe in your 1.5 year old child when they try and walk and you know without a shadow of a doubt that they CAN it's just a matter of getting them to believe it
Connect on IG @cherylspanglerfit
Connect on FB @cherylspanglerfit -
Mind, Body & Soul LIVECAST with Cheryl Spangler (TEDX Talk)
TITLE: How to Say YES in Life by Saying NO!
...to people, places & things, not hurting others and still living the life of your dreams!
I hope to share and give you answers to 3 things by the time you are finished listening tonight
1. What is...The Life of Your Dreams anyway?
2. Easy Techniques to figure out if you should say NO to something and know it is the right decision!
3. Do you Deserve GOOD when so called "BAD" things are happening all around you to people you love?
Connect on IG @cherylspanglerfit
Connect on FB @cherylspanglerfit
Dont' forget to vote for me for Ms Health & Fitness 2018 link in my IG BIO.
Background music by www.jblainemusic.com -
In this episode I talk about HORMONES
My symptoms were: Trouble Losing Weight, Moody, Angry, Blah about life, Low Sex Drive, Exhausted all the time/no energy, Skin not clearing up, Hair Loss, overall out of balance and don't really know why
...In this episode you will hear me talk about 3 things:
1. How I compensated initially...didn't work
2. Research Junky...didn't work
3. Finally asked for help
Looking for a place to start, there are many specialized centers around the area but the one I went to, because of it's proven results and outstanding physicians is Titan Medical. You can do it remotely no matter where you live, using private video call with the physician.
Step 1: Call the office
Step 2: $225-300 to get your blood work request order
Step 3: Go to the nearest Labcorp to get blood drawn
Step 4: Have Video conference with Physician to discuss results
Who I used: Titan Medical Center, LLC
Owned by John Tsikouris & Sharisee Tsikouris
2701 N. Rocky Point Drive, Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33607
Office: 727.389.3220
Fax: 813.354.3418
...also check out my IG @cherylspanglerfit or on FB @cherylspanglerfit and VOTE for me to be Miss Health & Fitness 2018, link in my IG BIO - Mostrar más