The Eat, Girl, Eat Podcast is the place where we share the real behind the scenes of what it takes to unlearn everything the diet industry has taught us about being “healthy” and where we share what it means to listen to our bodies. We normalize food as food, ditching the concept of “healthy” vs. “bad” foods, and discuss our personal journeys to reconnecting to our internal wisdom.
Founder, Maria Brigantino and her guests share their experiences candidly and authentically. A combination of funny, raw and insightful information, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone seeking Food FREEDOM in their own life. -
On this show, you’ll learn how to take control of your health in a world of information overload. We’ll dig into all things nutrition, fitness, and mindset so you can learn how to truly heal from digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, chronic stress, and more, all without obsession or restriction.
Pendidikan pengetahuan diberikan terkait penyakit disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masing-masing. Edukasi sangat penting dalam perawatan penyakit, kalian harus tahu bahwa elemen yang paling penting dari pengobatan adalah edukasi yang diberikan dan diterapkan. Hal ini dapat membuat kelancaran pengobatan dan memperoleh kesembuhan!
Aulia, Ghea Yanna, dkk. “Gambaran Status Anemia Pada Remaja Putri di Wilayah Pegunungan dan Pesisir Pantai,” Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (e-journal),5 (1), 2017.
Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Anemia. Diakses di
Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Kenali Masalah Gizi yang Ancam Remaja Indonesia. Diakses di
Nuraeni, Tating. “Pencegahan Anemia Pada Remaja di Indramayu,” Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 1 (1), 2019. -
Good morning everyone try to be happy 😂
Reduce your kidney stone risk and live your best life.
Each week, Nurse Jill Harris—Kidney Stone Prevention expert and creator of the Kidney Stone Diet®—answers your questions about kidney stone prevention.
Dive even deeper and find everything you need to know about preventing kidney stones at! -
Gizi Talk merupakan podcast gizi FKM Undip yang akan membahas informasi seputar gizi kesehatan masyarakat
Tentang perkenalan singkat dan membahas seberapa penting MpASI sesuai dengan usianya
Ngobrol bareng seputar gizi kesehatan anak, parenting dan literasi bersama ummapedia
Become a Paid Subscriber: Health Platform-Making NO Medical Claims! All info/methods have been researched. This platform is for educational purposes only. Please reach out to your personal physician for any medical or health concerns. Follow Us On Instagram Discussions: Gain Access By Sending A ScreenShot of Your Exclusive Subscription Receipt - QueenTalkLA™️ Thank You For Shopping Small By Supporting This Content
Everyone thinks they "know" nutrition because we all eat food, right? Whether you're a complete beginner or an advanced bodybuilder, the aim of this podcast is to educate people in nutrition.
In a world full of influencers promoting laxatives in fancy forms, weird vibrating ab machines and 1200 toddler calories - what we ALL need is some more information regarding our diets (from a NASM and L4 Nutrition Coach) -
Anna Björg, heilsufræðingur og eigandi Celsus, ræðir heilsuna við góða gesti
Join Emily Maughan and Eleise Lowe as we interview endurance athletes about the foods they eat to fuel their pursuits.
Podcast ini berisikan informasi-informasi tentang gizi kesehatan masyarakat.
Gak semua hal perlu dipendem, ga semua hal juga perlu diceritain. Tapi dengan diungkapkan mungkin bisa sedikit meredakan. Mari sini duduk, dengar dan rasakan keajaibannya.
Semua tentang Kimia itu membosankan ngga sih? Hemmm... coba dengerin podcast ini dulu deh mending
Sharing Edukasi Pola Makan Sehat
Conversations with Cabral is your chance to learn from world-class experts in the fields of health, nutrition, fitness, biohacking, natural medicine, self-improvement, and success.
Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, goes in depth to uncover what his guests truly have to offer through their years of experience. Each episode will leave you feeling inspired and ready to take the direct action steps you need to improve each area of your life!