In this episode we sit down with some revolutionaries both inside and outside the walls. We explore what it means to be in soldarity with oppresed people around the world and in our own back yard. Join us this episode for our historical analyis of crisis and how we see it taking shape in a time and place like today.
Yairy'r's instagram - _yaiyr
Sharky's Instagram - sharky_loko
Dylan's Instagram - dylandrodriguez73
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In this episode, Troy speaks to ELIM: Eid Letters To Incarcerated Muslims about Ramadan in Prison.
“If you keep your foot on the tiger’s neck, eventually the tiger is going to want to fight back… This is the reality of fasting in the month of Ramadan in prison.”
IG: @elimohio
In this episode, we speak with the Spouses of incarcerated organizers who exposed SCI Rockview’s attempts to cover up anti-Black racism in their prison. In November 2023, guards hung two nooses in the bubble in view of incarcerated people. Listen to how incarcerated people and their accomplices have been demanding accountability from the prison.
This episode Ian & Safear talk with Jessica Sylvia & Ya'iyr Carter for a panel at the Haymarket Socialism Conference in 2023. The panel was titled Disorganizing Prison with Tacitcal Disruption Across the Walls. Stay tuned for more perspectives from currently and formerly incarcerated abolitoinist on In The Mix!
This episode Safear and Dawud talk about the Dare To Care program, activism vs organizing & what it takes to be vulnerable in community.
Download WEology: Transformative Justice in Practice at https://lifelines-project.org/2021/09/14/weology/
Safear sits down with Antoine "Indy" Walker to talk about his struggles in prison, solitary confinement, organizing as an abolitonist, what that even means and so much more!
find more about Antoine "Indy" Walker on twitter @Antoineindy
In this episode, incarcerated comrade Ya'iyr Carter interviews Micah, an organizer down Stop Cop City.
Follow Ya'iry on IG @_yaiyr
A conclusion to our three part series, on Safear's journey to Islam.
In this episode of In the Mix we interview incarcerated and formerly incarcerated members of the Pennsylvania's Muslim communities. They share their introductions to the faith, what it has meant for them in prison, and the realities of organizing the Muslim community in the PA-DOC and the obstacles to practicing their faith.
In this episode, Pulling Up My People talks about their formation, ideology, and the struggle to free Tyon Stokes.