Dobrodošli u “Tres Bolidos” podkast - jedini Formula 1 podkast u kome tri bolida, koji se poznaju preko 20 godina, piju pivo i razmenjuju utiske o poslednjim događanjima u F1.Nakon svake trke vaši domaćini - Marko, Radomir i Aleksandar - donose svoje jedinstvene perspektive, pokrenuti svojom ljubavi prema pivu i diskutabilnim znanjem o trkanju. Od najnovijih rezultata trka do najzanimljivijih tračeva u padoku, ništa nije zabranjeno za ova tri bolida.Možda im se stavovi neće uvek složiti, ali jedno je sigurno - uvek će imati hladno pivo u ruci.Upozorenje: Ovaj podkast se ne preporučuje za slušanje dok ste trezni. Živeli!
Ciril, Jure, Saša in Seba. Verjamemo v svobodo odprte ceste in v večni navdih sveta zobnikov, ognja v valjih, električnega udara, moči jekla in karbona. To je misija v jedro vrtinca mobilnosti.
Follow along with Jessica "Dixie" Mills as she attempts to complete the third leg of hiking's Triple Crown–The Continental Divide Trail. We'll have updates at least twice a week and they will all be posted between 1 and 24 hours after our conversation. This is about as live as you can get.
Auto-Biography is a collection of stories from all kinds of people about a car, truck, bike or whatever that was special to them. Even if you're not a gear-head, you likely have a tale about a machine. I want to hear about the vehicle that moved you.
Focused on artisans and people existing in industries and communities they are passionate about, Ludwick's Podcast is hosted by John Ludwick Jr; a former professional bmx rider, hands-on automotive enthusiast, and musician.
Beim Chequered Flag - Podcast präsentieren wir Dir alle Neuigkeiten rund um die Formel 1. Wir besprechen die Rennen, stellen Hypothesen und Vermutungen auf und sorgen dafür, dass Du stets auf dem Laufenden bleibst. Wir - Paul, Chris und Yannik - sind drei Sportjournalisten aus Köln, die in ihrer Freizeit nichts lieber tun als zu fachsimpeln, zu diskutieren und die eine oder andere steile These aufzustellen.
Bringing the outdoors to you! Matt and David will cover everything from fishing, hunting and even general outdoor activities as well as some awesome tips and tricks to bring your A-game everywhere.
Created with the sole purpose of understanding the fundamentals of the automotive industry while merging specific areas of the evolving cybersecurity, technology sector. ACX - Autocyberworx is your primary Automotive cyber solutions provider.
With proven processes applied within the major financial institutions and national telecom providers. ACX has developed a unique, personal plan for your retail automotive facility. Regardless of the manufacturing brand, yearly sales volume, location, or staff size … ACX's priority is to ensure that your facility is doing its due diligence to prevent br -
In 1999 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater became an instant success. It influenced an entire generation to get into skateboarding and punk music. Now The Hard Times co-founder Bill Conway is talking to the personalities from the game about how it changed their lives. Mostly for the better, but not always. If you like an episode, share it with a friend. If you hate an episode, share it with an enemy.
Ce canal a pour objectif de devenir la meilleur source d'information permettant de surmonter toute barrière entre les défis monétaires auxquels fait face la diaspora et les possibilités d'avancement en Occident et en Afrique.
AFRO preneur de 34 ans, j'ai débuté mon aventure entrepreneuriale en 2009 dans le commerce en ligne
Aujourd'hui Je dirige plusieurs entreprises dont une:
société de commerce en ligne
société d'import et export
société de transport
société civile immobilière .
Dans le passé, j'ai été salarier aux USA et en France dans plusieurs secteurs comme les assurances
(Allianz et AXA) et les médias (Bloomberg).
Je partagerais mes succès, mes échecs et mes expériences de mon parcours et
accompagnerais ceux-là qui envisagent de se lancer dans l'entrepreneuriat.
Fervent partisan de la création de multiples sources de revenus.
Si cela vous intéresse, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner à la chaîne pour en savoir plus !
Vivre et non survivre, soyons prospère !
Lighthearted discussions at ungodly hours.
Najstarija priča na svetu je mit o potrazi. Čovek otkako postoji, on traga. Traganje može da bude prostorno, ali traganje može da bude i unutrašnje. Tragamo za srećom, za identitetom, tragamo pokušavajući da odgovorimo na mnoga pitanja. Kroz razgovore i putovanja, ovo je moja potraga, moj pokušaj da pobegnem od besmisla.Agelast podcast je projekat Galeba Nikačevića.
Everything NBA... بالعربي
Teniska euforija u Srbiji traje već 15 godina, ali i dalje nema emisija koje se temama iz ovog sporta bave na studiozan, analitički, ali i zabavan način. Zato je i nastao podcast (webcast) Wish&Go. Nebojša Višković (Wish) i Ivan Govedarica (Go) svakog ponedeljka od 21h diskutuju o aktuelnim teniskim momentima, ali i o onim temama koje su vanvremenske. Njih dvojica sami, ili uz gosta poznatog iz sveta belog sporta, neće ostaviti ni jednu tenisku priču neispričanu.
Some Podcast Inventing and providing informative reviews About Kinetically Enhanced Narratives. A nerdy manga podcast that also talks about different geeky topics, since 2008
Welcome to the On the Wing Podcast with Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever.
On the Wing is your destination for conversations about upland bird hunting, wildlife habitat, public lands, bird dogs, wild game cooking and epic adventures in search of pheasants, quail and grouse. These are the stories of Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever’s 145,000 members, volunteers, team of professional wildlife biologists and experts in the field. Our shows are recorded in person and often on the road from the end of tailgates, backs of horse trailers and after a day in the field chasing birds. -
Ana Radišić podcast - razgovori s ljudima koji inspiriraju. Pitanja koja se nerijetko pitamo, kako, zašto i na koji način je netko uspio. Priče gostiju su pokazatelj da su svi uspješni, inspirativni ljudi zapravo jednostavno - ljudi. Njihove postavke, njihova preispitivanja, njihovi životni putokazi - bez maski, ne klasični intervjui, opušteni, topli i iz srca – bit će okosnica svakog podcasta. Ana, pravnica po struci, voditeljica emisije 'Exkluziv', urednica i voditelljica glazbene emisije 'Top.hr'. Osim što je lice RTL-a, radijska je voditeljica glazbene emisije 'Inkubator', strastvena trkačica i ljubiteljica sporta, glazbe, knjiga i putovanja, a ono najvažnije putovanje na koje i vas vodi je putovanje prema samom sebi. https://www.instagram.com/anaradisic/
The Tennis Speed Show is dedicated to bringing the world's best tennis performance experts together in one place. Lee Taft, known to many as "The Speed Guy", interviews coaches on specific techniques, methods, and strategies to improve the speed of tennis athletes.
If you want to know more about footwork, speed, training, health, strength, the importance of speed to make better shots, and so much more, then this is the show you won't want to miss!
For even more knowledge on Tennis Speed, go now to www.CTSS.co -
In-depth pro cycling race previews, analysis, and rankings
UFC Superstar, Suga Sean O’Malley and brother, Daniel O’Malley dive into current topics in the UFC and fight entertainment and discuss everything “ Suga”