Join host Brian Rose as he explores groundbreaking ideas in crypto, decentralized finance, politics, personal development and beyond. Featuring candid conversations with world-renowned guests, London Real is your gateway to transformative insights and action.
Featured Guests Include:
Patrick Bet-David, Jordan Peterson, Tim Ferriss, Jocko Willink, Graham Hancock, David Goggins, Dr. David Sinclair, Wim Hof, Dan Peña, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Robert Kiyosaki, Grant Cardone, Dr. Gabor Maté, David Icke, Charlie Kirk, Michael Saylor, Scott Melker, Raoul Pal, Jordan Harbinger, Ryan Holiday, Tom Bilyeu, Mike Benz and thousands more. -
Actionable intelligence on emerging tech, financial markets, longevity research, and peak performance. Each episode is packed with valuable insights to fuel personal and professional growth, from technologists and scientists to Zen Masters and productivity hackers; this variety show will always provide you with an abundance of unconventional wisdom.Kevin has been recognized as one of Time Magazine's 'Top 25 Most Influential People on the Web' and a 'Top 25 Angel Investor' by Bloomberg, highlighting his impact in the tech and investment spheres. His influence extends to the cover pages of prestigious publications like Businessweek, Red Herring, 7x7, and Inc. Magazine. Further highlighting his versatility and widespread recognition, Kevin has also made notable appearances on the Jimmy Fallon Show and Charlie Rose. -
Boagworld: The podcast where digital best practices meets a terrible sense of humor! Join us for a relaxed chat about all things digital design. We dish out practical advice and industry insights, all wrapped up in friendly conversation. Whether you're looking to improve your user experience, boost your conversion or be a better design lead, we've got something for you. With over 400 episodes, we're like the cool grandads of web design podcasts – experienced, slightly inappropriate, but always entertaining. So grab a drink, get comfy, and join us for an entertaining journey through the life of a digital professional.
Machine Learning with Coffee is a podcast where we are going to be sharing ideas about Machine Learning and related areas such as: artificial intelligence, business intelligence, business analytics, data mining and Big data. The objective is to promote a healthy discussion on the current state of this fascinating world of Machine Learning. We will be sharing our experience, sharing tricks, talking about latest developments and interviewing experts, all these on a very laid back, friendly manner. So, what are you waiting for? Grab a coffee and join us.
Welcome to Future Positive a podcast from XPRIZE that aims to bring you the most future-forward topics, covering everything from AI to avatars, to climate change, and more. We will share conversations from game-changing leaders, tech entrepreneurs and heavyweights from the creative industry - revealing their inspirations, and how and why they will change the world.
If you’re into data-driven optimism, this is the podcast for you.
© 2020 XPRIZE Foundation. All rights reserved
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This show is all about the intersection of Content + Commerce. We interview the most interesting and influential leaders in marketing and media today to explore branded content, affiliate and eCommerce. Guests share more than just the job as we explore the guest's often windy career paths to their current roles, and how they view the future of content.
Alex Tapscott, Andrew Young and guests break down the fundamentals of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and how this cutting edge technology enables individuals and institutions to transact, and create value, without the need for traditional financial intermediaries.
If you want to get a more in-depth view of what's going on in Web3 and the digital asset space, and access to the most recent information and insights available, please sign up for FREE to our weekly newsletter, Digital Asset Digest - -
In Building At The Edges, Jess Sloss, instigator at Seed Club, holds intimate conversations with top innovators building irresistible web3 communities. We surface insights from DAO experiments and dig into decentralization's dual challenges and opportunities. Web3 unlocks novel mechanisms for people, not platforms, to capture the value created online. Building At The Edges is where we sense-make the high-velocity design space at the intersection of crypto and community.
In the Marketing Mentor podcast, Ilise Benun, founder of, offers short but meaty conversational interviews with creative professionals who are doing what it takes to stop feast or famine, get better clients and command the fees they deserve – and sharing what they’ve learned.
Through conversations with business leaders across a multitude of industries, this podcast offers creative approaches to the burning questions of our time. Comprised of original interviews conducted in The Aquarium – a dynamic live-broadcasting space that animates C2 events – the program delves into leading-edge ideas and new ways of doing business.
No one builds a business on their own. Earning Curve lets you in on the intimate and raw conversations behind what it takes to grow a business—between people building the next generation of Canadian businesses, and the industry leaders who have already made their mark. Produced by Gimlet Creative and hosted by Canadian tech entrepreneur, television personality, and venture capitalist Michele Romanow, the show brings together a wide range of young entrepreneurs and business leaders for a candid conversation about growing a business.
🎙 L'Académie du Podcast - Ta boussole pour lancer et propulser ton podcast avec impact !
Tu es entrepreneur, coach, consultant ou formateur et tu te poses une question cruciale : comment utiliser le podcast pour renforcer ton image de marque et, en même temps, créer un impact authentique au sein de ta communauté ? Ne cherche pas plus loin, tu es au bon endroit !
Dans un monde où la compétition est plus féroce que jamais, se démarquer peut vite sembler un défi insurmontable. Mais grâce à L'Académie du Podcast, tu apprendras à transformer ton message en un podcast qui non seulement attire, mais engage profondément ton auditoire et favorise une croissance continue. 🎧
Chaque semaine, Marco Bernard, entrepreneur aguerri avec plus de 25 ans d'expérience et créateur de 4 podcasts à succès, te dévoile ses stratégies éprouvées, des astuces techniques simples mais puissantes, et te guide pas à pas pour que tu puisses structurer, lancer et développer ton propre podcast, tout en évitant les erreurs de débutant.
👥 À qui s'adresse ce podcast ?
- Un entrepreneur ou un expert désireux d'enrichir ta stratégie marketing avec un média engageant,
- Un coach ou un formateur à la recherche d'un moyen puissant pour toucher une audience plus large et créer un véritable lien avec elle,
- Ou encore quelqu'un qui rêve simplement d'amplifier son influence en utilisant le podcasting comme levier.
L'Académie du Podcast est conçu pour toi !
💡 Ce que tu vas apprendre :
- Comment bien structurer tes épisodes afin de capter l'attention de ton auditoire dès les premières secondes,
- Les pièges à éviter lors du lancement de ton podcast, pour éviter de gaspiller temps et énergie,
- Des méthodes concrètes pour monétiser efficacement ton contenu, attirer des sponsors, et transformer tes auditeurs en clients fidèles,
- Et bien plus encore ! Attends-toi à être surpris par des conseils auxquels tu n’avais peut-être pas pensé.
🎙 Format des épisodes :
Chacun de nos épisodes est conçu pour être dynamique, inspirant et instructif. Avec une durée moyenne de 20 à 30 minutes, ils s'intègrent parfaitement dans ta vie active. Que tu sois en route pour ton prochain rendez-vous, en train de faire ton jogging matinal ou en plein ménage, L'Académie du Podcast t'accompagne là où tu es.
🗓 Fréquence de publication :
Nous te proposons un nouvel épisode chaque semaine, pour te permettre de progresser de façon régulière et concrète dans la création et l'optimisation de ton podcast. Ainsi, tu pourras avancer à ton rythme, mais sans jamais perdre le cap !
🎤 À propos de Marco Bernard :
Passionné par le marketing, l'entrepreneuriat et le podcasting, Marco a déjà aidé plus de 2000 coachs, entrepreneurs et consultants francophones de 17 pays à travers la francophonie à faire du podcast un pilier central de leur stratégie de marque. Grâce à ses méthodes testées et approuvées, il permet à des centaines de créateurs de contenu de prendre leur envol à chaque année, en combinant des conseils pratiques et des histoires captivantes.
🔑 Pourquoi écouter ?
Parce que créer un podcast, c’est un projet incroyable. Mais créer un podcast qui cartonne, qui attire une audience engagée, et qui génère des résultats concrets, c’est encore mieux ! L'Académie du Podcast te donne les clés pour te différencier, créer du contenu qui résonne profondément avec ton audience, et bâtir une communauté loyale. C'est ton rendez-vous pour transformer ta voix en un outil puissant de croissance et d’influence.
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
From the Jetsons to the Terminator, our expectations of AI looked very different 20 or even 10 years ago.
Season 1 explored the many ways that Artificial Intelligence is benefiting our society. But recent studies show that Canadians still have concerns.
This season is all about asking the experts the tough questions when it comes to AI and public trust: How will AI affect privacy? Is AI innovation at odds with public safety? Will AI help or hinder the shift to a more equitable society? -
Let’s Get You F.I.R.E.D Up!
If you’re an entrepreneur who's looking for a way to stand out amongst the competition, then this is the podcast for you!
We focus on relevant digital marketing strategies & tools to help you to dominate your industry and become the community market leader in your profession.
Hey, we don’t hold back on this podcast - we say it like it is, and sometimes you may not like what you’re hearing, but the information will take your business to the next level.
So, hang tight because you’re about to be F.I.R.E.D Up with Krista Mashore!
Join us every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - for new episodes and be sure to check out for free downloads and resources. -
Welcome to The Scoop, The Block's flagship podcast covering finance and technology industries through unmatched interviews with top thought leaders, cultural icons and industry veterans. The Block’s Frank Chaparro hosts new guests every week, diving into breaking news and topics ranging from NFTs, to the impact of DeFi on Wall Street, to Bitcoin's role in the economy and beyond.
The Graham Robins podcast is a podcast dedicated to helping today’s business leaders grow and scale their businesses. Get ready to learn and grow from not only the trials and tribulations of our guests but also be inspired by what successes they’ve doubled down on to continuously improve. Our guests will be business leaders and owners from across industries, as well as members of YPO (Young Presidents Organization), who have a spirit of lifelong.Each episode features topics like leadership, strategy, culture, increasing revenue, scaling globally, international trade, common mistakes and how to avoid them, as well as what just works, and how you can replicate success quickly.