In this episode, I sat down with my dear friend, Asha, to discuss her decision to move away from her hometown after college. As many know, our community (Somali + Immigrant + Muslim) is not the biggest fan of leaving the nest alone. Join us as we talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly about moving away from home.
You can find Asha (and her cat Mochi) below:
https://www.instagram.com/mochii.muffin/?hl=en -
On this episode, I invited health coach and wellness fanatic Ahlaam Ibraahim to discuss all things health. We talked about how her journey with health started and the importance of providing coaching content/sessions for our communities.
You can find Ahlaam here:
IG & TikTok: @healthwithahlaam
E-Book: www.healthwithahlaam.com/e-book
Website: www.healthwithahlaam.com/ -
Episodes manquant?
Welcome back to the second season of Is It Worth A Conversation?
It's only right we start the new season in the new year by discussing how we can intentionally set goals. We all fall into the pattern of setting goals mindlessly without allocating the designated time to reflect. Reflection leads to growth, and that's what we love to discuss on this podcast. -
Welcome to the final episode of the first season. I wanted to leave you with ten reminders that will hopefully get you to finish the year strongly. If you want to keep in touch, follow: @isitworthaconversation on Instagram.
What does it really mean to show up as ourselves at work? Where does that really stem from? And is work identity a full representation of who were are? I invited my dear friend Asha to talk about her experiences in the workspace and how she intentionally shows up in her authentic self.
In this episode, we laugh, we discuss, and we explore topics that we are still processing and learning about. With that being said, our views do not reflect our workplaces, and we are both happy in our respective jobs lol.
Here's the link to the feeling wheel: https://feelingswheel.com/ -
TW: Mental Health
For this episode, I decided to pause my regular programming to talk about my mental health in the past couple of weeks. I wanted to share a raw side of what I go through. I didn't want to paint a perfect picture because my life is not perfect in any shape or form. So, I moved this week's episode and decided to share what I'm going through and how I'll work on getting myself out of the rut I'm in. -
Sometimes, it’s hard to admit that fear is the key driver behind our decisions. Whether your fear is mainly nerves, or full on panic, understanding your decisions and the role fear plays in that can help you make better decisions today. If you’re brave enough to answer this, let me know what role fear plays in your decisions?
This episode is a chill one. I talk about some life updates and discuss some of the things that have been irking my soul. After listening to the episode, let me know what books you've been enjoying and would recommend. Let me know on IG: @isitworthaconversation
This episode is a special one. I brought my sister, Fardos, who is a recent mother, to discuss how we re-meet our mothers as we get older. We dive into how society influences your decisions, deciding to be a mother and the fear around it, and how our own mothers play a role in that.
The audio is not the best quality, and I want to apologize for that. I'm still learning, and I hope you can look past it and enjoy the episode because it is a really good one. -
In this episode, we are covering a topic that hits close to home. People pleasing. I will raise my hand and admit that I am a recovering people pleaser. But I genuinely believe when you know better, you do better, as my good sis Oprah said. So, this episode will focus on the good, the bad, and the ugly of People-pleasing. Be ready because I'll call you out just as much as I'm calling myself out, with love, of course.
This is a short episode on how we can cancel some of the noise when it comes to Ramadan culture. Once we focus on our intentions for this month, we should be able to sustain all of the worships for the rest of the year inshallah.
Here are a few questions to help you identify your boundaries:
How do I feel about being touched by others? Think of hugs, handshakes, high fives.Who am I comfortable being touched by? Family, friends, colleagues, and strangers.What spaces in my house are personal to me, and who can enter those spaces? It can also apply to your car.What food & drinks can I have? Think of allergies, alcohol, and religious guidelines.Who am I comfortable sharing personal things with?What types of things am I not comfortable sharing with friends, family, etc.?How much time would I like to reserve just for myself every day/week?What takes priority when I am dividing up my free time? -
Here are a few journal prompts to get you started on your journey:
If you didn’t have to worry about money or people’s opinions, what would you do with your life?What is one thing you’re unlearning in this chapter of your life?What is a characteristic of yours that you like and wish other people noticed more? What are your career goals? What is one thing you can do today to take a step in that direction?Where and when do you feel the happiest? -
I’m so excited to announce my new podcast, “Is It Worth A Conversation?” This trailer should give you a brief intro to who I am, what this podcast is about, and what the title even means lol.