Welcome back to Episode 12 of “It Takes Two To Tango - Conversations That Move Us”. In this episode, entitled "Trusting Our Body's Wisdom", we have brought in a guest.Please meet Martina’s Alexander Technique Teacher and Somatic Educator Ed Bilanchone. Having had a career in professional ballet and modern dance, and being passionate about Tai Chi and Golf as well as studying various aspects about the science and application of movement, Ed has taught Martina not only how to move better in dance, but also how to think differently about movement in how she lives and moves in her daily life. We chose Ed to share with us some of his thoughts about what “the body’s wisdom” actually means, how we can access it in a smarter way, trust it - and improve our brain-body connection in all we do. To find out more about Ed, check out his website: https://smartmoves4living.com/
Happy New Year - and welcome back to Episode 11 of “It Takes Two To Tango - Conversations That Move Us”!
In this first Episode of 2021, Nat and Martina share different ideas about how to start the New Year.
- How to honor yourself in different ways - especially when “different” bumps up against your own or others’ expectations of you;
- How and why tuning in to your “to-be” list before you create to-do list makes everything more meaningful;
- How to use an intention like “I want to feel good” can help you step beyond doubts and fears and actually expand and sustain your feeling good.
What did you take away from this episode? How might you pivot and start your 'new year' differently?
Join us at It Takes Two to Tango | Facebook to share your thoughts.
In our last episode of 2020, Nat and Martina ponder the difference between intentions, goals and resolutions for the New Year. We discuss (1) Why resolutions often feel heavy, why they require so much effort, and ultimately rarely work; (2) How knowing the difference between intentions and goals allows us to use both of them more effectively, and, pun intended, more intentionally; and, (3) How to use commitments in a way that feeds us, makes us feel lighter, and even creates a sense of magic and mystery...
We wish you a Happy, Healthy New Year, with intentions that inspire you to love, laugh and dance!
Watch the video podcast on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/2totangoconversations
Mentioned in this episode:
The Commitment Blueprint by Tara McMullen http://explorewhatworks.com/commitment/
In Episode #9 of “It Takes Two To Tango - Conversations That Move Us”, Nat and Martina share some thoughts and tools about how to navigate various aspects of the holidays. They discuss how natural it is to have mixed emotions, how to pause purposely to feel connected, how to move from 'doing' to 'being', and Nat shares a powerful 4-step exercise to quite your mind chatter and shift your mood. Join in on the conversation at our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/2totangoconversations
In Episode 8, Nat and Martina talk about what it means to move from love, not from fear as we navigate life in everyday situations, like when we're running late for an appointment, or when we're getting ready to perform on a dance floor or present in a meeting.
We address the following questions:
How do we even notice when we are about to move from fear or stress, so we can make a different choice?
What happens in our bodies and nervous system when we move from fear vs moving from love, and how can we use this information to “stay calm and tango on”, no matter what?
How do we stop a fear or stress response before it takes hold of us - and even reverse it, so we can move forward from love?
How can we create the conditions to feel calm and maybe even joyful during experiences that, up until now, habitually have caused us stress, fear or anxiety?
Visit It Takes Two to Tango to watch Martina demonstrate the Stress Melting exercises.
In this episode of Two to Tango, Nat and Martina talk about how we can make new choices to move beyond our “automatic” “conditioned” reactions to uncertainties - so that we move from LOVE rather than fear. And yes, as always, this applies to the steps that we take on the dance floor (regardless how slippery or sticky the floor might be), and the steps we take in our lives and leadership (and let’s face it, most of us have encountered quite some “sticky” situations over the past year, and we learned new ways to navigate those, whether we chose to or not.)
In Episode 6, Nat and Martina talk about how to dance and live from your own heart’s pace. Whether it’s embracing your own musicality on the dance floor, pacing a relationship or a conversation - when you stay connected to what’s in your heart, you can connect more deeply with others.
Episode #5 of “It Takes Two To Tango” has the interesting title “I know it all - I know nothing”. Nat and Martina talk about how knowledge or confidence can either become a blessing and a source of joy and connection - or a “curse” that can hold us back from truly connecting, learning or growing...
Tune in to this very deep and rich conversation - and share with us what inspired you, what opened up for you or what new thoughts you would like to add.
In Episode 4, Martina and Nat talk about how to engage performance anxiety when it shows up in our bodies, so that we get to perform WITH and BECAUSE of it, not 'despite' of it.
They discuss:
(1) How to recognize when or how performance anxiety shows up in our body (hint: for most of us, it screams “I’m not ready!!!” in one way or another...)
(2) “What we resist, persists” - and so trying to fight, skip or outperform our “performance anxiety” actually achieves it’s opposite
(3) When we learn to be with and engage our performance anxiety, we can expand and grow beyond it, so we can “have it” [our feelings & sensations) without our anxiety or overwhelming feelings/sensations having us.
So tune in - and we invite you to share what moves or inspires you, what opens up for you in this conversation.
In Episode #3, Nat and Martina talk about “Performance” and “Performance Anxiety”. And once again, a lot of the tools that help us on the dance floor to not only “cope” with but “befriend” our anxiety around performance, also applies to the various ways that anxiety around performance shows up in our lives and leadership: Whether it’s public speaking, presenting or an important zoom meeting - or questions like “how do I know when I’ve done a good job?” Or “How do I know that my team is showing up, now that they are working from home?” - there are common threads of how we can ease our minds, become more present and enjoy a deeper connection during challenging experiences of all kinds.
So tune in to our conversation, and share with us what moved or inspired you, and what new questions you would like to engage with us.
In this 2nd episode, Nat and Martina share how they got started dancing the Argentine Tango. They also talk about the topic of having mixed emotions as it pertains to the current pandemic situation, to partnerships on the dance floor, and partnerships in everyday life. Addressing mixed emotions is not very popular because it can be uncomfortable. Yet, it's a vital practice. Nat and Martina share why it's so important and also share some ways you can get started. Care to dance with us?