My guest is Rachael Shephard author of Sober Mama
Get the book here https://amzn.to/3QM6Xo7
Sober Spring – Live Alcohol Free Life podcast Recording and meet up
Tues 18 March at Club Soda London with special guest William Porter Its fine to come alone!
TicketsHERE https://www.thesoberclub.com/events/
Supplements for Recovery
Don’t forget it takes a while for everything to re-calibrate when you first quit alcohol, sometimes you even feel a littler worse before you feel better, buthang on in there! As you know I do recommend some good supplements for the early days and beyond, especially the right Magnesium
Have a read of this blog andtreat yourself to some along with Vit D, Vit C, and if you’re menopausal consider Iodine
I have an affiliate with Clive so if you buy anything from his site by clicking this link, he pops a bit into ourSober Club giveback fund…so thank you!
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for lowcost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non judgemental community online and regular zoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeing content
If you want to support the work goto www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Please share, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reachout, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our next course starts end April 25, email Janey for a chat tosee if its right for you – janey at janeyleegrace.com
Supplements for recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend ever is theblend from Clive – if you use this linkfor everything you buy, a bit goes into ourSober Club giveback fund If you can afford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acids andIodine (if you’re menopausal) Use this link for everything: ?https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489?
Check out my new Substack, you can be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& The Woo Works
Follow Janey on social media@janeyleegrace
You can get a copy of From Wham to Woo - A Life on the mic HERE or message meif you'd like a signed copy and I will add P * P
Ditching the booze or already sober? Thought about joiningus in The Sober Club?
The price rises for new members this weekend, so get in now! Its high value, non judgemental, focused on wellbeing
Info HERE https://www.thesoberclub.com/join-us-before-the-price-rises-for-new-members/
Sober Spring – Live Alcohol Free Life podcast Recording and meet up Tues 18March at Club Soda London with special guests
Irs fine to come alone!
TicketsHERE https://www.thesoberclub.com/events/
This weeks guest is a sober club member Miranda Rowe sharing her story to freedom,
************** Limited time, discount on a Liver Accelerator6 Week Course with my link Click HERE
Last weeks guest on the Alcohol Free Life podcast was Sharan Verma
Specially for podcast listeners, Sharan’s 6 week program has been priced at £280 (6.5%off of original price at £300).
Liver Accelerator 6 Weeks – labelled Janey
Supplements for Recovery
Don’t forget it takes a while for everything to re-calibrate when you first quit alcohol, sometimes you even feel a littler worse before you feel better, but hang on in there! As you know I do recommend some good supplements for theearly days and beyond, especially the right Magnesium
Have a read of this blog and treat yourself to some along with Vit D, Vit C, and if you’re menopausal consider Iodine
I have an affiliate with Clive so if you buy anything from his site by clicking this link, he pops a bit into ourSober Club giveback fund…so thank you!
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for low cost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host ofcontent on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non judgemental community online and regularzoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeing content
If you want to support the work goto www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Pleaseshare, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reachout, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our next course starts end April 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you – janey at janeyleegrace.com
Supplementsfor recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend ever is theblend from Clive – if you use this linkfor everything you buy, a bit goes into ourSober Club giveback fund If you can afford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acids andIodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything: ?https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489?
Check out my new Substack, youcan be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& TheWoo Works
Follow Janey on social media@janeyleegrace
You can get a copy of From Wham to Woo - A Life on the mic HERE or message meif you'd like a signed copy and I will add P * P
Missing episodes?
Welcome to the Alcohol Free Life podcast from The Sober Club EVENTS
Heal the present (and the past!)join us for Family Constellations Sun 23 Feb Herts
Sober Spring – Live Alcohol Free Life podcast Recording and meet up
Tues 18 March at Club Soda London with special guests
Irs fine to come alone!
TicketsHERE https://www.thesoberclub.com/events/
************** Limited time, discount on a Liver Accelerator6 Week Course with my
link Click HERE
My special guest on the Alcohol Free Life podcast is Sharan Verma ia certified MNU Nutritionist, liver health specialist, and founder of Renourish with Sharan. Inspired by herfather’s battle with fatty liver disease, Sharan has dedicated her career to raising awareness about liver wellness and empowering individuals to take control of their health through personalised nutrition and lifestyle changes.Collaborating with organisations like the British Liver Trust and working with clients often referred by the NHS, Sharan takes a holistic approach, addressing the root causes of health issues.
Specially for podcast listeners, Sharan’s 6 week program has been priced at £280 (usually £300).
Liver Accelerator 6 Weeks
Supplements for Recovery
Don’t forget it takes a while for everything to re-calibrate when you first quit alcohol, sometimes you even feel a littler worse before you feel better, but hang on in there! As you know I do recommend some good supplements for theearly days and beyond, especially the right Magnesium
Have a read of this blog and treat yourself to some along with Vit D, Vit C, and if you’re menopausal consider Iodine
I have an affiliate with Clive so if you buy anything from his site by clicking this link, he pops a bit into our Sober Club giveback fund…so thank you!
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for low cost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host ofcontent on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non judgemental community online and regular zoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeing content
If you want to support the work go to www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Please share, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reach out, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our next course starts end April 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you – janey at janeyleegrace.com
Supplements for recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend ever is the blend from Clive – if you use this linkfor everything you buy, a bit goes into ourSober Club giveback fund If you can afford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acids andIodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything:
Check out my new Substack, youcan be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& The Woo Works
Follow Janey on social media@janeyleegrace
You can get a copy of From Wham to Woo - A Life on the mic HERE or message me if you'd like a signed copy and I will add P * P
Self love is key, and often can only begin to feel possible once we ditch the booze. There is another chance to hear positive Psychologist and author Cheryl Rickman on her book You are enough.https://amzn.to/4aX0VdQ
In The Sober Club we have a 7 day Self care challengestarting today, join us to get access to all the free resources, meditations and exclusive expert sessions
More : https://www.thesoberclub.com/february-the-month-of-self-love/
Heal the present (and the past!)join us for Family Constellations Sun 23 Feb Herts
Before that Tues Feb 18 if you’reinterested in exploring a career as a sober coach, join our webinar online at7.30pm
Treat yourself!
Tues March 18 Live podcast recording and meet up with special guests - Sober AF dating and Sam Delaney plus special guests
Club Soda London
Get tickets QUICK HERE
Janey at janeyleegrace.com
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for lowcost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non judgemental community online and regularzoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeing content
If you want to support the work goto www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Pleaseshare, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reachout, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditchedthe Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coachtraining, our next course starts end April 25, email Janey for a chat tosee if its right for you – janey at janeyleegrace.com
Supplementsfor recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend everis the blend from Clive – if you use thislinkfor everything you buy, a bit goes into ourSober Club giveback fund If you can afford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acids andIodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything:?https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489?
Check out my new Substack, youcan be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& TheWoo Works
Follow Janey on social media@janeyleegrace
You can get a copy of FromWham to Woo - A Life on the micHERE or message meif you'd like a signed copy and I will add P * P
After recent news reports on the stats for deaths related to alcohol in the UK, Janey gives another chance to hear the interview with Professor Ian Gilmore.
Check out the work of Alcohol Change UK
Heal the present (and the past!)join us for Family Constellations Sun 23 Feb Herts
Before that Tues Feb 18 if you’reinterested in exploring a career as a sober coach, join our webinar online at7.30pm
Treat yourself!
Soulful sobriety holistic retreat– luxury Essex farmhouse 7-9 March
Janey at janeyleegrace.com
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for lowcost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host ofcontent on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzzwithout the Booze, our private non judgemental community online and regularzoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeing content
If you want to support the work goto www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Pleaseshare, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reachout, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holisticsober coach training, our next course starts end April 25, email Janey fora chat to see if its right for you – janey at janeyleegrace.com
Supplements for recovery
The BEST Magnesium blendever is the blend from Clive – if you use this link foreverything you buy, a bit goes into our Sober Club giveback fund If you canafford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acids and Iodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link foreverything: ?https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489?
Check out my new Substack,you can be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…&The Woo Works
Follow Janey on social media @janeyleegrace
You canget a copy of From Wham to Woo - A Life on the mic HERE or message me if you'd like a signed copy and I willadd P * P
We spend a lot of time trying to meditate to 'get out of our heads' thinking, meditation, et al, but sometimes we need to allow the body to support us. Michelle Davies has over 27 years of experience as an internationally acclaimed healer in osteopathy, Michelle has transformed countless lives by addressing the root causes of pain and suffering. Combining clinical expertise with a deep connection to energy andspirituality, her hands-on approach facilitates profound self-healing for all ages, from newborns to the elderly.
Michelle’s bestselling books, Miracle Worker and her latest release, Mental Clarity, reflect her transformative approach to healing. www.worcester-Osteo.com
You can get a free copy of the pdf of Mental Clarity www.braincareexpert.com
Thanks for coming to Edinburgh !
You can get a copy of From Wham to Woo - A Life onthe mic HEREor message me if you'd like a signed copy and I will add P * P
Heal the present (and the past!) join us forFamily Constellations Sun 23 Feb Herts
Before that Tues Feb 18 if you’r einterested inexploring a career as a sober coach, join our webinar online at 7.30pm
Treat yourself!
Soulful sobriety holistic retreat – luxury Essexfarmhouse 7-9 March
Janey at janeyleegrace.com
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for lowcost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non judgemental community online and regularzoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeing content
If you want to support the work goto www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Pleaseshare, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reachout, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our next coursestarts end April 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you – janey at janeyleegrace.com
Supplementsfor recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend ever is the blend from Clive – if you use this link for everything you buy, a bit goes intoour Sober Club giveback fund If you can afford it, also getVit D3, Amino Acids and Iodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything:?https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489?
Check out my new Substack, youcan be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& TheWoo Works
Follow Janey on social media@janeyleegrace
This week I chat to a Sober Club member about her wonderful journey to freedom. Its SO inspiring to hear people's stories!
Join us in The Sober Club for connection and accountability, inspiration and wellbeing content.
NEW DATE Jan 29 Edinburgh Blackwells bookshop
Book HERE https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/janey-lee-grace-from-wham-to-woo-tickets-1111462727939?aff=oddtdtcreator
There will be a Sober inspiration meet up before thisevent in Edinburgh, venue and tickets TBA
You can get a copy of From Wham to Woo - A LIfe on the micHERE or message me if you'd like asigned copy and I will add P * P
Family Constellations Sun 23 Feb in Herts
Don't miss this! tickets https://www.thesoberclub.com/family-constellations/
Soulful sobriety holistic retreat – luxury Essex farmhouse7-9 March info here https://www.thesoberclub.com/sobriety-retreat/
Janey at janeyleegrace.com
Setting your intentions for 25 - there is a chance toaccess the recording of the workshop and the full audio meditation
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for low cost support,accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holisticliving. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze,our private non judgemental community online and regular zoom meetings, plus awhole library of exclusive wellbeing content
If you want to support the work go towww.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Please share, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reach out, tell someoneyou’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offersholistic sober coach training, our next course starts end April 25, email Janeyfor a chat to see if its right for you – janey at janeyleegrace.com
Supplements for recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend ever is the blend fromClive – if you use this link foreverything you buy, a bit goes into our Sober Club giveback fund
If you can afford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acidsand Iodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything:
Discount code for next week only – use the link above,then at checkout: winterhealth15
Check out my new Substack, you can be a free subscriber orpaid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& The Woo Works
Follow Janey on social media @janeyleegrace
Interested in Sober Coach Training? You don't have to be a coach, but you do have to have had your own experience of quitting alcohol and have found freedom from the alcohol trap. Our next training starts with 2 in person 'retreat' days end of April, we have a free webinar Tues 18 Feb to find out more - Explore a career as a sober coach - Register on this link
Freedom from clutter !
Today's guest is Rachel Smith The House Whisperer, so manyparallels with decluttering and ditching the booze!
You can get a copy of From Wham to Woo - A LIfe on the micHERE or message me if you'd like asigned copy and I will add P * P
NEW DATE Jan 29 Edinburgh Blackwells bookshop
Book HERE https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/janey-lee-grace-from-wham-to-woo-tickets-1111462727939?aff=oddtdtcreator
There will be a Sober inspiration meet up before thisevent in Edinburgh, venue and tickets TBA
You can get a copy of From Wham to Woo - A LIfe on the micHERE or message me if you'd like asigned copy and I will add P * P
Family Constellations Sun 23 Feb
Soulful sobriety holistic retreat – luxury Essex farmhouse7-9 March email for more info
Janey at janeyleegrace.com
Setting your intentions for 25 - there is a chance toaccess the recording of the workshop and the full audio meditation
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for low cost support,accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holisticliving. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze,our private non judgemental community online and regular zoom meetings, plus awhole library of exclusive wellbeing content
If you want to support the work go towww.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Please share, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reach out, tell someoneyou’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offersholistic sober coach training, our next course starts end April 25, email Janeyfor a chat to see if its right for you – janey at janeyleegrace.com
Supplements for recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend ever is the blend fromClive – if you use this link foreverything you buy, a bit goes into our Sober Club giveback fund
If you can afford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acidsand Iodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything:
Discount code for next week only – use the link above,then at checkout: winterhealth15
Check out my new Substack, you can be a free subscriber orpaid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& The Woo Works
Follow Janey on social media @janeyleegrace
Lets look at the neuroscience of addiction with James Swanwick
You can find more about James’s workat www.jamesswanwick.com
Thanks for joining us for Setting your intentions for 25 there is a chance to access the video recording and the Manifestation audio meditation from Sandy
You can get a copy of From Wham to Woo - A Life onthe mic HERE or message me if you'd like a signed copy and I will add P * P
TONIGHT! Come see me at The Lights AndoverFri 10 Jan 2025
NEW DATE Jan 29 Edinburgh Blackwells bookshop
Please pop the date in the diary, there will be aSober inspiration meet up before this event in Edinburgh, venue and tickets TBA
Family Constellations Sun 23 Feb
Souful sobriety holistic retreat – luxury Essexfarmhouse 7-9 March
For more info Janey at janeyleegrace.com
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for lowcost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non judgemental community online and regularzoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeing content
If you want to support the work goto www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Pleaseshare, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reachout, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our next coursestarts end April 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you – janeyat janeyleegrace.com
Supplementsfor recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend everis the blend from Clive – if you use this link for everything you buy, a bit goes intoour Sober Club giveback fund
Currently there is a discountmessage me for info
If you can afford it, also getVit D3, Amino Acids and Iodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything: https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489
Check out my new Substack, youcan be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& TheWoo Works
Follow Janey on social media@janeyleegrace
Thanks for joining us for Setting your intentions for 25 there is a chance to access the recording and a clip from our interview with Sandy Newbigging is on todays podcast
There is also a chance to hear me wax lyrical on 7 years of sobriety!
Come see me Fri 10!
You can get a copy of From Wham to Woo - A LIfe onthe mic HEREor message me if you'd like a signed copy and I will add P * P
EVENTS Come see me at The Lights AndoverFri 10 Jan 2025
NEW DATE Jan 29 Edinburgh Blackwells bookshop
Book HERE https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/janey-lee-grace-from-wham-to-woo-tickets-1111462727939?aff=oddtdtcreator
Please pop the date in the diary, there will be aSober inspiration meet up before this event in Edinburgh, venue and tickets TBA
Souful sobriety holistic retreat – luxury Essexfarmhouse 7-9 March email for more info
Janey at janeyleegrace.com
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for lowcost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host ofcontent on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzzwithout the Booze, our private non judgemental community online and regularzoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeing content
If you want to support the work goto www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Pleaseshare, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reachout, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our next coursestarts end April 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you – janeyat janeyleegrace.com
Supplementsfor recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend everis the blend from Clive – if you use this link for everything you buy, a bit goes intoour Sober Club giveback fund
If you can afford it, also getVit D3, Amino Acids and Iodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything:?https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489?
Check out my new Substack, youcan be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& TheWoo Works
Follow Janey on social media@janeyleegrace
We have a special gift for you! FREE from Sat 28 Dec - Sobriety Rocks - 25 Sobriety Tips for 2025 - inspirational nuggets of wisdom from Sober coaches who have trained with me
From Sat 28 Dec Go HERE - click the pic, to grab your copy while its free and please leave us a review on Amazon
Janey shares some reflections from the year gone, and some of the podcasts from across the year
Setting your intentions for 25
Join us for special online workshop on Thursday 2nd Jan at 5pm UK time, if you can't make it you will still get the recording if you buy a ticket (only £7.50 for our giveback fund.
My special guest is Sandy Newbigging who is a best selling author and meditation expert . Tickets https://www.thesoberclub.com/setting-your-intentions-for-2025-online-workshop/
Near Andover? Make the trip! Relive the 80's and 90's at The Lights Andover Fri 10 Jan tickets HERE
Nutrition and supplements for recovery
To buy the B12, Vit C and anything else use this link and a bit goes to the sober club giveback fund https://natureprovides.com/janey
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for low cost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non judgemental community online and regular zoom meetings,
If you want to support the work go to www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Please share, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reach out, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our next course starts end April 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you – janey at janeyleegrace.com
Don't forget to download your free ebook
Sobriety Rocks - 25 Sobriety Tips for 2025
Supplements for recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend ever is the blend from Clive – if you use this ?link ?for everything you buy, a bit goes into our Sober Club giveback fund
If you can afford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acids and Iodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything: ?https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489?
Check out my new Substack, you can be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& The Woo Works
Follow Janey on social media @janeyleegrace
First Sober Christmas or want some tips to handle the festive season?
Another chance to hear an interview recorded for a previous Xmas podcast with Jo Creed on using NLP to reframe your thoughts
Bossing a Sober Christmas online session is nowavailable as a recording, please consider makinga donation to our giveback fund., SoberClub giveback fund Thank you for yoursupport!
Setting your intentions for 2025
Join us for a special online workshop on Thurs 2nd Jan 2025 at 5pm – this one has a small fee (for the giveback fund) and my special guest is Sandy Newbigging who will guideus in a short meditation Info HERE https://www.thesoberclub.com/setting-your-intentions-for-2025-online-workshop/
You can get a copy of From Wham to Woo - A LIfe onthe mic HERE or message me if you'd like a signed copy and I will add P * P Get Sam’s book HERE To buy the B12, Vit Cand anything else use this link and a bit goes to the sober club giveback fund https://natureprovides.com/janey
Come see me at The Lights AndoverFri 10 Jan 2025
NEW DATE Jan 29 Edinburgh Blackwells bookshop
Book HERE https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/janey-lee-grace-from-wham-to-woo-tickets-1111462727939?aff=oddtdtcreator
Please pop the date in the diary, there will be aSober inspiration meet up before this event in Edinburgh, venue and tickets TBANew to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for low cost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host ofcontent on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non judgemental community online and regularzoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeing content If you want to support the work goto www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Pleaseshare, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reachout, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our next coursestarts end April 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you – janeyat janeyleegrace.com
Supplementsfor recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend ever is the blend from Clive – if you use this link for everything you buy, a bit goes intoour Sober Club giveback fund
If you can afford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acids and Iodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything:?https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489?
Check out my new Substack, you can be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& TheWoo Works
Follow Janey on social media@janeyleegrace
First Sober Christmas or want sometips to handle the festive season?
Another chance to hear an interviewrecorded for a previous Xmas podcast with the fabulous Susan from Hola Sober,we chat about doing your prep and making a plan
Bossing a Sober Christmas online session is nowavailable as a recording, please consider makinga donation to our giveback fund., Sober Club giveback fund Thankyou for your support!
Setting your intentions for 2025
Join us for a special onlineworkshop on Thurs 2nd Jan 2025 at 5pm – this one has a small fee(for the giveback fund) and my special guest is Sandy Newbigging who will guideus in a short meditation Info HERE https://www.thesoberclub.com/setting-your-intentions-for-2025-online-workshop/
You can get a copy of From Wham to Woo - A LIfe onthe mic HERE or message me ifyou'd like a signed copy and I will add P * P Get Sam’s book HERE To buy the B12, Vit C and anything else use this linkand a bit goes to the sober club giveback fund https://natureprovides.com/janey
Come see me at The Lights AndoverFri 10 Jan 2025
NEW DATE Jan 29 Edinburgh Blackwells bookshop
Book HERE https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/janey-lee-grace-from-wham-to-woo-tickets-1111462727939?aff=oddtdtcreator
Please pop the date in the diary, there will be aSober inspiration meet up before this event in Edinburgh, venue and tickets TBA
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for lowcost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host ofcontent on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzzwithout the Booze, our private non judgemental community online and regularzoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeing content
If you want to support the work goto www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Pleaseshare, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reachout, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our nextcourse starts end April 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you– janey at janeyleegrace.com
Supplements for recovery
The BEST Magnesium blendever is the blend from Clive – if you use this link foreverything you buy, a bit goes into our Sober Club giveback fund
If you can afford it, alsoget Vit D3, Amino Acids and Iodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link foreverything: ?https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489?
Check out my new Substack,you can be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…&The Woo Works
Follow Janey on social media @janeyleegrace
We had a fantastic event at Club Soda A live Alcohol Free Life podcast recording with the fabulous Sam Delaney, chatting about mental health and wellbeing and sharing some festive tips, especially if its early days lots of like minded people, enjoying the amazing surroundings of a fully stocked 'AF offy' and alcohol free bar.
You know my mantra - Keep the Ritual - Change the Ingredients
We really did that! A huge thanks toeveryone who came, - connection is key! And a massive shout out to the brands who supplied our lovely wellbeing goody bags. So often when we ditch the booze we realise we want to have another look at everything!
If you want try these goodies.. Thanks to Penny Price Aromatherapy
NatureProvides - get the B12 and the Vit C - use this linkThanks to Better You for theMagnesium Water and the fab Vit D & K2 spray
Thanks also to Clive de Carle, you know I LOVE hismagnesium - use this link
Weleda gave us some lovely relaxing shower gel
Use the links given and a bit goes to our Sober Club giveback fund! You can get a copy of From Wham to Woo - A LIfe onthe mic HEREor message me if you'd like a signed copy and I will add P * P Get Sam’s book HERETo buy the B12, Vit C and anything else use this link and abit goes to the sober club giveback fund https://natureprovides.com/janeyFirst Sober Christmas or want some tips to handle thefestive season?
Bossing a Sober Christmas online session Wed 11 Dec uk time Please register whatever stage youare at, there will be some tips, techniques and fun tools to help keep you calm and centered across the festive season, some inspiration for handling family dynamics, reducing stress and anxiety, and managing expectations. Join us ifits your first Christmas sober, or if you have been sober for ages, but want to feel a bit more 'balanced' and centered over the festive season, and what can feel like a chaotic period. We will be incorporating some NLP/ EFTtechniques and there will be time for Q and A Register HERE Send over any specific questions inadvance if you have them.
After registering on this link you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The session is free for members, you can invite non members to this also, please ask them to consider making a donation to our giveback fund., Sober Club giveback fund
Thank you for your support!Come see me at The Lights Andover Fri 10 Jan 2025
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for low cost support,accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non judgemental community online and regular zoom meetings, plus awhole library of exclusive wellbeing content
If you want to support the work go to www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Please share, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reach out, tell someone you’redoing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offersholistic sober coach training, our next course starts end April 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you – janey at janeyleegrace.com
Supplements for recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend ever is the blend from Clive – ifyou use this link for everything you buy, a bit goes into our Sober Club giveback fund
If you can afford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acids andIodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything: ?https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489?
Check out my new Substack, you can be a free subscriber orpaid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& The Woo Works
Follow Janey on social media @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others?
Join us for a free webinar Tuesday 3 Dec 7.45 pm
From Sobriety to Purpose, exploring a career as a sober coach Register HERE
Supplements for recovery
Don't miss out on vital nutrients! To buy the B12, Vit C and anything else use this link and a bit goes to the sober club giveback fund https://natureprovides.com/janeyThe BEST Magnesium blend ever is the blend from Clive – if you use this for everything you buy, a bit goes into our Sober Club giveback fund If you can afford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acids and Iodine (if you’re menopausal)Use this https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489 for everything:
Mon Dec 2nd Club Soda Tickets https://www.tickettailor.com/events/clubsoda/1418210https://www.tickettailor.com/events/clubsoda/1418210
Tickets include a wellbeing goody bag.
Mental Fitness
Todays guest is coach and mental fitness expert James Gwinnett author of Ready Set Life Buy it HERE
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for low cost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non judgemental community online and regular zoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeing content
If you want to support the work go to www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Please share, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reach out, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Check out my new Substack, you can be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& The Woo Works
Follow Janey on social media @janeyleegrace
Don't miss out on vital nutrients! Janey chats to Rachel Aseco on the best supplements for recovery and beyond. To buy the B12, Vit C and anything else use this link and a bit goes to the sober club giveback fund https://natureprovides.com/janey
See this blog on Winter Wellbeing for more recommendations
Please join me too on one of my book tour dates – From Wham! to Woo – A Life on the micacross the UK https://www.thesoberclub.com/from-wham-to-woo-book-tour-24/
Tues in Daventry at Suddenly Bookshop
And a Sober Curious event at Sheaf St Health Store
(see link above for tickets)
Waterstones Birmingham on Wed
Mon Dec 2nd Club Soda Tickets https://www.tickettailor.com/events/clubsoda/1418210https://www.tickettailor.com/events/clubsoda/1418210
Tickets include a wellbeing goody bag.
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for low cost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holistic living. Membership includes and onlinecourse Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non judgemental community online and regular zoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeing content
If you want to support the work go to www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Please share, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reach out, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our next course starts end April 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you – janeyat janeyleegrace.com
Supplements for recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend ever is theblend from Clive – if you use this linkfor everything you buy, a bit goes into ourSober Club giveback fund
If you can afford it, also get VitD3, Amino Acids and Iodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything: https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489
Check out my new Substack, you canbe a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& The WooWorks
Follow Janey on social media@janeyleegrace
Get out of your head! Drop into the body, Janey discusses the Somatic approach to wellness in sobriety with somatic expert Laura Starky.
Connection is key! Come to one of the book tour events, say hi, join us for Constellations on Nov 24and definitely book our xmas live podcast recording Mon 2nd Dec in London! EVENTS
Please join me too on one of my book tour dates – From Wham! to Woo – A Life on the mic Tues Rugby Wed Milton Keynes Thursday Swansea https://www.thesoberclub.com/from-wham-to-woo-book-tour-24/
Please pop a nice review for the book on Amazon Thank you!
Join us for Family Constellations Sun 24 October Herts https://www.thesoberclub.com/family-constellations/
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for low cost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non-judgemental community online and regular zoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeingcontent www.thesoberclub.com
If you want to support the work go to www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Please share, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reachout, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our next coursestarts end April 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you – janeyat janeyleegrace.com
Supplements for recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend ever is theblend from Clive – if you use this linkfor everything you buy, a bit goes into ourSober Club giveback fund
If you can afford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acids and Iodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything: https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489
Check out my new Substack, you can be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& The Woo Works
Follow Janey on social media@janeyleegrace
Quitting Alcohol is incredible for our health as we age! Sober Club member Lynn Dewar shares her remarkable transformation
Please join me on one of my book tour dates – From Wham! to Woo – A Life on the mic is out in October, dates across the UK & Come to our Xmas Sober Club meet up Mon 2 Dec https://www.thesoberclub.com/from-wham-to-woo-book-tour-24/
Join us for Family Constellations Sun 24 October Herts https://www.thesoberclub.com/family-constellations/
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for low cost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non-judgemental community online and regular zoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeingcontent
If you want to support the work go to www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Please share, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reachout, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our next coursestarts end April 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you – janey at janeyleegrace.com
Supplements for recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend ever is the blend from Clive – if you use this link for everything you buy, a bit goes into ourSober Club giveback fund
If you can afford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acids and Iodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything: https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489
Check out my new Substack, you can be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& The WooWorks
Follow Janey on social media@janeyleegrace
Whether you have been sober for a few days, months or years this weeks podcast will hopefully inspire you to stay connected and 'do the work'! Linda Redmond shares her story of sobriety, through relapse and resilience and finally back to freedom.
Please join me too on one of my book tour dates – From Wham! to Woo – A Life on the mic is out now, dates across the UK Next week in Brighton, and Wantage Literary Festival. Also booking now for An evening with Janey Lee Grace Jan 10 at The Lights Andover
Join us for Family Constellations Sun 24 October Herts https://www.thesoberclub.com/family-constellations/
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for low cost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non-judgemental community online and regular zoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeingcontent www.thesoberclub.com
If you want to support the work go to www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Please share, rate and review If you’re struggling, always reach out, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our next coursestarts end April 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you – janey at janeyleegrace.com
Supplements for recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend ever is the blend from Clive – if you use this link for everything you buy, a bit goes into our Sober Club giveback fund. If you can afford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acids and Iodine (if you’re menopausal) Use this link for everything: https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489
Check out my new Substack, you canbe a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& The Woo Works
Follow Janey on social media - Always reach out!@janeyleegrace
As its my train set I have to share a bit about the new memoir, From Wham to Woo - A Life on the mic
I also share thoughts on stepping into a new identity
Come to one of the bookshop dates!
Wed 30 Bookmark Spalding, then going to Manchester, Brighton, Rugby, Daventy, York, et al
Get tickets HERE
The memoir shares my life as a backing singer in the 89's and 90's with Wham! on all their tours, Kim Wilde, Boy George and more, my 5 mins of fame with Cola Boy - 7 Ways to love and my move into radio with Virgin Radio and then 24 years with Steve Wright in the afternoon. Of course the 'woo (which you'll discover has a double meaning!) is in there too, and I share my obsession with holistic living while stepping around the elephant in the room that was alcohol!
Connection is key! Please book our xmas live podcast recording Mon 2nd Dec in London! EVENTS
Join us for Family Constellations Sun 24 October Herts https://www.thesoberclub.com/family-constellations/
New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?
Check out The Sober Club, for low cost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non-judgemental community online and regular zoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeingcontent
If you want to support the work go to www.buymeacoffee.com/janeyleegrace
Thank you for listening! Please share, rate and review
If you’re struggling, always reach out, tell someone you’re doing this! @janeyleegrace
Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our next coursestarts end April 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you – janey at janeyleegrace.com
Supplements for recovery
The BEST Magnesium blend ever is theblend from Clive – if you use this linkfor everything you buy, a bit goes into ourSober Club giveback fund If you can afford it, also get VitD3, Amino Acids and Iodine (if you’re menopausal)
Use this link for everything: https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/315625/11489
Check out my new Substack, you canbe a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& The Woo Works
Follow Janey on social media@janeyleegrace #thesoberclub #fromwhamtowoo
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