
  • Episode 72 : Driving, Road and Cars 🚘 (Advanced English vocabulary).Today we will talk about advanced vocabulary concerning Driving, Road and Cars .The programme includes 69 terms you need to know to be effective in Driving, Road and Cars.Liste of vocabulary & traduction 1. To speed up = accelérer 2. aerial = antenne 3. air conditioning = climatisation 4. alley = ruelle 5. back seat = siège arrière 6. bend = virage 7. bike = bicyclette 8. dead-end street = impasse 9. to blink = cligner des yeux 10. a block = un pâté de maisons 11. hood = capot 12. trunk = coffre 13. brake = frein 14. brake light = feu de freinage 15. brake pedal = pédale de frein 16. breakdown = panne 17. bridge = pont 18. to span a river = enjamber une rivière 19. to bump into. to crash into. to collide = rentrer dans. percuter 20. bump = bosse 21. bumper = pare-chocs 22. bus lane = voie de bus 23. by-pass = raccourci 24. camper van = caravane 25. car dealer = concessionnaire 26. car hire = location de voiture 27. parking lot = parking 28. to switch gear = passer une vitesse 29. to change lanes = changer de voie 30. cigarette lighter = allume-cigar 31. clutch = embrayage 32. commuter = personne qui voyage entre son domicile et son travail 33. congested = embouteillé 34. traffic jam = embouteillage 35. corner = virage 36. country lane = petite route 37. crash = accident 38. crossroads = carrefour 39. cycle lane = piste cyclable 40. dashboard = tableau de bord 41. dealership = concession 42. disabled parking space = Espace de stationnement pour handicapés 43. driver's license or driving license = permis de conduire 44. driving school = auto-école 45. engine = moteur 46. environement-friendly = respectueux de l'environnement 47. exhaust pipe = tuyau d'échappement 48. fender = aile de voiture 49. flat tire = pneu à plat 50. fork = bifurcation🔔 Remember to subscribe to the Je Parle Anglais Podcast to receive episodes in real time!📬 Sign up for our Newsletter to get the inside scoop on our business :⬇️https://mailchi.mp/94d15420360a/formulaire-du-podcast-jeparleangalis⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ And leave me a 5-star review on iTunes or Spotify📩 Private message :⬇️https://anchor.fm/twengembo-clive/message✉️ to drop any feedback on this podcast drop us an email on : 👇🏾👇🏾[email protected] more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾

  • Today we will talk about advanced vocabulary concerning job searching .

    The programme includes 50 terms you need to know to be effective in job searching ..

    Liste of vocabulary :
    1. abroad = à l'étranger
    2. application form = dossier de candidature
    3. bonus = bonus
    4. briefcase = porte-documents
    5. candidate = candidat
    6. closing date = date limite
    7. cover letter = lettre de motivation
    8. day off  = journée de congé
    9. driver's licence = permis de conduire
    10. early retirement = retraite anticipée
    11. to earn = gagner
    12. to entail = entraîner, occasionner
    13. entitlement = droit
    14. experience = expérience
    15. to fire. to sack. to dismiss = renvoyer
    16. fixed-term contract = contrat à durée déterminée, CDD
    17. benefits. perks = avantages
    18. go-ahead = feu vert, autorisation
    19. hard-working = travailleur
    20. head-hunter = chasseur de tête
    21. internal promotion, in-house promotion = promotion interne
    22. interview = entretien
    23. interviewee = candidat
    24. interviewer = personne qui fait passer l'entretien
    25. job centre = équivalent de Pôle emploi
    26. to lay off. to make redundant. = licencier
    27. sick leave = congé maladie
    28. openings = postes disponibles
    29. overtime = heures supplémentaires
    30. part-time = mi-temps
    31. full-time = plein-temps
    32. pension scheme, plan scheme = plan de retraite
    33. permanent contract = CDI
    34. position = postes disponibles
    35. promotion = promotion
    36. qualifications = qualifications
    37. to recruit = recruter
    38. to retire = prendre sa retraite
    39. retirement = retraite
    40. shortlist = liste de candidats présélectionnés
    41. single = célibataire
    42. spare time = temps libre
    43. starting salary = salaire de départ
    44. strengths = points forts
    45. to take on. to employ = embaucher
    46. task = tâche, devoir
    47. to train = former
    48. training = formation
    49. trial period. probationary period = période d'essai
    50. to turn down = ref

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  • Today we will talk about advanced vocabulary concerning animals.The programme includes 30 terms you need to know to develop animal vocabulary.Liste of vocabulary : • abroad = à l'étranger • air hostess = hôtesse de l'air • baggage, luggage = bagages • booking confirmation = confirmation de réservation • to book = réserver • bus lane = voie de bus • business trip = voyage d'affaires • car park = parking • to check out = quitter l'hôtel • check-in = s'enregistrer • commuter train = train de banlieue • customs = douane • delayed = en retard • departure = départ • an elevator, a lift = ascenseur • excess baggage = frais pour surpoids de bagages • expenses = dépense, frais • first class, economy class = première classe, classe économique • flight = vol • flyover = pont autoroutier, autopont • foreign currency = devise étrangère • gas, petrol = essence • gate = porte • to give someone a lift = prendre quelqu'un dans sa voiture • estimated time of arrival = heure estimée d'arrivée • handbag = bagage à main • high-speed train = TGV • to rent = louer • checked baggage = bagage en soute • cancelled = annulé🔔 Remember to subscribe to the Je Parle Anglais Podcast to receive episodes in real time!📬 Sign up for our Newsletter to get the inside scoop on our business :⬇️https://mailchi.mp/94d15420360a/formulaire-du-podcast-jeparleangalis⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ And leave me a 5-star review on iTunes or Spotify📩 Private message :⬇️https://anchor.fm/twengembo-clive/message✉️ to drop any feedback on this podcast drop us an email on : 👇🏾👇🏾[email protected] more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾

  • Today we will talk about advanced vocabulary concerning construction and architecture .The programme includes 69 terms you need to know to be effective in construction and architecture communication.Liste of vocabulary & traduction • apartment building = immeuble • arch = arche, voûte • architecture = architecture • architectural heritage = patrimoine architectural • attic = grenier • balcony = balcon • balustrade = balustrade • to ban = interdire • brick = brique • bridge = pont • to build = construire • builder = constructeur • building = bâtiment • blueprints = plans architecturaux • church = église • ceiling = plafond • city planning = urbanisme • classical = classique • column = colonne • concrete = béton • construction site = chantier de construction • to convert = aménager, transformer • tower = tour • townhouse = maison de ville • to upgrade a district = réhabiliter un quartier • wall = mur • urban renewal = rénovation urbaine • window = fenêtre • to demolish, to tear down = démolir, raser • to design = concevoir • design flaw = défaut de conception • to draw = dessiner • drawing = dessin • to deteriorate = abimer • dilapidated = délabré • each his own = chacun ses goûts • to enhance = mettre en valeur • to erect = ériger • to extend = agrandir • extension = agrandissement • eyesore = une horreur pour vue • faulty = défectueux • to go to rack and ruin = tomber en ruine • Gothic = gothique • housing = logement • housing policy = politique de logement • intricate = complexe • moat = fossé • municipal code = code d'urbanisme municipal • ornate = orné • patio, terrace = patio, terrasse • pillar = pilier • plumbing = plomberie • to pull down = démolir • to put up a building = construire un bâtiment • to renovate = rénover • renovation = rénovation • skyscraper = gratte-ciel • scaffolding = échafaudage • spire = flèche • stained-glass window = vitrail • story, floor = étage • to supply = fournir🔔 Remember to subscribe to the Je Parle Anglais Podcast to receive episodes in real time!📬 Sign up for our Newsletter to get the inside scoop on our business :⬇️https://mailchi.mp/94d15420360a/formulaire-du-podcast-jeparleangalis⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ And leave me a 5-star review on iTunes or Spotify📩 Private message :⬇️https://anchor.fm/twengembo-clive/message✉️ to drop any feedback on this podcast drop us an email on : 👇🏾👇🏾[email protected] more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾

  • Today we will talk about advanced vocabulary concerning the financial market.The programme includes 46 terms you need to know to be effective in financial market communication.Liste of vocabulary : 1. an all-time high = un record absolu 2. at the final bell = à la clôture 3. bear market = marché baissier 4. benchmark company = société de référence 5. bid = une offre 6. to bid on something = faire une offre d'achat 7. blue chip stock = une action bien établie 8. bond = une obligation 9. bond market = le marché des obligations 10. to borrow = emprunter 11. brokerage house = société de courtage 12. bull market = marché haussier 13. to buy in installments = acheter en plusieurs versements 14. call option = option d'achat 15. to calm fears = apaiser les craintes 16. closing price = cours de clôture 17. common stock = actions ordinaires 18. to crash = s'effondrer 19. to play the markets = boursicoter 20. dividend = dividende 21. Dow Jones industrial average = indice du Dow Jones 22. drop in stocks = baisse des valeurs 23. earnings per share = bénéfice par action 24. earnings performance = rendement des actions 25. free fall = chute libre 26. to go broke = faire faillite 27. hedge fund manager = 28. gérant de fonds spéculatifs 29. hedge funds = les fonds spéculatifs 30. to hedge your losses = couvrir ses pertes 31. high-yield = haut rendement 32. hostile takeover = achat hostile 33. insider trading = délit d'initié 34. junk bond = obligation à haut risque 35. to lend = prêter 36. loan = prêt 37. to make a killing = réussir un beau coup, se remplir les poches 38. Most Active Stocks = les valeurs les plus échangées 39. opening bell = cloche d'ouverture 40. opening price = cours d'ouverture 41. over-the-counter (O.T.C.) market = marché hors cote 42. penny stock = petites actions 43. to perform well, to perform poorly = bien se comporter, mal se comporter 44. pick up steam = reprendre du poil de la bête 45. to gamble = jouer, miser 46. price to earnings ratio (P.E.R.) = rapport capitalisation🔔 Remember to subscribe to the Je Parle Anglais Podcast to receive episodes in real time!📬 Sign up for our Newsletter to get the inside scoop on our business :⬇️https://mailchi.mp/94d15420360a/formulaire-du-podcast-jeparleangalis⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ And leave me a 5-star review on iTunes or Spotify📩 Private message :⬇️https://anchor.fm/twengembo-clive/message✉️ to drop any feedback on this podcast drop us an email on : 👇🏾👇🏾[email protected] more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾

  • Today we will talk about advanced vocabulary concerning animals.

    The programme includes 70 terms you need to know to develop animal vocabulary.

    Liste of vocabulary :
    • Anteater = Fourmilier
    • Antlers = Bois du cerf
    • Bat = Chauve-souris
    • Bear = Ours
    • Bear cub = Ourson
    • Beaver = Castor
    • Boar = Sanglier
    • Bull = Taureau
    • Calf, calves = Veau
    • Camel = Chameau
    • Cat = Chat
    • Chick = Poussin
    • Chicken = Poulet
    • Cow = Vache
    • Deer = Cerf
    • Doe = Biche
    • Dog = Chien
    • Duck = Canard
    • Duckling = Caneton
    • Eagle = Aigle
    • Ewe = Brebis
    • Fallow deer = Daim
    • Feather = Plume
    • Foal = Poulain
    • Fowl = Volaille
    • Fox = Renard
    • Game = Gibier
    • Goat = Chèvre
    • Goose, geese = Oie
    • Hare = Lièvre
    • Hen = Poule
    • Herd of... = Troupeau de...
    • Hog, swine = Porc
    • Horse = Cheval
    • Kitten = Chaton
    • Lamb = Agneau
    • To lay an egg = Pondre un oeuf
    • Lion = Lion
    • Lion cub = Lionceau
    • Mammal = Mammifère
    • Mare = Jument
    • Monkey = Singe
    • Mouse, mice = Souris 
    • Offspring = Progéniture
    • Ostrich = Autruche
    • Oxen = Boeuf
    • Pack of... = Meute de...
    • Peacock = Paon
    • Pig = Cochon
    • Puppy = Chiot
    • Purebred = De race
    • Rabbit = Lapin
    • Ram = Bélier
    • Red deer = Cerf
    • Reindeer = Renne

    For more informations concerning animals and all the while listen to our previous episode (19): ⬇️


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  • Today we will talk about advanced vocabulary concerning Furnitures.The programme includes 50 terms you need to master to hone your vocabulary concerning Furnitures.List of vocabulary • domestic appliances, household appliances = appareils électroménagers • armchair = fauteuil • bathroom = salle de bain, toilettes • bathtub = baignoire • bed = lit • bedding = literie • blanket = couverture • blender = mixeur, mélangeur • carpet = tapis • carpeting = moquette • chair = chaise • chandelier = lustre • closet = placard • coffee table = table basse • comforter = couette • convertible bed = lit convertible • cupboard = armoire • cutlery, silverware = les couverts, l'argenterie • desk = bureau • dishwasher = lave-vaisselle • to do the dishes = faire vaisselle • down comforter = couette en duvet • faucet = robinet • frying pan = poêle • furniture = les meubles, le mobilier • Murphy bed = lit escamotable • napkin = serviette de table • oven = four • pantry = garde-manger • pellet stove = poêle à granulés • a piece of furniture = un meuble • pillow = oreiller • pillow case = taie d'oreiller • pot = casserole • pressure cooker = cocotte-minute • to set the table = mettre la table • sheet = drap • sink = évier, lavabo • sofa = canapé • stairwell = cage d'escalier • stool = tabouret • stove = cuisinière • sunken living room = salon en contrebas • tablecloth = nappe • throw pillow = coussin décoratif • toaster = grille-pain • towel = serviette de bain • vacuum cleaner = aspirateur • walk-in closet = dressing, penderie • washing machine = lave-linge🔔 Remember to subscribe to the Je Parle Anglais Podcast to receive episodes in real time!📬 Sign up for our Newsletter to get the inside scoop on our business :⬇️https://mailchi.mp/94d15420360a/formulaire-du-podcast-jeparleangalis⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ And leave me a 5-star review on iTunes or Spotify📩 Private message :⬇️https://anchor.fm/twengembo-clive/message✉️ to drop any feedback on this podcast drop us an email on : 👇🏾👇🏾[email protected] more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾

  • Today we will talk about advanced vocabulary concerning sales & marketing.The programme includes 93 terms you need to know to be effective in marketing communication.Liste of vocabulary : • advertisement = annonce, publicité • to afford = avoir les moyens d'acheter, se permettre • affordability = accessibilité des prix • after-sales service = service après-vente • asking price = prix demandé • assembly line = chaîne de montage • to barter = faire du troc • bill, invoice = facture • to bill = facturer • bill of lading = connaissement, ou, bon de chargement de fret • billboard = panneau d'affichage • breach of contract = rupture de contrat • buoyant market = marché actif, ou marché demandeur • to buy, to purchase = acheter • buyer/purchaser = acheteuse, acheteur • buyer's market = marché acheteur • cash in advance (C.I.A.) = avance en espèces • catch phrase = slogan • to cater to the needs of = satisfaire les besoins de • certificate of participation (C.O.P.) = certificat de participation • chamber of commerce = chambre de commerce • cheap = bon marché • chief procurement officer (C.P.O.) = responsabdes achats • clobbered = démoli • cash on delivery (C.O.D.) = paiement à livraison • to compete with = faire concurrence à • competitive edge = avantage concurrentiel • competitor = concurrent, concurrente • conveyor belt = tapis roulant • to corner a market = monopoliser un marché • cost = coût • cost and freight = coût et fret • costly = coûteux • to court, to woo customers = rechercher, séduire des clients • to deliver = livrer, distribuer • delivery = livraison, distribution • to discontinue a product = arrêter un produit • disposable = jetable, disponible • to do business with someone = faire des affaires avec quelqu'un • to do something on the cheap = faire quelque chose au rabais • to drive out a competitor = évincer un concurrent • efficiency = efficacité • efficient = efficace • expensive = cher • find a niche = trouver un créneau • fixed-term contract = contrat à durée déterminée (CDD) • flood a market = inonder un marché • free trade = libre-échange • glutted market = marché encombré • goods, merchandise = marchandises • warranty knock-off = garantie imitation • letter of credit = lettre de crédit • leveraged buyout (L.B.O.) = rachat par effet de levier🔔 Remember to subscribe to the Je Parle Anglais Podcast to receive episodes in real time!📬 Sign up for our Newsletter to get the inside scoop on our business :⬇️https://mailchi.mp/94d15420360a/formulaire-du-podcast-jeparleangalis⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ And leave me a 5-star review on iTunes or Spotify📩 Private message :⬇️https://anchor.fm/twengembo-clive/message✉️ to drop any feedback on this podcast drop us an email on : 👇🏾👇🏾[email protected] more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾

  • Today we will talk about advanced vocabulary concerning diner .The programme includes 24 terms you need to know to be effective.What's more, we've added a 3 second pause between each word to give you time to reflect on each word and give prononciations , but if you want to increase the difficulty, simply increase the speed of the podcast to x1.2 or more!Liste of vocabulary • appetizer = une entrée • to ask for the bill or to ask for the check = demander l'addition • baked potato = pomme de terre cuite au four • beef = du bœuf • beef stew = ragoût de boeuf • bill, or, check = addition • bitter = amer • bread = du pain • breakfast = petit déjeuner • calves' liver = foie de veau • chef = chef de cuisine • chicken breast = blanc de poulet • cocktail = apéritif • coleslaw = salade de choux sucrée • cordial = digestif • cork = bouchon • cutlet = escalope • delicious = délicieux • dessert = dessert • to have dinner, or, to dine = dîner • to dine out = aller au restaurant • diner = café-restaurant • dining out = le fait d'aller au restaurant • dining room = salle à manger🔔 Remember to subscribe to the Je Parle Anglais Podcast to receive episodes in real time!📬 Sign up for our Newsletter to get the inside scoop on our business :⬇️https://mailchi.mp/94d15420360a/formulaire-du-podcast-jeparleangalis⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ And leave me a 5-star review on iTunes or Spotify📩 Private message :⬇️https://anchor.fm/twengembo-clive/message✉️ to drop any feedback on this podcast drop us an email on : 👇🏾👇🏾[email protected] more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾

  • Find all the lexical words below ;

    • act of God = un cas de force majeur
    • additional insurance = assurance complémentaire
    • all-risk policy = assurance tous risques
    • annuity = annuité
    • arbitration = arbitrage
    • to ask damages of = demander des dommages et intérêts
    • to assess a risk = évaluer un risque
    • to award damages = accorder des dommages et intérêts
    • to be at fault = être en tort
    • to be injured = être blessé
    • to be liable for = être responsable
    • beneficiary = bénéficiaire
    • bodily injury = dommage, préjudice corporel
    • breakage = casse
    • burglary insurance = assurance contre le cambriolage
    • to charge a rate = calculer un taux
    • claim form = formulaire de déclaration de sinistre
    • claimant = assuré sinistré
    • claims adjuster = expert en sinistres
    • compensate someone for something = indemniser quelqu'un de quelque chose
    • compensation = indemnisation
    • damage = dégâts
    • damage to property = dommages
    • death benefit = capital décès
    • deferred annuity = rente différée
    • to delete = annuler, rayer
    • to disallow a claim = rejeter une réclamation
    • estimate = estimation, devis
    • expiration date = date d'expiration
    • to file a claim, to report an accident = déclarer un sinistre
    • glass breakage = bris de glace
    • to gouge the client = escroquer le client
    • to guarantee against loss = garantir les pertes
    • health insurance = assurance maladie, mutuelle
    • to be held liable for = être tenu responsable de
    • to initial = parapher
    • insurance = assurance
    • insurance broker = courtier en assurances
    • insurance premium = prime d'assurance
    • to insure a car = assurer une voiture
    • to issue a policy = établir une police
    • liability = responsabilité civile
    • lump sum settlement = règlement forfaitaire
    • maturity = échéance
    • maturity date = date d'échéance
    • monthly premium multi-risk policy = prime mensuelle
    • multi-risk policy = police multirisque
    • to process a claim = traiter une réclamation
    • to provide for one's retirement = préparer sa retraite
    • to renew a policy = renouveler sa police d'assurance
    • rider, or, addendum = l'avenant
    • risk = le risque
    • risk-free = sans risque
    • to settle a claim = indemniser
    • to settle out of court = s'arranger à l'amiable<

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  • Find the 68 words on the list below: • 3 grand = 3000 dollars • accrued interest = intérêt accumulés • actual cost = coût réel • A.T.M. machine = distributeur automatique de billets, D.A.B. • balance = solde • to balloon = augmenter rapidement • bank = banque • bank check = chèque bancaire • to bank on someone or to bank something = compter sur quelqu'un ou quelque chose • bank teller = caissier ou caissière de banque • banker = banquier ou banquière • banking = secteur bancaire • to be in debt = avoir des dettes • blank check = chèque en blanc • bucks = dollars • to carry a price tag = coûter • to cash a check = encaisser un chèque • cent, penny = centime • certificate of deposit = certificat de dépôt • change = monnaie, pièces rendues • to change = faire de la monnaie • check book = carnet de chèques • check stub = talon de chèque • checking or bank account = compte en banque • coin = pièce • to convert = convertir • credit card = carte de crédit • creditor = créancier ou créancière • currency market = marché des devises • to cut down on = réduire • debts = créances • to deposit = déposer • dime = pièce de 10 centimes • to earn, or, to make money = gagner de l'argent • economic = économique • economical, thrifty = économe • to endorse a check = endosser un chèque que • exchange rate = taux de change • exchange window = guichet de change • fee = commission • finance = finance • to finance = financer • flat fee = commission forfaitaire • foreign currency = monnaie ou devise étrangère • to give in to = céder à • to go into debt = s'endetter • to hike rates = augmenter les taux • I.O.U., I owe you = reconnaissance de dette • interest = intérêt • interest rate = taux d'intérêt • to invest = investir • to know the odds = connaître les risques • lien = gage ou privilège • means of payment = moyen de paiement • to miss an installment = être en retard d'un versement • monetary = monétaire • money = l'argent • nickel = pièce de 5 centimes • offshore bank = banque extraterritoriale • to open an account = ouvrir un compte • overdraft = découvert🔔 Remember to subscribe to the Je Parle Anglais Podcast to receive episodes in real time!📬 Sign up for our Newsletter to get the inside scoop on our business :⬇️https://mailchi.mp/94d15420360a/formulaire-du-podcast-jeparleangalis⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ And leave me a 5-star review on iTunes or Spotify📩 Private message :⬇️https://anchor.fm/twengembo-clive/message✉️ to drop any feedback on this podcast drop us an email on : 👇🏾👇🏾[email protected] more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾

  • Today, a special vocabulary episode on real estate, with 50 terms you need to know to better your english vocabulary. • affordable housing = logement abordable • attic = grenier • basement = sous-sol • bedroom = chambre • blinds = stores • ceiling = plafond • cellar = cave • closing = signature de vente • closing date = date de signature de vente • condominium = appartement en co-propriété • curtains = rideaux • deposit = caution • dining room = salle à manger • furnished apartment = appartement meublé • eyesore = une horreur pour vue, une abomination • fireplace = cheminée • to foreclose on a house = saisir une maison • ground floor, lobby, or, first floor = rez-de-chaussée • hallway = entrée, vestibule • high-rise building = tour d'habitation • to house someone = loger quelqu'un • housing project = cité HLM • kitchen = cuisine • landing = palier • landlord = propriétaire • laundry room = buanderie • lease = bail • to lease, to rent = louer • to leave a deposit = laisser une caution • living room = salon • location = emplacement • low cost renting = des loyers bon marché • to make a down payment = verser des arrhes/un acompte • mortgage = prêt immobilier • penthouse apartment = appartement de luxe au dernier étage • to be priced out of the market = pratiquer des cours au-dessus du marché • to put prices out of reach = mettre les prix hors d'atteinte • real estate = immobilier • real estate agent = agent immobilier • to refurbish = rénover • roof = toit • to sell like hot cakes = se vendre comme des petits pains • semi-detached house = maison mitoyenne • shutters = volets • skylight = lucarne • to spruce up = embellir • suburb = banlieue • to sublet = sous-louer • superintendent = gardien ou gardienne d'immeuble • tenant = locataire.🔔 Remember to subscribe to the Je Parle Anglais Podcast to receive episodes in real time!📬 Sign up for our Newsletter to get the inside scoop on our business :⬇️https://mailchi.mp/94d15420360a/formulaire-du-podcast-jeparleangalis⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ And leave me a 5-star review on iTunes or Spotify📩 Private message :⬇️https://anchor.fm/twengembo-clive/message✉️ to drop any feedback on this podcast drop us an email on : 👇🏾👇🏾[email protected] more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾

  • Vocabulaire :
    • Airline company = Compagnie aérienne
    • To assess = Faire le bilan de
    • Assessment = Bilan
    • Assets = Actifs, avoirs
    • To be based in = Avoir son siège à
    • To branch out, to diversify = Diversifier ses activités
    • Budget = Budget
    • Budget appropriations = Affectations budgétaires
    • By-laws = Règlements administratif
    • Capital = Capital
    • Capital gain = Plus-value
    • Cash-needy company = Société en manque de liquidités
    • Chief Executive Officer (CEO) = PDG
    • Chief Operating Officer (COO) = Président en charge des affaires
    • Company, enterprise, firm = Société, compagnie, entreprise
    • Company rules & regulations = Règlement intérieur d'une société
    • Conglomerate = Conglomérat
    • Corporate America = Monde des affaires américain
    • Corporate earnings = Bénéfices des sociétés
    • Corporate spying = Espionnage industriel
    • Credit rating = Indice de solvabilité
    • To dissolve a partnership = Dissoudre une société
    • Equity = Fonds, capitaux propres
    • Executive = Cadre de haut niveau
    • Fixed capital = Capital fixe
    • Flagship company= Société principale
    • Fly-by-night company = Société véreuse
    • To foster = encourager, favoriser
    • To fund = financer
    • Global = mondial
    • To go public = Introduire en Bourse
    • Growth = Croissance
    • Headquarters = siège social
    • Holding company = Société financière
    • Incorporated (Inc.)  = enregistré, immatriculé
    • Joint venture = coentreprise
    • Jointly = conjointement
    • Junior partner = associé(e) minoritaire
    • Law firm = cabinet d'avocats
    • Limited liability company (L.L.C.) = société à responsabilité limitée (SARL)
    • Limited partnership = Société en commandite simple
    • To be located = être situé
    • Location = emplacement
    • Loss = perte
    • Mail-order business = société de vente par correspondance
    • Manufacturing company = société de fabrication
    • To merge = Fusion
    • Merger = Fusion d'entreprises
    • Mid-sized company = Petite et moyenne entreprise (PME)
    • Monopoly = monopole
    • Nationalized/state run = étatisé
    • Non-profit company = société à but non lucratif
    • To outsource = délocaliser
    • Parent company = société mère
    • To be co-owner = copropriétaire
    • Perks = avantages en nature
    • To play the odds = tenter sa chance
    • To be privatized = être privatisé
    • Profits/earnings = bénéfices
    • Public sector = secteur public
    • Publishing firm = maison d'édition
    • Retail company = commerce de détail
    • Retailing giant = géant de la distribution
    • To run a business = diriger une société
    • To be self-employed = être travailleur indépendant
    • Self-financing = auto-financement
    • Senior Partner = Associé Principal
    • Small Scale Business = Petite Entreprise
    • Stake Holder = Party Prenante
    • State owned = appartenant a l’état

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  • How do you study outside the classroom? Maybe you’re not in school anymore, maybe you don’t have access to classes, maybe you just want to study more in general. So how do you do it? The podcast talks about different ideas for practicing English.Restaurant Watch TvListen to podcastRead books 📚E-Learning programs 🔔 Remember to subscribe to the Je Parle Anglais Podcast to receive episodes in real time!📬 Sign up for our Newsletter to get the inside scoop on our business :⬇️https://mailchi.mp/94d15420360a/formulaire-du-podcast-jeparleangalis⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ And leave me a 5-star review on iTunes or Spotify📩 Private message :⬇️https://anchor.fm/twengembo-clive/message✉️ to drop any feedback on this podcast drop us an email on : 👇🏾👇🏾[email protected] more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾

  • What does it mean to be fluent?
    Common mistakes (your - you’re, there - their - they’re)
    Take your time with your accent
    Tips to guide you

    ✅Some Tips to be fluent 👇🏾

    -Learn whole phrases, not just individual words
    -Work on your pronunciation

    -Make the most of technology

    -Expose yourself to English every day

    -Start speaking English as much as possible

    -Start speaking English with a personal tutor

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    For more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾

  • The words “theater” and “cinema”Why go to the movies?Experience and convenienceCell phones, crying babies and children, ability to pauseRatings of G, PG, PG-13, and RPricing of tickets and snacksBuying your own TV and surround soundPreviews and showtimes🔔 Remember to subscribe to the Je Parle Anglais Podcast to receive episodes in real time!📬 Sign up for our Newsletter to get the inside scoop on our business :⬇️https://mailchi.mp/94d15420360a/formulaire-du-podcast-jeparleangalis⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ And leave me a 5-star review on iTunes or Spotify📩 Private message :⬇️https://anchor.fm/twengembo-clive/message✉️ to drop any feedback on this podcast drop us an email on : 👇🏾👇🏾[email protected] more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾

  • April Fool's Day – On April 1stPractical jokes – jokes, usually physical, at the expense of someone elseTo fool someone [into something] – to trick someone [into something]A fool – an idiot, a moronBritish vs. American EnglishPast participle – many in American English are formed with –edIn British English these are often formed with –t insteadExample: “I have learned” vs. “I have learnt”TippingUsually NOT included, except for large groups (typically 8 or more people)Average tip 15%, good tip around 20%, bad tip less than 15%🔔 Remember to subscribe to the Je Parle Anglais Podcast to receive episodes in real time!📬 Sign up for our Newsletter to get the inside scoop on our business :⬇️https://mailchi.mp/94d15420360a/formulaire-du-podcast-jeparleangalis⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ And leave me a 5-star review on iTunes or Spotify📩 Private message :⬇️https://anchor.fm/twengembo-clive/message✉️ to drop any feedback on this podcast drop us an email on : 👇🏾👇🏾[email protected] more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾

  • Vocabulary :

    preschool ( pre-nursery- nursery)
    elementary school
    junior high school
    high school
    graduate school


    GCE – general certificate of education
    associate's degree (UDT(DUT)/ ATC(BTS))
    bachelor's degree (BA/BS)
    master's degree (MA/MS)
    doctorate degree (PhD/MD)

    graduate assistantship

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  • The Advanced Lessons have arrived! In this podcast, I give a basic introduction to the Advanced Lessons, what they will be about and a roadmap to how they will help you develop your reading, speaking, listening and writing skills.

    1️⃣Firstly, we would give you advanced grammar lessons.

    2️⃣Secondly, we would give you advanced vocabulary lessons.

    3️⃣Thirdly, we would give you personal experiences and tricks.

    4️⃣Fourthly, we are going to bring in English specialists or guest speakers to share with you valuable insights.

    ✅ After all these features we are going to enter into the realm of ENTREPRENEURSHIP, MARKETING & DIGITAL MARKETING. So get READY !

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  • Our first expression today is ; Have a frog in your throat – avoir un chat dans la gorgeDown the drain – partir en fuméeBoil down to – se résumer àI wouldn’t say no – ce n’est pas de refusTo be on the fence – Être confus 🔔 Remember to subscribe to the Je Parle Anglais Podcast to receive episodes in real time!📬 Sign up for our Newsletter to get the inside scoop on our business :⬇️https://mailchi.mp/94d15420360a/formulaire-du-podcast-jeparleangalis⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ And leave me a 5-star review on iTunes or Spotify📩 Private message :⬇️https://anchor.fm/twengembo-clive/message✉️ to drop any feedback on this podcast drop us an email on : 👇🏾👇🏾[email protected] more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾