
  • Who were the 'fallen angels' of Genesis and why did the 12 spies of the Book of Numbers, sent out by Moses on a mission of reconnaissance, just happen to bump into them in the Land of Canaan? Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman discuss this ancient episode of Israel's history, plugging it into today's reality with alarming, sobering relevance, and share some amazing Torah insights, from the secret of the 'wood-gatherer' in the desert, to the secret of tzizit, and why G-d commands that fringes be placed on the corner of a Jewish man's clothing. _________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:PayPal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jerusalemli...Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RabbiChaimRi...

  • Standing Up For the Truth

    Jim Long is back in Israel and joins Rabbi Chaim Richman in Jerusalem to share perspective and both political and spiritual insights on Israel's war with Hamas and its global repercussions, drawing contemporary parallels and lessons from the Book of Numbers and the enigmatic Generation of the Desert that foretell and illuminate the unprecedented challenges we are facing. _________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:PayPal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jerusalemli...Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RabbiChaimRi...

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  • Finding Love As A Noahide, Two Conversion Attempts & Making Aliyah

    In this week's Jerusalem Lights podcast, Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman host Hillel Penrod, a righteous convert to Judaism who has traversed many worlds on his way to his home in the Land of Israel with his wife and children. Hillel shares their personal and inspiring story which includes their transition from Christianity to Noahide to Judaism, studying in a yeshiva, their conversion and wedding experiences, moving to Israel and much more. Hillel is a cartoonist who seeks to educate children in traditional Torah values, and he creates 'Torah comic books' for kids. You can read about his comic book heroes here:

    https://linktr.ee/newherocomics_________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:PayPal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: / jerusalemlightsrabbichaimrichman Follow us on Facebook: / rabbichaimrichman

  • If G-d is love, then why does He allow evil in the world? Does He create it? Why do bad things happen to good people? Does G-d need our praise? Responding to viewers' email questions, these are some of the issues that Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman consider in this week's Jerusalem Lights podcast, examining the sources of Torah and seeking answers to some of humanity's most ancient and poignant existential dilemmas. _________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:PayPal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: / jerusalemlightsrabbichaimrichman Follow us on Facebook: / rabbichaimrichman

  • This week Israel marks a muted, somberly reflective Independence Day, even as the Jewish state continues to fight for its very survival. When the prophets of old speak of the time leading up to the Redemption, they seem to be describing these very days. How do each of us understand our role in God's ultimate plan for the good of humanity? How do we figure out where we fit in? Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman discuss these questions, in the light of a fascinating discussion focusing on the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel...who are they, where did they disappear to...and are they coming home?_________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:PayPal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: / jerusalemlightsrabbichaimrichman Follow us on Facebook: / rabbichaimrichman

  • As the State of Israel observes Holocaust Memorial Day, the rising, global tide of anti-Semitism reveals an alliance of evil. There are those who control and fund university protests, leaders with political agendas, complicit media and useful idiots. It's time for the Jewish people to rise to their collective task of bringing the knowledge of G-d to the world...and time for all good people everywhere to get off the fence and take a stand. _________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:PayPal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: / jerusalemlightsrabbichaimrichman Follow us on Facebook: / rabbichaimrichman

  • Iranian Missiles, the Passover Experience, and Biblical Integrity

    This Jerusalem Lights pre-Passover roundup, Rabbi Richman shares his perspective on Iran's unprecedented missile attack against Israel, as both Jim Long and Rabbi Richman discuss Hashem's miraculous intervention on the backdrop of a complex and unsavory political reality. Our hosts reflect on the Festival of Passover's theme of escaping false beliefs, and the purity of Hashem's Biblical commandment of the Passover offering. Jerusalem Lights wishes everyone a Chag Kasher V'Sameach, a joyous Festival of Passover! May we truly merit to leave the exile behind us and prepare to receive the light of the ultimate Redemption. _________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:PayPal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: / jerusalemlightsrabbichaimrichman Follow us on Facebook: / rabbichaimrichman

  • Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman welcome the month of Nisan, first month of the Biblical year and the time of past and future Redemption. Archeologist Hillel Richman joins our podcast and shares some unique insights into a fascinating and little-known chapter of Israelite pre-Exodus history involving the descendants of Joseph and the Land of Israel. _________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:PayPal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: / jerusalemlightsrabbichaimrichman Follow us on Facebook: / rabbichaimrichman

  • What is the purpose of the Torah's commandments, and what is accomplished by keeping them? Why should God be concerned with such details...what does He care? How does their observance improve our relationship with God? And: How do the offerings in the Temple help to refine a human being? In this week's Jerusalem Lights podcast episode #197, Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman discuss these questions, received from our viewers. _________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:PayPal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jerusalemli...Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RabbiChaimRi...

  • Who is Amalek, the ancient ancestor of the wicked Haman? Why are we commanded never to forget that we must blot out his memory? Why does G-d call this ‘His’ battle, and what is Torah’s intention in the mysterious words ‘there is a hand upon the throne?’ This week’s Jerusalem Lights podcast #196 reflects on this Shabbat’s special Torah reading of ‘Remembrance’, and shares some amazing insights from the Scroll of Esther that touch upon past and present variations of the Amalekite spirit. Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman help us prepare to receive the light of Purim, drawing contemporary parallels from the story of Purim that resound with a startling modern-day wakeup call. Blessings for a Happy Purim!_________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:PayPal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jerusalemli...Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RabbiChaimRi...

  • Recorded on Rosh Chodesh, this week's Jerusalem Lights podcast # 195 celebrates the new month of the 'second Adar,' and explores the secret of the great joy that is associated with this month, which comes to a crescendo on Purim. How do we relate to Purim joy during these dark and troubled times? Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman discover that the answer is 'concealed' in plain sight, in the Scroll of Esther! Our hosts also discuss Sabbath observance as it relates not only to Israel, but to all humanity. _________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:PayPal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jerusalemli...Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RabbiChaimRi...

  • In this week's Jerusalem Lights podcast, Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman are joined by long-time friend Mrs. Yocheved Woodward, who shares the inspiring story of her life-long devotion to G-d, which led to her departure from Christianity, through the stages that ultimately led to her Orthodox conversion to Judaism and aliya to Israel, where together with her dedicated husband, she makes her home in the Golan Heights and serves G-d every day with all her heart. _________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:PayPal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jerusalemli...Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RabbiChaimRi...

  • In this week’s Jerusalem Lights podcast, we are privileged to welcome Dr. Melanie, an amazing woman of remarkable faith, strength and love of Hashem. From her home in Alaska, Dr. Melanie shares the inspiring and personal story of her life’s spiritual journey. _________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:Paypal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem Israel

  • Why does Torah spend so much time on the details that Moses received at Mount Sinai for the construction of the Tabernacle? In this week's Jerusalem Lights podcast, Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman take a deep dive into the amazing world of the Tabernacle and Holy Temple, exploring topics like the spiritual significance of the incense offering, and the enigmatic scientific research on the priestly DNA which is unique to the descendants of Aaron, the first High Priest of Israel._________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:Paypal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jerusalemli...Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RabbiChaimRi...

  • Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman welcome this week's special guest, musical composer and recording artist David Schommer. In addition to being a student of Torah, David is an extraordinarily accomplished producer and musician...and an initiated 'Wisdom Holder', possessing the traditional knowledge of the healing power of plants, as taught by elders of a Peruvian tribe in the Amazon rainforest. David records under the name 'Tete Bero' ...look for his music on YouTube, Apple, and Spotify..._________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:Paypal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jerusalemli...Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RabbiChaimRi...

  • This week's edition of the Jerusalem Lights podcast honors the ancient holiday of Tu B'Shevat, New Year of the Trees, a day that resonates with the themes of gratitude, renewal, and faith in G-d. Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman take these themes further, and explore inspiring life lessons from the enigmatic Book of Job that give new and bold insights in the true meaning of faith, as personified by the righteous Job, who dared to question G-d...and was singularly praised by G-d -- not in spite of the questions he asked...but because of them.

    _________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:Paypal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jerusalemli...Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RabbiChaimRi...

  • Rabbi Chaim Richman welcomes a special guest, Mrs. Katy Holladay. Katy is a dedicated Noahide wife and mother, a true woman of valor who loves Hashem and Torah. Katy is also an accredited Energy Healing therapist, who practices a Torah-based approach to healing and healthy spiritual balance. Katy is passionate about her beliefs and goals, and shares her empowering and inspiring story with us in this week's edition of the Jerusalem Lights podcast. For inquiries about Katy's energy therapy healing, she can be reached at [email protected]

    Jim Long was visiting with family and was unable to join the podcast this week. _________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:Paypal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jerusalemli...Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RabbiChaimRi...

  • Our sages teach that on a spiritual level, the Egyptian exile is the root source of all Israel’s exile experience…and the miracles of the Exodus are a Divine template for the future, ultimate Redemption. The key to the final Redemption is in overcoming slave mentality with the faith to declare that G-d alone is king. In this week’s Jerusalem Lights podcast, Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman ponder the parallels between Egyptian sorcery of old, and the machinery of modern media and government manipulation._________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:Paypal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jerusalemli...Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RabbiChaimRi...

  • In this week's edition of the Jerusalem Lights podcast, Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman welcome special guest Yochanan (John) Castellanos to the program. Yochanan, a Texas native, shares the story of his personal spiritual quest for truth which led him on a journey from childhood, to becoming a Christian pastor, and finally converting to Orthodox Judaism and moving to Israel, leading a life centered around the G-d of Israel and becoming a sincere student of Torah study. _________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:Paypal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: / jerusalemlightsrabbichaimrichman Follow us on Facebook: / rabbichaimrichman

  • Joseph’s brief career at the pinnacle of power in Egypt was Divinely ordained, and it was he who provided sustenance during the years of famine, granting him the status of a hero. But as the book of Genesis begins to draw to a close and the family of Yaakov descends into Egypt, Yosef will soon be forgotten and the next chapter of the nation’s history is about to begin…the Egyptian exile. Are there similarities between Egypt’s rapid decline into Pharaoh’s genocidal plans, and the voices heard today – from street mobs to university presidents – calling for the end of Israel? In this week’s edition of the Jerusalem Lights podcast, Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman ponder this question and reflect on the remarkable attention that the story of Yosef receives in the Torah’s narrative....and it's relevance today._________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:Paypal: [email protected] or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc...In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: / jerusalemlightsrabbichaimrichman Follow us on Facebook: / rabbichaimrichman