This month we’re joined by Rabbi Shani (pronounced Shah-Knee) Rosenbaum also in Somerville, MA. Shani is a teacher of Talmud and Halakhah at the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College in Newton, Mass. Welcome, Shani! This month we’re talking about The Book of V. by Anna Solomon. NYT review by Jennifer Haigh: “The Book of V.” […]
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Hello! and welcome to Talking in Shul, a roundtable podcast. I’m your host, Tamar Fox, and I’ve got Zahava Stadler joining us from Toronto. Hi Zahava! And Mimi Lewis is joining us from Somerville, MA. Hi Mimi! And this month we’re joined by Hannah Lebovits, Assistant Professor at The University of Texas at Arlington. Hannah […]
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This month we’re joined by special guest, Hila Ratzabi. Hila has joined us in the past to discuss Etty Hillesum. Hila is a poet, writer, and editor whose book of poems, There Are Still Woods was published by June Road Press in September 2022, and won a 2023 gold Nautilus Award and was a finalist […]
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This month we’re talking about the television show Little Bird, available on PBS, and CBC. Created by Jennifer Podemski and Hannah Moscovitch with the participation of Jeremy Podeswa as an executive producer, the series centres on a First Nations woman who was adopted into a Jewish family during the Sixties Scoop, as she attempts to […]
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This month we’re doing kind of an unusual episode. Given how hard things have been for everyone since the events of October 7th, and the ongoing war in Gaza, we wanted to talk about things that are bringing us some Jewish joy. Mimi’s Jewish joy My daughter entering shul shouting “Amen!” Romantic Comedy by Curtis […]
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Hello! and welcome to Talking in Shul, a roundtable podcast. I’m your host, Tamar Fox, and I’ve got Zahava Stadler joining us from Toronto. Hi Zahava! Mimi Lewis is taking a break this month, but we’re thrilled to welcome past and future guest Yael Kalman, who is joining us from Minneapolis. Hi Yael! This month […]
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This month we’re talking about Passover, talking about our favorite rituals, texts, foods, and more. Passover favorites Ritual Mimi: Hallel (when it happens!) and washing each others hands Zahava: Reciting the entire Hagaddah out loud, in unison, with my family Tamar: Making pickles the night before the holiday begins Text Tamar: Letter to My Old […]
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This month we’re talking about Jewish influencers. What/how are the influencing us, and what trends do we see and like or dislike? “Influencer” can feel like a very shallow field–one that’s obsessed with trends and how things look to attract likes, views, followers. So what happens when influencers are speaking from a Jewish space? Raizy […]
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This month we’re talking about how we prioritize kid services and programming versus our own communal needs. What is our ideal, and what we have we seen that didn’t work for us. Endorsements Mimi endorses Kapelya, an album of women singing Hasidic melodies soon to be released by the artist RAZA, watching the Klimovitcher Nigun […]
The post Talking In Shul Ep. 87: Good Shabbat Programming for Kids appeared first on Jewish Public Media.
This month we’re talking about being Jewish at work. How do we explain and present ourselves as Jews at a Jewish workplace, or a non-Jewish workplace? 1 in 4 hiring managers say they’re less likely to hire Jewish applicants by Kathryn Moody in HR Dive Zahava’s short twitter thread about a work conversation after the […]
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Hello! and welcome to Talking in Shul, a roundtable podcast. I’m your host, Tamar Fox, and I’ve got Zahava Stadler joining us from Toronto. Hi Zahava! And Mimi Lewis is joining us from Somerville, MA. Hi Mimi! You may have noticed that we took a bit of a break since our last episode. We are […]
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Beauty Queen of Jerusalem Beauty Queen of Jerusalem is a new show on Netflix (it previously came out as 20 30 min episodes in Israel. Netflix has made it into 10 hour long episodes). It follows the Hermosas, a wealthy Sephardic family who own a shop in Machane Yehuda in Jerudalem. Gabriel runs the shop, […]
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This month we’re talking about a YouTube special called Recipe for Change: Standing up to Antisemism. And for our second segment we’re talking about how the expected end of Roe v Wade impacts the Jewish community, and how the Jewish community can and should be responding. For that segment we’ll be talking with my good […]
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This month we’re talking about the TN school ban of Maus, and other attempts to limit education around difficult or uncomfortable subjects like the Holocaust and slavery. And for our second segment we’re, oof, we are getting ready for pesach and thinking about some Seder topics we are (and aren’t) excited to discuss at our […]
The post Talking In Shul Ep. 82: Book Bans & Sedar Topics appeared first on Jewish Public Media.
This month we’re talking Marcie Greenfield Simons about what it’s like to be an interfaith chaplain in these intense covid times. And for our second segment we’re talking about a series of video documentaries from the Times of Israel about three somewhat neglected populations within Jerusalem: secular Jews, Christians, and Arabs who might want to […]
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This month we’re talking about the new book, Warm and Welcoming: How the Jewish Community can Become Truly Diverse and Inclusive in the 21st Century, edited by Warren Hoffman, and Miriam Steinberg Egeth. And for our second segment we’re talking about The Club, a new show on netflix that centers on a Jewish woman in […]
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This month we’re talking about several recent scandals involving Jewish youth groups and youth leaders. What if anything can we hope Jewish organizations do to keep children and employees safe from sexual predators? And for our second segment we’re talking about Hanukkah kitsch. Sexual abuse and assault in Jewish youth spaces Celebrated Haredi children’s author […]
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This month we’re joined by guest host Miriam Steinberg-Egeth. Among Miriam’s many claims to fame are her Jewish advice column in the Exponent, and her forthcoming book, Warm and Welcoming: How the Jewish Community Can Become Truly Diverse and Inclusive in the 21st Century which she co-edited with Warren Hoffman and which is coming out […]
The post Jewish Day Planners & Jewish Romance Novels appeared first on Jewish Public Media.
This month we’re talking about climate change, grief, and how the Jewish community is and can respond to climate change. And for our second segment we’re talking about the newish Netflix show My Unorthodox Life. My Unorthodox Life My Unorthodox Life Is Compelling TV That Could Make Life Harder for Some Jews by Jenny Singer […]
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This month we’re talking with Dr. Hannah Lebovits, assistant professor of Public Affairs at the University of Texas- Arlington, to talk about the different kinds of anti-semitism and discrimination. And for our second segment we’re talking about our perfect summer Shabbat.We explore our favorite activities and discuss what makes these hot Shabbatot bearable and/or fun. […]
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