We're back! This month, we played Assassin's Creed for the Xbox 360! It was alright. It's kind of wild how much you can see the future of the series just in this first game. We also talk about fighting and farming!
Welcome back! This month, we talked about Mirror's Edge, the 2008 first person platformer from EA! It's a cute little game that maybe aged a little bit in certain places but as far as unfinished 360 games go this is a pretty good one! We talk about running, cyberpunk, guns vs no guns, and more!
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Hello again! We're back with a new Journal Updated: Alan Wake! This month, Nora played a LOT of Dragon's Dogma, but it's a bit too fresh for a big take on it. We also picked a game for the show live on air! It's not a lake!
We're back again! This month, we go to the place between places...it's Dark Void! This 360 third person shooter is a little rough around the edges, but it's a pretty good time! As per usual, one of us had a great experience while the other one had her own unique issues. Enjoy!
Welcome back! We kick off the Year of the Three-Sixty with a trip down memory lane...for some people. I never played this one. It's Bioshock 2! Witness the beginning of a Dad Universe with this...honestly really obnoxious fps about finding your daughter or whatever. Who cares, it's Bioshock 2.
Happy New Year everybody! We're back with a new episode recorded way earlier than usual! Nora had to make time for her seven Baldur's Gate 3 playthroughs, you see. Anyway, we played Tacoma! Hop on board as we talk space stations, AI, lesbians, and more!
Hello again! We're back with another classic of gaming. It's Resident Evil 4! One of the most beloved and recognized games ever. But is it as good as everybody has said it is for 18 years? Well, yeah. Yeah, it's pretty fucking cool.
Hello again! We're back with a new journal! This month, we played Bethesda's recent hit(?) Starfield! Join us as we talk about space, cowboys, space cowboys, Alien, mind control, pirates, space pirates, Barrett, another Barrett, and the secret meaning at the center of reality! Also, some jrpgs.
Welcome back! It's been a hell of a summer this year, and we're here to talk about some games! We didn't end up getting into Ghost Trick, but we figured we would check in with some of our pet live service games for a change. We talk Diablo, a little bit about Destiny 2's Season of the Deep, and more!
Remember when they killed Castlevania the first time before they killed Castlevania again? This is a little tale from that short era…
Next Month: Ghost Trick
Hello, Gordon! This month, we dove headfirst into Half-Life, a good old fashioned PC shooter from Valve. Yes, Valve used to make games! Come along and hear all about the trials and tribulations of Dr. Gordon Freeman and his crowbar!
We're back again on another top secret op. This month, it's all cardboard boxes and dying foxes with Metal Gear Solid. Turns out? One of the greats. Who could have known!
Ahoy! We're back again with an episode about Return of the Obra Dinn, one of the coolest games we've played for the show! Not only that, but we're also joined by Jackson of the fair seas of Abnormal Mapping! Together we solved the mystery of the Obra DInn, which was a blast. Hope you enjoy!
We’re back, this time a week late due to COVID! Everyone is okay now, but man that thing sucks ass. Anyway, we…didn’t have the fun time with Prince of Persia that I was hoping we would. Luckily, we’ve both been plying plenty of other games too!
We’re back, and joined again by Em of Abnormal Mapping! We talk shop about murder, peasants, peasant murder, nobles, noble murder, God, the annals of history, and more! This game was an absolute delight, and has instantly joined the list of my all time favorite games. What a time.
We're back! This month we played the 4 story add-ons for Fallout New Vegas: Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, & Lonesome Road. Some were bad, some were mid, some were even delightful! Pretty good encapsulation of Fallout as a whole, really. Join us as we bring our Fallout expedition to a close. Kind of. You'll see next month.
Welcome back to Journal Updated! This month we played Fallout: New Vegas, a renowned video game in the “RPG” genre. It’s pretty cool, though obviously it can’t hold up to over a decade of praise. That really is the worst thing to do to a game you like. Also on the docket: Harvestella! Pokemon! The Outer Worlds?
We're back, this time with special guest Autumn to talk about the 2008 smash hit Dead Space! Dark hallways, guys that run at you, and more boxes than you can shake an armored boot at await you in this horror action shoot em off. But is it good? Well mostly. Happy Halloween!
Music: Anachronist by Kevin MacLeod
Next month: Fallout: New Vegas
After that: Fallout: New Vegas DLC -
After a brief delay due to some booster shenanigans, we return to talk about 2019's smash hit, Sekiro! We also talk about Fortnite, Dungeons & Dragons, XCOM, and LOTS of monkeys.
Welcome back! This month we’re joined by Abnormal Mapping’s own Em to talk about Hypnospace Outlaw! It’s an charming little ting. Pretty cute stuff. We also talk about Fate, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, half the Castlevania franchise, & more!
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