Welcome to the Raising Boys and Girls Podcast with Sissy Goff, David Thomas, and Melissa Trevathan. In each episode of this podcast, we’ll share some of what we’re learning in the work we do with kids and families on a daily basis at Daystar Counseling Ministries. Our goal is to help you care for the kids in your life with a little more understanding, a little more practical help, and a whole lot of hope. So pull up a chair and join us on this journey of raising boys and girls.
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The Happy Hour Podcast is hosted by Jamie Ivey, and each week she brings a guest to the show. During the happy hour they will discuss anything and everything just as if you were around the table with your own girlfriends. Jamie loves to connect with women and encourage them as they journey through life. These conversations will make you laugh and cry all in one. The Happy Hour will be something you look forward to each week. You will be encouraged as you listen to other women talk about the simplest things in life to the grandest. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the conversation!
“A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, biting, clutching, covetous old sinner” is hardly hero material, but this is exactly what makes A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens such an unforgettable book and its hero, Ebenezer Scrooge such an extraordinarily enduring character.
In the book's celebrated opening scene, on the night before Christmas the old miser Ebenezer Scrooge sits in his freezing cold counting house, oblivious to the discomfort of his shivering young assistant Bob Cratchit. Scrooge is unremittingly rude to relatives and visitors alike who drop in to convey their Christmas greetings or ask for a contribution to charity. Scrooge returns to his equally chilly mansion where he has an extraordinary supernatural experience. The spirit of his dead partner, Marley appears recounting tales of eternal suffering that he is condemned to endure because of the mean and uncharitable deeds that Marley did when he was alive. Marley informs Scrooge that three other supernatural visitors will make their appearance over the next three nights. The rest of the book traces the events that happen when these three otherworldly beings visit Scrooge.
The book has five chapters, which the writer called “staves” referring to musical notation in which five horizontal lines and four spaces represent musical pitch. Published in 1843, the book went on to receive immense appreciation for its deeply emotional quality, touching scenes, wonderful characterization and Dickens himself felt the book's central ideas of charity, kindness, compassion, love and generosity were what set it apart from contemporary fiction of the time. It also took the theatrical world by storm and three productions went on stage simultaneously in 1844 with Dickens' blessings. Since then it has been extensively adapted for film, radio and television and took on the proportions of a Christmas tradition even during Dickens' lifetime itself. Endless spinoffs in literature, drama and popular literature keep this tale alive even today. Walt Disney's Unca Scrooge is inspired by it and today, the word “Scrooge” has become synonymous with miserliness.
A Christmas Carol's enduring appeal lies in its heart rending appeal to help those living in impoverished conditions. The highly sentimental and touching pictures of Christmas celebrated in homes where festivities cannot coexist with grinding poverty, told in typical Dickensian style, make it both a literary masterpiece and a plea for social reform. But all is not gloom and doom —there are brilliant flashes of humor, memorable characterization and a deep understanding of human nature. As with all Dickens' works, this one too is peculiarly suited to being read aloud, especially when the family gathers round a cozy fire on Christmas Eve! -
A positive and uplifting podcast hosted by Kirk Cameron. Kirk interviews noteworthy guests from famous actors to influential pastors, discussing the world we live in, opinions, and advice, all from a Christian worldview.
Mud Stories with Jacque Watkins is a podcast dedicated to bringing you inspiration in your muddiest moments, hope to make it through your mud, and encouragement for you to know, you are not alone. We'll highlight stories of trials, suffering, adversity, or failure, and explore how good can come from even our most difficult circumstances in life. And we'll hear how God meets us in the middle of our that mud and learn of all the ways His grace and mercy redeem and restore situations in time. Guests include: Shannon Ethridge, Lisa Jo Baker, Holley Gerth, Lysa TerKeurst, Unveiled Wife, and many more.
Gospel fueled courage for the Christian woman to remain faithful in her calling.
Welcome to our Podcast. April and Davey have been married for over 15 years and have 6 wonderful children. We love sharing our lives and the things we've learned together raising 6 children.
A Podcast for Biological, Adoptive, & Foster Moms. No experts. No topics. Just real talk from real moms about real life.
Get your kids in the habit of taking the precepts every day, chanting suttas, practicing meditation, and listening to Dhamma teachings especially for them so they have a strong Buddhist faith to protect them in life.
Children are naturally curious about the world and how it works. And even at a young age they can start to see beneficial and beneficial. The monks of Colombo Dhamma Friends of Mahamevnawa will help your children apply the Buddhas teachings to their own lives.
Listen together as a family so you can talk with your kids about the topics discussed and show them that learning the Buddha's teachings is personally important to you. -
The Holy Hot Mess podcast is where we navigate the twists and turns of life as Catholic Christian women through candid conversations, laughter, and insightful interviews. Join your host, Heather, as she dive deep into the messy and beautiful journey of faith, healing, and growth.
In each episode, she shares wisdom and stories, from the comical to the heartfelt, and offers practical advice for managing the chaos of daily life. Whether it’s balancing family, home, work, or personal development, we explore it all with authenticity and a good dose of humor and a whole lot of faith.
But that’s not all – we bring you interviews with inspiring guests who share their unique perspectives, experiences, and wisdom. From experts in Catholic theology to women with incredible stories of resilience, our guests offer valuable insights that will uplift and empower you on your own journey.
Expect laughter, tears, and plenty of ”aha” moments as we navigate the holy hot mess together. The goal is to create a space where you feel like you’re sitting with a dear friend, sharing stories, giving space for growth and finding solace in the commonality of our experiences as Catholic women.
So, whether you’re sipping your favorite beverage or multitasking through your day, join us for a dose of faith, friendship, and the messy joy of life. Welcome to the Holy Hot Mess podcast – where every conversation is an invitation to embrace the chaos and discover the sacred in the midst of it all.
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Tools, inspiration, and encouragement to craft a gospel centered home.
Are you a Christian woman who's ready to be ALL IN in faith and family? If so, you're in the right place!In this podcast, we dive deep into what it really means to be a committed follower of Christ, practical strategies for living out our faith as Christian women in today's busy world, and so much more.After all -- Jesus didn't call us to be lukewarm, half-hearted followers of him. He calls us to be ALL IN! and to live a life that's full and abundant. And that's what the Equipping Godly Women podcast is all about.
Do you feel an urgency to fortify yourself, your family, and others within your reach? Join Shannon Foster, founder of The Red Headed Hostess, a former full-time seminary teacher for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, a speaker, a mother, and a researcher, to learn specific things we can do to fortify ourselves and our families. Shannon has taught the scriptures in many settings, written and designed hundreds of lesson helps for the scriptures, and she is here to share with you the best tips she has learned so that you can be a fortifier to those you love most.
Welcome to a podcast where real parents share funny stories, needed venting and life-saving tips. My name is Caleb Howard and I'm the Family Ministries Coordinator at Living Faith Alliance Church. Every episode contains real-life stories and tips from real-life parents. Thanks for listening. YOU are an irreplaceable gift to your children and what you do to love and lead them every day is so significant. We’re glad you’re listening and invite you to get involved in our parenting community by commenting, sending questions and adding your tips to these significant discussions.
All NEW episodes are on the Audio version from now on. Search COURAGEOUS, and hit the one that says audio... A weekly video podcast with Isaac & Angie Tolpin on Biblical parenting. The raw truth on how to equip confident Christian kids in an uncertain world. We cover parenting topics on things such as: purity, self-control, obedience, discipleship, relationships, education, pornography, Bible-time, marriage and family. We hold nothing back and give the Biblical truth with all the scriptures, notes and video of each episode at COURAGEOUSPARENTING.COM
GRACEOLOGIE is hosted by Christian author, speaker and worship leader, Gwen Smith who shares fun, faith-focused, grace-filled interview-style conversations. Prepare to be inspired with practical tips and honest discussions that will help you to know and trust God more. Each episode will encourage your heart in meaningful ways to live out and lean on the grace of Jesus in the midst of cluttered, messy days.
Having a family is one of the hardest jobs we will ever have, it’s also the most rewarding. Life is full of so many wonderful gifts few areas match to the power of a connected family. Our goal is to help you bring connection to the core of your home. As we talk about the hard truths of being a present parent, a loving spouse and placing value on taking good care of yourself. On our podcast, we hope to fill your day with laughter, resources and encourage you to always choose connection over perfection.
What does it look like to really be engaged as a parent today? It can be as rewarding as it is challenging. The Flatirons Parenting Podcast explores failures and successes in parenting. We discuss balance and discipline, technology and spirituality, helping daughters find their identity, scheduling family time, and lots more. The podcast is designed to help you think through the challenges you face and offer hope through our shared experiences and knowledge.
Jeff and Alyssa are a married couple with two toddlers running around their home talking about faith, culture, and take listener's questions with a little dash of random sprinkled in.
Every weekday the K-LOVE Morning Show features an encouraging story. Hear more stories on this podcast