We hear about the national debt of 34 Trillion and this number and that but it's hard to really think about what those numbers mean. I break it all down in this podcast to a guy making 100k a year and put all those numbers in perspective. That guy making 100k a year would be $722k in debt and spending 127k in 2024 alone. It only gets worse and more unsustainable when you look at that same guys prospects 10 years out. Listen and get it all here and use these stats when debating your friends and coworkers. Tune in for more to come...
The inflation rate in Argentina is around 75% and will be over 90% by year end. I paid cash for everything while there and it was cheap! Average meal would cost you $3. Want a bottle of wine with dinner? You’re looking at $3 for a bottle. I also experienced some gas lines and surprise, surprise they ran out of money! If you don’t protect yourself, inflation will wipe out any savings you do have. In this episode I talk about ways to do just that. You won’t only survive but you will thrive!
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Interview with the legendary billionaire investor, Jim Rogers. His insights on the economy and life in Singapore and why he's had his daughters learn Mandarin. Instead of panicking with the rest of the crowd, Jim likes to sit back and let things unfold and buy when there's free money in the corner of the room just asking to be picked up. His simple advice works but emotionally can be very hard to do and it's why most investors fail.
Conservative talk show host legend, Rush Limbaugh died on February 17, 2021. Rush was an inspiration to millions and his show created a deep connection with his listeners deeper than any show out there. He had a way of connecting with people that was powerful. There’s a lot we can learn from this. How can we become influencers like Rush? I have a few answers to this and how we can relate this in our own lives and change people for the better.
The Federal Reserve is doing everything it can to try to keep our financial system from collapsing but it’s not working! They think just printing a bunch of money will solve our problems! They thought the same thing in 2008 and look where we are now! For those people out there who just think all of this is because of Coronavirus you are sadly mistaken, this is really about a collapse in our economy! This will be much worse than the Great Depression! Protect yourself and listen to this important message!
The fed has finally cut interest rates and more rate cuts are coming by year end gold and silver is where to be. The precious metals are soaring in value as gold continues to make new six year highs! The bull market in precious metals is finally here. In this episode I mention a credit card where you can claim a free $150 after signing up for the card. That referral link is right here: https://capital.one/2Wt2Q2j
The fed has finally cut interest rates and more rate cuts are coming by year end gold and silver is where to be. The precious metals are soaring in value as gold continues to make new six year highs! The bull market in precious metals is finally here. In this episode I mention a credit card where you can claim a free $150 after signing up for the card. That referral link is right here: https://capital.one/2Wt2Q2j -
Trump has been criticizing the FED and in particularly the Fed Chairman, Jerome Powell for tightening too much and making our dollar too strong. Trump sees this as harming the economy and is the only reason why our economy may have problems. Trump’s logic is crucially invalid and I demonstrate on the show today where his thinking goes astray. I also discuss why an economy really does boom and bust!
On January 25th, the longest government shutdown ever at 34 days came to a temporary halt. The government has been funded through February 15th where we might just see yet, another government shutdown. The Federal government has way too much power (obviously) and we need to privatize the lousy TSA, FDA, air traffic controllers and many more federal workers! We need to reverse this trend of centralizing power and D.C. and give it back to the people. Only then will we see prosperity like none of us has seen in our lifetimes.
This was no surprise to listeners of this show but the Fed did raise rates for the 4th time in 2018 and this was the 9th rate hike in this tightening cycle. Back in June, Fed chairman Powell, was very giddy about the economy and confident about the growth but now he doesn’t seem so sure. 2019 will be a very different Fed where they may actually cut interest rates and not raise them. And gold has been very strong these last few weeks nearing $1,300 an ounce, which are 5 month highs. Goldman Sachs sees gold performing very strongly in 2019 with a year end price of $1,425 an ounce.
Chris Casey has been investing in the markets for years and he certainly sees some major warning signs that this economy may be heading toward a massive bust! Every time the yield curve curve inverts doesn’t mean an economy will bust but every recession since the 1950s was preceded by an inverted yield curve. Most people have no idea what an inverted yield curve is and what it means so Chris breaks it all down and explains it in simple language. Chris also talks about Cryptocurrencies and gold!
How is Trump doing from a libertarian perspective? Tom Woods really sees Trump as a mixed bag with the good, the bad and the ugly. From college professor to a wildly successful entrepreneur Tom lays out what he sees are the biggest keys to success and the key tool most people aren’t utilizing that will radically improve your results! Tom officially leaks out the first guest on the Contra Cruise 2019 to Alaska! Folks, you don’t want to miss out on all the gems laid out in this episode of the Justin Mohr Show.
The midterm elections have come and gone and the Democrats have taken the House. Now this isn’t all so bad. Divided power is good because this means “gridlock” and less destructive laws will be passed. Electric scooter companies like Bird are being banned in some progressive cities just like Uber once was when it was seen as destructive to the taxi industry. These scooters are a brilliant innovation of the Free Market and here comes the government trying to halt progress! This episode covers a lot of the crazy rational given by these progressive cities for their “brilliant” move to protect the people.
$1.3 Trillion was added to the national debt in fiscal year 2018 alone! 2018 was Trump’s full fiscal year as president and with a deficit that large I wouldn’t call that draining the swamp! How are we ever to get our economy on a sustainable path when we spend like drunken Democrats and Republicans!? We’re also set to spend $7 Trillion on interest payments alone in the next decade. How’s that for sustainable?
The Fed has raised rates to the 2-2.25% range and this is the 8th rate hike since the fed began raising them in 2015. Fed Chairman, Jerome Powell, has given several speeches in the last week and there’s several insights we can gain from Mr. Powell just by reading closely into what he’s saying. Folks, this guy is completely clueless about the next economic crisis brewing out there. We are nearing the end of this super bubble.
“Blown Away” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Argentina is facing some huge hurdles economically while the average citizen is getting poorer due to 30% inflation rates! They have 60% interest rates and just a few weeks ago when I was in Argentina interest rates were 45%. Things are spiraling out of control fast and I will keep you updated with this story the media isn’t talking about.
The crisis in Venezuela has only gotten worse and the IMF sees 1 million percent inflation by the end of the year. The inflation rate currently, is around 40,000%. The only good news we have heard is the President of Venezuela, Maduro, admitting that their models aren’t working. No kidding! Will people in the U.S. and around the world learn this lesson from Venezuela that Socialism doesn’t work!
Venezuela is experiencing 25,000% inflation this year and people have now turned to barter. This only makes sense. Why use a medium of exchange that can’t serve as well… a medium of exchange! This is why it is crucial for you to own physical precious medals like gold and silver! Be ahead of the masses and by the cheapest insurance you can buy!
The Federal Reserve has raised rates for the 7th time in a decade. The latest FOMC statement and the Fed’s move here tells us a lot. The Fed really does believe the economy is strong and that it is fundamentally and structurally strong. The Fed thinks the band aids put on our economy in 2008 actually fixed things. This sort of arrogance is very destructive and will lead to the next collapse. Stay tuned.
Recently, a 5th New York City taxi driver has committed suicide. Many of these taxi drivers own the once coveted $1 million taxi medallion the problem is that currently those taxi medallions are worth $175,000! These taxi drivers are deep in debt and feel they have no way out! Uber and Lyft definitely have increased competition for people needing rides but the real reason these taxi drivers are hurting is because of government! It’s government that created the taxi monopoly in the first place and gave value to these silly medallions to limit competition! How is the government ever for the little guy when the rules and regulations imposed by government make services to the consumer more expensive?
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