Music For Youth Presents The Right Track podcast with chart-topping
podcast producer, Matt Heanes. Matt will speak to inspiring figures
from the music industry and music education (from well-known singer-songwriters/artists to record label professionals and music education specialists) who will offer insights, stories and advice for anyone interested in a career in
music. Whether you want to be a musician performing to sold-out
crowds or behind-the-scenes managing events, Matt and his guests
will provide you with valuable industry knowledge. -
Join Bruce Adolphe, The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center's Resident Lecturer, for investigations and insights into chamber music masterworks. Beloved by regulars and a revelation to first-timers for their depth, accessibility, and brilliance, we dig into the ICM lecture recording archive to share our favorite lectures with you.
dublab Radio presents a monthly series featuring some of the best live performances captured in its LA studio and beyond. Subscribe and experience the ever-curious and cross-genre explorations that have come to define dublab over its 20 years of broadcasting.
The Fabulous Invalid is a theatrical production company founded in 2018 by Jamie DuMont and Rob Russo with the mission to illuminate untold stories and fascinating personalities on air and on stage with a reverence for the past, a bold outlook for the future, and a dash of panache. The company takes its name from the title of a 1938 backstage play by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart that has since become a loving nickname for Broadway itself—always deemed on the verge of decline, yet always bouncing back: the fabulous invalid!
“The Fabulous Invalid Podcast” presents essential conversations with a curated roster of the best, most important, and innovative theatre-makers working today. Hosts Jamie DuMont and Rob Russo released 100 episodes from 2018 to 2021, and continue to release bonus episodes.
As co-producers of Bob Fosse’s DANCIN’ on Broadway, Jamie and Rob are now hosting “DANCIN’ Man: A Fabulous Invalid Podcast” —a limited podcast series featuring exclusive, behind-the-scenes interviews with members of the cast and creative team of this much-anticipated Broadway revival. -
Im AUDIOVERSUM in Innsbruck wird mit allen Sinnen gehört. Ein Science Center, in dem Medizin, Technik, Bildung und Kunst interaktiv erlebbar ist. Unser Podcast richtet sich an alle hörbegeisterten Menschen, die verschiedene Hörerfahrungen machen und sich dem Hörgenuss hingeben wollen.
Eine Produktion des AUDIOVERSUM und dem hoerwinkel. -
From the Pit is a weekly podcast devoted to all things extreme music – whether it’s up-and-coming bands, killer new releases, future shows & festivals, or musings on the scene itself, hosts Phil, Mike, Sam and Frank will make sure that you hear about them. Also, we talk about beer, which is really the most important thing.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charting the journeys of singers on four competitive young artist programmes across Europe. From masterclasses and performances, to rehearsal rooms and dressing rooms, we hear the motivations, desires and the challenges they face - along with insight from experts on how they are nurturing the next generation of opera talent.
This is a podcast From The Red House – the former home of Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears. I’m Lucy Walker – join me, colleagues, and other guests for a monthly chat about all things Britten and Pears, but also music, culture, heritage in general – and anything else that might come up.
The Authentic Artistry Podcast is a place where we explore what it means to be authentic in the performing arts. How do we find it? What do we need to overcome to be able to practice it? What needs to change in the world so that we can express ourselves more freely? Kitty tries to find the answers through interviewing creatives from across the arts.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Unsere Stimme begleitet uns ein Leben lang und ist dadurch unsere ständige Weggefährtin. Sie unterstützt uns dabei Gefühle und Gedanken auszudrücken, ist Kommunikationsmittel, kann Ausdruck von Kunst sein, und ist für viele Berufsgruppen Basis ihres Lebensunterhalts. Ihre Flexibilität und Wandlungsfähigkeit sind faszinierend und viele persönliche Themen, die mit der eigenen Stimme in Verbindung stehen, sind und bleiben spannend.
Im Podcast 'Stimmig‘ wird die Stimme in den Mittelpunkt gerückt und viele Themen rund um die Stimme beleuchtet. Für Sänger:innen, Schauspieler:innen, Sprecher:innen, Logopäd:innen, Lehrer:innen und für alle Menschen, die eine Affinität zur Stimme haben, ist dieser Podcast gemacht.
Als Basis unserer Betrachtungen liegt immer die Frage zugrunde: „Ist das für Dich stimmig?“
Infos zu Angelika Brandner: --> kostenloses Workbook
Podcast Punktlandung:
Infos zu Bettina Krenosz: -
Hallo Musik-Freaks, hier sind Julia & Simon,
eure Hosts durch den alltäglichen Wahnsinn der Musikbranche -
Alle zwei Wochen besprechen wir Übe-Routinen und Konzertvorbereitungen, erzählen Anekdoten und teilen inspirierende Momente, bis hin zu aktuellen Themen. Ernsthaftigkeit trifft Humor.
Vom morgendlichen Versuch, die Teetasse zu finden, ohne über Instrumente zu stolpern, bis zum nächtlichen Grübeln, ob der Bass auch von alleine übt – Wir plaudern über die großartig skurrilen, lustigen und manchmal absurden Seiten der wunderbaren Welt der Musik.
Viel Spaß beim “Saitenwechsel” präsentiert von Thomann. -
Barry Gibb: A Melody Maker's Journey Through Decades of Musical Magic Born in the Isle of Man in 1946, Barry Gibb's musical journey began in childhood, harmonizing with his fraternal twins Robin and Maurice. This innate musical connection blossomed into the iconic Bee Gees, a band that would leave an indelible mark on the global pop landscape. Early Buzz and British Boom: Their first single in 1963 ignited the Australian charts, and the Bee Gees soon conquered the UK with hits like "Massachusetts" and "To Love Somebody." Barry, the band's lead vocalist and songwriter, poured his soul into every melody, crafting timeless tunes that resonated across generations. Discos, Disco Balls, and Staying Alive: The 70s saw the Bee Gees embrace the disco revolution. Barry, with his soaring vocals and infectious grooves, led the charge with anthems like "Jive Talkin'," "Stayin' Alive," and "Night Fever." These iconic tracks, from the soundtrack of the iconic film "Saturday Night Fever," propelled them to superstardom, leaving an indelible mark on the disco era. Beyond Disco: Artistic Evolution and Enduring Legacy: The Bee Gees proved their musical versatility, evolving beyond disco. The 80s saw them embrace ballads and soft rock with hits like "How Deep Is Your Love" and "You Win Again." Barry's songwriting prowess remained undiminished, his emotional depth and storytelling abilities captivating audiences anew. From Tragedy to Triumph: A Brother's Loss and Artistic Renewal: The tragic loss of his twin brothers, Robin and Maurice, in the 2000s, was a devastating blow. Yet, Barry persevered, honoring their legacy by performing and recording solo and with his surviving brother, Andy. He continued to write and release music, showcasing his resilience and enduring passion for music. More Than Just Music: A Life Dedicated to Family and Philanthropy: Barry's life is not solely defined by music. His dedication to family is unwavering, evident in his long marriage and strong connection to his children and grandchildren. He has also been a vocal advocate for various charitable causes, his generosity extending far beyond the stage. A Songwriter's Legacy: A Life Filled with Melodies and Memories: Barry Gibb's story is one of unwavering passion, artistic evolution, and triumph over adversity. He leaves behind a musical legacy that spans generations, weaving his melodies into the fabric of pop culture history. His voice, forever etched in iconic hits, continues to inspire and captivate, reminding us of the power of music to connect hearts and transcend time. Thanks for Listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.
Though Taylor Swift and Beyoncé have long faced rumors of rivalry, recent interactions signal growing bonds between pop music's reigning icons. Swift gleefully attended Beyoncé's December 1st London premiere for new concert film "RENAISSANCE," praising Beyoncé's artistic influence and "generosity of spirit." The supportive appearance follows Swift and Beyoncé exchanging admiration in recent years, like Swift dancing to Beyoncé’s 2016 VMA performance. Past incidents stoked rivalry rumors, from Beyoncé fans critiquing Swift’s take on Nicki Minaj to perceived lyrical digs. However, mutual respect for one another’s success now overrides past perceived shade. With their tremendous careers intertwining more lately, continued creative domination could pave way for new heights should they ever collaborate. For now, Swift and Beyoncé’s strengthened connection suggests possibilities ahead for pop’s most powerful pairing.
In this in-depth podcast, we explore the enigmatic world of Lana Del Rey, the influential singer-songwriter known for her cinematic sound, haunting lyrics, and unique blend of vintage Americana and modern pop. We delve into her early life, musical beginnings, and rise to stardom, as well as her distinctive artistic style, cultural impact, and the controversies surrounding her work. Through this comprehensive examination of Lana Del Rey's career, we uncover the essence of her enduring appeal and her significant contributions to the music industry and popular culture.
Matteo Collettini, Klassikredakteur bei ORF III, stellt Folge für Folge wichtige Werke der Musikgeschichte sowie bekannte und interessante Persönlichkeiten der Musikwelt in den Mittelpunkt. Ausschnitte aus Konzert- und Operneinspielungen dürfen dabei ebenso wenig fehlen, wie neue, kuriose und interessante Anekdoten aus der Welt der Klassik. Betrachten Sie Ihr Lieblingswerk, Ihren Lieblingskomponisten oder Ihre Lieblingskomponistin aus einer neuen Perspektive und fügen Sie vielleicht Ihrer Playlist neue Schätze hinzu!
Singing has been an integral part of the human experience since time immemorial. Join voice teachers and pedagogues Brian Lee and Justin Petersen as they traverse the rich historical legacy of voice training from the greatest minds and teachers of the art, as well as application for the modern teacher and singer of voice. Each episode features lively conversation, fascinating historical insights, and practical application for today's singer.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Willkommen zur 3. Staffel vom "Rotweinplausch"! Dr. Martin Mucha und ich philosophieren auch in den nächsten Wochen und Monaten wieder über das Glück der kleinen Dinge, das Mensch-Sein und das Leben mit dem großen Löffel und hanteln uns dieses Mal neugierig und lebensnah an der Philosophiegeschichte entlang. Euer Feedback und eure weiterführenden Fragen richtet ihr bitte an [email protected]
Launiges über Musik und Fotografie. Von einem, der beides liebt.
Immer mehr Erwachsene finden den Weg zurück zu den Märchen. Dieser Podcast bietet Märchen und Wissen dazu. Viel Vergnügen.