I «Lærerrommet» diskuterer vi små og store temaer innenfor utdanningsfeltet. Podkasten er laget for deg som jobber med, eller engasjerer deg, i barnehage, skole eller høyere utdanning. Podkasten lages av Utdanningsforbundet.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Fortell meg om er podkasten for alle barn som vil vite mer om hvordan verden henger sammen. Still et spørsmål - og vips - så får du en radioreise inn i det du lurer på. Podkasten er laget av Tine Eide og gis ut i samarbeid med Deichmanske bibliotek.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
PodKęstas „Mamos be dramos” padės jums ieškoti patikrintų receptų: kaip išvengti dramos tarpusavio santykiuose, kaip būti maloniu IR tvirtu, kaip patirti kuo daugiau lengvumo bei džiaugsmo tėvystėje.
Dr. Austėja Landsbergienė, mokslininkė ir keturių vaikų mama, kalbina pašnekovus ir atsako į jų klausimus, remiasi ne tik praktinėmis istorijomis bei pavyzdžiais, bet ir naujausiais moksliniais tyrimais.
Atsikratykime chaoso ir auginkime sąmoningumą - be dramos! -
Sondre og Trond er to førskolelærere av den gamle skolen. Sondre, som mange kanskje kjenner fra NRK-serien Verdens beste pappa, jobber fortsatt i barnehage. Trond jobber med kurs, konferanser og utgivelse av fagbøker på barnehagefeltet. De liker å møtes over en kopp kaffe før tidligvakt for å diskutere barnehagefag, praksis og barneoppdragelse. De er ikke redde for å konkludere, og alt de sier står for deres egen regning. Musikk og jingles: Alf Helge Johansen. Foto: Marte Gjerde. Støttende hånd på skulder: Albert Åberg.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Babyverden gir deg gode og troverdige svar på det du lurer på om graviditet og småbarnstid. Babyverden snakker med en ekspert i hver episode.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Gjennom spennende hørespill, musikk og tøys utforsker vi hvilke følelser barn kan ha gjennom en vanlig dag og hvordan vi voksne kan hjelpe dem med de følelsene.
Sjekk gjerne ut
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Line og Stine snakker om hunder, eiere og alle mulige temaer innenfor hund.
Programlederne Stine Langerud og Line Villlanger driver til daglig hundeskolen Hundene på Toten. Men denne podkasten er et uavhengig, journalistisk produkt, gjort i samarbeid med OA og er derfor underlagt redaktørplakat og pressens etiske regelverk.
An exclusive babywearing podcast dedicated to delivering light, easy-to-filter, and non-overwhelming information for mothers on their search for practical tools to assist them in the early days, weeks, months, and years ahead. Join Brooke Maree & Angela Rodgers weekly as they discuss many essential tips and practical tools over a range of babywearing topics, PLUS interview industry's leaders and all-inspiring guests in the parenting world. Whether you're expecting your first baby and are curious about babywearing, or you're a veteran parent with years of babywearing practicality already under your belt, we hope you'll join us on this fun and crazy journey!
Canine Conversations tackles just about everything dog related: dog training, dog health, owning a dog, dog behavior problems, competitive dog sports, what to feed, rescue dogs, shelter dogs, talks with other dog lovers and so much more.
Hosted by Robert Cabral, master trainer and behavior specialist. Robert has trained and worked with thousands of dogs through his work with Bound Angels at shelters throughout the US. He has also trained and titled competitive obedience and protection dogs worked with countless pet dogs with clients and has shown dogs in AKC, IPO, Mondio Ring - covering obedience, protection, conformation and more.
The guests and conversations are always engaging, interesting and fun to listen to. Robert is a dog lover first and foremost and speaks about creating a better life for dogs in each podcast. -
Det er ikke bare enkelt å være forelder i dag. Verden barna dine vokser opp i er ikke som du husker den selv. Alle trendene, teknologiene, mulighetene og diagnosene kan være overveldende og vanskelig å snakke om hjemme. Nå er barn som gamer den nye normalen, og Urte og Emma prater med disse barna hver dag i jobben sin. Sammen med spennende gjester utforsker de hvordan det er å være ung i dag.
Utforsk fra Aschehoug er for alle som er engasjert i skole. Er alle med ADHD utagerende? Hvordan skal vi undervise om kjønn? Andreas Stien-Leenderts er en engasjert lærer som inviterer eksperter til å utforske temaer knyttet til skolen. Han er nysgjerrig og søker tips, diskusjon, perspektiv og idéer på det som opptar lærere, foresatte, skoleledere og elever. Vi håper hver episode gjør deg litt klokere.
Launched by parents of an infectiously funny and *mostly* happy boy on the spectrum, the Joyriding in Autismland podcast chats with ASD parents, kiddos, therapists, writers, and artists about the unexpected, charming, and funny moments with autism. Because laughing? Is the best vacation. Find the show notes online at
Canine Nation - A Positively Scientific Look At Dogs and Dog Behavior
Canine Nation is about discovery. It’s about getting to what is TRUE about dogs and discarding the myth and lore of living and working with dogs. It’s about challenging what we think we know and asking the dogs to tell us what’s real. It’s about giving science, scientific method, and collected data more credibility than hearsay, anecdotes, and the assertions of self-proclaimed dog 'experts.'
Canine Nation started as a way to explore the common issues and ideas about dogs and dog training through short, informative essays. The podcast presents these ideas from the personal experiences of dog owners and the creative solutions they have found in behavioral science and positive training methods.
Canine Nation brings the worlds of science and dog ownership together to help promote understanding and satisfying relationships between dogs and their people. Join us for a different look at dogs and our lives with them as we explore the fact and fiction behind the behavior and workings of the canine mind. -
Does your dog think his name is 'No!'?? You need to Get Pawsitive Results! This pet podcast will help you to better understand your canine best friend, and help you learn how to train him to be a wonderful family companion. We’ll cover a variety of topics on canine behavior and training - all based on modern methods that are fun for both you and your dog. On occasion we’ll also get some pawsitive results with other critters, too!
Get Pawsitive Results focuses on helping you with common issues between you and your dog. We’ll answer your questions, discuss different activities you can share with your dog, and keep you posted on current canine news and products. You’ll get practical, effective tips on training. We’ll also cover behavioral issues, such as fear and aggression. Whether you’ve had dogs for years or are planning on getting your first one, this podcast is for you!
Your host is Teoti Anderson, Certified Professional Dog Trainer and award-winning author. Teoti has been a professional dog trainer for more than 19 years. -
Break the cycle of generational trauma by doing your own work, connecting to your authentic self, so that you can raise children who won’t have to recover from their childhoods.
Our Motto is: Raising Our Children, Growing Ourselves.
Authentic Parenting explores how you can find more calm, connection and joy in parenting through the process of self-discovery and inner growth with a trauma-informed lens.
Enjoy! -