Recently in the CraftCMS world... The inaugural Dot All conference was a big success. Pixel & Tonic announced some exciting things: the Craft 3 GA release date (4/4/18), new licenses, a CKEditor 5 fieldtype, and more. Michael and Andrew talk about the talks they liked, their takeaways from the conference as a whole, and how they don't want to do anything except hack on Craft 3 stuff 'til April. (n.b. Michael had pants on for the entire duration of this recording.)
Recently in the CraftCMS world... Michael and Andrew have been talking and writing about AMP — and Craft is the perfect CMS for implementing AMP content! Solspace released Freeform. Toronto and Melbourne have upcoming Meetups. Michael attempts to speak 'Strayan; Andrew is jealous.
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Recently in the CraftCMS world... Pixel & Tonic announced that Craft 3 will support multi-site setups by expanding the concept of locales into "sites."
Recently in the CraftCMS world... PT has ported all the 2.5 and 2.6 functionality to the 3.x branch, which means Craft 3 beta is coming in hot. We talk about how Yii 2 is the focus for the 3.0 release, and why this is awesome.
Recently in the CraftCMS world... Build 2.6.2791, Craft's first ever critical update, addresses a clever template injection vulnerability. Pixel & Tonic released a fix in less than 24 hours from initial disclosure, and you should definitely make sure you've updated. In this episode, Brad Bell walks us through how the exploit works and how they patched it.
Recently in the Craft CMS world... ImageMagick (used by many Craft installs) has a security vulnerability. Michael & Andrew talk about the details and emphasize the importance of keeping your software up-to-date. We also talk about some emerging security best practices for Craft CMS as well as a new security audit plugin Sherlock.
Recently in the CraftCMS world... Andrew had a birthday and released a truckload of new stuff: Retour (for handling 404 redirects), Recipe, and generator-craftinstall (Yeoman generator for bootstrapping CraftCMS projects). Michael released Hue, a color picker fieldtype w/ true null values for empty colors. Solspace released a massive new Calendar plugin. And, if you're in Europe, you should definitely plan to come to GeeUp.
Recently in the CraftCMS world... Craft now utilizes eager loading on the element index pages for a much faster CP experience. Template Modes are the new template paths. Straight Up Craft added elastic search for plugins, and craftplug.in launched. PicPuller is back! Printmaker got an upgrade; PDFs are now emailable.
Lately in the CraftCMS world... Craft Kint enables powerful PHP debugging in Craft templates. Papertrail enables Craft templates and plugins to publish events to a live, aggregated log feed. Flexibility provides a robust polyfill that enables Flexbox directives in legacy browsers. And, Pixel & Tonic's Craft Case Studies show that CraftCMS is being adopted and trusted in big-name, high-stakes projects.
Lately in the CraftCMS world... Fred Carlsen & Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff ported Lettering.js into a plugin: Craft Lettering. Sprout Email now supports several Craft Commerce events. Philip Zaengle and his team integrated Craft Commerce with a reservation booking system and wrote about it in their blog. Straight Up Hangouts are back, starting with an Introduction to Craft Commerce with Luke Holder. Ctrl+Click+Cast did an episode about "Practical Pricing" that everyone should listen to. And, John Morton released a new installment of the Craft Link List.
Lately in the CraftCMS world... Search Plus brings elastic search to Craft via Algolia. The null coalescing operator is now available natively in Twig, so it'll hopefully be coming to Craft sometime soon. The latest report shows CraftCMS owning 0.1% market share among top CMSs. PeersConf opened their 2016 Call for Proposals. GeeUp tickets are on sale; Come hang out with Michael in Leiden this summer!
Lately in the CraftCMS world... Reasons helps you show/hide fields based on the content of other fields; use with caution. Embedded Assets lets you treat remote content (YouTube/Vimeo/etc.) like native Assets. Sprout Reports is ready to play; check out the slick new API for defining your own reports/sources. The first-party Contact Form plugin has gotten some sweet upgrades and is probably more powerful than you realize. And, most of P&T's plugins are now MIT-licensed!
Lately in the CraftCMS world... Andrew Welch released PluginFactory.io, a Yeoman generator for Craft plugins, and SEOmatic. Michael released QQ and hopes that everyone starts using the null coalescing operator. Rob Sanchez wrote a Craft CLI. And, best news of the week... Craft's rich text editor now lets you add your own URL fragments to Entry links.