Everybody’s life story begins somewhere, and once a person begins telling their story, we are immediately transported to the past and introduced to the people, places, and events that have shaped them into the person they are today.
The same logic applies to knowing who we are as God’s people today. We don’t truly understand who we are as the church of Jesus Christ unless we know our own story, and this “life story” of God’s people extends all the way back beyond the time of Jesus and into the Old Testament period.
One of the defining moments in God’s great story is Exodus, a story of redemption which shaped the identity of God’s people throughout the ages.
The early days of the church were an organic viral movement. However they got to the point that without structure, the church would’ve stalled out because of lack of leaders to advance the mission, been susceptible to false teaching and lost its way, or it may have fizzled as a regional momentary movement. Instead, God used leadership to advance the mission to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).⠀
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The early days of the church were an organic viral movement. However they got to the point that without structure, the church would’ve stalled out because of lack of leaders to advance the mission, been susceptible to false teaching and lost its way, or it may have fizzled as a regional momentary movement. Instead, God used leadership to advance the mission to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).⠀
When you were a child what did you dream of becoming when you grew up? Did it ever cross your mind that you wanted to be more like Jesus? The story of the Bible actually explains that you were designed to be a physical representation of God in the world. Unfortunately, we all get that wrong early and often in life, but God is not finished with us. He wants to make us into something. He has far greater plans for you than you could ever have on your own. God loves you as you are. God saves you as you are. But God doesn’t leave you as you are.
When you were a child what did you dream of becoming when you grew up? Did it ever cross your mind that you wanted to be more like Jesus? The story of the Bible actually explains that you were designed to be a physical representation of God in the world. Unfortunately, we all get that wrong early and often in life, but God is not finished with us. He wants to make us into something. He has far greater plans for you than you could ever have on your own. God loves you as you are. God saves you as you are. But God doesn’t leave you as you are.
When you were a child what did you dream of becoming when you grew up? Did it ever cross your mind that you wanted to be more like Jesus? The story of the Bible actually explains that you were designed to be a physical representation of God in the world. Unfortunately, we all get that wrong early and often in life, but God is not finished with us. He wants to make us into something. He has far greater plans for you than you could ever have on your own. God loves you as you are. God saves you as you are. But God doesn’t leave you as you are.
When you were a child what did you dream of becoming when you grew up? Did it ever cross your mind that you wanted to be more like Jesus? The story of the Bible actually explains that you were designed to be a physical representation of God in the world. Unfortunately, we all get that wrong early and often in life, but God is not finished with us. He wants to make us into something. He has far greater plans for you than you could ever have on your own. God loves you as you are. God saves you as you are. But God doesn’t leave you as you are.
When you were a child what did you dream of becoming when you grew up? Did it ever cross your mind that you wanted to be more like Jesus? The story of the Bible actually explains that you were designed to be a physical representation of God in the world. Unfortunately, we all get that wrong early and often in life, but God is not finished with us. He wants to make us into something. He has far greater plans for you than you could ever have on your own. God loves you as you are. God saves you as you are. But God doesn’t leave you as you are. -
Waiting is difficult. Waiting on something you’re excited about can be even harder. There’s a tension between celebrating and hoping. If you’ve ever wondered why it seems like God has people wait for good things, you’re not alone.
Waiting is difficult. Waiting on something you’re excited about can be even harder. There’s a tension between celebrating and hoping. If you’ve ever wondered why it seems like God has people wait for good things, you’re not alone.
Waiting is difficult. Waiting on something you’re excited about can be even harder. There’s a tension between celebrating and hoping. If you’ve ever wondered why it seems like God has people wait for good things, you’re not alone.
We’re all looking for joy and fulfillment, but the pace and pressure of life can make it difficult to experience. When we look to things to bring us the sense of lasting satisfaction we crave and they don’t solve our problems, it can cause us to feel even more discouraged and disappointed. What if we can learn to see the differences between counterfeit joy and the real thing?
We’re all looking for joy and fulfillment, but the pace and pressure of life can make it difficult to experience. When we look to things to bring us the sense of lasting satisfaction we crave and they don’t solve our problems, it can cause us to feel even more discouraged and disappointed. What if we can learn to see the differences between counterfeit joy and the real thing?
We’re all looking for joy and fulfillment, but the pace and pressure of life can make it difficult to experience. When we look to things to bring us the sense of lasting satisfaction we crave and they don’t solve our problems, it can cause us to feel even more discouraged and disappointed. What if we can learn to see the differences between counterfeit joy and the real thing?
We’re all looking for joy and fulfillment, but the pace and pressure of life can make it difficult to experience. When we look to things to bring us the sense of lasting satisfaction we crave and they don’t solve our problems, it can cause us to feel even more discouraged and disappointed. What if we can learn to see the differences between counterfeit joy and the real thing?
We’re all looking for joy and fulfillment, but the pace and pressure of life can make it difficult to experience. When we look to things to bring us the sense of lasting satisfaction we crave and they don’t solve our problems, it can cause us to feel even more discouraged and disappointed. What if we can learn to see the differences between counterfeit joy and the real thing?
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