
  • Music Transcending the Moment - Damara MelissaMany times, song writers will create music that reflects a major incident that has impacted their life. The music allows them to communicate their feelings, their trials, their heartache and with Christian believers, often they will communicate their faith as well.Our guest today has had her music played on several Canadian Christian Radio stations; she has made it to the Joy Radio’s Top 20 Christian music list and received a Covenant Award Nomination for “Breakthrough Artist of the Year” in 2022 and another nomination for “Pop Song of the Year” in 2023.Damara Melissa is a singer-songwriter from Ontario, Canada, whose music is driven by her Faith. Her soulful voice, mixed with her pop melodies and style, bring a unique vibe to the Contemporary Christian Music space.Damara has just released her a song that is her own version of “A Thousand Hallelujahs” that is just awesome… She also released here first short album, called “Beginnings,” which document her journey through some of the painful experiences she has gone through…and she is currently working on a second EP called, “The Space Between.”To discuss both of these releases, help me welcome to the program, Damara Melissa! Damara, thank you for taking the time to join us today… I do appreciate it!The first question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Damara Melissa?”You were born in the Caribbean…How old were you when you moved to Canada?Was the music in Canada was a bit different from Caribbean music that you were used to?You experienced a personal loss that led you to begin writing Christian music, correct?Who is this music being published through?How much does your Faith influence the music you now write?Tell us why you put your spin on “Thousand Halleluiahs…”Are you looking at going on tour or joining a group? What is your goal as a Christian music artist?What is the process you use to write your music? Do you just write down your thoughts and let the Holy Spirit guide you from there? Or is there a special process you use?What is the one take away you want the listeners of your music to have?Where can someone go to download or purchase your music?Damara, this is so interesting… if someone has a question or would like to reach out to you, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.Folks, music is the pathway to the soul. You can find out a lot about a person by listening to the music they enjoy. If you don’t believe me – just do an observation around you as you go shopping or out and about next time. David became KING because He used music to worship the Lord. Amen! That is what brought him to a position of favor with King Saul and eventually, to become King and – through his lineage, we get to Jesus! Amen! And it all started with music! Praise God!I want to encourage you to make a purchase of Damara Mellissa’s music and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to YOU through her music. Amen! Just drop down into the show notes and click the links right there to get in touch with Damara and to get her music loaded to you listening devices. Amen! Do it right now!CONTACT INFORMATION:Pre-Save/Add Link: https://wingsmusic.lnk.to/AThousandHallelujahsRadioEditInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/damaramelissamusic/Facebook:

  • Strength Through Adversity Pst. Robert Thibodeau pt 2Welcome to the Vivid Vision Podcast. Thank you for tuning in and making your choice to win. This is the show where we normally motivate and inspire. Inspire to give you tactical strategies to implement on your way to greatness.Today, we have the honor of welcoming Bob Thibodeau, a U.S. Army veteran, retired police officer and online entrepreneur and ministry leader.Pastor Bob will be sharing insights and events from his personal and professional life, illustrating that adversity may seem daunting – but victory is always within reach.This is part two to a great conversation with Pastor Bob.Pastor Bob shares information on his background.Pastor Bob shares how he got started in online media ministry.Pastor Bob shares how he now helps other Christian entrepreneurs to fulfill their calling in business, ministry, etc. through podcasting and online marketing.Thank you for joining us today on the Vivid Vision Podcast.CONTACT US:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@shevisionz Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shevisionz Contact Pastor Bob Thibodeau: KCR Podcast: https://kcrpodcast.com FaithCaster Academy: https://FaithCasterAcademy.com

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  • Strength Through Adversity Pst. Robert Thibodeau pt 1Welcome to the Vivid Vision Podcast. Thank you for tuning in and making your choice to win. This is the show where we normally motivate and inspire. Inspire to give you tactical strategies to implement on your way to greatness.Today, we have the honor of welcoming Bob Thibodeau, a U.S. Army veteran, retired police officer and online entrepreneur and ministry leader.Pastor Bob will be sharing insights and events from his personal and professional life, illustrating that adversity may seem daunting – but victory is always within reach.Pastor Bob shares information on his background.Pastor Bob shares how he got started in online media ministry.Pastor Bob shares how he now helps other Christian entrepreneurs to fulfill their calling in business, ministry, etc. through podcasting and online marketing.Thank you for joining us today on the Vivid Vision PodcastCONTACT US:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@shevisionz Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shevisionz Contact Pastor Bob Thibodeau: KCR Podcast: https://kcrpodcast.com FaithCaster Academy: https://FaithCasterAcademy.com

  • LIFE BY DESIGN Mark CollinsAs believers, sometimes we fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good… amen…It’s true…think about this for a minute…Women will observe what other women are wearing, how they fixed their hair, etc.Men will compare themselves to the success of other men… better cars, better neighborhoods… dream jobs – and more…But believers should not be comparing themselves to anyone… we each have a calling given to us by God. We are called, number one: to be ourselves and, number two: to serve HIM in all that we do.So my calling is not the same as your calling; someone else’s calling – even if it is the same “JOB” – is not the same calling as someone else. By that, for example, let’s use me… my calling is to “Get the Word Out” – that is our ministry mission statement. We accomplish the mission by assisting others to “Get the Word Out” about what THEY DO for THEIR CALLING. Hence, the podcast interviews.There are other Christian podcasters. Some teach, some discuss prophecy, some interview others… but WE (my podcast) focuses ONLY on helping someone to share their calling with the world – by helping them promote what they do via a podcast interview. Amen!Anyway… our guest today has a calling on his life to offer Christian men Biblical answers to overcoming fear & uncertainty and to allow them the opportunity to “unleash the Hero within.” Amen!Mark Collins is a pastor, coach, husband, father and the author of a great book, “Life Mastery – Living By Design, Not Default.” He is also the associate pastor of his church and has created several online courses and tools to help equip Christian MEN to achieve the impact they are meant to have. Amen!Now, ladies, don’t turn us off just yet. This is something that will help you relate, encourage and support your husbands as well. You may even learn a thing or two about WHY he does some of the things he does. Amen!To find out more, help me welcome to the program Pastor Mark Collins! Mark, thank you for taking the time to join us today!First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Mark Collins?”What got you interested in pursuing this line of coaching?I alluded to this in the introduction a little bit… that you believe men think we need to “measure up” to some standard in order to be loved and valued. You call this, “Your Character is Calling…” Can you explain that for us?I truly believe every person has a God Given Calling. How do you help those you coach to discover God’s plan for their life is more than their current experience?I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life… (to which my wife would give a hearty AMEN)… but you share how to “Change your life, one thought at a time.” Can you explain that for us?Let’s shift to your book for a minute, “Life Mastery – Living By Design, Not Default.” Why did you write this book?Who is the intended audience? Age, demographics, etc.?How does your book help them to overcome the fear and uncertainty they face – especially in this society today – of standing for their Christian Faith and leading the life they want in Christ?Mark, this is some great information… how can someone obtain a copy of your book, “Life Mastery – Living By Design, Not Default?” Is it on Amazon?This has been so...

  • Sharpening the SpearRichard Walsh pt 2When I started this ministry and knew it was going to be focused 100% online – I started searching high and low for a way to do it effectively, economically and easily…I had to go through many iterations that disproved ALL of those goals… it was not easy… it was definitely not economically easy and it most definitely was not effective… Amen!That is when I made the decision to hire a coach. Someone who has “Been there and done that.” Yes – it cost me some additional funds… but having someone actually tell you, “Don’t do that – save your money… do this instead…” That advice is priceless. Amen!Looking back over these last 14-15 years…I can attest to the true value of finding a coach who can guide down the path of whatever it is you are trying to do. Whether ministry, business, etc… whatever it is you are doing – you can be better. You can be more efficient. You can be more successful. You can impact more people. In the end – the price you pay up front for that type of guidance is, PRICELESS.Our guest today specializes in helping other entrepreneurs find those “immediate, problem solving results” and to build a strategic, long term implementation plan of systemization and scalability. Amen!Richard Walsh of “Sharpen the Spear Coaching” is here today to help us understand how to accomplish this. His program of growth focuses on something he calls, “Time Compression.” Using this information, Richard says he can save you almost 10 years of struggle and costly mistakes. Amen!Richard is also the author of the book, “Escape from the Owner Prison – The Contractors New Way to Scale, Regan Control and Fast Track Growth While Loving Life!” Amen! That sounds like something we all need… Praise God!This is part two (and the conclusion) of a great two part interview with Richard!It is not just having a “great idea” – but a way to deliver the product or services; a way to follow up with clients and potential clients, etc. It was not until we instituted a system into what we did that we began to see profitability. How important is systemization in what you do to help your clients?Is it important to focus on growing a business ability to scale in the future – when you are just laying the foundation to get started in the beginning? I guess the question would be – should they incorporate that ability into their start up planning?Are there some common roadblocks that almost everyone faces when starting a business?I know I suffered from this problem way back in the beginning… the feeling like “I had to do everything” myself. One issue was – I had nobody else. The second issue was – I had no money to hire anybody else. And the third issue was, I was “testing and learning” as I went – so I really had no idea of even how to ask for help - when I really did not know what I needed… Have you encountered these issues as well in helping your clients?Do these things apply to ministry or “Kingdom focused businesses?”CALLING – CHARACTER - COMPETENCYLet’s talk about your book for a minute. Why did you write this book, “Escape from the Owner Prison – The Contractors New Way to Scale, Regan Control and Fast Track Growth While Loving Life?”What will your readers learn as the go through this book?Will this information apply to other industries outside of contracting? For example, “online businesses?”Richard, this is truly interesting… where you 15 years ago when I needed this kind of help?Your book, “Escape from the Owner Prison,” how can someone obtain a copy of this book? I take it is on Amazon?If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question, obtain more information, or maybe they would like to do an interview such as this… How can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?I’ll put links to all...

  • Sharpening the SpearRichard Walsh pt 1When I started this ministry and knew it was going to be focused 100% online – I started searching high and low for a way to do it effectively, economically and easily…I had to go through many iterations that disproved ALL of those goals… it was not easy… it was definitely not economically easy and it most definitely was not effective… Amen!That is when I made the decision to hire a coach. Someone who has “Been there and done that.” Yes – it cost me some additional funds… but having someone actually tell you, “Don’t do that – save your money… do this instead…” That advice is priceless. Amen!Looking back over these last 14-15 years…I can attest to the true value of finding a coach who can guide down the path of whatever it is you are trying to do. Whether ministry, business, etc… whatever it is you are doing – you can be better. You can be more efficient. You can be more successful. You can impact more people. In the end – the price you pay up front for that type of guidance is, PRICELESS.Our guest today specializes in helping other entrepreneurs find those “immediate, problem solving results” and to build a strategic, long term implementation plan of systemization and scalability. Amen!Richard Walsh of “Sharpen the Spear Coaching” is here today to help us understand how to accomplish this. His program of growth focuses on something he calls, “Time Compression.” Using this information, Richard says he can save you almost 10 years of struggle and costly mistakes. Amen!Richard is also the author of the book, “Escape from the Owner Prison – The Contractors New Way to Scale, Regan Control and Fast Track Growth While Loving Life!” Amen! That sounds like something we all need… Praise God!To find out how – well, let’s welcome to the program, Richard Walsh! Richard, it is a blessing to have you join us today!The first question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell a bit about your background and “Who is Richard Walsh?”As I as sharing, when I first started out, life was rough. I had good intentions and thought I knew what to do…when I first went into ministry back in 1999, holding meetings, etc., the people, literally, stayed away by the thousands… there were some meetings in an 800 seat auditorium that had 8 or 9 people there… it was bad… starting on radio… back in 2009, a little better… but radio was a huge cash outlay with very little to show for it…You help people in starting their businesses. How often does someone come to you with, what they think, is a great idea…but they actually have no plan for success? How are you able to help them?It is not just having a “great idea” – but a way to deliver the product or services; a way to follow up with clients and potential clients, etc. It was not until we instituted a system into what we did that we began to see profitability. How important is systemization in what you do to help your clients?Folks, you may not be starting a business, but these strategies work in ministry as well. You may not be starting or operating a ministry – but they work in whatever it is you are trying to do. Amen!I highly, highly encourage you to drop down into the show notes and reach out to Richard Walsh right now. Right now! Amen! Share this information with someone you know WHO IS starting a business. Help them to avoid the heartache and pain of falling into the trap of “doing it all yourself.” Amen! And be sure to click the link to order a copy of Richard’s book, “Escape from the Owner Prison” right now… amen!CONTACT INFORMATION:

  • The Happy Trap TS Wright 

     Have you ever felt trapped before?  It’s not a good feeling, is it? 

    It may have been a situation you were manipulated into, unaware of what was happening… 

    It could have been something you willing did – hoping for a different outcome…but here you are… 

    Maybe you were caught in a “Happy Trap?” 

    What is that Brother Bob?  I’m so glad you asked! 

    Scott Wright is back today and last time he was on, we had a great discussion about the “Fragrance of Jesus.”  There were a lot of interesting things brought out during that discussion… if you missed it, go back to the archives and dig it out. Amen.  

    But today, Scott is going to share with us information on “The Happy Trap…”  To do that, help me welcome back to the program, our good friend, Scott Wright! 

    Scott, it’s good to have you again – I’ve been looking forward to the conversation today! 

    What in the world is a “Happy Trap?”  Is it good or bad? 

    How does this apply to the end times and what people will become? 

    What does it “look like” in modern society? 

    So this type of “happy trap” started when…? 

    What should we, as Christians, take from this discussion today? 

    Scott, this has been so interesting. I love doing “deep dives” into different, well, let’s just call them, “God Centered Concepts” of the Bible and of Worship.  

    If someone wants more information or would like to ask a question, how can they get in touch with you? 

    I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below… 

    Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Scott Wright. Get in touch with him. Subscribe to his podcast.  And be sure to purchase his journal and start learning all about the “God Centered Concepts” that he specializes in. Amen! 

    Do it right now before you forget about it later. Amen! 


    Email:   [email protected] 

    Book:  “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.”  - on Amazon 

    Podcast:  The God Centered Concept  

  • The King’s Council Rylee Meek 

    Many churches and ministries are struggling to survive since the pandemic – when EVERYTHING was shutdown… but the expenses continued. Amen. 

    Many business owners experienced the same thing and have struggled to adapt and survive as well. 

    It is not unusual for ministries, churches and entrepreneurs to look for ways to save money AND still be a blessing as much as possible as we go about doing Kingdom business. Amen? 

    If you are a Christian entrepreneur seeking to grow your business without compromising your faith; or you strive to keep your Sunday spirit alive from Monday to Saturday, in boardrooms and business meetings or you have a dream to build something meaningful, create a legacy, and you dream of making a difference in the world… 

    If that sounds like you or thoughts you may have had, you will want to pay attention to the episode today. Our guest is going to shine a light that will be a blessing to everyone listening right now. Amen! 

    Rylee Meek is the founder of “The King’s Council Community” and teaches on “Christian Entrepreneurship” and the “Kingdom Economy.” He is a successful businessman who has earned 7-8 figures in revenue for all of his 9 companies – in the first year they were in business. Praise God! 

    The “King’s Council” mission is to start and scale businesses for the ultimate goal of GIVING and ADVANCING the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. Amen. 

    Rylee is the author of a 3-book series called, appropriately, “The Kingdom Entrepreneur,” with 2 of the 3 books already published and his the host of “The King’s Council Podcast.” Amen! 

    Help me welcome to the program, Rylee Meek!  Rylee, thank you for taking the time to join us today!  I’ve been looking forward to this conversation! 

    First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Rylee Meek?” 

    You formed “The King’s Council” back in 2020 – just before the pandemic.  What role did your organization serve during that trying time for many churches that, literally, shut their doors during that time? 

    I saw the statistics on your website that the “average Christian” only tithes 2.5%.  Those are the “tithers.”  Which means the “givers” are actually less? Is that right? 

    Your focus is on helping “Kingdom Entrepreneurs.”  How do you help them and what will they accomplish with your help? 

    In this economy we are living in today, many people worry about being able to provide for their family, etc. Some tell themselves, “Somebody else will have to tithe, I need the money for our light bill.”  But yet, the Bible is clear that we need to take care of the “House of God” and then God will take care of “our house.” Correct? 

    One of the programs you have is the “PROvision Processing.” Can you share about that, how it works and what it does? 

    Does the “PROvision Processing” work with online platforms or is it only like “in store” terminals, etc.? 

    Tell us about your podcast, “The King’s Council Podcast.” How long have you been podcasting?

    Tell us about your “King’s Council App.”  What will someone find if they download the app? 

    You recently held an event called, “Become the CEO of Your Life.” Share about that event and what transpired… 

    You also have line of clothing apparel. Tell us about

  • To My Spouse I Write Lloyd PortmanI’ve known our guest today for quite some time. He and I joke that we are “twins.” We were born on the same day, only in different time zones and opposite ends of the earth! Amen!Lloyd Portman is a Christian entrepreneur for “down under” in New Zealand. He is the founder of a magnificent website and coaching program called, “To My Spouse I Write.” It is designed to draw couples even closer together in ways that, well – only God can tell. Amen! Lloyd is an excellent poet and writer – and I know you are going to get a lot out of this interview today…To share all about this great program, help me welcome to the program, my great friend, Lloyd Portman. Lloyd – Praise God, welcome to the show!First question, other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Lloyd Portman?”I know that you were born again milking cows, is that right? Did a cow kick you in the head and you heard God, or what?You also felt called to the ministry. For most people, myself included, when that happens, you think you have to go through the normal progression… go to Bible school, assistant pastor somewhere… eventually have your own church…Tell us about your new program, “To My Spouse I Write.” What is this about and how does it work?Is this for one spouse or can both spouses participate by writing poetry to each other?What kind of coaching do you provide in this scenario?What is the cost to enroll?Lloyd, this sounds so cool. How can someone get more information on this?If they have a question our would like to reach out to you, maybe to do an interview such as this. How can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.Folks, if you are married or in a relationship and you want to draw closer together spiritually like never before – Lloyd Portman has the plan for you! You will be sweeping your spouse off their feet! Amen! This can’t help but draw two people closer together in love. This is a God inspired idea and you need to take action right now! Amen!Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Lloyd. See if this isn’t something you have been dreaming of. A way to touch the heart of your significant other like never before. This is way too cool to just pass up. Amen!Drop down into the show notes. Click the links… check out the information. Reach out Lloyd if you have any questions… and get signed up for this upcoming class and take the lead in your relationship. Amen!Do it right now, while you are thinking about it! Praise God!CONTACT INFORMATION:Email: Use the Contact Form on the WebsiteWebsite: https://www.tomyspouse.com/

  • Ugly Mug Marketing Wayne MullinsIf you are in business – especially if you have an online business – it is almost 100% guaranteed you need a website. In this day and time, a website is the “business card” of just about everyone.I remember back the late 1980’s when I had my own business… I knew I was professional looking because I had a great business card! Amen! I know I’m showing my age – but if you were doing business back then – you were right there with me! Amen!If you were pitching a client or prospective client, almost to the person, they would ask, “Do you have a business card?” You better have one… otherwise, you were considered untrustworthy…Anyway – fast forward 40 years and here we are today! If all you have is a business card, you are running way behind the crowd today…If you are pitching your services to someone, what are they going to ask in today’s business climate? “Do you have a website?” If you say, “No, but here is my business card…” Well, that’s about as far as you are going to get…Let’s talk about websites… There are some places that will give you a free website (and it looks like)… there are some places that will use AI to build you a simple website – but good luck trying to personalize to your clients liking…Then, there is the “do it yourself” crowd out there… and they are really limited in the professionalism and ability to create something spectacular by their own technological limitations. Amen!But, Brother Bob, those pretty websites may look… pretty… but do they draw in the type of clients I am looking for? Will they convert visitors into clients or will they just be, “pretty?”To help us tackle this difficult subject, our guest today is the founder of a revolutionary agency that can, not only help you build a website, but build out the other facets of your business, too! You see, just a good looking website is not enough… you need to have a marketing strategy… you need a customer service strategy and other things… and ALL OF THESE need to work together. If one part breaks down or one part is not doing what it is designed to do – your business suffers. Amen!Wayne Mullins is the founder of “Ugly Mug Marketing!” I love that name… Wayne and his team focus on helping you achieve YOUR desired results. Not just a nice website – that’s just the one aspect. They will help you marketing, social media, events, SEO and the list goes on and on.Wayne Mullins and his team are “results oriented” in everything they do! This why they believe “Ugly Mug Marketing” can help you build the business of your dreams, too. Amen! Wayne is also the author of the book, “Full Circle Marketing,” as well. Amen!Help me welcome to the program, Wayne Mullins! Wayne, I’ve been looking forward to this interview and can’t wait to hear all about “Ugly Mug Marketing!”First question I always start with is, other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Wayne Mullins?”Let’s start with the big elephant in the room… why name your business, “Ugly Mug Marketing?”What makes you different from other marketing support companies out there?What are the “three C’s of design” that you talk about on your website?How do you incorporate all aspects of the marketing message into the website...

  • Leadership in MinistryDon PardumHaving been in leadership positions since the ripe old age of 21 when I was in the military… as an E-4 put in charge of a squad of five men… responsibility, leadership, motivation and accomplishment of the mission has been instilled in me for over 40 years.Having answered the call to ministry in 1995 and working for a major national music ministry, handling everything from scheduling, to travel to stage management and production, I soon learned the leadership training in ministry was not something taught in Bible School. I praise God that I had the background in leadership because it served me well in those first few years I was involved in large scale ministry operations.Because of my leadership background, I was quickly identified as a “leader” while at the police academy – and then rose fairly quickly into leadership positions on the department.Once I retired and entered full time ministry on my own – those skills help to keep me focused, on target, and managing my “team” under me. Although not a church – I still have four others that help me do what we do in ministry. Even though we are not in the same building, but connected all around the country via the internet, it is still up to one person to make sure the job is accomplished… on time, every time and all the time. Me.Having said all of that, what does things look like when leaders do not know how to lead?I can sum it all up in two words, “confusion” and “failure.”In ministry, that can be fatal… not just for the church or ministry, but think about the end product… the accomplishment of the mission (if you want to call it that)… What is that? People are not hearing the Gospel. People are not being ministered to. People are not being saved.Why? Lack of leadership…Having said all of that as introduction, our guest today specializes in helping pastors and ministry leaders to excel in something not usually covered in Bible Schools or Seminaries. I bet you can figure out what it is… LEADERSHIP in Ministry! Amen!The “Faith and Trust Leadership Academy” seeks to fill this gap. Many Pastors today have been thrust into management roles instead of taking on the responsibility for leadership. What has the result been? Over 40 million people have left the evangelical churches. Over 15 million just in the last four years.Our guest today is Don Pardum is a graduate of the Lancaster Bible College, has attended the Westminster Theological Seminary and the Dallas Theological Seminary. He has been trained under some pretty big names in ministry, Professor Howard Hicks; Chuck Swindoll and others..To share all about the importance of leadership training in today’s ministries, help me welcome to the program, Don Pardum!Don, thank you for taking the time to join us today!I apologize for that long introduction… I guess you can see how passionate I am about leadership, leadership training and all of that…First question I always ask is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Don Pardum?”Why did you decide to form “Faith and Trust Leadership Academy?”As far as ministry goes, what is the difference between “leadership” and “management?”You share information on the max exodus from churches. What does the data say about the reasons WHY people are leaving the traditional church?Why do you believe pastors are avoiding or ignoring their own leadership development? It seems like it would be something they would want to pursue…How does the “Faith and Trust Leadership Academy” fill this void?Leadership training is not a “check the box” – “I did that already” – type of training. It is a continual process. In the military, it starts in your unit… proceeds to the “Primary Leaders Develop...

  • Reigning with Jesus TS Wright 

    Can there be any doubt that we are living in, what the Bible describes as, “The Last Days?” 

    What is especially concerning to me is how the entire world is coming against Israel right now – when all they are doing is reacting to an unprovoked, barbaric attack on innocent civilians. The United Nations is even trying to impose their authority over Israel’s sovereignty!  Just over the last day or so, the UN has “demanded Israel stop all attacks on Rafa and withdraw from the area.”  

    Three nations came out and “demanded” a “two state solution” – in effect, telling Israel to “surrender” to Hamas. 

    In addition, there is the radical leftists in Congress who also want Israel to surrender and give land to the terrorists… 

    In case you haven’t read your Bible, this is the exact scenario depicted in the Book of the Revelation that will take place in the End Times. 

    If there was ever any doubt that we are living in the last of the last days – what we see happening right now should prove it! Amen! 

    Scott Wright is the author of the “God Centered Concept Journal” and has a unique insight into prophecy and the end times. 

    Help me welcome back to the program, Scott Wright!  Scott, it’s great to have you back on with us today! 

    If there was ever a doubt that we are drawing closer and closer to the soon return of Jesus, I just don’t think any rational person could doubt it any longer… do you? 

    As we are recording this today, the jury will receive the case to deliberate in the third world trial of Donald Trump. There are hundreds of tornadoes that swept across the United States these last few days, killing and destroying, in some cases, entire towns in their wake.  We have inflation running rampant; crime in the streets; emptying of prisons, what is right is called wrong – what the Bible says is wrong is called right…I could go on and on… 

    Bottom line – really, truly, in my opinion, the ONLY thing we can look forward to IS the “Return of Jesus” at this point… what do you think? 

    With that being said, we do have a promise given to believers by Jesus Himself… in Revelation 3:21, we read, “To him that overcomes, I will grant to sit WITH ME on MY THRONE, even as I overcame and have sit down with my Father on His Throne.”  

    Share how all of this relates together and what we will be able to look forward to in the very near future (according to this verse)… 

    How does all of this relate to what we opened with – the “End Times?” 

    Abraham Lincoln once said, “All the armies of Europe and Asia...could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River…No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we will live forever or die by suicide.”

    I think the rope is already around the neck of this nation and we are teetering on the edge of the chair – right now. 

    You’ve heard me say before, it really does not matter WHO wins this next election…in my opinion, and this is just my thoughts on the matter – if Biden wins, the USA will become a third world nation… if Trump wins, I believe World War 3 is on the horizon… and one EMP, well placed, will throw the United States back into the 1700’s lifestyle in just one day… and we will be forever cast off. I truly believe that is the reason the United States is not mentioned as an end time player in the Bible…  Again, just my opinion… but there it is…

    BUT – it’s not ALL doom and gloom… why? Because WE have a promise… that promise is Eternal Life.  It may not be “happy days are here again” – but it will be “Happy Days” when we get to...

  • Three Proofs of God James BrownHave you ever tried to conduct your own Bible study about timelines in the Bible? Especially trying to calculate the “Soon Return of Jesus?” It’s difficult to do… and when you finish – or at least when I finish – my notes are so jumbled, I’m more confused than when I started… Amen!Well, today we are going to have a very special discussion on the soon return of Jesus! We are living in times where many are wondering just how close we are to this pivotal moment.To help us dive into this topic, I am thrilled to introduce our special guest, James Brown, the esteemed author of "Three Proofs of God." His book provides detailed information on the prophetic timeline of the first coming of Jesus, the timeline of His life, and most intriguingly, the timeline of His soon return.James has pinpointed exact dates that bring new insights into our understanding of these events. He’s conducted detailed research and I'm excited to get into today's interview and explore the profound implications of these timelines.Join us as we uncover the signs, prophecies, and current events that point towards the fulfillment of this significant promise. Amen!Help me welcome to the program, James Brown! James, I do appreciate your time today and I can’t tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to today’s interview!First question, other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is James Brown?”Three Proofs of God presents a new and surprisingly precise solution to Daniel’s passage and verifies it using objective evidence. This solution confirms God’s existence, Jesus’ Messiahship, and Scripture’s reliability.Your book is unique… I’ve never encountered one that goes into so much detail – but makes it easy to comprehend what you are sharing… What motivated you to write this type of book?How long did it take you from concept to publication?In the Bible, Jesus directly asked us to understand a key passage from the prophet Daniel. To this day, people have not yet fully agreed on that passage’s precise meaning. Why do you think that is?Share with us the “Three Proofs of God?” What are they?You’ve demonstrated in your book that the “Seventy Weeks of Daniel” are accurate… very accurate.That being the case, can you give us the “window” of the “Return of Jesus?” Are we “in that window now?”There have been many different books over the years that tried to pinpoint these dates… why did they get it wrong all of this time?One thing I’ve noticed lately is the prophecy coming true that “the entire world” will be against Israel. Recently, the United Nations, the United States and other nations have come out against Israel, basically “demanding” they surrender to Hamas by stopping all military action and leave Rapha and the Gaza Strip. The Prime Minister issued a statement that said, basically, that “Israel would fight on by itself if necessary.”Do you see the Hamas war as something that was included in your book?You have a QR code for each chapter. Can you explain how that benefits the reader?Your book, “The Three Proofs of God” – how can someone obtain a copy of your book?...

  • Self-Publishing Made Easy Michele DeFilippoHow many of you have traversed the unfriendly seas of self-publishing a book? I know I have. Being a published author is awesome! It gives you authority, credibility, etc. It can also give you some extra income, and in some cases – great income!But it can also become a nightmare…Book publishing used to be simple, but not anymore. Authors browsing the internet are unaware that a publisher is unnecessary and that hiring one can significantly reduce their income from book sales. Too many authors become victims of unscrupulous companies that abuse their trust, and some of the worst offenders are "Christian" publishing companies that deliberately target people of faith.Just remember the warning Jesus gave us, “Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Amen!That is the reason for our interview today with a woman who is out to change that narrative and actually HELP authors – Christian authors – to navigate those dangerous seas and arrive safely at the ultimate destination of having your own book, self-published, and maximize your earnings potential at the same time.Michele DeFilippo is the owner of 1106 Design where she offers "assisted self-publishing." This service provides aspiring authors with the necessary services to create quality books and distribute them directly, without a publisher, to earn more money.Folks, this is not a new idea. It's what indie publishing was meant to be before the message was buried in misinformation.1106 Design is a one-stop source that has produced over four thousand books since 2001 and earned an outstanding industry reputation. With over 50 years of personal experience in publishing, Michele can highlight questions authors may not ask as they evaluate providers online.Help me welcome to the program, Michele DeFilippo! Michele, thank you taking the time to join us today and talk about this important topic!First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Michele DeFilippo?What does the “1106” stand for?You’ve been doing this kind of work a long time. How has publishing changed over the years?When I published my “Marriage Ceremony Handbook” eight or more years ago, I searched on Google, etc. and was just overwhelmed at the number of self-publishing companies available back then… it must be even worse today, correct?Your company kind of “fills the gap” between independent publishing and full service publishers, correct?You use an example of Print on Demand and Self-Publishing – that references needing a medical procedure done and going to the library and checking out medical text book… can you share that example with us?Can you share with us a little bit about the process you take prospective clients through when they work with you?What is the number one mistake you see new authors make when it comes to getting their book published?What about editing? To me, it was fairly easy to get the original manuscript finished… then it took me another year to edit it where I finally said, “Enough already” and hit print. Does your company offer help in editing?Explain the “Full Service Project Management Team.” What is that, how does it work?Let’s move into marketing… We have the book written… we now have it edited and ready to print… the cover, everything is looking good…How are we going to market it? For me, way back when, I just threw it up on Amazon and let the...

  • The Fragrance of Jesus Scott Wright

    Scott Wright is back today and last time he was on, we had a great discussion about the “Anointing of Jesus” – what was involved and the symbology, etc. There were a lot of interesting things brought out during that discussion… if you missed it, go back to the archives and dig it out. Amen.  

    Today, and we are going to be talking  about some very interesting things which we just “breezed over” during the last program – but are also a very important component of the worship of Jesus – and that is the aroma or “FRAGANCE” of Jesus. 

    What are we talking about, “The Fragrance of Jesus?” Well, to find out, help me welcome back to the program, Scott Wright! 

    Scott, it’s good to have you again – I’ve been looking forward to the conversation today! 

    The Bible discusses the aroma of the offerings and things like that… being a “sweet smell” to God.  Does all this relate to the “Altar of Incense?”  

    How is the aroma of offerings a worship of the Father? 

    But Jesus body was not burned… how does this relate to Jesus having the perfect “fragrance offering” to the Father?

    What about us? How does this “fragrance” or “aroma” relate to us worshipping the Father? 

    How does all of this relate to the end times? 

    What should we, as Christians, take from this discussion today? 

    Scott, this has been so interesting. I love doing “deep dives” into different, well, let’s just call them, “God Centered Concepts” of the Bible and of Worship. If someone wants more information or would like to ask a question, how can they get in touch with you? 

    I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below… 

    Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Scott Wright. Get in touch with him. Subscribe to his podcast.  And be sure to purchase his journal and start learning all about the “God Centered Concepts” that he specializes in. Amen! 

    Do it right now before you forget about it later. Amen! 


    Email:   [email protected] 

    Book:  “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.”  - on Amazon 

    Podcast:  The God Centered Concept 

  • To My Spouse I Write Lloyd Portman

    I’ve known our guest today for quite some time. He and I joke that we are “twins.” We were born on the same day, only in different time zones and opposite ends of the earth! Amen!

    Lloyd Portman is a Christian entrepreneur for “down under” in New Zealand. He is the founder of a magnificent website and coaching program called, “To My Spouse I Write.” It is designed to draw couples even closer together in ways that, well – only God can tell. Amen! Lloyd is an excellent poet and writer – and I know you are going to get a lot out of this interview today…

    To share all about this great program, help me welcome to the program, my great friend, Lloyd Portman. Lloyd – Praise God, welcome to the show!

    First question, other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Lloyd Portman?”

    I know that you were born again milking cows, is that right? Did a cow kick you in the head and you heard God, or what?

    You also felt called to the ministry. For most people, myself included, when that happens, you think you have to go through the normal progression… go to Bible school, assistant pastor somewhere… eventually have your own church…

    Tell us about your new program, “To My Spouse I Write.” What is this about and how does it work?

    Is this for one spouse or can both spouses participate by writing poetry to each other?

    What kind of coaching do you provide in this scenario?

    What is the cost to enroll?

    Lloyd, this sounds so cool. How can someone get more information on this?

    If they have a question our would like to reach out to you, maybe to do an interview such as this. How can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

    I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

    Folks, if you are married or in a relationship and you want to draw closer together spiritually like never before – Lloyd Portman has the plan for you! You will be sweeping your spouse off their feet! Amen! This can’t help but draw two people closer together in love. This is a God inspired idea and you need to take action right now! Amen!

    Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Lloyd. See if this isn’t something you have been dreaming of. A way to touch the heart of your significant other like never before. This is way too cool to just pass up. Amen!

    Drop down into the show notes. Click the links… check out the information. Reach out Lloyd if you have any questions… and get signed up for this program and take the lead in your relationship. Amen!

    Do it right now, while you are thinking about it! Praise God!

    Lloyd, I appreciate you taking the time to come on today and share all about this great program. I know we’ve been talking offline about what you are building – and I just had to get you to come on the show today and share it with our listeners today.

    CONTACT INFORMATION:Email: Use the Contact Form on the Website Website:
  • Mind Kinetics Coaching Session Betska K. Burr Pt 2This is part 2 of a great conversation with Betska K. Burr.Our guest today is Betska K. Burr, from CoachingandLeadership.com. Betska is business coach and expert in Mind Kinetics. She is also a contributing author to a book titled, “Unleashing Potential: Strategies for Life Mastery.” Her chapter in this book is titled, “Mind-Kenetics for Permanent Positive Change.”What is Mind Kenetics? Well, to help us understand this, Pastor Bob believed if he participated in a coaching session, it would help you to understand more of Betska’s program which was discussed during the initial interview.This is an coaching session between Pastor Bob and Betska K. Burr. This is referenced back to episodes 1484 and 1485 where Betska shared about “Mind Kinetics.”Folks, we all want to draw closer to God. We all want to know why sometimes our prayers seem not go any higher than the ceiling. Amen!I urge you drop down into the show notes and reach out to Betska and check out her chapter in the book, “Unleashing Potential: Strategies for Life Mastery.”Reach out to her personally. Ask your questions and see if her program would help you in your prayer time. Amen!Be sure to check out the free evaluation she mentioned by clicking the link to www.thebrainwalk.com as well.CONTACT INFORMATION: Email: [email protected] Website: https://Coachingandleadership.com Book: Unleashing Potential: Strategies for Life Mastery Free Offer: www.thebrainwalk.com

  • Mind Kinetics Coaching Session Betska K. Burr Pt 1Our guest today is Betska K. Burr, from CoachingandLeadership.com. Betska is business coach and expert in Mind Kinetics. She is also a contributing author to a book titled, “Unleashing Potential: Strategies for Life Mastery.” Her chapter in this book is titled, “Mind-Kenetics for Permanent Positive Change.”What is Mind Kenetics? Well, to help us understand this, Pastor Bob believed if he participated in a coaching session, it would help you to understand more of Betska’s program which was discussed during the initial interview.This is an coaching session between Pastor Bob and Betska K. Burr. This is referenced back to episodes 1484 and 1485 where Betska shared about “Mind Kinetics.”Folks, we all want to draw closer to God. We all want to know why sometimes our prayers seem not go any higher than the ceiling. Amen!I urge you drop down into the show notes and reach out to Betska and check out her chapter in the book, “Unleashing Potential: Strategies for Life Mastery.”Reach out to her personally. Ask your questions and see if her program would help you in your prayer time. Amen!Be sure to check out the free evaluation she mentioned by clicking the link to www.thebrainwalk.com as well.CONTACT INFORMATION: Email: [email protected] Website: https://Coachingandleadership.com Book: Unleashing Potential: Strategies for Life Mastery Free Offer: www.thebrainwalk.com

  • Sparky the Broken Mirror Joe Schimmel

    Since 1987 Pastor Joe Schimmel has been equipping Christians with the truth of God’s word. His testimony of the transforming power of Jesus Christ in his own life can be seen in his powerful exposé, They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll. This presentation has been heard during live presentations at churches around the world in which he describes his own deliverance from the bondage and satanic influence of Rock Music at the age of 18.

    In addition to the video production, “They Sold Their Souls for Rock & Roll,” Good Fight Ministries has produced other film and television exposés, including “Marvel & DC’s War on God,” and “Hollywood’s War on God,” among others.

    Joe has been on our program a couple of times before and it is always a blessing to have him share this information with us. Today, we will be talking about something new! A book written with sharing the Gospel in a simple way… so simple – even children can do it! He has published a book titled, “Sparky the Broken Mirror.”

    With that being said, help me welcome back to the program, Pastor Joe Schimmel!

    Pastor Joe, thank you for taking the time to come back on and join us today!

    For the sake of those who may not have heard our previous interviews, maybe new listeners, etc., can you share with us, other than that brief information I just shared, “Who is Joe Schimmel?”

    You’ve done some pretty serious documentaries and videos in the past… But in “Sparky the Broken Mirror,” you took a more light hearted aspect…

    Why is a book like Sparky so needed today?

    How did you come up with the idea for Sparky the Broken Mirror?

    As you were writing, “Sparky the Broken Mirror,” was it written to have society at large “looking in the mirror” (excuse the pun)?

    In the opening, we mentioned the big thing right now is “gender dysphoria.” A lot of Children's books are targeting our kids with false information like this. Sparky is doing just the opposite. Can you explain for how your book is battling the false information narrative?One of the characters in the book is the King. In this story, does the King represent Jesus?At the end of your book, you have something called the “Good News” pages. Why did you add them to the end of the book?

    Pastor Joe, as always, you’ve given us a lot of things to think about. But this book, “Sparky the Broken Mirror” is awesome. I appreciate you coming on the program and sharing with us. If someone wanted to obtain a copy, or two or three or six for their kids or grandkids, how can they do that? Is it on Amazon?

    If someone wanted to get in touch with you or “Good Fight Ministries,” how can

  • Healing as a Survivor of Sexual Assault May Alirad pt 2

    As an immigrant from Laos with her family, May Alirad was hoping to live the American dream… but, at age 7 she experienced her “first” sexual assault. I say “first” intentionally. Because it continued by several people, on and off, until she was 32 years of age.

    After 30 years of unintentionally living as a victim of multiple sexual assaults, May finally found freedom from guilt, shame, embarrassment, fear, and condemnation. This happened when she was in a prayer group and everyone was praying for her. Amen.

    May went to work and actively put faith in her ability to heal and help others do the same. May is now sharing this proven, life-tested, (not time tested, but LIFE-TESTED), personally verifiable approach - with you.

    She is the author of a great book titled, “Was I Assaulted – My Guide to Healing as a Survivor.”

    This is part two and the conclusion of a very, very important interview on a very sensitive topic - please pay attention and share this interview with those whom you believe may benefit...

    Let’s talk about your book, “Was I Assaulted – My Guide to Healing as a Survivor.”

    One of your chapters is called “Boundaries.” What kind of boundaries would have helped you in your younger years that wish you could have had in place?

    I know there are the “7 Steps of Grief” when we lose a loved one. Is there anything like that which victims of sexual assault go through?

    Why did you decide to put all of this into your book, “Was I Assaulted – My Guide to Healing as a Survivor?”

    There was a story I heard you tell that, I believe will truly help someone listening to us right now. Can you share with us about “Little May?”

    You also have some information you share about HOW someone should respond “if and when” someone comes to them and shares they have been sexually assaulted. What to say and what “not to say” in that time and situation. Can share that with us?

    May, this is so interesting and I know that this book, “Was I Assaulted – My Guide to Healing as a Survivor” is going to help a lot of women who suffer as you did. My prayer is that it will reach even more than you ever realize. Amen.

    How can someone obtain a copy of your book, “Was I Assaulted – My Guide to Healing as a Survivor?” I take it is on Amazon, correct?

    If someone wanted to reach out to you, to ask a question or possibly do an interview such as this… or possibly to sign up for your coaching session that may have experienced some of the things you have shared. How can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

    I’ll put links for all of this in the show notes below.

    Folks, my prayer is you NEVER have to experience things which May Alirad did. But, the fact of the matter is, many, many, too many of you – have.

    But you can experience this freedom that May Alirad has. She has a calling on her life to help you “GET THERE.” Amen! This book, “Was I Assaulted – My Guide to Healing as a Survivor” is part of that process of helping those of you that have been sexually abused.