Here is our first ever interview! Our guests were very helpful and so are all of you listening! This episode talks about Hifz and how to memorize the Qur'an! If you enjoy this episode, then please let us know, and we will bring these guests back Insha Allah! You can find Br. Mohammad at his Instagram @itz_mohammadp. Jazakallahu Khairan for all of the support! Your support is really appreciated!
This episode is about Islamic monotheism and the three aspects of it. It contains the Arabic, and English terms in order to make it easier for all of our listeners!
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This is an episode about the 6 Pillars of Imaan. Most people know the 5 Pillars of Islam, but not much know about these 6 pillars. The 6 pillars are key essentials in the lives of Muslims.
The link to the YouTube video mentioned in the podcast is here. This episode is about The 5 Pillars of Islam and it teaches young Muslims the basic concepts of these pillars. The content is simple, easy to understand, engaging, and taught by someone that young learners can relate to. The things mentioned in this episode are related to the 5 Pillars, but also have some other information that you might have not heard of.
This episode is the first in a series of awesome podcast episodes to come! Check out our YouTube channel Basic Belief here. Know Your Basics is a podcast geared towards helping Muslims learn their religion in a unique and engaging way. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact us here. Jazakumullahu Khairan for listening!